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Caer Lazare [ First Order Location ]


This is a Location Thread. Anyone can join and interact with the First Order here (within reason). It will be a standing thread can be joined/departed from at will, etc. Come on by, make yourselves at home!

Caer Lazare, Skye

Long ago, during the waning years of the Galactic Republic, the planet Skye was a different place. Although it was tucked neatly under the umbrella of democracy, the world and its people were subject to the rule of a Magister. While time and war would see this title change hands, a constant soon came about. It did not matter who the new master of Skye was. It did not matter how long their dominance lasted. All who ruled the far-flung world did so from a fabled Fortress.

That is, until the First Order arrived.

In one fell swoop, the briefly independent planet was quickly seized by the nation's overwhelming might. Many assets of note, including the seat of many Magisters' reign, were forfeited to the new regime. Now, what was once a living symbol of an individual's power had been given as a gift to the Knights of Ren. It was here that a "home away from home" was made: a Citadel for training outside of Dosunn. Skye was perfect for thus, as the bitter cold of the mountains would serve to produce hardier Knights.

In order for anyone to enter the newly-named Caer Lazare, one of two avenues must be taken. Either they land upon one of the Citadel's landing pads or they brave the perilous passage up the mountain. Upon entering, each would be greeted to an escape from the perpetual cold; in addition to a plethora of facilities open for their use. Dormitories. Archives. Training Rooms. Even a gargantuan Mess Hall. You name it, Caer Lazare has it.

[member="Azure West"], [member="Belis Ren"], [member="Count Morcus"], [member="Darius Denko"], [member="Ezra Denko"], [member="Gaetana Ren"], [member="Greifen Ren"], [member="Inkara Liet"], [member="Itaska Relens"], [member="Jade Ren"], [member="Judah Lesan"], [member="Milo Ren"], [member="Mordred"], [member="Shawn Withers"], [member="Varus Ren"], [member="Véspera"], [member="Venator Hex"]
There would be time enough to reflect upon the current state of things. There would be an hour where it would be appropriate to think about how Josiah had got here. There would be a fitting minute to meditate upon the potential changes this would mean for his life. Yet now was not that time. Now, the former Exile had a task to fulfill: one handed down from the Supreme Leader personally. As it was, the mantle of "Archmaster" came with a multitude of responsibilities; and one such was selecting a young mind to cultivate.

It was a test. Most certainly had to be. How else could Sieger accurately gauge Josiah's loyalty to the cause than by brainwashi-erm-training a Disciple?

So, the new Archmaster found himself waiting in the Atrium of Caer Lazare. Prior to his arrival, he had been offered a selection of files detailing the most recent recruits of the Disciples. This was no easy choice, and as such Josiah petitioned the Force to guide him. His meditations on the subject led him to believe that only one of the individuals was the right choice, so he sent for her right away. Her name was [member="Mordred"], and if her file was to be believed, she had quite a bit of potential.

For the occasion, Josiah stood garbed in the typical, dark robes of the Knighthood. Helmet excluded. Furthermore, within his hands was a white box. A warm box. A box that was full of temptation.

Puffcakes? Puffcakes.


Insert Hilarious Title Here
Herodias Ren. She had heard the name, of course. He was the leader of the order she found herself a part of, after all. So when she received a summons to Caer Lazare on Skye, she wasted in no time in commandeering a First Order shuttle and traveling to the snowy world. The structure was hidden high up in the mountains, where Mordred felt the cold seep through her admittedly thin clothing. The Disciple cursed in her Talravin accent to herself as she stepped off the shuttle, wooden staff gripped tightly in her pale fist.
She entered the structure, searching for the Archmaster. Something in the Force felt. . . off. Almost as if she was about to find something that would change her destiny. Perhaps this Herodias Ren was more powerful than she had imagined.

