Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Blackest Night (One Sith Dominion of Erida)

The Blackest Night falls across the sky,​
Darkness grows as all life dies,​
We crave your hearts and your demise,​
By my black hand the dead shall rise.​

Something had happened here, Elara stood on the bridge of the ship with her master as the teenager ran a hand along her head. The skin was pale and white from the darkside corruption while she was looking at the rock... There had been life here correct? There had been something on this world? She turned to see her master observing and the large zeltron didn't say a word just continued to watch with purple eyes. From behind her she could hear them, the riders of sector five while the four stepped forward.

Their master had been setting up everything she could, working to ensure her sector had leadership in the face of her fighting for the war effort. Her master's words came out as the girl gave a nod of her head. "Lead the path down, investigate what happened to the world but do not dwell on it, this was a potential world for us to take and it was wiped out. If this is going to become a habit well then we'll have to pick our targets with better value." Elara could feel the smirk on her face mirror her masters.

The pathway heading down towards the planet left mot much, the ships weren't for comfort more for power so she came to the hanger bay. Her master going to one as Elara and several others, her death squad, her battle lord and gearhead. They had been working on plans to construct something on the world and there would be more to it. "Ensure all forces above the planet keep the riff raft out, we do not want the Republic or pirates to bother us." Elara gave a nod while sending the orders out.

Rapid Expansion:
  • Company Expansion
  • Sithspawn breeding
  • Vongforming
  • Battle the Foretold prototype
  • Battle Circle for combat development
  • Rifle Range for weapons
  • Construct Shipyards
  • Battle Pirates
  • Test ships
  • Military Base
  • Sith Temple
  • Darkside Forge
  • Exploration Vessel from Farlax Sector
  • Recon Vessel from Gratos looking at destruction
  • "Escaping" Prisoners from Labor Camp
Anything you want
  • Saber construction
  • Item Challenges
  • Sithspawn Creation

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
High Orbit
Shuttle Craft Peisinoe
The Baroness looked at the datapad that was handed to her, a heavy sigh coming from her lips in the converted shuttle craft. The rear of it had been converted to provide a spacious and comfortable place for the Baroness. Standing at the edges were four members of the Fenrir Guard, while Colonel Mathias III stood before the Baroness, having handed her the datapad. The large Nexu sat by her side, purring with content as the Baroness' fingers ran through its fur softly.

"It has been completely wiped."

Colonel Mathias III spoke up, the datapad showing that the world was completely devoid of life in comparison to the data that the Baroness had from a previous reading. She was a bit disappointed that there wouldn't be a bit of a challenge, though it did make the job of expansion a bit easier. Now all she needed to do was find a nice place to set up Magrath Industries on the world below. Sitting up from the large and ornate silk covered lounge chair, she brushed her hand over her large gown.

"Well then, shall we find a place to land these vessels?"

The Baroness spoke, her shuttle craft at the head of two GR-75 Transports laden with supplies and materials for the company. The pilots marked out the landing zone that the three craft would find themselves. Each of the transports had a small group of Fenrir Guards, while there would also be a few more landing shuttles later to bring in additional members of the Fenrir Guard. For the moment they had all they needed to secure a manageable site for the company.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
The man sat on the ground across from a simple wodden chair as the ships overhead began to lower themselves to the dead world. His cold black eyes watching, waiting and looking for the first signs the gift would given him of the creatures that were coming.

"What do they want Malkav?"

"They want what they can't find and find what they can't want."

"Should we tell them what they don't know?"

"If they want to know what they don't know they wpuld need to know they don't know and that we know what we know. You know?"

"Good point."

[member="Darth Praelior"]
[member="Baroness Magrath"]
Above Erida
Sith Temple Construction
New Lightsaber

Standing on the deck of the warship, her hands clasped behind her, she looked down at the planet through a view port that seemed void of life. She had volunteered her services to rebuilding this world and fortifying it into a strong Sith base of operations. On the heels of back to back victories at Mannan and Sev Tok, the One Sith were in the business of aggressive expansion. However, this planet did not need the war machine to steam roll it, it was theirs and it will remain theirs. Her objective here was to assist in the creation of the Sith Temple and oversee the work output from the slaves that had been brought along for the project. In addition, the time had come for her to build her own lightsaber and put to rest Ryi's lightsaber just as she did to him.

