Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Biting its Own Tail


Tharil Tharil
Daggers. Bayaz's red eyes glowed even in the light of the hallway. The other soldiers and officers began to depart as messages began blaring over the shipwide com in their native tongue indicating that they were jumping to lightspeed soon. Indeed, just beyond the hangar's magnetic shield stars began to to stretch into starlines as they leaped.

"The Alliance has helped liberate ten major sectors of Chiss Space, including Csilla. But those borders have been relatively static since the early days of Csialla's destruction." He shrugged. "The Expansionary Defense Fleet holds at least three others outside of the Alliance's Chiss Protectorate zone." He nodded his head down the hall indicating for her to follow him. "Why? You thinking of picking up a charric? You've missed most of the fighting already."


"I might. After seeing Csilla's destruction and the loss of our fleet there, I thought it was over. I tried, and no one came to help. It's somewhat frustrating to see how well you've been doing where I struggled to even avenge my family."

Thalia frowned deeply. Real annoyance, frustration. She had only been a girl. No one listened to a girl at her age. And with her connection burned out and no other training, who would? The last of House Lore, with no real skill.

"I get the feeling you don't like me, and that's fine. But I thought the fight was over. If I'm not willing to fight now that I know how wrong I am, my family would be sorely disappointed."

Bayaz Bayaz

It was true. The Expansionary Defense Fleet had taken a step back from the conflict in its early days. Too many of their already diminished fleets had been lost at Csilla and for the Chiss to survive, the CEDF needed to live. They had willingly given ground to eliminate political enemies.

"The Alliance staunched the bleeding," he said, justifying his own thoughts as well as giving a soft response to Tharil. "I wasn't here for most of it myself." He shrugged. "But I made a vow to be a part of our second coming." He gestured to a pair of doors. A tram system for the large battlecruiser. Down the tube they went, a long silence building between the two.

"It isn't that I don't like you," he said, sighing frustratedly. "I just don't trust the Ruling Houses. They abandoned the Ascendancy, left good men and women to die at Csilla and left us to die at the hands of the Imperials." His brow furrowed in frustration. "All to keep themselves in power over the Chiss. The Syndicure and the Aristocra are parasites."


"The political game of the Aristocra has always been annoying, to say the least."
Or have, would be more accurate. They weren't something she'd had to deal with since the fall of Csilla and her own House. A sad smile formed her face as she stared out the tram window, mostly to watch the lights that lit up the interior pass by.

"Well, at least one of your hated Ruling Houses is gone. I'm the only survivor of Csilla from House Lore. Everyone else died trying to stop it's destruction. I suppose that means those that remained return to their petty power struggles."

Bayaz Bayaz

Bayaz's mouth dropped open a bit, pain crossing his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry," he stammered, "I didn't know." Shame filled him, but he tried to quickly move on. "They did," he paused, "Those that survived." He shrugged. "You saw the men. You think you're the only Noble the common soldiers have seen hope in?" He grimaced. "There might be peace in the Ascendancy right now, but it teeters on the edge."

The tram came to a stop and the doors hissed open again.


"Just as it always has. The greedier Houses will always try to take advantage of the gap. Mitth, Lore, too many others, they did their best to remove those corrupted houses. But I suppose their exile was just a way for them to return to the limelight with Csilla and the Houses that did stand in their way's destruction." It made sense. It's what she would've done in their position. And yet it still stung to think her families legacy was stained so cruelly.

With a sigh she stepped from the doors. She still kept her head high, though as she glanced back towards Bayaz there was a bitter amusement clear in her gaze.

"I never said I was a noble. House Lore's weaponry development, manufacturing plants, storage, a good portion of that is gone. What remains off world has likely already fell into others hands, if it hasn't already been recovered by our people. A House is no House without assests or even a home."

Bayaz Bayaz

Bayaz grimaced, old prejudice threatening to rear its head again.

"Maybe to you, those things are what make a House. But to many of them it's the name itself." He stepped off the tram. They were on one of the barrack decks now, the one reserved for officers and important personnel or in this case, important visitors.

"Your room is 308." He checked his chrono and shrugged. "We should reach the edge of Ascendancy Space soon. We'll have to jump into the unknown regions first though to skirt the Alliance patrols. Tomorrow we'll be in the Ascendancy again."


"Avoiding the Alliance patrols? Do they not approve of you?" That was an interesting revelation. She flashed him a smile, though. Maybe a teasing smile, hard to say given who they were. She stepped towards the rooms direction, nodding her head. Room 308.

"I'll go get settled in, I suppose. Unless there's something fun to do?"

Bayaz Bayaz

"Its less that they disapprove and more that the Admiral doesn't want to scare the locals."

Bayaz paused, a look of bewilderment on his face.

"Fun? This is a Chiss vessel. Not an Alliance cruiser." He cracked a smile though and waved before stepping back onto the tram and rocketing away.


"Oh I know."

Then she was alone. Tharil wandered about her room, exploring the surfaces. Looking for surveillance devices mostly. She wouldn't blame them for having bugs, she would herself after all. Once she got herself a good look over though she'd plop on the bed. Let out a sigh. The Ascendancy was back in business.

For a little while, she'd let herself smile about it.

