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Build Me a Temple Worthy of Worship (Sith Empire)

Lord Ghoul

The reign of Dranok Lussk, Emperor of the Sith, proceeded smoothly. Almost without incident. Shorn looked out on Dromund Kaas through a rain-spattered window. Dranok had best remember that every second of his rule over this Imperial city, heart of an Empire extending over ten thousand planets and more, was due to a whim. The whim of Mikhail Shorn. Pale blue eyes turned from the window to look at the newly installed throne-room doors. He'd ripped the old ones down during his last visit. Shorn wore black robes. Image was important for what would come next.

He strode casually through the open doors and into the revamped throne room. He had kept his promise. It was time to see whether Dranok had kept his. A covered statue stood behind the throne, towering over it. Shorn's eyes narrowed. He would make the Empire kneel once more.

"Dranok, love what you've done with the place," Shorn called out, glancing around. Where was that damn Admiral?

@[member="Dranok Lussk"] @Any Other Sith Who Do So Wish
​"Your not going to break the throne again are you?" Marcus asked as he moved into the room, slightly behind @[member="Mikhail Shorn"]. Marcus had plans to discuss with @Dranok Lussk for when the Empire finally struck Mandalore, and ended the their control of a rather decently sized territory. His plan was more complex than what some others in the dark order wished, which was to annihilate them from orbit.

He couldn't help but feel the slightest bit uneasy around Shorn, the man had, after all, de-throned an Emperor. And one of his friends mina got in a drawn out fight with Marcus that resulted in her getting energy from a heavily injured Marcus because of the trans-gender abomination he had been forced to call master jumped in. Needless to say, Shorn's coup wasn't a memory he wanted to relive.
Imperial Palace, Dromund Kaas

The sensation was faint at first. It grew and grew, poking and prodding at Dranok's own senses as he strode from his war room to retreat back to his personal room. Shorn. His lips curled back, savoring the name of a close ally of his. The man had made him the Emperor, a very demeaning move in the eyes of the multitude of dark siders in this Empire. However, Dranok's regime had dealt with rebels effectively. His tendrils of power soaked through the inner workings of the Empire, snatching up loyalty from all and instilling his will into every single soul. Loyalty, intelligence, and confidence was what he needed from his subjects. Anything less that pure submission to his will was unacceptable.

There were exceptions to this rule.

A pair of stormtroopers flanked him during his journey, both bearing the insignia of the 501st legion. The 501st, previously known as Vader's Fist had become known as "Lussk's Legion", the enforcers of his law and doubling as a secret police force among the Empire. They were very useful, sharpened tools of the finest caliber. Whatever Shorn had wanted him to do, the 501st would be keeping a close eye on it. He would have eyes everywhere, even his very throne room would soon hold security cameras. Observation and planning were the only things he needed.

One of the troopers shot forward to pull the door open of the throne room's side door, the other trooper brushing past him to move inside first and observe the area. Dranok waited for a moment for the cautious man to step aside, letting him enter to reveal the visages of @[member="Mikhail Shorn"] and @[member="Marcus Faust"]. Shorn's words were echoing across the room, giving Dranok something to smirk about. "Like my Empire?"
@[member="Dranok Lussk"] @[member="Mikhail Shorn"] @[member="Marcus Faust"]

"Not particularly Dranok, I do not like your Empire."

His voice boomed from the shadows, and the two meter tall Sith Master walked from them to stand near the throne. Jacen's gaze traced the throne he so desired, and up to the statue that was covered in a sheet. The area was much different than it had been during the time of Voracitos, and he had never once made it in during the short lived tenure of the Umbaran. A ghost of a memory played out where he had been forced to submit to the fat one, and become his weapon of destruction. Standing there a man of his own merit, he turned to look at his now ally, Mikhail. "Nice of you to win the throne for him Shorn, Force knows we Sith don't have tradition that says we fight for our seat of power.." His words trailed off as he looked at the man flanked by the 501st Legion of Stormtroopers.