"Darth Venefica," the navigation officer said turning from his seated position at his console to properly address her face to face. "The last of the slaves have been transported down to the planet. However, not all the materials have arrived due to a mishap in shipping. So I've been informed to relay to you that you will need to scour the planet for resources to make up the differences." Keeping her anger in check, she replied, "Notify Nightshade squadron to meet me in the hanger bay and notify the bay commander to have our transport shuttles ready for departure immediately." Without replying, the navigation officer swung back to his console and began typing into the computer. She took one small glance out the view port then headed toward the turbolift.

Her black eyes scanned over the Nightshade squad as they stood in formation. Breaking the silence, Darth Venefica said, "When we reach the planet, I will take a third of you with me to scour for materials while the others will have the work force begin constructing their barracks and yours. If any of the labourers get out of line, punish them but do not kill them and when I return I'll deal with them personally."
Location: Above orbit on Erida
Assistance: Always open for some, share the wealth
Possible Objectives:
  • Explore the ruins
  • Obtain materials to construct a lightsaber
  • Establish a personal living quarters
  • Locate the banking system for any unclosed accounts
  • Locate the security system for technological interests


A small grin formed on the slicer's face as she looked at some of the scans that were now being fed back to the ship's terminal. The planet was uninhabited, but once was. The organic structures of natural beauty were all eliminated, leaving a hollow shell of rock and man-made constructions. There were so many possibilities that Faye ran through her mind. Unless recently, she had spent her entire life as little more than a slicer and squatter. She never owned real estate. She didn't have royal blood, or powerful allies, like many of the other Sith.

This new lifestyle had given her a taste of what she was lacking for the last eighteen years. While she thrived on the chaos that the life of a kid on the streets of Nar Shaddaa may provide, she wanted more. Greed. There was so much on Erida for the taking, but she knew her role. She'd settle for a few credits, a humble abode, and a chance to scour the electronic systems, for any interesting data she'd stumble upon.

With a flick of the wrist, she deactivated the current maps she had been looking at, and instead turned towards the viewport of the ship. If nothing lived on this planet, she had no reason to pack heavy. Standard civilian wear, along with a backpack full of supplies. Slicing gear, a few rations, and communication gear. Even though the planet was barren, she chose to carry her vibroblade along with a blaster slung over her back. That would do. She was uncertain of what she may find among the ruins, but the surprise was what truly excited her.

She would join the next shuttle to leave the ship, among the group were a few bureaucratic-types, along with their personal escorts. Faye felt comfortable without any sort of military escort. The fighting on Sev Tok had provided her with the confidence that she would be able to survive on her own, but still. Faye would not mind the company of others.

The ship had landed on the outskirts of what remained of the capital, Ze City. It was the first to land, but others followed behind it. Faye stepped off, letting the others pass as she smirked, admiring the wind as it whistled through the abandoned buildings. Today would be fun.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.

[member="Faye Terrik"]

Malkav picked up his chair and walked inside the abandoned palace that had once been filled with the living. He took the lightsaber and crown from the ground in front of the throne and sat down. He placed the crown on his head and waited for the people to come meet the king of dust and ashes.
Erida's Surface
1. Obtain Resources
2. Survey Sight For Temple
3. Construct New Lightsaber

Once they reached the surface of the planet, Darth Venefica assigned a small detachment to go with her and left strict orders that the slaves begin construction of both barracks at once. She wanted her soldiers to have the option of not sleeping under the stars but reasonable quarters to rest, for the next few weeks, perhaps months, was going to be extremely busy. It was not that she had some sentimental attachment to her company, but they had sworn fealty to her, following her into any situation she ordered them. But most important, they were always watching her back and on occasion sacrificed their lives for her. It wasn't kindness she was showing to her troops, but letting them know who held the leash. As for the slaves, they were expendable. But a slave that had some sort of comfort to cling to was inclined to be more productive than a slave who was disgruntled.

She stood watching as the rest of her company rounded up the slaves for a couple of passing minutes then turned and headed into the unknown. She had sent a couple of engineers out with orders to set markers on any ground they felt was stable enough to erect the Sith temple. She of course would have the final say on where the temple would be built. So when she was ready to raise the structure, she only needed to examine the markers left by the engineers.

Frustration began to settle over her after two hours of searching. Most of the potential resources were not worthy enough to be used and the ones that showed promise would probably begin to exhibit signs of deterioration far to quickly. "Do not allow frustration to infect you young Sith. Trust in the Dark Side to guide you," the Cathar's words dancing in her head. The Sith Lord was right, she needed to concentrate rather than give into set backs. Sitting on the ground after brushing a spot clean, she closed her eyes and fell into a deep meditation trance allowing the Dark Side to provide the answers for her.