Finally, she entered the Atrium, and saw him, standing there with a white box in his hands. And Herodias Ren almost perfectly matched the description of [member="Josiah Denko"], her father. Mordred was taken aback, staring at him for a fleeting moment with disbelief in her eyes. Mordred looked almost exactly like her mother, but she still recognized some of her own features in the man's face. Could it be him? After years of searching, could she have finally found her father by mere coincidence? It seemed almost too convenient, really.
She decided that she would wait before passing final judgement on determining the fact, and approached him cautiously, bowing slightly.

"You are the Archmaster? I am Mordred Klo, the Disciple you sent for."
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Caer Lazare, Skye.

The Disciples of Ren weren't his favorite band of warriors. They served an order that was pompous, assured of its own grandeur and above all it held everything that Relens valued in contempt. Freedom. The ability to forge your own path through hardships overcome, to express yourself in any way you chose, to live your life according to your own tenets. And yet... here he was with his own little crew, with his own band of insane fighters supporting this First Order. Some might have been confused by this, but the truth of the matter was that this new Order was here now and that there was little Itaska could do about it.

It was filling in the void that was left by the Lords of the Fringe and were doing an... admirable job of consolidating their power in the Unknown Regions. Someone needed to curb the stem of insanity streaming into the Galaxy through passages unknown. Someone needed to fight. So why not him? Why not Sully and Sal? Why not Railer? Why not... Jax, even though every piece of breath he took was a moment that Relens wanted to choke him out.

"Relens, Relens!" the youngling shouted as he ran into the armory. Sally had taken it over - kicked the assigned Renman out and established his own rule. There were some grumblings, but after the realization set in that Sal was much better at the job... they had let him do the acquisitions for all the Disciples of Ren when they went on their missions.


Itaska had been lounging in a moderately comfortable chair, listening to the brooding grind of the sharpening wheel. Turned out Sal was even competent at entry-level alchemy, who would have guessed?

"Look what I found!" Relens pushed up his googles and took a wide look: just to get eye-to-eye with the decapitated head of... an ox?

"What the fe-"
For the most part, the Atrium was empty.

The Knighthood was like-minded in many regards, and one such area was a desire to get as far away from the cold as possible. As such, halting in the front door was not an option. The average Knight simply power-walked through the Atrium and deeper into the warm embrace of Caer Lazare. Because of this, the space was for whenever an individual scurried through. So, Josiah waited there alone; with naught save his puffcakes and the howl of the winds for company.

However, the Archmaster would not have to wait long. Following a few minutes of patience, the symphony of crunching snow reached his ears. Josiah turned, placing his attention upon the one who drew near...and frankly, his face contorted with surprise. Was this some vision of the Force? he thought, squinting in disbelief. Yet, as the woman drew closer, he could plainly see that she was indeed corporeal. The files had presented only the most simplest of details and failed to provide a picture. Or even a surname for that matter.

It was in light of that fact that Josiah was taken aback by the spitting image of someone from the past. Someone who was very close. "Farell?" he breathed. No, it couldn't be. Last he had heard, she was dead. And, frankly, the woman before him had a name in the file. Mordred. Thus was confirmed by her introduction only a moment after stepping out of the cold. Klo? Just who was this girl?

"Well met, Mordred. Welcome to Caer Lazare." he began, attempting to shelve the shock in his voice. "You...Well, the file did not provide a surname, so permit me a single question. Do you know of a Farell Klo?"

As the words escaped him, the Archmaster motioned for the young woman to follow. He turned, guiding the way deeper into the citadel...away from the fething cold.



Insert Hilarious Title Here
Mordred was glad to follow [member="Josiah Denko"] deeper into the structure, her staff hitting the ground as she walked. He asked for Farell? Ah, so this was Josiah. No one else could know the Dark Jedi, not anymore. The woman had made sure of it.
She had to admit, the Archmaster was just as intimidating and regal in person as Farell had made him out to be. The woman spoke of the man with reverence in her voice, unlike any other sentient being still living. Her mother spoke little of their time together, though the few times she opened up, it was hard to get Farell to stop talking about the Jedi. It made Mordred curious as to why her mother had fled into the edge of space to begin with.

