Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Big Trouble in Little Hutta

"Well then you only underestimate us. Probably even worse."

It was one of the very few things he didn't liked about [member="Miss Blonde"]. He wasn't one of these zealots saying that being sith made you the strongest being in the galaxy, but he had not only seen, but felt first hand what powers the dark side could give to those that followed it. She had done her best to accept what he was, but she never made the effort to respect it, something he had done towards her profession as head of galaxy spanning network of crime and corruption. While he never tried to make to much out of it, his culture, the sith culture, was very dear to him, it was a part of his identity as much as his love to her.

"You have no idea what this means to me, and honestly right now I think you do not even care."

By now he had lost count of how many of his former apprentices were gone, how often he had passed on his legacy only to see it shattered along the way. [member="Serenity Loveheart"] was the first to reach a level of power and understanding that made her almost truly a sith, and he wouldn't allow her to simply die now that she was so close to becoming the first of those he taught to carry the title of "Darth". The sith lord made a step towards her, a glimpse of anger visible in his eyes, and a shift in his aura becoming apparent. Suddenly it was not only cold, but dark, haunting and clearly not human in nature anymore.

"I have LostLostLost too many already. I will no lose AnotherAnotherAnother one. Not even for YouYouYou."

His words carried an otherworldly echo behind them, and for just a second there was nothing of the man that had fallen in love with Patricia left, only pure darkness. The feet of the Mindeater slowly rose into the air, as the body of the sith was pulled into the air just a slight bit above the ground, while his left rose into the air, just a blink away from unleashing the abyss onto Blondes mind. Then the figure collapsed on the ground, Abyss standing back on the ground again, one knee and one foot keeping him in balance, while the void of darkness faded away again. His mind back in place he stood up again, only to see the video feed of Serenity being confronted with Blonde's droids.

"Your life will always be shielded by our child, no matter if I end up loving or hating you. But her death will be the death of the syndicate as well."

If she thought that he didn't meant what he said then she didn't knew him very well. He had done far crazier things for far less important reasons and came out on top. His apprentice was almost all that was left of his powerbase now that Malachor had fallen. The end of his cities had been avenged by cutting a way through the Resurgent Empire, and so the end of his apprentice would be avenged by cutting his way through Nar Shaddaas underworld.
Fantastic, these freaks again. She said into herself.

"My head? I've got better things to do with it." Withdrawing the light saber once more and igniting it. This was now exactly like their first run in. Inside her head, she kept telling herself that Blonde didn't actually want her dead. The sheer amount of droids currently aiming weapons at her was a sign of that, now she was just being toyed with. Although, being toyed with was better than being six feet under. Looking down to her wrist once more, she spoke.

"Sis, you may want to get off the planet. I'm going to be a while."

"Just don't die while you're doing it.." The group and Carina were now waiting for Serenity at the largest port in Nar Shaddaa, outside of the complex, a group of eerily similar individuals were now circling the palace surrounded by this particle barrier. They didn't even need confirmation, this was the place that she was trapped inside. Their plan now? If, no, when, she gets out, get her in a vehicle and off this planet A.S.A.P.

"See you soon."

It closed. One thing was certain though, she could definitely outrun these two if she wanted to, but that would just prolong the engagement, and a prolonged engagement was, unlike earlier, not something she wanted to involve herself in. No point in doing that anyway, as she dashed immediately for the Red one, moving the blade directly to his center, hoping to pierce through its steel and damage it beyond repair.

While doing this however, should Blue attempt to rush her, she would cancel it immediately and maintain a defensive position.

[member="Darth Abyss"] [member="Miss Blonde]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
If Abyss thought Blonde was going to sit there and cower over his dark omnipotence then he had her dead wrong. She wasn't just going to fight him back over protecting herself but to protect their child, despite all the red flags Abyss was throwing her way she didn't care and she chose to live him regardless of it. Though that didn't mean she couldn't kick his ass with love and respect.

"YOU KNOW NOTHING ABYSS!! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT HORRORS HAVE BEEN ROT UPON MY LIFE BY THE HANDS OF YOUR CULTURE!!" Blonde yelled at the man while he was hulking out with the darkside.

Flexing her own ethereal muscles, she extended out her own wave of force energy against the darkness that was Abyss and his condition. It resembled that of King Cobra extending its hood and barring down on its prey. It wasn't the strongest, and it wasn't as powerful as Abyss in raw power. But it was equally as deadly if not more, that the moment she sank her fangs in you then it was game over. A killer of men wrapped in a small package.

