Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Calm Before the Storm

[member="Reen Lorgon"] [member="Rafeesh"] [member="Sean Ailín"] [member="Alena Reckar"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Lady Kay"]

Dallen looked out at the training grounds as he walked about the temporary complex the Task Force had set up in preparation for the incursion against Sith presences in the neutral territories. Senator Sannes had pulled through like he had promised after they met (in progress) following the more fruitless senate hearing. Echani mercenaries were drilling all the soldiers of the Task Force, the new recruits into the battlegroup receiving special attention to bring them to an acceptable level for the dangerous operations ahead. Adding into the shield suits and echani vibroblades the Senator had helped him acquire left the Republic Commander feeling a tad indebted to the representative of Eshan.

Still, Eshan had ample compensation for it. Senator Teigra was also someone the officer was reminding himself to work hard to thank. The arms committee member had been an enormous aid in getting things along and organizing equipment transfers. Former Admiral Quee also deserved thanks for his support for the movement as well as putting together starfighter contracts together with the display they put on together. All of these people had worked hard in order to put the campaign together. Looking back to the Hammerhead Cruiser, the Testament, settled behind him at the edge of the exercise field, Dallen pushed up his glasses as the thought of ensuring victory against whatever enemy they came across took hold in his mind.

Too many people had worked hard for this operation to come together to let down.

Especially with the response the Supreme Commander's office had given when permission to conduct the campaign was given. Rather than be willing to meet in person to discuss matters and run everything down, all the Captain had received was a go ahead from the office. It was far too offhand to mean much more than there was little faith in matters. Perhaps a political precaution by the Supreme Commander to keep the public from losing faith in the administration if the operation wasn't attached to him.

Nevertheless, Dallen had every intention for the Campaign to turn out even for the Republic at the very least, if not dominate whatever enemy the operation encountered completely. The Republic Commander had full faith in matters though, the fleet was fully equipped, with a support tender group of repair craft and a medical frigate, the Testament itself acting as flagship supported by three other cruisers and one of the Republic's best designed carriers a Centurion, the Herald, which was a reassuring factor.

However, it was the site on the training field that made the officer feel every confidence. The Echani mercenaries were warriors of Eshan, fully trained in their people's combat style. Now the soldiers of the 102nd, in the Task Force's full armor, were being run through as many drills and exercise those trainers could put them through in the time they had. Of course the new recruits and even regulars couldn't get on par with Echani Warriors in such short time, but they would undoubtedly all become more skilled in hand to hand and melee combat before they shipped out. Not to mention they would certainly have more stamina and be a bit more flexible with all the rigors they were being put through.

Still, there were some things he wished the group had. A surprise especially he wanted to develop into his battle strategy. . . .perhaps the arms committee, or even the smuggler who had accompanied the group, [member="Reen Lorgon"] , might be able to help him with that if he found him. If not, well there were the Jedi who had joined the Task Force, neither he knew personally, but who he had no doubt were capable and would likely make a large difference in the time to come. Until then though, Dallen sighed and adjusted his glasses as he looked over the datapad in his hand. Before they departed he had to review maintenance on the ships and the readiness of the soldiers.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
There were rumblings. Not loud ones, but there nonetheless. Kay had gotten word from one of her closest friends that the Sith seemed to be mobilizing. But the target was uncertain at this time. Commenor was a neutral planet heavy in trade, so where certain supplies were going and for whom, wasn't entirely a secret.

Kay sat in her quarters on her ship, The Free Lady, staring at her datapad while sipping her tea. She had to let the Republic know. Her loyalties remained with them, even though she wasn't allowed to serve in their Government. It was a bitter pill to swallow at being forced to leave, but she was getting over it.

After a search through some of her contacts, she managed to find the name of someone that could heed her warnings and take them seriously. Setting her tea down, Kay typed up a message:

~Commander [member="Dallen Thayne"],

This is former Senator Kay. It has been brought to my attention that the Sith are immobilizing and having supplies gathered to them. It seems as though they might be trying to take over another planet. As to which one, that is unclear at this time, though I'd assume that it would be in neutral space so that they'd get the least amount of resistance as possible. If the Republic could discover which planet it will be and get there beforehand, well, that could be a great surprise that they wouldn't expect. They might not even be armed enough to be able to defend themselves. I'll pass on more information as it becomes available to me, if you wish.