Covered in his Iron Skin armorweave suit and durasteel armor, he looked like a force to be reckoned with. Only recently healed from the events on Coruscant, he boldly turned around and took a seat in the throne. Darth Kryptus leaned back, and let the darkside begin to course through him as his eyes turned yellow and red. "You saw what the two of us were able to accomplish against each other on a whim. Coruscant still burns and all you've done is pick another fight with the Mandalorians. Tell me why I should even begin to listen to someone like you, and give me a reason I should let you sit in this seat you didn't earn."
"Why do you ask? Wish to stand against him again. You shown my mistress a great disservice that day, but unlike you she still stand whole today." These voices would shoot through @[member="Marcus Faust"] head as Kiyala arrived to greet @[member="Mikhail Shorn"] as a high priestess should. As she approached the too men she spoke saying "I assume your here to see how your works have been going? The Emperor told me that you might be arriving soon, I trust every thing so far as been up to your approval." Kiyala was no fool having been witness to Mikhail slaughtering for what seemed like a minor offense and Kiyala wasn't ready to make her claim as a Goddess yet.

But she'd earn her wings soon; it was that knowledge that kept her going during hard times. She allowed her eyes to fall upon Marcus for the first time since she arrived. If he returned her look he'd see the murderous intent she was bottling up towards him for possibly a later date. She wanted him to know that his suffering was not yet done, she wore the same armor her master wore only this time she would make sure to watch out in case he tried the same tactic that temporarily bested her mistress. How gracious was her mistress to allow her to avenge their names, she smiled with malicious glee as she temporarily lost control of her ambitions off instinct she felt her force shield beginning to protrude from her skin.

However, she stopped herself drawing in a deep breath for a second. Her eyes calmed for a moment and replaced was her normal self that didn't seem as malicious as first. She had to remain in control at all times, when you lose control; you lose control of everything as her mistress would say. Her eyes peaked with interest upon the entrance of @[member="Jacen Cavill"] she never imagined that he would be here and when he spoke she held the creeping suspicion that another Coruscant was about to happen. Kiyala sighed while saying at least she'd actually get to see the two duke it out in person.
The booming voice from afar only commanded the attention of Dranok's gaze. His stormtroopers cocked their helmets his direction, silently questioning whether or not to fire on the man. "Don't shoot, I value soldiers." He spoke softly, easing the tension in the soldiers. The Emperor's gaze steeled, setting down upon the armored man across the room. Dranok usually kept his uniform on, a set of armorweave underlay beneath his finely pressed uniform. Oh how he wished he would not have to dirty it.

"Who says I haven't earned it?" He laughed, reaching up to scratch the stubble growing on his chin. "Not all Sith show their worth by outright attacking and destroying. A smart Sith is cunning and manipulative." Dranok gave a light chuckle, strolling forward. "I could have manipulated a strong fighter such as Shorn into winning the throne for me, or I may not have." It may look bad in the eyes of the Empire to see the most powerful position in the Empire handed over, but only those true thinkers would see it. "If I followed the first option, I would be rewarding Shorn by erecting his temples. On the other hand, I could be indebted to him."

"I'll let you be the one to decide which."

@[member="Jacen Cavill"] @[member="Marcus Faust"] @[member="Mikhail Shorn"]
Marcus looked to @[member="Kiyala Demont"] momentarily, so this was the red-haired woman's apprentice/servant/whateverthehellsheistoher, he thought about saying something in reply, but held his tongue, it would've been pointless to argue. Instead he turned back to @[member="Dranok Lussk"] and listened to him intently as he addressed @[member="Jacen Cavill"]. He agreed with the Emperor on the subject of soldiers, they were valuable in his eyes, and he took care of his men.

However he did agree with Cavill slightly, the Sith were to be cunning and manipulative, yes, but strength and power were the traits that were prevailing in any respectable Sith. Dranok should've fought Tyrin for the throne, not @[member="Mikhail Shorn"], but he had, and now it was over. He saw no reason to cause more internal strife when they were on the verge of crushing the Mandalorians once and for all.

Lord Ghoul

"Break a throne, who? Me?" Mikhail winked at @[member="Marcus Faust"]. He didn't know the Sith. And he didn't care to. Sith were a nuisance to him. Hated them, actually. At every turn, they never ceased to do him wrong, disappoint him, and ultimately push him further down his dark path that he tread all too knowingly. It wasn't as if he wanted to. What seemed like an age ago he'd come to the Sith, a fugitive, seeking answers to his strange powers. Instead of helping him they'd jammed the Dark Side down his throat and thrown him into a concentrative "training" camp straight from the plains of Chaos. He barely survived.

