Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Caliban Cove

[member="Elizabeth Verdan"]

Looking at her being that excited little padawan she was happy to work with many of the things they brought with them. Junko stood there while she clasped her hands behind her back when they arrived and looking at the workers who were there. "THank you for having us, what is the current progress?" THe man was looking at them while the Junko and Elizabeth could walk through while vats were being set up. "The manufacturing process has been started we are using salvage and waste from the city that we manage to turn it into raw matter. Then it is converted via current into the raw matter needed of the wintrium, we shall be able to work with some more of it providing the substance to everything we need."
[member="Junko Ike"]

The Young Elizabeth was enraptured by all the technological progress around her. Despite all her natural skills, she was at best a scrapyard technician, and just being here around all of this, having it explained to her as doing wonders, giving her so many ideas to work on. She felt truly humbled, so much for being a special kitty. She still had so very much to learn. She decided then and there, she would devote herself to personal betterment, she would become the best Jedi she could be, and help all of those around her. So everyone could be as happy as she was with her master
[member="Elizabeth Verdan"]

Junko was looking at her padawan while she moved with attention to the details. They had developed the facility originally to harvest and create isotope five one of the better energy sources in the galaxy they had constructed into what she was thinking about. Now the machines to break down the salvage they got from the cities, all of the waste, the trash everything was made to be broken down by their reactors and slowly converted into the substance in the vats that were sealed when Junko walked over a catwalk wrapping an arm around her padawan. She could feel her with a small smile on her face giving a bow of her head when she spoke feeling her. "are you alright my padawan?"
[member="Junko Ike"]

She looked up to her master, a new kind of gleam in her eye. She seemed determined, more so than usual, confidant. "Yes Mastah...Everything is fine....a lot more fine than before really. I...I would like to talk to you soon when we can, at home. I think I'm ready to devote myself more to my studies of the force" Elizabeth said, her nervous stutter mostly gone as she brought out the words in an eager tone, beaming up at her master happily with a bright smile.
[member="Elizabeth Verdan"]

There was a look for some of the things there as she was working on the bigger things. She looked at her padawan with a small grin on her face while she wrapped an arm around her and her padawan when she looked at some fo the first meshed robes that were being presented to them. A small smile on her face as Junko looked at the dress kimono that was a little thicker yes but also had dreamsilk and looked formal but was withstanding as some of the jedi tested it against a litghtsaber slashing and cleaving into it. Junko looked at her padawan and raised her eyebrows with interet walking towards the small office with one for each of them to change. "We'll have better looking ones but for now we can use these to wear and test."
[member="Junko Ike"]

Elizabeth nodded as she stepped into the dressing room. It didn't take much for the slim felication to slip out of her robes. Pausing, she looked at herself in the mirror. Tracing her fingers along various faded bruisers and white scars, and finally, at the part where her natural skin met the metallic of her cybernetic arm. She touched a hand to the cold metal, and a single tear rolled down her cheek, which she quickly brushed away as she slipped into the new defensive Kimono
[member="Elizabeth Verdan"]

Looking at her as she stood in the dressing room and changed with a smile on her face. She looked at her padawan in the mirror and wrapped an arm around her wiping at the tear. Hey now padawan you are alright, you have me here and nothing bad will happen to you for what I can promise." Junko was looking at her before she pushed off when they had changed into the outfits with a small look on her face offering a smile. "You are with me my padawan and with me you have everything you need." She pushed her hair back behind her ears going out and into the sun while the facility continued to work on the mesh and produce it for different products.
[member="Junko Ike"]

She lost track of time for a moment, untill she felt her master's comforting touch wrap arround her. Looking up into her gentle touch, she smiled and nuzzled against her in thanks. Finally when she dressed though, she looked at herself in the mirror. This was definitely a type of clothing she could imagine herself wearing more often
[member="Elizabeth Verdan"]

Well her padawan looked better now and she felt better at least. Can't be sad all the time when it came to being a jedi and besides if her padawan looked down it would reflect badly on her as the master and make it seem like she was doing something wrong. That wasn't a good idea or good for her image while she was working on some fo the things with her attention over all of the rest. She had her pride to uphold of course while she was walking and motioned for her padawan to follow her to the ship. They had far more to do around the world then just observe the facility and get a chance to test out the meshed dresses that were literally humming with the force for themselves. Junko had the pilot set the course for adventure on one of the worlds out there. "Come along we are going on another trip."

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