Satisfied after rereading it, she sent the message through. After a thought, another name came to mind. She needed the CSAF. After a quick search she discovered a contact for it, [member="Alena Reckar"] . Kay forwarded the same message to her. Now to wait to see if she gets anything back. It would almost be a race to see who checks their messages more frequently.

[member="Reen Lorgon"] [member="Rafeesh"] [member="Sean Ailín"] [member="Alena Reckar"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"]
The Echani certainly knew quite a lot about hand to hand combat, Rafeesh had to give them that. The Jedi had always been of the mind that if one had to fall back to hand to hand then the battle was already lost. Lightsabers and blasters were just too dangerous for the use of bare hands to be prevalent in the better part of the galaxy. Even so, Rafeesh was impressed with the skill the mercenaries had and he hoped that the Republic soldiers would learn well from these men. Further he hoped that they would not have to use what they learned in the field. Hand to hand was just too uncertain.

The Knight had come with [member="Dallen Thayne"] in order to aid in coming conflicts. He had decided that it was time for him to once more join the battlefield and take his fight to the Sith. This was the most efficient way that he had found for himself to actually do something against the Sith. Before he would have joined in a major battle somewhere and potentially helped. This way he would most definitely help fight the Sith. Dallen was busy with other matters in setting up for the invasion, so Rafeesh tried to not bother him. The Jedi instead just kept an eye on the training soldiers.

[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Reen Lorgon"] [member="Alena Reckar"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"]

Reen Lorgon

Pilot. Smuggler. Incredibly handsome. I got it all
Reen watched the Echani and republic forces train together from the loading ramp of his ship, flipping a coin and whistling a tune as he did so. Why he was here and what he was going to be doing had escaped his mind, however he was enjoying the idea of a secret task force sent to hunt Sith and what not. His eyes drifted from person to person, judging them in secret. His eyes eventually laid themselves upon [member="Dallen Thayne"], the senior republic commander for the following missions. He smiled slightly, turning to his R2 unit.

"Well little buddy, we've found ourselves in the thick of it again. Hope you're ready for it this time."

[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Rafeesh"] [member="Alena Reckar"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"]
[member="Reen Lorgon"] [member="Rafeesh"] [member="Sean Ailín"] [member="Alena Reckar"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Lady Kay"]

Looking out over the training field as all the soldiers went through their echani exercises, the Republic Commander spotted the man he was looking for off to the side, standing on the loading ramp to his own vessel with an astromech unit beside him. Waving to Nautolan in question to get his attention, Dallen took two steps toward the alien when his comlink beeped for his own attention and forced him to check it before he continued on. Seeing the message from the former senator Kay, the officer could only smirk in amusement as he readied a response to the woman before sending it to her and moving forward to reach Reen Lorgon.

~To Lady Kay

"It is truly an ironic time for them to mobilizing then, as I myself acquired permission from the Supreme Commander to conduct operations against the Sith in contested regions. The 102nd Task Force has been organized to push Sith Battlegroups out of the Neutral Territories before they do any harm. To that end several scouts along with GRIM Agents have been sent out to determine enemy movements. Any further information you uncover would be appreciated. If you so desire to inspect the Task Force for yourself feel free to come by these coordinates where we are finalizing our departure."

~Captain Thayne

It was also good to note that the Jedi Knight, Rafeesh, was along for the operations as well. Dallen had quite the amount of respect for the Zabrak with consideration to their past work together. He was capable and a good man to have along in support of any work. However, for the moment it was the Nautolan he needed to speak with given the . . . occupation he was said to work in. "Mr. Lorgon It's wonderful to see you. Its lovely weather for training isn't it? Not too cold or too hot for the troopers so they won't waste unnecessary strength in their exercises. Hopefully the recruits gain from these experiences before deployment. Although actually. . . .it never hurts to be more prepared when heading into such dangerous operations. Having the right equipment is always a benefit. . . .so may I be right to assume you may know how or may be able to acquire harder to find tools?"
"Lord Commander," a voice called from the doorway. Alena looked up from the Galactic map displayed by the holoprojector built into her desk and saw her office manager, Nur Farry, standing there. "What is it?" She asked. "Communique from former Senator Kay Lar, of the Republic." Alena furrowed her brow as she scrounged her memory. Hadrix...Hadrix knew the woman. She was a politician with an affinity for freeing slaves; an internal GRIM investigation had led Ali to her during her time with the Republic, before the disaster at Roche and her subsequent exile from Republic service. Still Hadrix was pursued, though her whereabouts were unknown to anyone outside of CSAF.
"Put her through." Alena replied. Nur nodded, then turned and left. Alena cut the holodisplay and the vibrant Galaxy before her vanished, replaced by the text from Lar's message. She read it twice, then stored the text in a file within her helmet's memory and sent it to Hadrix via secure Holo-Net transmission. Then she sat down at her terminal and began crafting a reply.

