Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Becoming a Monster to Understand One [ OS ]


Coruscant, 6+ years had passed since he had been in the place where oppression runs rabid and darkness flows. The upper levels held a different feel than the Undercity, a mask was over the upper levels. Hidden in plain sight was the evils of the galaxy. Traffic always surging in and out of the planet, Like blood pumping through the body. The residents of the planet were Nerfs freed to roam where the Empire wanted them, Not exactly Freedom but it made no difference. The poor stayed poor and the rich stayed richer, They did not mess with the balance of Order on the Planet and as long as they continued along they could live in peace. The only Problem was.... Peace is a Lie..

​Arriving to the Sith Temple in a small transport a Large Dark figure exited the speeder. Standing 8'5ft tall and walking towards the Temple Entrance with a hunched back, Most of the figure appearance was masked with a black robe. With the wind blowing and the loose robe moving around one could see the armor that shined underneath the robe now and then. The large figure held no weapons and only let his arms dangle as he climbed the stairs to the entrance. As the Temple was a guarded place the guards snapped their fingers to catch the large mans attention but it helped little. Soon drawing their weapons and walking towards the figure continuing to move the guards started to raise their voices and walk in front of Trespasser.

Chuckling the large figure reminded himself that it had been couple years since he had been to the Temple. No one would remember him, It was a new start sort of. The Darkside radiated from the figure strongly, this was someone who had a tight understandings on the Darkside of the Force, But was he Sith? With the mind whole and the connection to his mentor clear. Here Kezeroth stood anew.

[member="Darth Valtryx"]
[member="Darth Arcanix"]
[member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] [member="Darth Valtryx"]

Taeli, known as Darth Arcanix, was meditating within the Sith Temple currently. The Force was still somewhat messed up, but she was able to get a clearer and clearer connection going the longer she meditated on the dark side. Things were changing, that much was certain, and she wondered how she could use events.

Her plans needed more allies to begin, to start shaping the Sith into something new from the inside. Veles and Ferus were powerful indeed, and of course she had her apprentices and business associates, but she needed someone even stronger physically to help her possibly. A pulse in the dark side caught her attention. Something or someone had arrived at the temple.

. . . How interesting, she thought opening her eyes.
" Halt! Who are you? Stake your buisness!" One Guard shouted and held his rifle pointing at the figure from the hip. Attention stirred, various species glanced over to the conflict but so far it did not look too serious. The Guards were always acting like this, charged with the protection of the Temple and Imperial Palace next door they preformed their duty in full. Staying Silent the large figures gaze fell on the two guards that stopped him, two red glowing eyes stared at them. Slightly nervous the guards shouted again " I said state your buisness!"

The only thoughts that came to mind at the moment were dark and violent. In a quick movement the Robed figure swatted both guards aside with a hefty swat to their chests. Air born the guards landed hard into a pillar and were rendered unconscious for the moment. Crowds of Acolytes eyed the dark figure after that and attention was caught. Looking around Kezeroth spoke out " Has it been that long? have you all forgotten?" ​he said rather loudly letting his voice flow in the temple entrance.

[member="Darth Arcanix"]
[member="Darth Valtryx"]
[member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] [member="Darth Valtryx"]

"My Lady, there's been a disturbance at the temple's entrance," a voice said, but Taeli was already on her feet and sweeping forward. Something about the presence felt familiar to her, that . . . malice contained within was too familiar for it to be anyone else.

"Captain, allow our . . . guest entrance into the Temple," she said into her comlink as she moved towards the entrance through the various halls and chambers that made up the bastion of Sith power and knowledge on the planet. "Do not engage, there is no need for a firefight."

"With all due respect, Lady Arcanix, an intruder is trying to enter the temple. He must be held until identified, and if he is an enemy, he must be eradicated," came the reply. Kriffing guards never did know better, especially the captain of this particular watch. he was always overstepping his authority, but he was too valuable to kill outright.

Allowing her pace to quicken, she could feel the presence growing even stronger in her senses. This could either go very well . . . or really poorly.
The crowd of people that were commonly found outside the Temple squinted at the comment from the figure and looked at each other in confusion. " Pity, you have all forgotten..." he said and continued to walk forward getting closer to the Temple. Sensing another darkside presence Kezeroth tilted his head and gazed as more guards showed up. Flooding the entrance with a small squad, Blasters raised and ready to fire in case action was taken.

" Dont move! Identify yourself or be destroyed!" a Squad commander shouted and aimed at the chest of the figure. It was interesting for Kezeroth to be in this situation, usally he would not allow a simple guard to stop him but ever since he left the nether and the new memories from his mentors past flooding his mind. It changed him for the better and if anything gave him a sinister patience... for a time. " The day the event happened, Darkness spewed all over the Capital. Screams of rage and anger erupted and a Death specific occurred." he said, again going on about a event that occurred in the past.. Refering to the day the Emperor died. Slowly Guards inched forward attempting to search the figure and arrest him. With a gaze from the Gen'dais eyes both guards slowed.

