Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Checking In: The September Edition


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Just thought I'd do a bit of a check in with you all and see who's around and who's doing what.

Haven't heard from many lately and I worry so.....

I am actually trying out another character (gasp!), and starting out a plot, involving new writers that will tie into our faction. Introducing [member="Bastin Arenais"] . Sibling rivalry at it's best! Or worst...depending on how you look at it.

Kay is...sort of involved with the upcoming Event. More details on that will come soon. She's also abolished the Senate, created an Advisory Council and reworked the Charter and Laws to reflect that.

Yutan is ours again and hopefully Wann Tsir can be added once the dominion is finally finished (please help me with that people!). I have plans to use Bastin as a means of helping us with more doms, skirmishes, etc.

What about you all? Let me know what you're up to and what I can do to get more activity going.
This is probably a good time to let everyone know that with the removal of the Senate, Veiere will be returning to help [member="Lady Kay"] with government leadership. This means *Le Gasp* getting involved with politics and active duty again as King of Commenor and co-founder of the Systems Alliance.

As for the Jedi, I'm trying to encourage an alliance between their factions and the general discouraging of jedi stereotyping.

TL;DR: I'm still here.
Oh you know...

Training people, training, preparing to kill a certain ruby-colored droid... the usual kind of stuff.

So you know. Around. Side note if [member="Veiere Arenais"] is a co founder does that technically make me one too [member="Lady Kay"]? I mean CSA wise Ive been here.... *chuckle*


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Veiere Arenais"]

*gasp!* Politics will never be the same.... :p

[member="Kirie Ito"]

She's great :) Love it that you put yourself through such a challenge.

[member="Darlyn Excron"]

Yes, yes...that's why you're an admin too... :p

Bradshaw Ku

Crown Prince of Commenor
[member="Bastin Arenais"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Veiere Arenais"]

That all sounds very exciting!

Uncle Bates and I just have to meet. I'm sure he'd love me :p

I'm still around. As usual being of no use to anyone, searching for my sister, and apparently trying to flirt with a certain young senator with daddy issues -- something we have in common ([member="Silfe Sosuri"]).

Like a case of the hiccups; I'm pointless, mildly annoying, and unceasingly disappointing :p

Hopefully I get to be around for all the interesting narratives you have planned.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Bradshaw Ku"]

Uncle Don't ever call him that :p

But we'll straighten you out. And stop flirting with the staff! *thwaps the back of her son's head

Bradshaw Ku

Crown Prince of Commenor
[member="Lady Kay"]

We both know that the fact that I'm not supposed to call him that, definitely means I'm guaranteed to call him that at some point :D

Maybe, just maybe you will straighten him out.. eventually. He was doing so much better before he ran off to find his sister.

Don't flirt with the staff? Then who am I supposed to flirt with? I only interact with family, staff, and galactic scum and villainy. Would you rather I bring home to momma some sort of Ewok spice dealer from Nar Shaddaa? Because don't tempt me, I swear I'll do it! :p


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Bradshaw Ku"]

It's your funeral if you do ;)

Note to self...don't let Brad run off to find his sister.

Are you threatening your mother? Careful now...or I'll make you marry Freeosk :p

Bradshaw Ku

Crown Prince of Commenor
[member="Lady Kay"]

Nah.. Uncle Bates would never do that to his favourite nephew. Me and him go waaaay back :p Besides, the threat of death or injury hasn't stopped me from doing anything yet, why start now... lol

Ironically, the most useful and noble thing he does (looking for his sister) is also the thing that makes it hard for him to be a better Prince or Jedi.

Oh, no. I would never threaten the Empress..err.. I mean my mom. Just promises ;) Don't you think forcing Freeosk to marry Bradshaw is an awfully cruel and unusual punishment for someone who hasn't done anything wrong? All this power is going to you head :p


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Bradshaw Ku"]

Sometimes, you are too smart for your own good. :p It's true. Freeosk doesn't deserve such punishment.

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