[member=Lady Kay] Lar,

Thank you for reaching out to us. Before I can commit any resources to this endeavor, I will need to speak with you regarding the details of the current situation. At the moment we have forces available since the end of hostilities in the Charros system. I need to be made aware of the Republic's requirements for this task, and an idea of the capacity in which we might serve. We can speak via secure Holo-Net transmission. I have included a frequency at which you can contact me at your leisure.


CC-01 Alena Reckar
CSAF, Lord Commander

Alena sent the message and awaited a reply.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
The first message to pop up on her datapad was the one written by Captain [member="Dallen Thayne"] . She read it intently before whipping up a response and sending it.

~Captain Thayne,

It is indeed ironic. But I am glad that certain branches of the Republic are aware and on top of it. I have no more information to give you at this time other than some supplies are being diverted from their normal routes. A visit to your task force could be beneficial, as well as speaking to you in person. But I shall wait until I have information that's a little more useful to you.


Almost as soon as she sent off the message, another awaited her, a reply from [member="Alena Reckar"] , that she opened up immediately and read. Well that was good news at least. They were willing to check things out.

Kay sipped her tea and then opened up a channel on the frequency that she was given. She hated being on camera sometimes, but at least this was secure.

"Lord Commander, I hope that I'm not interrupting. I do apologize if I am. Though I am not speaking on the behalf of the Republic's government. I am speaking only as a concerned citizen. The Sith seem as though they are poising themselves into getting a further foothold into the Galaxy. I...know a few Sith. If I discover that I know the individual or individuals involved, then I may be able to talk those Sith into not taking over a planet. I could probably use some protection if and when that happens. There is also a Republic Task Force nearby that is already training for such a mission. They should be checked to be sure that they have everything that they need to defeat any Sith soldiers in the area."

[member="Reen Lorgon"] [member="Rafeesh"] [member="Sean Ailín"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"]

Reen Lorgon

Pilot. Smuggler. Incredibly handsome. I got it all
"If you're asking me about less then legal equipment, then I may be able to help you. But it won't come cheap... And yes, the weather is perfect, let's just hope it's like this when battle begins." Reen responded, before taking out his holocommunicator and searching through the various contacts he had. Many would get him what he required, but he'd have to chose them carefully.

[member="Dallen Thayne"]
Alena listened to the former Senator's words as the transmission came through in real-time. She's talking about negotiating with Sith? Alena thought critically, unsure if the idea was brave or stupid. If the woman had a relationship with one of their leaders that could certainly help establish credibility in any sort of diplomatic interaction, but if the information Kay was providing her was true, then the Sith had already decided upon expansion. Alena was uncertain if providing the woman a security escort was a smart move, but decided to make the offer nonetheless. "[member=Lady Kay], I would advice against making any personal appearances, and let the Sith make the first move after the Republic has shored up defenses in the region. Even so, I can provide you with a security detail if negotiations are arranged, though I cannot say in what form they will take until I know the details of the talks. Our naval force will make its appearance in the Republic training space after I have confirmed an invitation from their commanding officers in the region. I will keep you apprised of any changes. Thank you for reaching out to us. Reckar, out."
Alena ended the transmission on that note; she would reconnect with Lady Lar after having spoken to the Republic officials the woman had identified. Reaching for her commlink, Alena reached out to Hat Ma'an. "Ma'an, it's Reckar. I need the Command staff ready for a Task Proposition in the next twenty minutes. I understand we still have staff on Carida in the field, keep them updated, but they're not required to take part."
The Kel Dor replied swiftly from elsewhere in the ship, and Alena turned her attention to the Republic communications channels she had been made privy to by their assets within the Republic government and military. "Captain [member=Dallen Thayne], this is Alena Reckar, Lord Commander of the Civilian Security Assistance Force. I have received word from Republic government assets that an offensive may be in coordination by the One Sith military to expand into neutral territories between Republic and Sith worlds. My organization has worked with official Republic forces before, if you need to verify my credibility, please contact Commander Lusk, of the Republic Army. He will vouch for me, I am sure. I am aware that you are holding forces in the region on a training exercise; at your behest, our navy is prepared to coordinate with your forces in preparation of a defensive operation in these neutral regions."
[member="Reen Lorgon"] [member="Rafeesh"] [member="Sean Ailín"] [member="Alena Reckar"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Lady Kay"]