" Let me pass...."

[member="Darth Arcanix"]
[member="Darth Valtryx"]
[member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] [member="Darth Valtryx"]

Striding through the doors at the entrance, she could see a large amount of guards surrounding the person she was absolutely certain was a certain Gen'dai warrior she had encountered on Makeb. This could end extremely poorly . . . for the guards if they roused the anger and hatred within the figure before them.

"Captain, I ordered you to stand your men down," she said, striding up to the guard captain and almost radiating annoyance. "Allow him to pass now, I'll escort him inside, but if you refuse this order . . . I'll kill you myself."

"Yes, Lady Arcanix," the captain stuttered. In the face of real authority, and not over a comlink, he fell in line like every soldier did when given an order by a Sith Master. "Men! Stand down!"

Slowly, the soldiers lowered their weapons and Taeli addressed the figure.

"My apologies for the rudeness, everyone is rather jittery from the Nether event," she said, curtsying before the figure to show her sincere feelings on the issue.
Everyone was on edge. The the Tension could be felt and could of been cut with a knife. The Dark presence got closer and shouting of orders could be heard, Someone had finally come but not someone he knew. The large figures hand twitched as his eyes swept over the weapons, he would not easily leave them in someones arms to be used against him. With the Sith Master out everyone bowed and obeyed like dogs, standing aside and lowering their guns.

"My apologies for the rudeness, everyone is rather jittery from the Nether event,"

With a snicker the hooded figure eyed the Sith infront of him, " That is a good reason to be... " he asked her and nodded lightly as a greeting. Walking forward his size made everyone dwarves. Closing his hand into a fist Kezeroth watched as the weapons the guards held were crushed by the force into odd metal shapes. Laughing to himself Kezeroth waited to be escorted inside. " You seem familiar... Who are you?" he asked looking down.

[member="Darth Arcanix"]
[member="Darth Valtryx"]
[member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] [member="Darth Valtryx"]

"We've met before . . . briefly on Makeb," Taeli replied, gesturing for him to go inside with a sweep of her arm. "It has been a few years, but Darth Arcanix, once again at your service, Kezeroth."

The hulking figure could only be the Gen'dai, but something had changed about him. Perhaps he, like other people, had been effected in one or another by the Nether. She was curious at what would actually bring him back to the Sith. The last she heard, he had a rather large vendetta against the Sith for some event in the far past.

"I'm curious, Kezeroth, what brings you back to Coruscant and the Sith temple?" she asked as they began walking into the temple, and Taeli felt satisfaction at the dumbfounded looks on the guards' faces as they watched their weapons get crushed by the Force and no reprisal came from her. Apparently, they didn't recognize Kezeroth from when he was here last, but then it had been six years and people had been shifted around in positions.
Makeb? Ah the Red Raven incident, The Gen'dai looked over Darth Aranix briefly. Kezeroth did not remember the Lady to honest but did his best to act like he remembered. Walking with her into the Temple Kezeroth responded to her question. " I bring myself back to the Sith.... Its sad to see that my small amount of influence has been reduced to nothing while I was gone! I wasn't exactly sane during those years either though." he said suggesting that something had happen that cleared his mind. Sith of all sorts eyed the Kezeroth as he walked causally along. " Much has changed..." he looked around, it seemed the Nether event had effected not only him. Pausing in this thoughts and glancing at [member="Darth Arcanix"] the Gen'dai squinted at her asking " What is it you want?" Kezeroth was wary of Sith, always was. Any Sith that gave him what he wanted was not to be messed with, often it ment being used by someone and Kezeroth was done being used it was time to use others like a Sith would.

" Answer my Question and I will answer yours... in full"
[member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]

"What I want?" Taeli asked, coming to the a stop in the middle of the corridor. "Right now, what I want is simply to be kind and courteous as we go about the Temple."

Thinking it over in her head though, perhaps the Gen'dai might be an ally to be recruited. It was always possible after all, and he seemed . . . changed from before. His mind didn't feel fragmented and he was much calmer, at least on the surface, than he had appeared during the fight on Makeb.

"In the future, well . . . I'm a Sith Lady and always have plans going and forming," she said, shrugging but inwardly smiling a little. "One can never have too many allies in case they need help or the ally needs help in some . . . endeavor. But then, that's something most Sith don't recognize . . . the need to actually trust others sometimes. Most Sith are too busy with their own needs and wants, usually of the sadistic or cruel variety, to truly be interested in seeing things beyond their own little vision."

