Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bite Me

Lord Ghoul

Have at me and mine:

Hion the Herglic
Dak Canton
Ryan Korr
Warok the Defiler
Unit 843

Things you like. Things that need work. Things that are abysmal (like garhoon Mikhail).

Always like to hear some honest feedback about the characters.

Lord Ghoul

Thanks! Working on bringing him to a more active state and putting older characters like Mikhail on the shelf.
Mikhail Shorn is basically Vampire Diaries fan fiction. Your characters are all OP gimmicks. Your beard sucks. You talk too much. All Shorn does is smirk. Your wookie-spamming offends me. As does the smell of your breath.

Work on it.


Naw, you've improved so much since you were that little twerp on Concord Dawn fighting the Mandalorians beside my glorious ass.

Most, if not all, of your posts always has something that makes me smirk or laugh.

Yer good fun, bruh. :p
I'm fine with all your characters. Though my only problem is Mikhail's avatar / playby. That dude is just ridiculous looking, his face is innately annoying. It's like someone went up to a statue and whisked it to life. He's so cliche pretty boy that he isn't pretty boy. Yah dig? Though that doesn't have anything to do with your character or your writing. I just really find that actors face annoying haha
I don't think we've ever been in a thread together- but (as the mustache-twirling Togorian murderer said) your posts always make me laugh. Hion's great. (Haven't seen to much of many of your other characters) Would be good to see more of the Ewok Warlord though. :D

Also... I've always wondered... How the feth does Hion knit without fingers? :p

Lord Ghoul

Thanks guys and gals!

[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"], I can see how he would be annoying, I'm sure my writing only amplifies that fact. Nobody is supposed to 'like' Mikhail, lol.

Mrrew said:
How the feth does Hion knit without fingers?
Not being a knitting man myself, I have no idea.

Anything I can work on? (Aside from getting Warok more active)

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