Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cannot Log In

In Umbris Potestas Est
  • Short Description: Cannot login on any of my main browsers.
  • Browser: Chrome and Firefox(PC), Safari(mobile)
  • Severity: Site can only be accessed via Tor.
  • Description: I try to access the website using Firefox. It fails to work and gives me a "webpage cannot be found" error. Same happens for Chrome, and for Safari on my mobile, even if said mobile is switched to LTE. Only through using Tor can I access the site, which leads me to believe there's an IP address issue.
  • Screenshots: None

Checked everything I can think of tonight, even the Admin Logs and our IP ban filters. I highly suggest flushing your DNS. Whatever is preventing you from reaching us through conventional means, it ain't us.

I'll follow up tomorrow if your issue persists.
In Umbris Potestas Est
I clearer the cache on Chrome and Chrome only... Oddly, that seems to have worked for not just Chrome, but all my other browsers. Even ones on my phone. Very weird...

And the net wasn't an issue - was able to get on Facebook, no problem, as well as chat on Skype.

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