Bayaz Bayaz



The Circumspect dropped out of hyperspace over Naporar, its escorts close behind. Tris opened her eyes and looked down at Chiri. It was the girl's first time traveling that new route. Not only that but she had been forced to complete the route faster and with less rest than any normal Sky-Walker would be expected. The young girl was sweating even through her dark uniform, her head back against the navigator's seat panting. Her caretaker was on standby ready with a juice box, a worried look on her face.

"You did well Chiri," Tris said, neglecting to mention that she had been aiding the girl during the later half of the trip. Chiri looked up, a sweaty grin on her face.

Naporar, one of the Chiss's most fortified worlds. With Csilla destroyed much of the military leadership had taken up the world as a de facto home base. It had always been the Expansionary Defense Fleet's world though.

"Mid-Commander Marosk, please send a message to our guests that we have arrived. I will be waiting for them at the shuttle bay."



"- They're waiting for you in the shuttlebay."

Tharil let out a sigh as she glanced over to the com in her room before smiling and nodding. It was time to see what there really was here. So far she felt like there was a true attempt to unite Chiss space, but was it just a few, or many? Were they exaggerating? Was there a catch? So many things to ponder as she sat alone in the room, but at least now she'd be able to get some answers. Not that she deserved any.

She just wanted them, desperately.

Her gaze fell onto a sealed container, one of the few bits she actually did bring for an extended stay, before she bit her lip. "No time like the present."


Anath'ari'lore arrived at the shuttle bay with her head high, red eyes forward, dressed in her mother's uniform. The gold emblazoned white of House Lore, meticulously and thoughtfully taken care of even after all this time. If Tris thought the last survivor of House Lore could make a difference because of her House, there was no reason not to lean in it now.

"Shall we go?"

Tris Tris

Tris, who had left the pomp of Chiss regalia behind once they passed into Chiss space now wore a simple white Admiral's uniform, boots polished to perfection. She cocked a brow at the scion, a smirk tugging at the corners of her mouth.

"Excellent," she said quietly enough so that only they could hear, "You play your role well Anath'ari'lore." Now louder, "Yes, we shall." She turned and entered the transport, her boots clicking on the metal ramp. Inside there was a squad of Warrior commandos sat in jumper seats chatting in one of the Chiss colony languages and Bayaz Bayaz stood waiting for them, now dressed in the blacks of a CEDF Warrior's uniform rather than his Alliance blues. He nodded to Tharil before turning to a holopanel on the wall.

Tris sat behind the pilot in one of the two extra chairs in the cockpit and gestured for Tharil to sit across from her. When Naporar flew into view it was accompanied by a single space station, the silhouette of a Chiss heavy cruiser docked in its shadow. The defense of Naporar was sparse with only two other heavy cruisers maintaining position just outside the standard Hyperspace egress point and a handful of patrol boats cutting through the blackness of space, their constantly shifting red running lights the only indication of a patrol.

"I know it doesn't look like much," Tris said. "We were only left with a handful of vessels as large as the Circumspect. They are out acting as mobile military bases throughout unoccupied Chiss Space. The largest of the Chiss' war assets serve as nothing more than glorified pleasure yachts for those Aristocra and Synidicure members who managed to escape Csilla's destruction, the tools of our salvation reduced to floating Family Homesteads..." Tris refrained from kissing her teeth in frustration but she did cross her arms and tap a finger in annoyance.

Just as they crossed into what would be the heavy cruisers' effective firing range a Peltast destroyer dropped out of hyperspace above them casting them in its shadow. A voice crackled over coms.

"Admiral Tri'sunodo, is that you?" Tris tapped a button on a panel beside her, waving the pilot and co-pilot off from answering.

"It is, Commodore. I assume I'll see you soon?" The man harumphed. He sounded older, maybe a bit tubby.

"Indubitably." Tris' brow pinched and her mouth curled into a frown.



"I figure if I'm here because of my name, I might as well make use of it. I am all that's left of my family, but there is no chance I won't do everything I can to help our people." There was no greater honor, given she'd already given up once. She frowned, though, as Tris did. Something told her that whatever this conversation was, it wasn't anything good.

"I take it the Commondore is why you're friend doesn't trust the Aristocra?"

Tris Tris

"Not just him," Tris muttered, her eyes scanning across the cockpit. The pilots' fists were tightly clenched on their controls, Chiss dedication and composure pulling them through.

"The void left by Thorne's Aristocra was felt across the Ascendancy when Csilla was destroyed. Though they made many of the same mistakes as their predecessors they weren't entirely untrustworthy. These others though..Well." She couldn't go much further without crossing into true insubordination and she was still an officer. "I won't bore you with the details. Suffice to say they have made our job much more difficult."

There was a small retinue of Warriors waiting for them on at the Naporar base. The future of the Chiss was uncertain, but there was hope. The Expansionary Defense Force would grasp it.



"Then we'll deal with them."

After everything the Chiss lost, having any Aristocra willing to hold back or get in the way meant war in Tharil's mind. She had no army, no assets, but she would certainly make sure they wouldn't hold their power for long. Enough Chiss had been enslaved by the Maw and even the Empire.

Not that she had had. A bitter thought, too little too late. But there was no reason to hold back.

"If my name helps, use it. I don't want any Aristocra to hold you back from your mission."

Tris Tris

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