The Republic Commander couldn't help but smile at the weather remark the smuggler brought up. "Well the battle won't be here, but we can hope wherever it is that the climate on that world will be pleasant." Unless it was on a world like Mimban. . . .that would just be horrible for their soldiers. Well everyone actually, who wanted to be on a mud filled, humid, dangerous, jungle planet constantly being assaulted with rain after all. Still, no matter where their Task Force was forced to combat the Sith Dallen wanted their troops to be prepared. Every bit of equipment and help was going to be needed and appreciated.

So when his comlink came to life and an unknown voice broke over the channel, the officer merely blinked as he listened to the woman speaking on the Republic frequency for the region. A part of him wondered if the force the Jedi always talked about was on his side or if some planet's god had taken a shine to his mission. "Lady Reckar, your offer has come at quite the timing. The 102nd Task Force was recently organizing for an excursion into the neutral territories to drive out any Sith presence we encountered there and we ourselves heard a rumor from government assets that a Sith movement was active as well. You're fleet is welcome to link up with our own. If you could actually do a favor for me it'd be very welcome. A final shipment of Echani Vibroblades and Viper Grenade launchers was delayed, if your people have cargo holds capable of transporting the last of these weapons for our troops it would be a great aid."

Dallen wasn't about to doubt her credentials. He had heard of the organization despite not interacting with them, and if they had Republic frequencies others wouldn't that lent some support to her word. . . .plus waiting to hear back from Commander Lusk when the operation was already a slow movement was not ideal. If they were hostile they would face a strong Republic Military presence and that didn't seem wise for them. If they really were legit like he believed though then they really took a weight off his back. Extra combat forces and the rest of the equipment he was waiting on was a big deal. Since it meant asking Mr. Lorgon for the help. "My apologies for the delay Mr. lorgon. No worries though, the equipment I'm asking for isn't illegal, just old and a pain to find. The Republic doesn't feel combat droids of their own in large numbers, but if there was a way you know any associates or sources who might have around. . . eight hundred to two thousand Sentinel Battle Droids or combat droids of similar caliber it would be a big help. You see I simply want to bring as many of these soldiers home as possible. Having droids to throwaway in a first wave assault in our battles would soften up the Sith Troops for our infantry and Jedi, and mean more of them are able to return alive. So if you know a way to quickly assemble such units I would be more than thankful."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay sighed and folded her arms across her chest as she heard what [member="Alena Reckar"] had to say. So she wasn't to go there to try to help? What were they worried about? It wasn't as though she had any political position that would make her a target or worthy of capture for blackmail. She didn't even own any businesses or have anything that the Republic deemed valuable, especially for any type of prisoner transfer. She was just an average citizen with no assets to her name other than her small ship. So she was told to just wait until she was asked for. Maybe she won't be called at all.

After letting out a bit of a huff, she sipped her tea, flopping her datapad down on the table next to her bed. If she was to wait, then wait she shall, but not forever. Kay had heard that Force users were allowed to work in the Government now, something that she had gotten fired for and barred from having any Government job for. Why the sudden change of heart not long after she was sacked? It was clear that she wasn't trusted and perhaps her fumbling through the Mando negotiations of which she gave up everything that she had for, were reason enough for the Government to keep their distance from her. It was sad, really, but is what it is. Yet she sure did miss the freedom that it brought.