Then Abyss had gained control once more and she didn't waste any time running towards him. Jumping over her desk she slid across forms and other novelty items on its surface. Once back on the ground she pressed herself against the man and had tears in her eyes.

"Shut Up!!" She shouted at him as he gave his little threat about her empire and

"Do you think I don't respect your culture?! You think I look down on you?! Well news flash nerf herder, you killed my parents! You destroyed my homeworld! You and the One Sith killed people I loved!! Our child will never meet their grandparents because of you! Do you see me crying about them to you!? Do you see me holding it over everyone?! No! Because we all have dead people, Atton!" That was something that she had never really shared with him, or anyone for that matter.

A few moments passed and she just held on to him with a few tears falling from her cheeks. It hurt to think Abyss thought she didn't care or respect his past. She may of had some deeply rooted hatred about them but she had gotten over it or at the very least buried it deep down as to not let it effect her. So her next few words were softer and had an emphasis of sadness to them.

"Why am I here then? Why am I having a child with a person who helped end my family? Because I do love you, and I do respect you. But I can't save everyone, Atton. You think I want to kill Serenity? I don't, I really don't. But if I don't then others will suffer for it and there will be chaos and anarchy." Blonde said with a deep sigh afterwards.

Blonde was far stronger than Abyss could ever have been or imagined to be. She had lost her family and her friends at the hands of the Sith. Her home was gone and she had buried so many friends because of them. But she never let that distain show. She never let that hate get to her, and she always made sure logic and professionalism came first. She never operated on emotion and for the first time in a long while she had allowed herself to be happy with Abyss, but she wasn't going to roll over for him due to fear of being alone. She was too much woman for that.

"I love you, I respect you, I respect your culture, and I want you in my life and in our child's life. But you need to decide what's more important to you, your legacy or your family. Because I don't give a damn about my legacy or this place. We're all going to die, Atton. You can either die a man whose family loves him and is happy. Or you can die as an uncaring ghost." Blonde soon after let go of the man and wiped away her tears and nose before moving over to her desk.

"Now go save your legacy, it clearly means more to you than me." Sitting down in her desk feeling a bit down she shooed off Abyss and just hung her head.

Outside things were going much differently and the tone was that of cat and mouse rather than the fight Serenity thought it was going to be.

Red simply stood there and let Serenity's lightsaber ram its way towards his chest. This was due to a certain material his outer plates were made of, and you guessed it right. Cortosis, pure and refined one hundred percent lightsaber shorting Cortosis. So when the blade hit it, it shorted out and began to spark from its hilt. So from this point let's take score of where Serenity stood.

Her lightsaber was gone. She was inside a force null bubble without her powers. She was up against two droids designed to take out force masters and had a complete encyclopedic knowledge on every lightsaber form. She was beginning to be surrounded by War Dogs, and there was still four walls outside with plenty of droid and tanks. Not to mention the starfighters that were on constant patrol overhead.

All that equaled out to, you're @&$#ed.

"Oh yeah, that's right." Red said in a hushed and sinister tone as if compounding all those factors of being @&#$ed into just four words.

With a spin of his blade the droid let out a cackle of mad laughter and started to send targeted blows of razor sharp blades at her in a combination designed to knock her off balance.

From there Blue would rush up her side to take Red's work and strike her down with a stab aimed at her liver in an attempt to bring her down by puncturing an organ that was positively full of blood. Red did want to do a very ceremonious lopping off of her head after all. So hopefully this was a sign that Blonde wasn't joking when she said she was going to kill her.

[member="Darth Abyss"] [member="Serenity Loveheart"]
He had never meant to allow this side of him to show when in the company of [member="Miss Blonde"], the almost feral darkness inside of him was a danger to her, their child and even to himself, but it was already hard to keep it under control when he was calm and relaxed. Stress, strong emotions and the threat of losing what little he had left of his legacy had been enough to awake it, despite his best effort to keep it imprisoned within.

"Others will not suffer when she dies, but I will Patricia. For someone that claims to care little about this, you seem the care quite a lot. Enough to allow this place to stand above me."

Anyone had lost people to the sith, even the sith. But they had also lost people to the jedi, criminals, the first order, any half baked empire remnant and whoever else had been in charge of an army and a fleet. If she thought that her story would really touch him than she was wrong. Sure he wasn't happy that she connected him to the death of those she cared for, but lose and pain was all he had felt in his live as well.

"If you force me to chose between my family and my legacy, then maybe you are not worth being chosen. You could have asked me to tear the galaxy itself apart and I would have done it for you, yet one life is already to much for you to spare because of me."