So no, he did not like Sith very much, or care to learn the names of every abominably ambitious knight who crossed his path.

A door opened and Shorn's pale eyes turned to fall upon @[member="Dranok Lussk"], who was sensibly flanked by a pair of stormtroopers. Of course, if a fight did break out, they would die pretty much instantaneously. Pretty cruel of Dranok to bring them, knowing they would be cannon fodder, but then Dranok was a Sith. And so was Shorn. The raven-haired, deified Sith Lord arched an eyebrow at Dranok's choice of words. "So it is "my" Empire then... I see how it is," he thought. Mikhail opened his mouth to reply when a voice suddenly boomed from the shadows. Damnit Jacen. Why did he always have to do that?

The Thronebreaker narrowed his eyes on Darth Kryptus, @[member="Jacen Cavill"], his as yet abeyant ally. He opened his mouth again, but this time the interruption came from @[member="Kiyala Demont"]. Shorn cocked his head.

"So you're overseeing the project... interesting. No, I haven't had a chance to see any of it," he smiled murder at Jacen and Dranok in turn, "yet. I guess I know who to blame now if things don't live up to my vividly imaginative expectations."

Ice blue eyes fell on Cavill once more, then quickly shifted to Dranok, narrowing at the retort. A crackling tension suddenly filled the air as Shorn's aura expanded, filling the room as he drew in the Dark Side. His power was... oppressive.

"I decide," the Thronebreaker's words echoed around the walls, raw power in his voice. "You don't have to listen to him, Jacen. You listen to me. Both of you listen to me. Now, we all know why Dranok's here; we all know why I am here, but what in the nine hells do you want, Kryptus?"
Cavill sat in the throne he had long desired, and realized just how ridiculously uncomfortable it was. Whoever in the feth decided to have a stone and marble throne with zero cushion in it is an idiot. Must have been that fat one, his rolls must have protected his spine from this un-ergonomical piece of bantha poodoo. Jacen watched as Kiyala Demont spoke of appeasing @[member="Mikhail Shorn"], and he could help but audibly chuckle out loud at that. "Oh good, yes, lets not stroke his ego even more than it needs. Why don't you bring him a trophy too if you're going to talk to him like that @[member="Kiyala Demont"] as well." Then the "Emperor" spoke, and he could feel the apprehension from the Storm Troopers behind him. Their unease was stinking the air up, and he could feel all the eyes on him for sitting in their "leader's" seat of power. Was it a little ballsy? Feth yes it was, and Jacen Cavill would have it no other way.

"You're trying to imply you manipulated a man who has absolutely no rhyme or reason for anything he does. He just wants to watch the galaxy burn, and play kingmaker and thronebreaker along the way @[member="Dranok Lussk"]. You are benefiting from his whims, and I've yet to see anything from you that makes me want to follow you into battle." Jacen stood, the catch in his thick back finally going away as he got away to loosen up. Yellow eyes fell on @[member="Marcus Faust"], and he hoped the man would stay out of the way of what was about to take place. Taking a few steps forward down the stairs to draw even with the Empire, he kept a healthy distance. The light reflected off his lightsaber hilt against the dark armor, and everything in him itched for combat. "If they fire, I will kill all of them and we will fight in earnest for that pitiful seat behind me. Just please don't you dare try and imply that you manipulated a psycho to do your bidding, or talk to me about the merits of a Sith." An armored hand raised up, and he clenched his fist.

"True power is destroying your enemy with your own hands or your weapon in single combat, not leading from the rear. Learn that lesson, and show the galaxy and others like myself why we should take you seriously." Cavill looked at a portrait of Voracitos while pointing at it. "There's a reason he made me his Champion, because he knew that raw power would impress those across the galaxy and scare the other nations."

Then Shorn tried to play alpha dog, and Jacen wouldn't let that fly with him. Quickly closing the distance, he let his power fill the hall as well. Death and destruction were written on his face, and he wanted nothing more than to rip the head from Mikhail's body as he stood only a few centimeters away from Shorn.

"I. Don't. Think. So."

