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Work In Progress Cagnni


(Image of Male (Left) & Female (Right) Cagnni)
  • Intent: To introduce a native species of both wild & domestic herding and tracking canines to Epica.
  • Image Credit: Adrial Virlan (ArtStation)
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Epica (x)
  • Name: Cagnni
  • Designation: Non-Sentient
  • Origins: Epica (x)
  • Average Lifespan: 20-30 Years
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description: One who is knowledgeable about all manners of creatures from around the galaxy would liken the Cagnni to a bear with the temperament of a canine, domesticated or otherwise. They are large, heavy and particularly dangerous creatures if not tamed and nurtured from a young age. The most common variety of Cagnni display white fur with brown and green markings in the form of stripes across the fur, whereas all Cagnni varieties have blank, yellow eyes that provide a visual advantage during the night.

    Cagnni are separated into three groups: Domesticable Cagnni, the standard white furred Cagnni that can be domesticated with the right training and methods; Wild Cagnni, a high primal and dangerous Cagnni that shouldn't be approached, much less domesticated. Wild Cagnni have green or brown fur as opposed to white fur; Black Cagnni, an extremely illusive and rare variation of the Cagnni that is only spotted once every decade, these canines possess a higher level of intelligence than the other two varieties.
  • Breathes: Type 1 Atmosphere
  • Average Height of Adults: 67cm to 75cm
  • Average Length of Adults: 86cm to 109cm
  • Skin color: Black
  • Hair color:
    • Domesticable Cagnni: White (Primary); Brown & Green (Secondary)
    • Wild Cagnni: Green & Brown (Primary) White Underbelly (Secondary)
    • Black Cagnni: Black (Primary)
  • Distinctions: Apart from the variations of fur colours displayed by the different canines, all Cagnni are within the same size and weight range and are considered 'mature' once they reach the age of five. Younger and older Cagnni can be differentiated by the saturation of their green or brown markings, a younger Cagnni's markings are much brighter and noticeable whereas an older Cagnni's marking are much more faded and harder to spot.

    Both male & female Cagnni are quite different as well; Male Cagnni are larger, heaver, stronger and more aggressive, making them perfect guardian creatures, visibly their fur is more thicker yet shorter, giving them a more well-rounded appearance; Female Cagnni are slightly smaller, faster, more agile, and while not as aggressive as male Cagnni, they are extremely territorial and protective, they have longer fur and look slimmer than male Cagnni.

    All Cagnni are incredibly strong and powerful creatures, with a bark that terrifies most other creatures, paws that can crush bones upon impact, claws that can slice down to bone and jaws that can crack most natural defences such as shells. They have an incredible sense of smell that can track both creatures and animals from up to ten miles away and their bright, yellow eyes allow them greater visibility in the dark.
  • Races: Cagnni are separated into three groups: Domesticable Cagnni, the standard white furred Cagnni that can be domesticated with the right training and methods; Wild Cagnni, a high primal and dangerous Cagnni that shouldn't be approached, much less domesticated. Wild Cagnni have green or brown fur as opposed to white fur; Black Cagnni, an extremely illusive and rare variation of the Cagnni that is only spotted once every decade, these canines possess a higher level of intelligence than the other two varieties.
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Sensitive
  • Diet: Carnivore
  • Communication: Verbally, when communicating amongst themselves, Cagnni growl to each other, which sounds like a deep and rather terrifying snarl. When wanting to communicate with people, they produce an exceptionally loud, deep 'bark' that would shock any unsuspecting individual or creature- a bark that is effective even on livestock animals. Although they can, they rarely produce a whining noise which only occurs when the canine is hurt or scares- a rare occurrence.

    Non-verbally, Cagnni are very expressive with their body, using their ears, tails and posture to express themselves; Similar to most other canines.
  • General Behavior: While they are pack animals, Cagnni keep their pack relatively small- up to eight form a pack, although they prefer less. Cagnni's pack hierarchy is similar to other canines, a pair- either the parents of the pack or the strongest pair- are in control of the pack. When hunting, they hunt individually as eight large, comparatively slow creatures would scare all prey within a mile radius away. They use their powerful barks to communicate with their pack over long distances.

    Domesticable Cagnni found in the wild typically like to be left alone, they will only attack if agitated, hungry or if their cubs are in danger. Wild Cagnni are significantly more dangerous and will attack on sight, regardless of circumstance.

    When domesticated, Cagnni are exceptional livestock guardian creatures and general guard creatures, they are dangerously loyal to a point they won't follow commands should the people they're loyal to be threatened, meaning that only experienced handlers should attempt to domesticate and train these canines. While not their primary purpose, Cagnni can be trained to track scents, and more difficultly herd livestock- a task which when trained properly means they can herd even
    Nerfs, Banthas and other large animals.

    When communicating amongst themselves, Cagnni growl to each other, which sounds like a deep and rather terrifying snarl. When wanting to communicate with people, they produce an exceptionally loud, deep 'bark' that would shock any unsuspecting individual or creature- a bark that is effective even on livestock animals. Although they can, they rarely produce a whining noise which only occurs when the canine is hurt or scares- a rare occurrence.

    Wild Cagnni are known amongst the Epican population to be one of Epica's most dangerous predators, almost on-par with
    Viators which they often hold their own against; For what they lack in speed, they have twofold in strength. Cagnni's are also known for their incredibly strong jaw and are reputed for being able to crack the shells of Caoinheadhs and often try and sneak up on Luchtaires, though they often fail.
Since the first people set foot on Epica, Cagnni have been both a source of safety and companionship, and a source of terror and fear. Initially, lives were lost during encounters with the canines, however people began to realise that the white-furred Cagnni were much more docile than their green or brown-furred counterparts.

Decades passed and people made efforts to begin to domesticate the species, bonds began to form between the canines and people as they learnt how to look after them and train them so they could co-exist peacefully. Settlers began to realise to stay away from the Cagnni they named simply as 'wild,' and the Black Cagnni became something of an omen- based on personal interpretation.

As centuries passed, more and more people began to domesticate and breed the creatures, realising their potential as guardians and companions, capable of enduring a head-to-head fight with some of Epica's most dangerous predators. Now, they can be spotted in most villages and are particularly loved by farmers and tradespeople to protect their goods.
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