The words held no anger anymore, only bitterness. For a second the broken, fragile human that lived somewhere deep in the void of his mind shimmered through the yellow of his eyes, a hint of brown inside the twin suns that burned below the mask. Then he turned around, one hand at the hilt of his saber.

"My dedication is with my family, but right now I do not think I have one. Maybe it was my destiny to be nothing but an uncaring ghost."

With that he was swallowed by darkness, this time not waiting inside the room but set on walking outside to make sure that his apprentice survived. Yet before he was gone, he turned around a last time, standing right in the door, his eyes resting on Patricia, the pain in them unseen because of the cloak of darkness that he traveled under.

[member="Serenity Loveheart"]
"Huh?" as the blade shorted out. Well, fantastic. She had nothing else on her. Time for improvisation it seemed, or at the very least, run as far away as possible. Bets were that these things weren't only resistant to lightsabers, but possibly her entire arsenal of capabilities. Instead of engaging any further, she started stepping back, then running backwards as soon as it shorted out. As blue went in for the attack, she tripped on her on feet, causing her to fall backwards, do a semi handstand then flat on her butt.

Gathering her sense one more, the two towered over her, and in no time they would have an even greater advantage. In her mind, she knew the force wouldn't work on them. They were designed to kill her after all, and naturally she just felt... weaker around them. No point in fighting them at this stage.

She got up with one arm gripped on her shoulder and turned to a war dog behind her.

"M-move.." There was no response, just the mechanical humming of a machine. "I... said... MOVE!MOVE!move!" knowing that the abilities she had grown to use would be of no use here, she adapted them. Sedating an organism was not and issue, but mechanical beings were quite the contrary. Her voice had a robotic twist to it and deepened in pitch when she said this, and she looked at the being as a barrier projected itself outwards from her and facing it, in colour it was pure white, the same pigmen her eyes had now drained to. A drop of sweat came across her forehead as she now turned to Red and Blue, ready to use the same ability again.

Let's see if her hypothesis about them was true.

[member="Darth Abyss"] I [member="Miss Blonde"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
"Maybe I just want you to ask me." Blonde said quietly as she leaned back in her chair.

"Maybe I just want you to communicate with me and maybe I'm scared. I'm scared that I'll lose you and be alone again. So rather than threatening me or my organization I just want you to talk to me. So we can at least pretend for five minutes that we're a normal couple whose not just together because of a baby or the fact that we're both lonely." Blonde then met her love's gaze and her own eyes were red and swollen with tears.

Truth of the matter was that she'd let Serenity go for Abyss, she'd have to banish her from Nar Shaddaa and Hutt Space to save face and make sure her empire was still grounded. But she'd do it for him when the obvious solution was to end her life. She loved him to the point where if he just asked her nicely like any normal couple then she'd let her go no questions asked.

So standing up from her seat she slowly walked over to him and placed her head against his chest. Burying her face into his robes she just cried for a bit. It was only in these rare moments around him she ever allowed herself to cry or feel remotely human.

"So just ask me." She said with another sniffle following her words.

Back out in the halls, Red and Blue looked at the kids eyes and then back at each other. Then all of a sudden Red's hands started to shake, they shuttered as his blade started to move towards blue almost uncontrollably.

"NO!! WHAT'S HAPPENING?! WHY AM I DOING THIS?!" Red yelled as his sword continued to move menacingly towards his brother.

"What are you doing to us?" Blue said with some urgency as his sword as well started to gravitate over to Red.

When the swords eventually reached each other's robotic throats, they paused and looked as if they were fighting the programming to kill one another.

"DON'T DO THIS BLUE! I'M SORRY FOR ALL THE THINGS I'VE SAID!" Red shouted aloud as they prepared to skewer each other.

"I am sorry, Blue. I cannot stop." When the tips of the blades now sparking against their metal, they suddenly paused.

With the two of them now at the edge of their swords, they stopped and then doubled over in laughter. Red's signature crazed laugh shined through and after a good few seconds of chuckles they looked at Serenity.

"Yeah that doesn't work on us. Or any droid for that matter, in fact I think it's kind of racist to assume so." Red said as he looked over to blue to get his opinion.

"Very racist." Blue said in his normal calm demeanor.

The power that Serenity was looking for was called Mecha-Daru, and it involved using the force to tap into droids and other electronic equipment in order to control it. It was a very niche force power and since the last time encountering it on Geonosis at the hands of Darth Adekos, Blonde had taken steps to counteract that with fierce firewalls and protection that made sure her droids were offline and not connected to any singular network that the power could spread through. The force was a tricky queen and Blonde had made sure she was going to make sure events like that didn't happen again. Not to mention that the two were still inside a force null bubble with Serenity still being on the outside of it.