"Yes. Farell Klo is my mother, currently residing somewhere in the Outer Rim. She doesn't like to stay in one place for very long. Why?" She of course knew damned well why he was asking. How could she not? By the Force, she was speaking with her father! That hadn't quite sunk in for her yet. Now what should she do? Ever since she had been sent away by Farell, she had searched for this man, and now he was going to teach her. What would she say? What would they talk about? Did Farell tell him about her?
These questions would be answered with time, she supposed.
The Archmaster stopped dead in his tracks.

This was the daughter of Farell. This was her legacy, living and breathing, standing right beside him. Yet, there was more. So much more. The Force was alive in this moment, buzzing as if elated that the pieces were falling into place. Josiah placed his gaze upon the woman and looked past the obvious. There was no denying that she was a Klo, but a closer inspection revealed something. It was something that made his heart jolt ever so slightly.

Those eyes. Those two pools of Hazel. They had watched him grow from the instant of his birth. They saw his first steps, his first tears, his first...damn near everything. The Archmaster was in awe, but in the end found a small smile working its way into being.

"Because you have my mother's eyes."

The truth was there, plain and simple. He and Farell had shared something beautiful, and now they had someone to show for it. the same time...Josiah felt like a stone had been dropped in his stomach. He was happy, yes, for obvious reasons; but he was also unhappy. Unhappy that Farell did not tell him about their child. He could have helped raise her. He could have been there.

"The Force works in mysterious ways, does it not? All this time, I am ignorant that you so much as exist...yet I felt compelled to choose your file. And you most likely made your way from the Outer Rim too. The chances..." he broke off, briefly placing a hand upon her shoulder. He hoped that she wouldn't shrug it off..."I...I did not know. Farell never told me about you. If I had known."

Words. Use your Words Josiah.

"I'm here now and I have so much to show you. To teach you. Now, here, these are for you." With that said, Josiah offered the box to [member="Mordred"]. The puffcakes were warm, sweet, and fresh; straight from the Hall to her hands.

She had better not waste them.

Arjant Clevenger

Caer Lazare, Skye

Finally, after so many years of being trapped on Nar Shaddaa, the smugglers' moon, Ezra managed to find a way to escape such vile place. There was no way to make a living out of life for a man like Ezra, for he was the type of man that wanted a life in a society like Corusant's or Empress Teta. He sought for wealth, power, and influence, but in a luxurious lifestyle not in a scum and low life place. In Nar Shaddaa no one had the access to security, luxury items, established police, and laws that couldn't protect them. People couldn't be trusted in a harsh environment like Nar Shaddaa, Nal Hutta, and the Underworld of Corusant unless it was family and close relatives. Even the crime lords, who were practically the heads of the unique kind of government unofficially installed on Nar Shaddaa, felt unsecured around the type of people they were around. Unregulated freedom was a nice thing for many, but that led to anarchy and chaos; a thing that made the whole place a 'every man for himself'.

But Ezra was no longer on that gloomy, vile moon. He was lucky to meet his biological father who offered him a new life where he could start anew and again. Who would refuse an offer like that? Yes, the Dark Jedi did have a grudge against his father but that lowered, significantly, when he got a free one way ticket off of Nar Shaddaa. Upon arriving at the heart of the First Order he was immediately accepted by the graces of the Knights of Ren since it was unveiled that he was strong with the Force; a tool he had access to because of his father.

Now he would adjust himself to his new living quarters on Caer Lazare which would serve as a point of interest for the Knights of Ren. Exploring the whole complex with curiosity, Ezra fund himself with [member="Itaska Relens"] and another being in the armory of Caer Lazare. "Is that the head of an ox," he asked to both men that he had just met.

[member="Josiah Denko"], [member="Mordred"]

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