Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Brother and Sister, Da Future! (Invite Only Since Private seems to have vanishimoed.)

It had been a year since he had met his sister, though he seldom ever got to know here or many people that his Father affiliated himself with. He had grown up to be independent on himself, not really getting much of a childhood. His room defined this perfectly, rummage and garbage had piled up in it, he had no posters of cars or silly adolescent dreams like that. No he didn't know how to relate to the your of today. But he supposed his sister was a good place to start learning.

He had invited her to his room, cleaning it up and tidying it around here and there, hiding his dirty clothes under the bed and other things he read that kids done when reading about them in books. Though that was all he could do, the rest of the time he was setting up, cleaning his normal attire and dressing himself in what he felt most comfortable in. Even taking the time to clean his eye-patch of the gruel and grime that had been building up over the years.

Okay Calvin. Calm down, she is your sister. She isn't some big bad man, she is just a normal girl. She can help us, teach us what it is like to be a kid. these thoughts rummaged through his mind as he tried to pace his breathing, it was a nervous experience, a first for him since he had only ever really interacted with adults when they needed him to do something.
[member="Brooklyn Justice"]
Brook knocks on the door wondering what had caused this sudden invite from calvin. He had always seemed quiet to her but they shared a special connection especially their ESP. This was great because they could communicate back and forth. It did chafe her that he was taller than her though.

[member="Calvin Justice"]
Oh no, please no not yet. I'm to young to die of a heart attack. Calvin thought to himself as his heart pounded more and more ferociously, but for a brief second he closed his eye taking a hardy breath as he pulled himself up, his heart racing as he took a few steps to the door.

His eye focused at the doorknob, it was strange for something so small to be such a daunting thing for him to gaze at. Though in an instant he pulled his arm along, gripping his fingers around the knob and slowly pulling it open, his eye flustered as he moved out of the way, his free arm motioning to let her in as if he was some sort of butler. "Please... come in." he said aloud, holding back a scream as he looked at the floor.
[member="Brooklyn Justice"]
Brook steps through the door and surveys the room. It was about as she thought it would be. She then turned to her brother and looked him over. He was of petite build same as her but his personality was hardened through his life on the streets. She thought to herself I can't believe it's been a year. It doesn't seem like that long. She then turned back to Calvin

"So what can I do for you?" She asks as she comes forward and wraps her arms around him

[member="Calvin Justice"]
Calvin looked up to see his sister, the resemblance was similar, though with time it seemed that they had grown more apart in the facial department. Time had wished her well while time had done nothing more then kick him out of its abode and feed him to the dogs. This is gonna be... an experience. Thought Calvin to himself as he took a breath.

His hand made erratic motions as if trying to help him move along his sentence, "Look. I thought that since we are brother and sister... that we could." he paused for a second, his eye squinting as he moved his hair out of his face. "Do Brother and sister... things together?" he slowly forced out as he looked at her quizzically.
[member="Brooklyn Justice"]
Calvin was stumped, he thought she would know, Crap! This has backfired this has backfired! screamed in his mind as he looked around the room hoping for answers but finding none. "Uhhh..." he paused as he looked to his sister, his mouth having trouble to find the words he needed. It would have been stabbing in the dark something Calvin did not intend on doing.

"Look. To be frank I was hoping you would know." he forced out as he looked down, utterly defeated by his sisters question. A bead of sweat ran down his face and landed to the ground with a silent thud. His hands crossed each other as he looked her in the face with a nervous smile.
[member="Brooklyn Justice"].
"Hey It's Ok." She says once again wrapping her arms around him "By the way I can hear your thoughts and I understand this is hard for you and want you to know I am here for you anytime." She says and then smiles up at him

[member="Calvin Justice"]
Well, it was good she could hear him, but he could only feel when she was in trouble. It seemed that for getting a bit taller, he had a bit of a drawback and could only sense her feelings. Not read her thoughts. "Ya know, if ya can read my thoughts then maybe you should have come prepared with something." his lips turning sour as he raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry... I uh... I don't really talk to people." he muttered underneath his breath, his lips curling as he looked back down a bit sad that he had been rude towards his sister. "But come on. Do you at least know what kids do? We could do that?" he inquired as he looked around, his room was not a shining example of what kids do, it had cookery and a way to clean his clothing on his own, though he seldom used that.
[member="Brooklyn Justice"]
"Is it?" he continued his inquiry, back where he came from it was constantly muggy with the smoke and steam that came from the backwater planet. "Well. If you think so." he retorted he never really had gone for a swim before. The closest that ever came to that was the seldom baths he had in river.

"Do we even have a pool anywhere nearby?" he asked as he moved into his wardrobe, looking to see that since he hadn't ever gone to a pool or beach, that he completly lacked the appropriate attire. Though he figured he would simply go in what he had already on.
[member="Brooklyn Justice"]
"Yeah but first we should probably take you shopping." She says grabbing his hand and pulling him out the door before running into her room and grabbing her bikini and coming back

[member="Calvin Justice"]
"Whats sho-" he said before he was pulled by Brooklyn to her room. What the hell is shopping! he thought to himself, not doubting that Brooklyn could hear his thoughts, though he wondered if there was a distance or had she heard all his thoughts his entire life.

He had no money with him to purchase anything, he had always said no when his dad tried to offer him any. he hadn't had much need for it, the pantry had the food he needed to feed himself and his clothes were comfortable enough.
[member="Brooklyn Justice"]
"I've got you bro." She says pulling him out to her speeder before jumping in herself and starting the engine and flooring it taking him to the mall. She then pulled him inside making him try on clothes she thought would look good on him

[member="Calvin Justice"]
"Wo slow down. Why am I trying on clothing. I like what I have. There comfortable." he said as the first set of clothes were offered to him, he lived on the bare necessities his entire life and now being offered frivolities was something that stunned him.

He looked around the mall, there were lots of people with families around, they had large bags with frivolities filing up the brims, a though that slightly irked Calvin. "And why are there so many people around here. With bags filled with what looks like idle playthings." he scoffed as his eye furrowed, "Don't they have cooking and cleaning to do." he said a little disheartened as he looked around.
[member="Brooklyn Justice"]
"But I like what I have." he retorted, he didn't see a need to get new clothes just for going somewhere once. If he was getting something he needed it to be permanent. He looked around to the clothing, nothing really seemed practical, it covered barely any skin and the prices were enormous. Most definitely the ones with names on them.

"Besides. I personally don't like people..." he drifted of for a second, he hadn't grown ashamed of what he had done to his body he just knew the looks people gave him, "Looking at me. And these clothing seems to just want to draw all the attention." he said as he looked at his clothing, they were the best thing he had, and the closest he had to a formal dress code.
[member="Brooklyn Justice"]
Well, if that is what she wanted then sure. He was uncomfortable with the frivolities that surrounded him, he had grown up in his own little bubble of necessities and all this was strange to him to see. "Please?" he said in response, he didn't anticipate going out would be such a hassle.

He followed his sister compliantly, it seemed he had gotten on her nerves a bit and really showed him that he existed in his own wold, he had grown up with hard work, no play, no school any day and to adjust to such a life would be a difficult challenge for him to overcome.
[member="Brooklyn Justice"]

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