Balaya Praelior Zambrano
Balaya Zambrano, Emperor's Bust
The Blackest Night falls across the sky,
Darkness grows as all life dies,
We crave your hearts and your demise,
By my black hand the dead shall rise.
Something had happened here, Elara stood on the bridge of the ship with her master as the teenager ran a hand along her head. The skin was pale and white from the darkside corruption while she was looking at the rock... There had been life here correct? There had been something on this world? She turned to see her master observing and the large zeltron didn't say a word just continued to watch with purple eyes. From behind her she could hear them, the riders of sector five while the four stepped forward.
Their master had been setting up everything she could, working to ensure her sector had leadership in the face of her fighting for the war effort. Her master's words came out as the girl gave a nod of her head. "Lead the path down, investigate what happened to the world but do not dwell on it, this was a potential world for us to take and it was wiped out. If this is going to become a habit well then we'll have to pick our targets with better value." Elara could feel the smirk on her face mirror her masters.
The pathway heading down towards the planet left mot much, the ships weren't for comfort more for power so she came to the hanger bay. Her master going to one as Elara and several others, her death squad, her battle lord and gearhead. They had been working on plans to construct something on the world and there would be more to it. "Ensure all forces above the planet keep the riff raft out, we do not want the Republic or pirates to bother us." Elara gave a nod while sending the orders out.
Rapid Expansion:
- Company Expansion
- Sithspawn breeding
- Vongforming
- Battle the Foretold prototype
- Battle Circle for combat development
- Rifle Range for weapons
- Construct Shipyards
- Battle Pirates
- Test ships
- Military Base
- Sith Temple
- Darkside Forge
- Exploration Vessel from Farlax Sector
- Recon Vessel from Gratos looking at destruction
- "Escaping" Prisoners from Labor Camp
- Saber construction
- Item Challenges
- Sithspawn Creation