Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Boxing Buddy, Fisting Friend, Punching Pal


Furred Fister, Brown Boxer
Greetings everyone! I'm wanting to progress Raachwaroo's story a little bit and I was wondering if anyone who was good at unarmed combat could come teach him how to fight. He has a little Astromech to translate his Shyriiwook dialect. Though force users could jump over that instantly.

I look forward to it guys! I'm not looking for a bunch of masters but I could easily learn from a handful if this gets more attention then I'm expecting.


Came in like a wrecking maul
totally went to a bad place at fisting friend

but if you want to go boxing, this puncing matukai will go for it and show off her mando shockwave fists for knocking down buildings


Furred Fister, Brown Boxer
[member="Saki"] [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] you ladies and your dirty thoughts

[member="Saki"] [member="Sheva Visari"] Sounds good ladies, just as long as no white knights assault me for hitting a lady haha. Jokes aside yeah I'm game, drinks for all and throw down galore.

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