The Red of Sinner
Battle Sister

Name: Bladed Tigers
Designation: Semi - Sentient
Homeworld: Eclipstica
Language: Galactic Basic, can learn other languages (meaning commands)
Average height of adults: 1.5 meter
Skin color: Black
Hair color: White
Breathes: type 1
Strengths: Bladed tigers have a bone that protrudes from their skull used for fighting, and mating rituals, this bone is also capable of blocking a lightsaber. Their fur keeps them well warm, and shielded from the harsh cold storms of the White Gate. The reason the bone poking out of their head is lightsaber block-able is because of the ability the bone has to take the energy from the lightsaber, and transfer it through the rest of their body, in other words, the bones in its body are very conductive. glancing blows can be knocked away, and blocked, but being in a saber lock would melt the bones. It has the limited lightsaber blocking power.
Weaknesses: The Bladed Tiger is very few in numbers, making them rare to find, they are very trusting though despite their ferocious, making them easy to hunt, and kill for their bone blades.
Distinctions: Bone that comes out from their skulls is lightsaber block-able (Meaning you could make a weapon out of it)
Average Lifespan: 50 years
Races: none
Estimated Population: 10,000 rare
Diet: Omnivore, meats, or green growth
Communication: mews, and roars, purring too.
Culture: The Bladed Tiger is a solo hunter, and stalker. They are large felines, and only are seen with another when they are mates. Mates stay together for life, and will continue to do so till either the blood line dies, or one mate dies, and the other must find another. They have a very small birth rate, about 3 kittens a litter. They live for so long though, they normally dont go looking for mates till they are about 30 years into their life span. To the Shadow Dynasty they are a symbol of family, and trusting love.
They are also symbol of being hidden, and silent.
They are reserved as pets to only those given the permits to find them, its considered a great honor to be given the permission to tame one.
Hunting this species is considered highly illegal, will result in life in prison, and a bounty of 500,000 credits alive.
Technology level: None
General behavior: Silent Hunters, these creatures are hardly ever seen to be violent. In fact, they are kind, loving, and caring. Mothers are know to be protective over their young, and Fathers are known to be teach their young how to stalk, and protect themselves. Males that happen to pump into each other, fight with their bladed skulls, till either one submits, or one is killed in battle.
So how does one tame these creatures? By dueling, and making them submitting to defeat. They do this to each other as well, when the fight is over the loser is either killed, ran out of the area, or made a mater. Sometimes they become slave hunters for the winner, bringing them food till they die. Survival of the fittest in a cold waste land.
History: The Shadow King (The original Shadow King) first found these creatures when exploring the White Gate of Eclipstica. He was lost, and nearly frozen to death, when founded by a Bladed Tiger, it challenged him to a duel, when he was able to prove his powess to the animal, it helped him get out of the White Gate. The King would go on to explain his adventure.
Upon this, many people came after them, dwindling their already small population, causing the king to make it a capital punishment. Romeo Sin to this day up holds this law, finding the story awe inspiring, and only gives those he finds truly worthy the right to find one to tame.
The third Shadow King had one, and kept it till it died. The Shadow King stated that it was hi best friend, and they would often sleep, play, and eat together. The King became very sad when they old cat finally died, and did not get another as the bond they shared was too deep to replace.
Notable Player-Characters: None
Intent: To create a very special animal that will be ones best friend if given the honor. To give players a reward when finding favor in the king's eyes. To make a animal that can be hunted for it's skull blade, but also be illegal to do so.