But not that it mattered anymore. With the War Dogs now taking up positions in the halls they had essentially boxed her in, and unless she felt like rushing a wall of augmented Wookie strength level droids without a lightsaber with Red and Blue behind her, it might of been in her best interest to do as the Sith do and bend a knee.

"So where do you want it? Chest or face? Closed casket? Open casket? What's your deal?" Red asked Serenity.

They had yet to attack her again and at this point they were about ready to finish this whole thing up.

[member="Serenity Loveheart"] [member="Darth Abyss"]
"Please spare her life Patricia. For me."

There were no tears in Abyss eyes when the mask fell of his face but he wasn't convinced if he was even capable of physically showing emotions to such a degree. All he knew was that he felt like he should cry, only that the actual reaction was absent. That was probably one of the side effects of slowly leaving behind the chains of flesh, the constant and subtle transformation from a man into something more. The saber hilt was stored back on his belt, and his right arm embraced their love by pulling her as close to him as he could.

"I am sorry. But I think you know that already."

There was a light, slightly sad chuckle from the sith lord, as the rest of the darkness around him faded away. He couldn't do much to keep the power contained once it was awoken, but he could make sure to let it sleep until he needed it. The hunger was frightening even to himself, and keeping it away from [member="Miss Blonde"] was one of the very few things he really cared for. He felt more than a little ashamed about putting both at them at such risk, only because he lacked control over his own power.

"I never meant to threaten you. This power, this dark, endless void in my mind is beyond anything I can comprehend. It has granted me deep insights into the fabric of the time and space, but it is also corrupting, it consumes a bit more of my sanity with every new piece of knowledge."

He shook he his head slightly in a hint of frustration. There was price to the power he had acquired, but never before had he lost control like that, at least not involuntarily. It sacred him to think about the horrors he could do to his small family if it would happen again one day, and if he wouldn't be able to stop himself before shattering his own happiness.

"I will try to be the best I can for our child, but should I ever lose control like this again then kill me. For our child."

It maybe was a bit dramatic sounding, but in that worst case scenario it would actually be best for Blond and their child to take him out before he could cause lasting damage to their bodies and especially to their minds.

[member="Serenity Loveheart"]
"If you think that's racist, give it a few years."

Now completely out of options, she just stood blankly.

"Go on then. Kill me. Now. You can't take anything from me, my sister isn't on this planet, my mother and father are dead to me. The worst you could do is chop my head off. I know such basic mechanical droids wouldn't understand the complete concept of free will. You're only doing this because that's what you've been told to do, I take orders myself. So fulfill your orders, pawns."

Reverse psychology? No. This was just her way of going out with a bit of pride in her, if they were actually going to kill her. Well, in all honesty, it was just playing off of Red's erratic emotions.

"Waiting for another order? I'll give it to you. Kill me. Serve your purpose."

She sat down and began a meditation, closing her eyes and awaiting a response. Should that response be a sword through her heart, she would die a happy person.

[member="Darth Abyss"] I [member="Miss Blonde"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Patricia didn't want to fight anymore, she didn't want to kill Abyss under any circumstance or anything of the sort. But she was tired, she was just very very tired. There was a sense of weakness in her legs and all she wanted to do was take a long nap with Atton next to him. But that wasn't going to happen right now, she would have to make the call and save Serenity from being killed.

"Yeah, alright dear." She said rather plainly as she reached for her data logger on her wrist.

With the logger in hand she pressed a few buttons and then and things would shift over to the halls where Red and Blue stood sword drawn and ready to kill Serenity by hacking her into pieces.

"I'm afraid the whole paradox what is love reverse psychology will not work either." Blue said as he readied his blade over Serenity.

"Which is also racist!" Red said with a laugh.

He too then positioned himself to lop off her head and end her mortal condition of organic life. Red didn't mind being a pawn so long as he had heads to cut off, also the two were programmed to be fiercely loyal to Blonde so that was a good thing to have.

"I'm sorry about this, flat chest." and for the first time, Red actually sounded like he had some form of compassion in his voice

The blades of the droids came down and then suddenly stopped an inch from Serenity's neck and chest that would of caused instant death should they of landed. At that moment Red let out a frustrated growl that bubbled in his vocalizers.

"Boss lady said we can't kill you anymore! It's your lucky day flat chest!! You are to be banished from Hutt Space and never to return!! If we catch you then you know, we'll @&$#ing kill you!" Red said still sounding very frustrated.

