Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bottoms Up! (Open/Anja)

[member="Amnell de Portiers"], [member="Mikkel Markov"], [member="Vassara Raxis"], [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

Cthulhu had not arisen yet. However, an HRD entered the bar, and that was just a couple levels below! False bravado and bad puns aside, it was in this moment, as the bar suddenly become a hell of a lot more crowded, that Caerys Argente stepped in. Maybe just after the hidden sniper began firing off rounds.

One sniper, one dead barkeep, one Cthulhu High Priestess who was apparently a kidnapper now, cops and one girl caught in the middle. As usual organics were acting randomly without rhyme or rhythm to their actions, but then they were inherently illogical. Normally Caerys would have regarded the scene with dispassionate disinterest and indifference. Much like a scientist would observe the social habits of insects or monkeys. Or just mete out dispassionate violence if she saw a reason to. However, the girl in question happened to be Amnell de Portiers. It would be inaccurate to say that Caerys cared for her because, truth be told, the droid was incapable of that. However, the machine had decided a while ago it was her job to take care of her since Amnell could provide her with upgrades and actually struck her as interesting, for an organic.

Ergo the droid was not inclined to let someone kidnap her. Or have her get killed in a random bar fight just because she seemed a massive trouble magnet. Oh, and there was fire, but that did not bother the droid. And so, as Amnell tried to crawl for the exit, she would suddenly find a very strong, yet strangely gentle, hand grip her tight and scoop her up as the droid gently pulled her over her shoulder. Her free hand held an MK1 boltgun. There was also a disruptor holstered and, well, suffice to say she had managed to carry an absurd amount of firepower. "Come with me if you want to live," apparently Caerys had not noticed that this was hardly a choice for Amnell! And so the droid swiftly turned on her heels and carried the trouble magnet out of the bar. Cthulhu may yet rise though and impede her.
Shots flew through the wall and found themselves scattered in every direction as the slugs split after impact. Things were dangerous enough but then the bar had to be on fire, that was where it started to get crazy; of course some might argue that Anja started this. Truthfully, she didn't expect a cantina to be full of hotshot renegades all trying to pull a move. Then she ([member="Keira Ticon"]) showed up. Not that the witch was upset but someone who actually knew her? The galaxy was slowly becoming a small place.

Suddenly it came to her attention that one of the two voices from earlier had begun to charge blindly into the fray with a lightsaber drawn. Does anyone make judgement before they attack anymore? With several others there's no telling who may have been Anja's ally. Another woman--armed to the teeth--had shown up out of nowhere to rescue the Host Lord's target. Needless to say, she didn't have time to deal with the charging bull; summoning the force the Umbaran witch sent out a powerful push in the direction of [member="Vassara Raxis"] in the attempt of thwarting her attack. Assuming it was successful--hopefully--she then turned her attention to the rescuer, grabbing a bottle off the counter she tossed towards [member="Caerys Argente"] with a rather swift movement.

Whoever this was, they seemed to be very strong to carry that much weight on them.
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

Vassara felt a rush of air, and the force push slammed her way. She gritted her teeth, moving her hand upwards palm flat. During the duration of her warning half of it had been a stalling manuever so she could build her force barrier. The energies swirled about in her palm, lancing out and compressing rapidly into an invisible wall.

Still as Anjas fierce push impacted the wall, her feet lost traction on the gritty floor and she slid backwards a foot. She had bought herself time, and now it was Vassaras game. Throwing the bottle had left her slightly open, as the action normally didn't allow you to keep your guard. With the aid of the force she charged forwards, force barrier slightly deteriorated but intact.

Now she released it, throwing the massive invisible barrier against Anja, attempting to topple her. The off hand whirled her sapphire saber in a rythmic circle over head, and then it came down in a vertical strike, aiming for the woman’s shoulder....
Seconds before the bullets punched through the wall of the cantina instinct nudged at the back of Keira's mind, prompting her to step out of the way, sending a wave of the Force in order to redirect the projectiles into the nearest wall. Her only enemy thus far was unseen, attempting to dispatch each of them in turn. Well, each of them aside from [member="Anja Aj'Rou"], which meant that whomever it was had likely allied with the woman, not that it was much of a surprise. From what little she was willing to allow herself to recall, there had been a number of hidden associates aboard that ship in Unknown Space, and it wasn't unlikely that they had followed her for some type of security. So much for this being easy.

Once more she felt along that mental link, projecting her words telepathically into Anja's mind, "What'd you manage to get yourself into this time? I'm not exactly inclined to help you." Of course, she wasn't inclined to really be involved at all, but after the sniper fired on her, she figured that whether she liked it or not, woven into the fabric of this she had become. She wasn't exactly sure what was going on just yet, but from the looks of things another attempted abduction was in progress, something she'd found herself in the middle of previously. This time, however, she intended to stop things before they could escalate.