His voice boomed through the hall, and his face contorted into a snarl as he glared down at the shorter man. "I came here because I want tools, weapons, and most of all I want some position of worth in here without chains to hold me back." Jacen kept his eyes locked on Mikhail's icy blue's, and never backed down from the man who he had battled on Coruscant against. "Now, if you want to continue to have this pissing contest. I'll gladly go round three with you here a few miles away....after I throw you that far."
Kiyala felt the sheer disinterest and slight disappointment from @[member="Jacen Cavill"] but in truth it affected her little. She didn't know the full story but various rumors of how he attained such power through submitting to the dark side. He'd never be as strong as one who truly controlled the darkness within them. However, he shown intelligence within it to remain a relative anonymity amongst the galaxy which she couldn't help applaud him for.

"Not everyone walks the same path that you do Ex - Champion. I have not received training from those among the top tier as those who stand here do. Every shred of power I possess came from within long before I had any semblance of training. " She paused for a moment as she realized the one called @[member="Marcus Faust"] completely ignored her. She felt her inner fire well up almost choking her for a moment but she crushed it as quickly as it rose.

She was her own master and therefore wouldn't lock her own chains upon herself. Kiyala allowed her eyes to fall on @[member="Mikhail Shorn"] while still addressing Jacen. "Do you think I fear anyone here. Anyone here harboring fears is for lack of a better word stupid. I am not stupid however to think at this moment that I could survive an altercation between the three of you. However, one things I have that many of your opponents didn't is a lack of fear from death. I know my day of transcendence is coming when I will take my place as a Goddess."

She paused knowing one amongst them would have a smart retort. The men here greatly doubted the power a woman could possess thinking this to be a man's galaxy. Oh how wrong they were, she had foreseen it already in fact when it came to her own transcendence. "I would merely like to point out that while were at each others necks our true enemies are slowly regaining their strengths. The Mandalorians could have been under our boot as well as the Republic if we could stop with the constant infighting." Kiyala finished not really caring how any would feel about her words.

"By the way, it's pretty cool that you can fly.[color]" She said as her interest in the technique betrayed itself.
His seating upon the throne brought mirth to his eyes. "Oh Jacen Cavill, you come here with requests of weapons and authority." A wolfish smile revealed itself. "I have not heard you ask nor say please." His hands remained by his right, the right one curling up. One of the stormtroopers saw this and inclined his head a fraction. "I am willing to give you everything you need."

The Emperor rather liked this man and it saddened him to have him resort to such hostility. The two had met on one occasion back when they were on Rattatak, back during his days as a headmaster of the academy. They'd met on lighter terms during that period of time and had actually shared a quite pleasant conversation regarding Darth Voractios. Now he came back here declaring that Voracitos was weak, yet still serving under him as the Champion. Now that the Empire had a strong leader with an actual backbone, he wanted nothing to do with Dranok.

"Just ask and you shall receive..."

Lord Ghoul

Calmly, Mikhail moved a hand up to his face and slowly wiped away the spittle from Jacen's tantrum. "Gross." Shorn had used the invasion of personal space so many times to unsettle others that someone else invading his seemed like a copyright infringement.

He gave a sidelong glance at @[member="Kiyala Demont"]. "The Mandos are on their last legs. And if you aren't afraid of anyone here, you're an idiot."

Mikhail moved past Jacen and walked toward the throne, pointing to a portrait of Ashin as he walked. "Interesting story you have, Jacen, because I was her champion. And we all know who would win that fight." Mikhail turned around once he stood near Dranok, who seemed by far the more stable of allies, and stared hard at Jacen while Dranok spoke.

Shorn pointed at Dranok after the Emperor finished. "What he said."
@[member="Dranok Lussk"] @[member="Kiyala Demont"] @[member="Dranok Lussk"] @[member="Marcus Faust"]

Cavill gave a side long glance at Kiyala, and couldn't help but agree. "If you aren't afraid, you should be." The man he was standing toe to toe with walked off to stand with Lussk, leaving him alone. There was no need to bring up the collateral damage they had caused on Coruscant from their friendly little brawl. So instead he let his aura fade down a bit, and his eyes returned to their normal azure color as he turned to face all those before him.