Unsure how long she was sitting there, a vision finally appeared to her. In a cave, not to far from where she sat, was the answer. Rising to her feet, she lead her troops to the cave, and hopefully worthy and usable materials.
Location: Ze City, Erida.
Assistance: Always down for some.
Soon to Encounter: [member="Malkav Nissiku"]
Current Objective: Explore the Ruins.


Faye looked back one last time at the group as she began to make her way into the city. They seemed to all have their own agenda, whether it was their's or the Sith's remained unknown to Faye. Truthfully, she didn't care. The dead don't argue over property. She approached the remnants of a street vendor's shop, where one once sold knick-knacks and some basic needs. The teenager leaned on the counter, inspecting the outdated magazines and then shifted her eyes to the cigarra section. On Nar Shaddaa, a vendor like this would've been difficult to steal from, but here? Was it even considered theft in such a situation? She reached over the counter and picked out a lighter and a pack of cigarras.

Chk. Chk. Click. The lighter still worked, as it ignited the rolled up piece of paper, holding together various dried plants. She tossed the rest of the pack into a side compartment of her light backpack as she continued on. Her eyes focused on the most obvious building, the Palace. It was a tall white tower, which stood out distinctly from the nature-themed design of the rest of the city. Certainly, there was something interesting in it, and she wanted to be the first to see what. The bureaucrats and other pseudo-royal scum would likely gut the place before she had a chance to see it, otherwise.

By the time she had gotten to the front steps of the palace, her cigarra was on it's last breath. Faye flicked it into the withered remnant of what was probably once a beautiful tree, and began her trek up the white marble stairway. She was uncertain of what would await her, if anything. A light push allowed her to open the doorway, a slight anxious feeling ran through her veins as she wondered what would lay on the otherside of the door.

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
Location: Empty Village; Erida​
Allies: Colonel Mathias III​
Objective: Establish Magrath Industries Complex​
The shuttle shook slightly as it cut through the atmosphere, clouds pushing pass the view screen as the landing zone appeared beneaththat was devoid of life, chosen for its size, much like the decimated city on Sev Tok had been chosen. The Baroness allowed a grin that showed her pleasure to grace her lips. Watching as her shuttle slowly dipped from the sky, finding its mark as it came to a gentle shake. With a low hissing, the boarding ramp opened, touching the ground with a slight thud. The first to exit the vessel were her guards, the four Fenrir soldiers stepping out and quickly securing the immediate surrounding of the vessel. Not too far behind came the Colonel, Mathias III stepped down the ramp, moving in a leisurely stroll. The Baroness smoothed her hand over her gown before she looked to the nexu, smiling at the beast as her hand ran along its fur, petting it as the two made their own entrance.

Not too long after she stepped off of her shuttle, was it before her grin began to grow. Her eyes fell upon the two GR-75 Transports, the large and bulky figures touching to the ground of Erida. Soon the life that was on board would begin to repopulate the desolate world. The small contingent of Fenrir Guards that arrived on the shuttles were already set to work by the Colonel. The detachments moving into the small village, clearing the buildings, though it was already apparent that nothing remained alive on the world. Each house they stepped into was empty, as if everyone had merely gotten up and walked away.

The Baroness though was concerned with a more pressing matter, her eyes moving back to the two transports as they opened up to reveal the innards. Large containers waited, sat patiently within the belly of the two beasts. Soon though they would be cracked open, their innards holding all that was required to further the hand of Magrath Industries, and the power of the Magrath Family.
Location: Erida Orbit
Allies: None currently
Objective: establish Krayt shipyards, eventually head to surface

Several ships bearing the logo of Krayt industries dropped out of hyperspace in the Erida system, alongside a sizable escort flotilla. Taeli was standing on the bridge of an Avarice-class bulk cruiser as the lead ship of the escort. Amongst the convoy were several ships carrying the modules, components, and other parts and materials to construct shipyards in the region.

When she heard that Sith forces were deploying to the system to take it in the name of the One Sith, she had done some quick research to find out more about the planet. Apparently, something had happened recently that wiped out all life on the planet, but reports varied on what had been the cause. That had left her immensely curious, but what had gotten her full attention was the large asteroid belt within the system that would be ripe with raw resources for ships.

Making the decision to deploy and expand into the system, she had left immediately with her builders and an escort flotilla of several Elytra-class fast frigates and three Avarice-class bulk cruisers.