"Regardless, I believe that answers your question, Kezeroth," she said, smiling a little. She knew she also looked out of place in her black dress compared to the black robes of the others within the Temple. "Perhaps you will answer mine now?"
" Well stated..." pausing Kezeroth thought to himself on what to say. " I have returned to destroy those who have wronged me...." he said plainly, the answer held many truths and would be laughed at he was sure. Hanging around with Decievers who lied and hid their plans, it was a smart move on Kezeroths part to say something like he did. It needed actions in order to be believed and sounded like a lie. " Shall we continue? Tell me... what sadistic and cruel varieties do you speak of?" he asked slightly curious.

[member="Darth Arcanix"]
[member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]

"Indeed," she gestured and they continued along the corridor. "What I mean by the sadistic and cruel practices is the absolute waste that is genocide, slavery, torture for pleasure, etc. Such Sith, like Darth Vornskr, take great pleasure in causing all of these and more . . . barbaric tendencies. I personally abhor doing any of those, even against Jedi. It's all about hearts and minds, and winning them over to our side."

Stopping again, she chuckled a little and started moving again as she said, "My apologies for rambling there a bit. Family trait and all that. So tell me, who all has wronged you and should I be worried about you destroying the Temple to start taking care of that list?"

The last bit was part joke and part seriousness, as she was slightly concerned he intended harm upon the Sith here. Most were just acolytes or new apprentices and wouldn't stand much of a chance against the Gen'dai.
Bah what was this? A sith who cared for other Sith? There were few on Kezeroths list left now infact only three remained to his knowledge, unless his List would be altered. Smiling slightly he gazed at her in a interest. Though the Temple was never a target he wondered why she would as such a thing and then it hit him, The rumors of the Shadow Kings death. It was Rumored that Romeo died attempting to destroy the Temple but Kezeroth was unsure if that was truth. Romeo was a good Ally one he admired and though an attack on the Coruscant Temple was something the Gen'dai could see his old friend doing.

" If I wanted to attack the Temple outright, we would not be talking as we are right now..." he retorted sternly. " What would bring you to ask such a question, little lady?" he smirked and watched a group of acolytes pass with raised brows.

[member="Darth Arcanix"]
[member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]

"I recently had to stop a certain annoyance from trying to blow up the planet," Taeli replied, sighing a bit as she thought about Romeo Sin. "I'm just erring on the side of caution, it's been a stressful few weeks and months. And I apologize if I offended you in anyway, that was not meant to be disrespectful."

Sighing again, she said, "Also, I hope you didn't get the wrong impression by what I said earlier about my opinion. I'm just as much a Sith as everyone else here . . . I just proscribe to the ideas set forth by Darths Bane and Zannah about patience and cunning being more important for the Sith than brutality and sadism. I'm not above . . . certain targeted acts to deal with rivals and such."
So the rumors were true? Was this Sith Lady the one who ended Romeo? Kezeroths Gut told him it was but the whole matter did not bother him as bad as it would normally, Romeo was foolish to over extend himself. Listening to [member="Darth Arcanix"]'s words Kezeroth looked around. Did she even know what stressful was? The Gen'dai removed his hood and fold his armored mask back revealing his mutated corrupt face.

Scarred from the events in the throne room and other event, Kezeroth glanced down. " Dominance... Its a game all Sith take part in." he muttered remembering one of his torturers say that long long ago. " Every Stih has a Goal, Dream or Whatever they demand to be done, Few live to see that day. Im curious.... Whats your view on the darkside? he asked after ranting on sightly and so the gathering of Information would begin.
Helmut stood on the sidelines, stopping as his acolyte followers moved on, muttering to themselves over this new Sith. His connection to the Force still partially severed, the old Sith smiled at the idea that this hulking brute might bring some well-needed to change to the Sith.

Slipping his cloak around his neck, and his hood over his head so that it covered his eyes, he slowly walked towards the pair, hands clasped behind his back as if meeting two Sith Lords was a walk in the park.

It used to be, before.

[member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]

[member="Darth Arcanix"]
Eyeing a robed figure move toward him, Kezeroth sank in his senses more. Not relying on the Force but rather his own Biological abilities, In truth his Force Sense abilities were only Standard or above standard compared to most. His Instincts was his force sense now. One would not be able to tell Kezeroth noticed the body move toward him but of course he did in the end. Amusing the body to be an apprentice to [member="Darth Arcanix"], He eyed her and remained silent still waiting for a answer to his question. Before coming to the temple on Coruscant he decided that it was for the best to see what most Sith thought about the Force and how its used before teaching his own beliefs. Sith Teaching from what he understood was acceptable but nothing compared embracing the darkside willingly.