That's two other lightsabers, so two other sensitives, plus her. That makes it three against one, and that's if I get involved. No more time was allotted to strategize as [member="Vassara Raxis"] struck again, and she was quietly impressed with the other woman's ability. Maybe the problem would be solved just a bit faster than she'd imagined. That wouldn't be an entirely unwanted thing.

Edging herself just a few steps closer to the source of the conflict she spun her saber once, the hum of the weapon droning slowly through the air. Not bothering to add her own attacks and make the lot of it more confusing, she conceded to simple observation, awaiting a reply through the same mental link. Much to her annoyance all there was left to do was wait, and it wasn't something she was entirely satisfied with. The building was apt to begin collapsing the further the fire spread, and there was no time to waste. Why do I always manage to get involved in chit like this?

[member="Tacitanya"], [member="Amnell de Portiers"], [member="Mikkel Markov"], [member="Caerys Argente"]

Amnell de Portiers

The Girl With An Expiration Date
Cthulhu somewhere had to be rising from the underworld. Just had to be. Cause things could not get worse from here. They just could not. And then, a most unexpected development occurred. Caerys.

Amnell let out a scream as the droid grabbed her and lifted her from the floor, for she first feared the worst that some associate of the crazy woman had gotten to her. For she still did not understand why there was any interest in her at all. But the woman had come in the bar and gone straight for her. It made no sense. She was the least interesting person in this bar. That much she was sure of.

The familiar words that she had heard once before from Caerys came as somewhat a relief at this point. She'd already seen her impressive skills in action a few times now. Sullust. Duros. And now here she was like some angel to rescue her. Granted maybe if she had decided on going to the liquor store, buying alcohol and doing the sensible thing of having a drink at home ... This whole mess never would have happened. Still the help was more than welcome as she clung on for dear life.

Bad choices aside... There was still so many problems to deal with and really, Amnell wasn't able to do much to help herself. Her body had already been pushed to the limit of what she could handle with work before she even came to the bar. Then the fall, the shove, her nerves and muscles were overloaded, and pain radiated so much so through every inch of her body that beyond a few steps on her own she wasn't going to get far. Amnell needed rest, medication and a few days of no doubt to recover. That was barring that she even made it out alive.

A small shriek came as she heard the bottle break. As to what damage had been done to Caerys there was no telling. Amnell wasn't brave enough to have a look. No. Tucked in a ball in the HRD's arms seemed soooo much smarter. Never drinking... again. One wondered if the poor girl would end up with a case of PTSD from the events in the bar, never able to stick a toe in one again.

[member="Tacitanya"] | [member="Keira Ticon"] | [member="Vassara Raxis"] | [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] | [member="Mikkel Markov"] | [member="Caerys Argente"]
[member="Amnell de Portiers"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Vassara Raxis"], [member="Anja Aj'Rou"], [member="Mikkel Markov"]

The dramatic barfight continued. Bullets were flying, folks were drawing lightsabres and throwing space magic around. All in all, there was plenty of chaos and the small den was getting terribly crowded with individuals all intent on fighting each other. Amnell was truly a trouble magnet.

As Caerys was turning away and swiftly walking out she registered that someone was throwing something at her. The projectile in question turned out to be a bottle. Problem was that Caerys happened to be an HRD, which, though she was by no means impervious to damage, it took heavy firepower to damage her. The bottle crashed against her right leg and shattered into tiny pieces. Caerys' eyes briefly flashed a bright crimson before resuming their human colour as she registered feeling something that represented a close approximation of what organics called annoyance.

However, she did not cease her stride and simply quickly marched out of the cantina of mayhem, with Amnell still in her strong, yet strangely gentle grip. "You are five minutes overdue for your meds. Take them now," she calmly...dispassionately informed the terrified, pained young woman as she deposited her on the passenger's seat in her speeder, making sure she was safely strapped in since wearing your seatbelt was important if you wanted to drive safely. Very quickly getting in herself she passed the meds over to the woman whilst she fired up the engines. And so the speeder took off into the sky, very quickly gaining in altitude until it had shot up and was flying far away from the cantina of mayhem, until said cantina would disappear from view as far as the two speeder's occupants were concerned, presumably taking them out of this thread.

Mikkel Markov

Exemplar of the Bleeding Sun
Mikkel sighed, frustrated his slugs did not make their target. How many force users were on this bloody planet anyway? Oh well, there’s other ways of making himself useful. Screwing on his suppressor and jumping down from the building, Mikkel ran through the alleys until he reached his third vantage point, a one story building at the end of the street the cantina was on. The authorities were closing in on the burning building, and he needed to do something about that.

First things first though, it looks like someone is leaving the cantina. Mikkel adjusted the scope of his rifle and laid down, tracking the humanoid with his crosshair. As they approached a speeder parked down the street from the cantina, Mikkel fired three shots of armor piercing slugs through the craft's engine.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"] [member="Caerys Argente"] [member="Amnell de Portiers"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Vassara Raxis"]

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