[member="Reen Lorgon"] [member="Rafeesh"] [member="Sean Ailín"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Dallen Thayne"]
Alena received Captain Thayne's transmission and forwarded the provided details on the shipment to the logistics commander. Shortly after, the present CSAF leaders organized in her office on board the Basterd's Hand. Aside from Hat Ma'an, Hraffa, Guri Pasha, Tien Nrub, Grishnak and Wex Qatar were present. "Alright folks, we've got word of a possible Sith movement against neutral territories in the region. If we opt to take on the task, we'll be picking up a Republic shipment of arms and equipment and linking up with Captain Dallen Thayne, of the Republic's 102nd Task Force. They're on a training exercise in a nearby system, and will be preparing to investigate the situation in the neutral states. Our mission will be to lend military support after providing logistical support. I've already spoken with Thayne and he's willing to take us on. Presently we have access to 1st and 2nd Battalions, with their respective Armor and Air units. Starfighter support is on standby, as is the rest of the fleet that isn't currently stationed over Carida. We'll perform a deep space recce once we've made contact with Republic forces, and decide our plans from there. In coordination with these efforts, former Republic Senator Kay Lar expressed a desire to speak with what she sees as friendly elements to herself within the Sith leadership and strive for a diplomatic solution to any potential hostilities. She has asked that we provide security for her efforts, which I am not entirely confident will succeed." Alena looked around the holotable, gauging the reactions of the rest of the staff. The only dissent came from Tien Nrub. "My concern is that we've strayed from our task of aide and relief in wallowing Republic worlds in favor of military action with the Republic military, but aside from that I have no issues with the mission itself."
Alena nodded, "Thank you for your input, shall we put it to a vote?" They did, and it was decided that CSAF would take on the mission. Alena thanked the rest of the staff before they left to take command of their respective units and prepare the force for movement. She turned to the communications suite and made contact with Thayne, and then Lar.

"Captain Thayne, we will be arriving within the next cycle with your provisions on board. After a brief face-to-face I would like to organize a deep space recce with your own assets to gauge the security situation within the suspected target systems."
After sending the message, she prepared one for Lady Kay. "Miss Lar, make contact with us at the Republic force coordinates and we will prepare your security detail after we have information on the regions of operation and the current military situation there. I look forward to meeting you in person, I've heard good things."

[member=Dallen Thayne] | [member=Lady Kay]

Reen Lorgon

Pilot. Smuggler. Incredibly handsome. I got it all
"Rather large order, but I think I can get you some battle droids. Anything else that you need whilst I'm shopping?" Reen asks in a sarcastic tone, whilst continuing to fiddle with his holocommunicator.

[member="Dallen Thayne"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Alena Reckar"] [member="Reen Lorgon"] [member="Rafeesh"] [member="Sean Ailín"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Dallen Thayne"]

Her datapad beeped, indicating that she had a message. Kay set down her tea and then leaned over in her chair, picking up her datapad and opening the message. Looks like the CSAF had come to their senses a little bit. And they had heard good things? Well, that was a promising start. She recorded a quick message, indicating that she was on her way and then sent it.

After finishing her tea, she got to her feet and headed over to the cockpit, empty mug and datapad in hand. Her pilot, Terrac was resting with his feet up, glass of whiskey in his hand. "Hey Captain. Looks like we're going to meet up with some of the Republic's military brass. Here's where we need to go." She handed him the datapad as he removed his feet from the console.

"You're not getting us into trouble again, are you doll?"

"No, no, I don't think so. This might help me to stay out of trouble, however." Perhaps that was a lie, but he could remain behind with the ship while she went off with her security detail. The old man wouldn't say no to that, she was sur.e.

Captain Terrac then punched in the co-ordinates and within moments, the two were off on their journey.
[member="Reen Lorgon"] [member="Rafeesh"] [member="Sean Ailín"] [member="Alena Reckar"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Lady Kay"]

When confirmation from the CSAF came over the comm, Dallen had little to add on top of what he had said already and simply moved to offer his gratitude to those in charge. "You're aid is appreciated Lady Reckar. I'll be sure to prepare one of the smaller vessels to deploy alongside a fighter squadron with your own forces for the recce. We can coordinate target zones for them to look into during the face to face. We look forward to your arrival in the next cycle." The Republic Commander did honestly appreciate their help. Even if they came as non-combatants, it they were able to help with the supply line or by providing medical personnel and equipment then that was more than enough to satisfy the support as well. Especially since his new favorite smuggler was able to get ahold of the remaining equipment he wanted to increase the Task Force's ranks.

Not that Dallen showed his excitement aside from a smile as he turned his thanks to the Natulon as well. "Well the Sith's surrender if you can manage that Mr. Lorgon, speaking of which let me know how you wish to participate in the combat. If you intend to go planetside picking up some basics from Echani Martial Arts could be useful if you want to join the soldiers in the field. Otherwise I can accommodate you as needed. I apologize for the trouble with the droids, but I hope in the end they are worth the transaction."

Reen Lorgon

Pilot. Smuggler. Incredibly handsome. I got it all
Reen let out a laugh at Dallen's comment. "If I could get their surrender, I'd be the richest man in the Republic!" He then paused, finishing his laughter before continuing. "As for combat, I'd prefer to provide air support if possible, but I can work on the ground if needed... And the droids shouldn't be a problem, I've had to transport things far worse and weird than battle droids."