"You want me to ask? How about you just give me these things, and I can make the galaxy fear what you're doing Dranok. Let me be your Champion if you will, and I"ll make sure and murder twice as many as I did for Voracitos."
The man's outburst had resulted in a snarling Shorn, of which had nothing more to say on the matter at hand. Judging from the way he dismissed Cavill and moved to his side, no doubt granting him an ally. Dranok sighed, the more support, the better. He didn't even have to work for anything. Things had already been set in motion, all he had to do now was work the strings he'd attached to his puppets. Real strength never lied in the muscles, though it was very useful. The true power laid in ones mind and soul, the will of the strongest, the brain of the smartest, and the most cunning of the Sith.

Almost in movement with his imaginary strings, Jacen stepped down from the mantle to tromp over towards Dranok. His words were different, how could a powerful man such as Cavill change gears in the matter of a few moments from hating the Emperor to wanting to become his servant in arms. Something was obviously askew in the ideals floating about the atmosphere. "Cavill, you intrigue me. Why have you shifted your mindset to support me and ask for things? Indeed I told to ask, but there is a price."

"What are you willing to offer?"

@[member="Jacen Cavill"] @[member="Mikhail Shorn"] @[member="Kiyala Demont"]

Nisha Decrilla

Sat up on one of the roof supports, Anaya had concealed her force signature in the force. She watched the game beneath her with a little smirk. So she was no longer part of the Empire, but she had played her part in its growth, and she would play her part in its destruction, given time. She rolled her eyes slowly becoming bored with the entire situation. She made a noise of disgust, dropping from the rafters to land lightly between the men.

"Really Dranok? You ask him why? Are you really that stupid?" Why would anyone offer support, the answer was simple. Because they believed they could gain something from it, or because they wanted the glory and would ultimately drive a knife into someone's back. She moved round the room, inspecting her nails. "Don't get me wrong, the titan would be a valuable asset, but he would also be your worst nightmare if he changed his mind. As for this one," she said stopping behind Mikhail "he's going to be your permanent pain in the backside, no matter what you do."

She carried on her walk. "For the record, I don't want anything. I'm just here to watch you frak up just like everyone else has. Learning from other peoples mistakes is my favourite thing to do." She slipped into the throne now, swing her legs round so they were dangling over the arm, she grinned. "By the way Mikhail, Jacen my dear sweet children. You owe me a rather large sum of credits. The bills are in the post." She waved her hand at the rest of them "Carry on."
@[member="Anaya Fen"] @[member="Mikhail Shorn"] @[member="Dranok Lussk"] @[member="Kiyala Demont"] @[member="Marcus Faust"]

He stood there and just looked at the Emperor for a moment, what do I offer? That was quite the loaded question, and if he didn't answer it properly he'd reveal way too much about himself. What Tyrin had known didn't need to be common knowledge. "Let's just say I provide a great deal of things that you will never be aware of. Your predecessor and I worked out quite the fortuitous deal for your little government here." Cavill walked around a bit, eyeing everyone's portraits on the walls. His eyes rested on Darth Moridin's for a moment, and he for a moment longed to have leader such as that in charge again. Dranok will have to do for my plans I suppose, he mused before peeling his eyes from the tapestry. "How about I offer you this Lussk, either let me do what I'm good at and watch the path of destruction I can unleash by myself on your foes. Reap all the rewards of my power, and have the galaxy fear you and your agents of evil."

Jacen turned, and crossed his thick arms across his chest. "Or you can face me when I come barreling through whatever obstacle you put in front of me and get a different view as I come to kill you."

Anaya came in, and Darth Kryptus did the usual once over he always gave her. Battle scars and all, she was still quite the intriguing woman in his eyes. Past treacheries aside, he still respected her. "Apologies, didn't realize I wrecked some of your property. I'll get right on that, dinner after?"
Lucien stepped into the throne room he opted to say nothing for a time just watched His eyes scanning the room.He was the outsider here however he did have quite strong connections to two of the great players. He took a few measured steps forward his shoes clicking on the throne room floor. He had not seen the throne room in a great many years and it shamed him to see that they had gone from Ashin Varanin councourer of lord knows how many people to a man given the throne on a platter, To add further insult to injury the man who was currently playing at emperor was his greatest mistake Dranok Lussk.
"Admiral it has been too long" He said arrogance clearly present in his voice "I would kneel to you but I fear I do not have the energy" He turned his head to his former master and the one man he felt he was indebted to "My Lord has my student built your temples or has the throne made him think he is above payment?" He smiled. He had chosen his words carefully Lussk had not been his student for many years but he was taking any available opportunity to belittle the emperor.

