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Approved Tech CC-DS13 Layered Shield Generator

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Make the right choice, make it Captain's Choice!
CC-DS13 Layered Shield Generator
  • Scalable and adaptable to different ship designs, sizes, and classes.
  • All-encompassing five-layer energy barrier, four thermal layers and one environmental under-layer.
  • Tiered micropole network allows for sectional thermal shield lowering.
  • Molecular Shielding generator to absorb energy from attacks and reinforce shield layers.
  • Snug As A Bunker: The DS13 provides four layers of heavy thermal shielding reinforced heavily against both energy and kinetic attacks for maximum defensive power.
  • Raise the Gunports: The DS13 uses a system of advanced, tiered micropoles which allow the system to drop the thermal shields in small sections to create openings the ship can safely fire out of.
  • Shock-Absorbent: Thanks to molecular shielding, the DS13 can convert some of the energy from attacks into reinforcing the remaining layers and shaving time of the recharge for lost layers.
  • Environmental Underlayer: In addition to the top layers of thermal shielding the DS13 also maintains a separate underlayer of shielding against a variety of common galactic hazards like radiation and electricity.
  • Cracked Like An Egg: Thermal shields are far from invincible and whenever one is broken through it takes a long time to recharge, even with molecular shielding.
  • Someone Opened A Window: The sectional openings the DS13 can create are often far larger than needed to fire out of, and take time to fully regenerate after being taken down.
  • We Just Don't Have The Power!: Running multiple layers of thermal shielding, plus the environmental underlayer, means the DS13 has very high power demands.
The CC-DS13 Layered Shield Generator was designed by Captain's Choice to serve as a high-grade shield generator for use in military starships and other combat-oriented spacecraft. The DS13 uses four layers of thermal shielding reinforced with additional energy and kinetic defenses to provide an incredible level of defense to any ship equipped with the generator. This is supported by a molecular shielding array that uses energy from absorbed attacks to reinforce shield layers and speed up the recharge rate for broken ones. An underlayer of environmental shielding also protects the crew from the harmful effects of common galactic hazards like radiation, extreme temperatures, and electricity. But the real standout feature of the DS13 is its tiered micropole system which allows the shields to be lowered in controlled sections to create angles of fire for onboard weapons without having to lower the entire system.

Of course, thermal shields are not foolproof, and even with molecular shielding technology layers can be broken down. The system also require a massive amount of power to run, and despite the heavy power draw thermal shield layers will take an inordinate amount of time to recharge. The sectional shield lowering can also be easy to exploit, as the sections create large gaps in the shield that regenerate slowly back to full strength. Still, the DS13 is the favored shield generator for Captain's Choice when it comes to military craft and contracts, although private models are available to select customers.
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