"Any activity beyond our forces moving in?" she asked the bridge lieutenant.

"No, Lady Arcanix, no current acitivyt, but we cannot rule out pirates being in the region. The asteroids might contain a base of small band."

"Let's begin a sweep, deploy fighters and move to the inner planet where the rest of our forces are."

"Yes, my Lady."

Turning her attention back to the planet, she could feel something strange, both horrible and fascinating had happened here. She wondered just what exactly was lurking in the shadows that could do something like this.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
[member="Faye Terrik"]

He sat up as the doors opened and raised an eyebrow in response to the young woman who stood in the doorway. He slowly stood and sat the pieces of the royal lightsaber on the throne's armrest. His bright white hapan shirt with ballooned sleaves tucked into his tight grey trousers. His brown calf boots completing the appearance of importance. He spread his arms wide and bowed. The crown on his head catching the light from the large windows.

"Welcome young lady." He said as he stood, "I've been waiting for you."
What have I become? My sweetest friend,
Everyone I know goes away, in the end,
And you could have it all, My Empire of Dirt,
I will let you down, I will make you hurt.
The element of surprise was easily on [member="Malkav Nissiku"] 's side. After reading the initial scans of the planet, Faye had discredited any possibility of life on Erida. But yet, there was a man who did not appear to be part of any of the scouting teams. It was impossible for anyone of the One Sith's mission to have gotten here before her. It was not his presence that brought discomfort to her, though, but rather what he had to say. Expecting?

Instinctively, the young slicer placed her hand on the hilt of her sheathed vibroblade, not provocatively, but merely as a precaution. "What do you mean waiting for me?" Her voice echoed through the lifeless structure, bringing an eerie reminder of the man's unexpected existence. She took a few steps forward, spewing out a second question before properly receiving an answer for the prior; "How did you get here before me?" Her hand moved away from the hilt and instead was crossed across her chest.

She stared at the man, her face emotionless. Faye had no interest in returning the gestures he made, expecting him of no more than another member of the Sith's Empire. A tertiary concept of him being a pirate or salvager lingered in her mind, but there was no such thing in the reports.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
He smiled at the young sithlet and stepped down from the throne of Erida. His black eyes twinkling with delight. His skills at mentalism and illusions were by far his strongest and even a half trained acolyte would equal him in a great many offensive powers out side of those fields but a fighy was far from his intent. No, he had a vision, and as a seer there were few better.

"You are [member="Faye Terrik"], are not you?" He said folding his hands infront of him, "You've come for power? Wealth? I can give you these, for a price."

He stepped closer to stand beside her and pointed back at the throne. The parts of a lightsaber sitting there untouched. "Do we have a deal?"

@Darth Por [member="Baroness Magrath"] [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Darth Arcanix"]

Darth Odium

[member="Darth Praelior"] [member="Baroness Magrath"] [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Faye Terrik"] [member="Darth Arcanix"]

The cold dead grasp of the infinite black let slip the simple GR-75 medium transport. The grey vessel not the same as what had carried him to this place to feed but it was the ship he was known to use. His lifeless obsidian orbs stared out the view port as the ship literally flew itself. His presence as a living wound in the force was something he could not conceal. They would feel him if they tried but what he was prepared to do, why he had come, that was another question entirely.

The ship angled into a low orbit and simply lingered while he drew on the force again...
[member="Darth Odium"] [member="Darth Praelior"] [member="Baroness Magrath"] [member="Malkav Nissiku"] [member="Faye Terrik"] [member="Darth Venefica"]

Taeli stopped cold and paled, even as her ships began moving towards the planet proper to start setting up the newest shipyards for Krayt. An eerie feeling was racing up and down her spine, something felt incredibly off . . . just plain wrong. Twisting her head side to side, she couldn't shake off the feeling, it felt raw and dangerous, like an open wound.

Her eyes flashed around the viewport that showed the stars, and started thinking fast. Something incredibly dangerous had arrived in the system, something that would be quite content to devour everyone here, almost like. . .

'No no no no no no,' she thought as her mind landed on a story she had read from the ancient past that her father had once told her about. Long ago, during the Mandalorian Wars of old, a Jedi general had unleashed a superweapon on Malachor V, killing hundreds of thousands of soldiers in both armies and created something called a Wound in the Force as a result. One symptom of that wound was the creation of a new type of Sith, one that fed upon the life energies of those around them, the most famous being Darth Nihilous.