[member="Dallen Thayne"]
[member="Reen Lorgon"] [member="Rafeesh"] [member="Sean Ailín"] [member="Alena Reckar"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Lady Kay"]

"Those sound like stories you'll have to share sometime. . . .unless they're about you slipping through the Eastern Quadrant patrols, in which case you probably shouldn't since I was stationed out there at the rearguard until Denon. If you did so anywhere feel free to say I won't call for your arrest, but I will be writing documentation for the battlegroups on patrol in those sectors to undergo training again. With no offense if illegal smuggling is going on along Republic borders then we should be concerned about potential breaches by Sith Squadrons." Checking his chronometer, Dallen lowered his head for a moment as he let his eyes fall on the datapad in his hand again as he read over some of the files he had pulled up.

The Ferret Class Reconnaissance Drones were fueled and ready for launch. He knew he had promised the CSAF to hold off on sending out a scouting party until they arrived, however, he was a thorough man and did not see the drone vessels as an actual scouting party. Instead he intended to send the three of the droid operated craft to the likely planets the Sith were deploying around. From there he was prepared to send an actual scouting expedition to follow up on the findings with CSAF as he agreed to. He hoped they wouldn't be too long in arriving. Not more than a day or two he hoped, the same going for the curious senator who had sent that information earlier. He did hope she made time to appear.

Regardless, as he turned to head back to watch over the training grounds, Dallen flashed the Natulon a smile for his help as he called out to the Jedi Knight he was happy to work with once again. "Thanks again Mr. Lorgon, I'll be sure to keep your request to be tied to air support in mind. If its fine with you I'll attach you to the escort squadron that'll provide cover for the dropships we'll undoubtedly deploy against the Sith. If you need anything let me know. . . .Master Rafeesh, do the men look well to you? Personally I wish they had more time to train. Though I suppose they'll have to be prepared regardless since we'll move out at the first notice of the Sith."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay's ship soon arrived to where the Republic Task Force was undergoing their training. And after proper inspection and security procedures were met, she allowed herself to be led to [member="Dallen Thayne"]. No doubt he would have been informed of her arrival as soon her ship touched down.

She watched some of the soldiers as they went through their formations, some of them engaged in mock combat. It reminded her of her late husband and how he was such a great leader. How many battles could have been won, how many planets could have been saved if he hadn't of sacrificed himself? They would never know. Yet Kay hoped every day that she was living up to her life that he had given his own for. She dedicated her life to helping and serving others so that her husband's death wasn't in vain. Her life was no longer her own, nor could she hope to get any normalcy from it. Her only comforting constant was her tea. But it was over tea that she had so often kept people from attacking her or trying to kill her. At least her little addiction was good for something.

[member="Alena Reckar"] [member="Reen Lorgon"] [member="Rafeesh"] [member="Sean Ailín"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"]

Reen Lorgon

Pilot. Smuggler. Incredibly handsome. I got it all
"I'll head out then, comm me if you require anything else." Reen responded, before boarding his ship and entering the cockpit. "Gree, plot us a cross to Nar Shaddaa, and get me in contact with Jason." The ship took off from the landing zone. He then jumped to hyperspace, heading towards his main contact.

[member="Dallen Thayne"]
[member="Reen Lorgon"] [member="Rafeesh"] [member="Sean Ailín"] [member="Alena Reckar"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Lady Kay"]

Nodding to the Natulon as he spoke up about departing, the Republic Commander would glance at an approaching ensign as he wished him well on his journey. "Don't be gone too long Mr. Lorgon, we're hoping to be able to rely on you with your piloting skills. I'd like some of the squadron leaders to get used to you being around so you're all comfortable relying on one another out there when the fighters are launched." Grinning at how pleasant the universe felt despite the fact they were preparing for violent struggles, Dallen turned to the ensign as the minor officer informed him that the senator who had contacted them earlier was making landfall.

Pleased to hear he would be able to meet the woman and thank her in person for her support and information, Dallen would send the ensign back to await her arrival while he continued to watch over the soldiers training. When the officer returned with the senator in tow the Republic Commander would once more divert his attention from the training fields to welcome her. "You must be Senator Kay, it's a pleasure to meet you maam. I'm Commander Thayne, you're catching the 102nd at a good time. Running them through Echani exercises seems to be improving their technique, as well as building their stamina. Hopefully it means by the end of the upcoming foray into the neutral territories more of them will make it back home."

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