After all he was the Embodiment of the Darkside.

[member="Darth Realmstream"]
[member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]

Noticing they had someone trying to get their attention, Taeli chose to ignore them for now while she thought about Kezeroth's question. Oh, how best to phrase it.

"My view on the dark side is . . . it's the freedom to be alive, to be a sentient being. The dark side is emotion, something we all embrace to feel alive. Anger, hate, joy, sadness, pain, all of those contribute to the dark side of the Force and we use those to fuel our powers. The dark side serves us, and in turn, we serve it. I suppose, as a Sith, I always desire more power, but not power I can't control. My emotions serve me, not the other way around."

Tapping her chin for a moment, she added, "I suppose many don't think about our Sith Code beyond anything but permission to do whatever they please, but that's not right either. One can't just go out and murder a group of people because they feel like it as that means your emotions are ruling your thoughts, not your rational mind."
~"Alive? Do any of you know the meaning of the word? If you do, I'd be pleasantly surprised. Your order seems to lack conviction. It lacks the ability to let you all grow as you were meant to, as the Force wanted you to..."~

The voice within the crystal that hung around his neck made it's presence known. He'd been lingering around the steps of the temple for what seemed like days, though time was not much of a concern to him anymore. He was a man at war with himself. Two halves of the same coin finally acknowledging the fact. One, Keticus Nal'Varren, a Jedi Knight who'd been imprisoned within his mind for centuries, and Ket Van-Derveld, an ancient and disturbed Sith Lord who had broken the will of the former eons ago. The latter existed in a golden-ruby colored stone that hung from a black chain around Keticus's neck. It had an unholy glow to it, a light that ensnared the senses. To those who gazed upon it's ill-gotten glory, they could see the history of the ages within, finding clarity in such visions.

Yet, there he stood, clad in leather pants that had seen the coming and going of entire empires. A long, full length leather coat, faded as the pants were that had brushed the surface of more worlds than many these nights could fathom. His upper was clad in nothing but his skin. The Tattoos, Brands, and Scars of the ages written out across him like a tale of one's life, a story to be told like the hieroglyphics of ancient civilizations. Eyes, bright and full,a bold sapphire gleam that still seemed to only cover the deadening feelings within his soul. That rock around his neck had it's way, even now. Such was the life of a man torn between two worlds.

The Jedi had sought only to put him in a cell until his dying breath, the concept of trust nothing more than a fallacy, a cruel joke. The Sith? Perhaps they still honored the old ways. Perhaps those who could help him would only be a short walk away. But after so long among the living, he had but one thing, whether from his own mind or from the crystal that held within it, the cruelty and anger of the ages...

"I do hope one of them has the ability to look past the tip of their own nose..."

[member="Darth Arcanix"], [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"], [member="Darth Realmstream"]
"My view on the dark side is . . . it's the freedom to be alive, to be a sentient being. The dark side is emotion, something we all embrace to feel alive. Anger, hate, joy, sadness, pain, all of those contribute to the dark side of the Force and we use those to fuel our powers. The dark side serves us, and in turn, we serve it. I suppose, as a Sith, I always desire more power, but not power I can't control. My emotions serve me, not the other way around." He listened and listend, nodding his head some.

That very Definition, her words echoed in his mind prodding his anger. Blinking and clearing his throat in what sounded like a growl Kezeroth remained contained and composed. It was his fault for asking her in the first place but in his mind it had to be done. A fire must be fed in order to burn and that was exactly what happen. Reminding himself who were the enemies, they were all around him and it made his focus shaper than any blade. " The Darkside..." he paused after saying the word and closed his eyes. " Such a wonderful thing to embrace once you fully understand it. You make the Darkside sound so boring, dull, nothing to it but your mind and feelings. Pain, Hate, Anger, Passion are only mere triggers that have the potential to tap into the Darkside of the Force. Similar to us sentient's, the force also has a will of its own. A will that is strong, durable and mistreated. I guess you do have some of it right.... We serve unwillingly and the darkside gives back." Pausing again Kezeroth opened his eyes, during his explanation his memories took him back to the day he heard the voice of the darkside speak clearly to him. The day it showed him the future, the uncontrollable rage that would happen in the throne room. It came true and was belived in with heart from that day on.

Over two-thousand years old and that was his knowledge on the darkside of the force, it was truely amazing... to some. The fact that the Gen'dai was insane partly would be taken into consideration he felt but there was do denying the fact that it all came from experience. " Imagion if Darksiders willingly accepted the will of the dark side... How different would the Sith be?" He smiled sinisterly at the thought and stared at the Sith lady once more.

[member="Ket Van-Derveld"]
[member="Darth Arcanix"]
[member="Darth Realmstream"]

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