One such wound had arrived and she couldn't find where it was in the inky depths of space, but it was here for some reason and it scared her to no end. Even as she was gripped by that fear, her ships continued to a high orbit of the planet itself and began to offload construction drones, along with the components of the shipyards she was planning to build.
Location: Cave
1. Explore Cave
2. Build Sith Temple
3. Build New Lightsaber
[member="Darth Arcanix"], [member="Darth Odium"], [member="Malkav Nissiku"], [member="Faye Terrik"]

The cave felt extremely odd, cold and yet welcoming, when she entered leading her small band of soldiers with her. The Force seemed to be absent here, leaving a void in its place and yet, the Dark Side brought her here. For what? The absence of light made it difficult to see but her troopers, one after another, produced torches and lit them casting light driving back the darkness as if it was some sort monster come to engulf them all. There was something here and she aimed to discover what it was.

After walking in cave that wound and coiled like a Dagobah python, the group came to a fork. Left or right? She hated the idea of splitting her force when the unknown was all around them. Finally, in the end, she split her group in half sending one half to the right and she, leading her half, took the left. "Check in every ten minutes and if you discover something that looks important...leave it alone and contact me at once," Darth Venefica said as she headed into the left tunnel.

"Do you know what your are doing? I fear you are leading us to doom. How typical of you," the Bothan voice said to her adding to the already increasing anger Darth Venefica was feeling. She asked to be shown a place rich in materials and the Dark Side had shown her this place. Had the Dark Side made a mistake? "Why would you even think such a thing? I may have not reached my full potential but I know the Dark Side is never wrong," the young Zabrak's voice said. She sighed. The apparition in her head was right but why was she here then?

"ma'am, you need to see this at once," the voice of one of her troopers said through her comlink in her ear. "I'm on my way," the Dagobah Sith said in reply and ran toward the other half of her group.
Elara continued to watch and make sure that the ship didn't crash. They were headed down to the planet and prepared to set up as needed while she looked over some of the other things. The four with them stood more then at the ready, they were prepared for a fight on a lifeless world. No need to rush it she mused there wasn't anything preparing to leave. Then she saw the first signs of it all, there were buildings and structures, there was signs of life... their stuff. Just no people which made her wonder as the ship came down with the ramp opening and the soldiers marched forward. They would be the ones heading towards the site of a new temple as it were and if other wanted to join them then so be it. A few smaller leviathans were in cages to start another breeding ground like on Alderaan and Gallos.
The Wrathful one looked on, her wife, married under the control and direction of Ashin Varanin was here and so she would be as well. Bringing the honor guards to fight as needed. With Sector Five including Rakata Beta it meant there was a great deal of fun to be had. The Fringe was their home, but the Sith provided fresh slaves and bodies more so. didn't mean much to her just more food, more ones to slave over the pits and build for them. That was why there were here bringing some of those slaves to build and help out. She looked upon Shinju who stood with her chainsword on her back and the wailing saber on her hip. Something more dangerous in the darkside was where they were from all the evils that had happened here. "Time to have a little fun." Her tongue flicked over her pointed teeth while she looked and moved off the ship.
Harley had arrived in her new frigate, it was a viper class made by krayt industries, she had called it ludentis. She was here to make sure the local pirates kept their distance, and possibly fire one of these anti matter rounds of just to see what it does to a planet. As she came out hyperspace, she put herself in orbit around the planet, and launched her gunships to help her set up a perimeter. She smiled this was her first command of vessel after helping take mann, know all she needed was a target, any target. Even it was some dumb cave on the equator, that would be good shoot at.

She watched as her crew busy themselves, as she just laid back her chair and her exo gave orders on her behalf. It was good to be sith, and be in charge without lifting a finger.
Discontent with her previous questions going unanswered, she growled out a simple response; "I'm not interested in a deal that I don't know what I'm giving up." She had continued to approach him, and was now only a couple of yards away from him. "So what am I giving and...what exactly are you giving me?" It did not phase her when he knew her name, because she knew that was what he wanted. Likely, he was some other Imperial who had access to the crew listing of the ships. Perhaps a slicer, like her.

Faye remained silent, letting the void of silence dominate over the echos as they faded away in the expansive, empty hallway. Something felt off about the man, besides all of the obvious. The teenager hadn't chosen her desires yet. She walked the galaxy without a meaningful purpose, other than 'having fun'. She envied those who had wealth, but had little interest in it herself. What good was gold and jewels for her Erisian view of the world?

Her eyes squinted as she peered into his black eyes. "You didn't answer my other questions."

[member="Malkav Nissiku"]

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