Lucien had come with two aims to see Mikhail's temples and to belittle Dranok Lussk . Lussk was a wound to Luciens pride and no matter what Lucien did the wound did not heal. Belittling his student helped numb the pain temporarily.
@[member="Anaya Fen"] @[member="Jacen Cavill"] @[member="Lucien Cordel"]

It was a wonder so many exiles had entered his throne room, quite illogical considering their loyalties lie elsewhere than the likes of his Empire. @[member="Mikhail Shorn"] came and went as he pleased, it was what he was good at, slipping back and forth and Dranok cared not what he was up to. Eyes were always watching, his agents, so he had nothing to fear when it came to plotting. However, the one that had dropped from the rafters spoke nothing more than retorts. The venom lacing her words brought sparks to his internal fire, however a cold anger it was. His blood iced and his gazed steeled, nothing more than disrespect. Pure bark and no bite. Offering no reply nor notion of observation, he cast her entire presence aside.

Jacen Cavill, the man with a plan, and other things, now had his attention. A powerful ally as well as an equally strong enemy. Plotting and subtlety didn't seem to be his forte, yet there was always more than met the eye. "Cavill, I gladly appreciate your offer of services." The Emperor's eyes sparkled with mirth. "I do so hope we can be the best of friends." Friends? Feth no. Allies? Maybe. "The Empire's may gather your supplies for whichever endeavor you undertake. I do expect to be informed of such violent actions such as those on Coruscant. It's not that I hate seeing those pathetic fools die, I'd just like to send even more aid." A tight smile displayed.

And then it disappeared. @[member="Lucien Cordel"], his former master entered the room with nothing more than what Fen had spoken of earlier. More retorts with nothing to back them. It wasn't as if he was in this Empire anymore, how he got to the middle of Sith space, on its capital was a wonder. The Emperor knew him when he was a Fringe Lord, Cordel surely was still in their service as well. If he came for verbal abuse, then that's what he got. "Mr. Cordel, a pleasure of you to join us. Care to join me for dinner sometime? I can assure you that your poison allergy will be kept in mind by my chefs."

He offered a polite smile to Cordel, quickly disregarding his presence. "Now, I'd like some peace and quiet. If you, Champion, shall go fulfill your needs, you may assume your position immediately. Everyone else, leave. I'd like to discuss business with Shorn."
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Garoth, the self-proclaimed King of Korriban, slipped out of the shadows and walked up towards his Emperor. It was funny how so many interesting individuals had chosen to gather in this place , this night. He laughed softly.

"Well it seems I am late for this wonderful party. Excuse me for my insolence, I was busy being crowned King of Korriban. You know how it goes."

He nodded towards @[member="TJ-1467 Jay"] and then bowed before Dranok Lussk.

"Your excellency, I am here to express my gratitude and give you my unwavering loyalty."


Nisha Decrilla

Anaya couldn't help but chuckle at the way Dranok looked at her. How upsetting it must be for him to find an exile wandering through Empire territory as if she had never been banished in the first place. She was no longer bound to anyone. Oh, she had ties in the Fringe, but truly, no one controlled her now, which meant that she took great pleasure in simply dropping in, and she had learnt some time ago how to fade into the background and no be noticed. She blew the Emperor a kiss, adding to the insult of her lazing on his throne.

Jacen's offer made her smirk and she glanced over at the titan. "Maybe, depends on what mood I'm in. If you're lucky, I might not poison you."

Anaya rolled her eyes at Dranok he ordered them out as if he owned everyone here. "You do not command me, Dranok. I'm not part of this Empire, and I could break you without thinking, so how about you try that again without making it sound like you're giving me an order. If you're lucky, I might consider it." She rose from the throne and approached him "I wouldn't count on it though. I'm in a 'screw with everyone's plan' mood seeing as these two fools messed up mine with their little tussle on Coruscant."

She looked down at the kneeling sith and snorted. "No one's loyalty is unwavering."

@Garoth Do'Urden @[member="Dranok Lussk"] @[member="Jacen Cavill"]

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