"RUN!! GO ON GET!!! RUN ALONG SITH PUPPET!!" Red yelled and soon sheathed his sword along with blue.

"Farewell, Lady Serenity. Let us hope our paths never again cross. Remember to stay out of Hutt Space, Antecedent, and just be safe most of Wild Space. It's been an honor." Blue gave a courteous bow to the woman and then he and his brother began to walk off.

"I WOULD OF HAD HER HEAD YOU KNOW!!" The mad droid shouted in the background as they departed.

"Of course you would have, brother. Of course." Blue consoled his brother and soon both they and the war dogs rounded various hallways to let girl go about her business.

The shield around the facility was dropped and she was free to go.

"It's done. Just make sure if you bring her back to this area of the Galaxy then have it be in secret. That's all I ask." Patricia sighed and that was pretty much it. She was don't arguing.

[member="Darth Abyss"] [member="Serenity Loveheart"]
"Your eyes, and that of those loyal to you will never see her again. I promise."

Despite what she might thought, that was by the easiest part of this for him. His ability to keep things hidden was pretty much the reason why he was still alive to this day. From now on [member="Serenity Loveheart"] would only travel covert in and out of former hutt space. But that was more than fitting, the way she had handled the situation, the cold calm she had shown in the face of death was a clear mark of the sith. Soon the name Serenity would be nothing but a memory, replaced by a title fitting for a knight of the sith.

"This whole thing got out of hand Patricia. I said a few things I did not meant, but my legacy means much to me. Maybe more than it should."

It was one of the things non-sith had their trouble with understanding. Sure there were more people concerned with the idea of legacy than the sith, but as the strange relationship between sith master and apprentice their sense of legacy was a twisted and obscure one. They tried to kill their apprentices on every step, they made sure that there was not much more than hate between them, and yet they mourned their death like they just lost a child.

"Anything I can do to make you feel better?"

He looked at [member="Miss Blonde"], the humanity inside of him once more clearly pronounced, replacing the empty void for the time being. While he would try to make sure his relationship hadn't taken any lasting damage, his apprentice would do well by searching out the allies of her master on the moon. They could help her disappear.

We'll see about that.

Assuming nobody went out of their way to stop her, she would be greeted by around 10 or so individuals outside, escorted to Nar Shaddaa's main port then make a direct route to Malachor V in an unnamed craft.

[member="Darth Abyss"] I [member="Miss Blonde"]

Consider this my exit, if y'all wanna keep on going be my guest :)

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
"I don't know, Atton. I really don't." That was the truth, there wasn't a lot that could be done to help her feel better.

Reality was crushing and relentless. The facts of it cut her deep and she couldn't escape what was happening. She was pregnant and in love, but the fear was approaching her that she was going to lose him just like everyone else. His condition was getting worse so every moment she spent with him was a constant reminder that their time together was limited, that they wouldn't have a happily ever after. It weighed on her deeply.

"I just need a nap, all the stress isn't good for the baby. So I'm packing it in early today." She sounded rather tired and she needed to relax.

Luckily Blonde had a small bedroom located next to her office for the occasions she was working late. So without saying anything else the woman leaned upwards on her tip toes and gave Atton a very loving kiss on his lips to inform him that nothing had changed between them. She loved him just as much as she did before this mess started popping off.

Once the kiss was broken, Patricia walked her way over to the nearby door and opened it with a mechanical sliding noise as it did so. Stepping inside the bedroom, she made sure Atton would get the message she was trying to send.

She had left the door wide open.

[member="Darth Abyss"]
Probably the main reason why their relationship worked was that [member="Miss Blonde"] was one of the very few persons in the galaxy that could carry on with her life after this. She had seen her boyfriend realizing some dark, demigod like powers, and almost used them against her, yet she was as loving and understanding as ever. In return she was the only person that could make Abyss feel sorry for anything, as he knew no remorse for his actions that didn't included her.

So when she kissed him, and gave him a little hint with the open door he felt even more sorry. For being as understanding and caring as she was she probably could do better than to be together with a man that was commonly referred to as Mindeater. But he wasn't complaining, she was the best thing that had happened to him in a long time. That meant he would make it up to her, first in her small bedroom, and at a later point in time with something that could truly show how he felt.

With much of the darkness around him gone, and the familiar slight grin on his face he made his way inside. All considered this could've ended far worse.

Tbh I dont really know how to carry this thread on much longer, so I guess we should end it soon?

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[media] [/media]​

Great ending for the thread, Abyss. That should do it, great work Serenity as well.

[member="Serenity Loveheart"] [member="Darth Abyss"]

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