Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Before I make my bio, I need reference starting point

Need to get my game back up (after about 3 to 4 years of little to no RP). I'm thinking I just may need a starting point or really just a system to start in. Juggling between a young-ish military figure (hence my username) in the post-Empire Galactic Alliance, a Paladin type of Jedi who is committed to the service of his cause, or a free-spirited outlaw tech. I, myself, am 31 years old. The 1st Lt. will be my age. The other two will range somewhere in a random drawing of 23 to 27 years. :p

Not looking for any romantic involvements. Just an outlet to progress my character developments. I like fun military toys, fast ships/speeders/swoops, and blowing sh** up. "Accidents happen..." kinda thing.

Hit me. Maybe once I start writing, I'll develop my character's bio in its dedicated thread.


Disney's Princess
Start on Sullust in GA space.

Your military guy can join the GA. Your Jedi can join the NJO. And your free-spirit can run cargo down the Rimma Trade Route.

Highly recommend you join the GA Major Faction before beginning and announcing your introductions on their sub-forums. But, that's after you get a bio up I suppose. Lol.
Rimma Trade Route sounds promising. Wherever the easiest place for me to literally plop myself and start juicing out creativity on my whim is what I'm looking for, and that sounds as free as I'm looking to get.

Braith Achlys said:
[member="1st Lt. Garrek Jensen"]
If you would like a bio to use for reference you are free to use mine.
And thank you ^_^, just might.

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