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Bringing children into arguments


Well-Known Member

That being said, in the past hour I have been in a HUGE argument. Originally it began with my fiance telling her adopted brother (close close friend she calls family) she hoped he would be ok and to calm down, as on fb he made some dark posts involving hurting others. Next thing we know she is being jumped by a woman and her son who feel the man should "grow up" despite just losing his son to CPS, as well as it being his sons bday today. I stepped into defend her, did not use any real form of insult, simply used respectful logic and laughing as an offence. Next thing I know the girl who started it sent my fiance a message calling her a whore and mentioning CPS taking my kid away!

Admittedly, I lost it. I mentioned her, her kid, her family, her intelligence...pretty much the only thing I didn't insult was her cat. Am I wrong? I want honest opinions. Seriously am I wrong?

Also, please no one none of that bs I get when I make threads. I'm already angry, I just want those I've begun to call friends to tell me I'm wrong. I feel like I am.

(Ps. Her kids aee all older then myself (20+) and my son is 5 months)
I don't see anything wrong with what you did. You defended what you though was right. Now whether someone else has the same opinion or a completely different one, you stood by what you believed in. Nothing wrong there.
If it were me, I wouldn't have stepped in the argument in this first place. If my friends need my help, they know they can call upon me, but my presence and actions/words may make it worse even if I'm just trying to help.
Generally the first feeling you have in this situation is the right thing for what you want. Then you just have to consider if its the right thing for the other's, like you are here. The brain over just the heart as it were.

For me, Defending and protecting those you care about is almost never wrong. If someone is emotionally unstable though you'll get hit with it, when you enter into it. Sometimes that is a physical fight, sometimes it's this kind of situation.

So yes you were brave. Intent though is everything, think about what the end goal is and keep that in mind, whether you reason with someone or take a more direct route. I know you don't know me but I hope that helps, keeping the result in mind, what you are trying to do. Especially when you get those bursts of anger to follow up, which is just really intensity when applied right.


Nah, you're good man. You obviously haven't seen New York, especially on the island.
She shouldn't have degraded herself to that level, so you're just defending your ground from dim-witted verbal attack.
Does that make any sense? No? Well too bad it's 2 in the morning and I just woke up for a bit lmao.
You're a lot better than me. It's facebook. Up until the point where someone gets bold and makes a real threat, it's all full of immature BS and drama. I'd have done the same, only I go in, I'm not sparing lol. Hope that makes ya feel better about it.

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