Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Battletech Thread Discussion

Hello all.

I've had a few inquiries on my Battletech thread, so I figure I'd start an OOC thread to discuss it.

Link to IC thread:

[member="Sarge Potteiger"]

Items to discuss:

Clan or Inner Sphere? I had originally intended the thread to be an intro post for a Clan character, but I'm flexible on this point. What do you guys want to do?
I am more intrested in Inner Sphere mostly cause that is where my knowledge is in the universe. Though i wouldn't mind trying to figure out and play a clanner character

But come on you know you want a Gray Death Legion Merc opposition ;)
[member="Reshmar"] [member="Kelson"]

I was planning on Ghost Bear, but the GDL mostly interacted with the Falcons. I'm sure, though, that we can make an exception!

[member="Sarge Potteiger"]

Ooo Bondsman. Good thinking

I may have a post up soon or later. Not sure. Work is super busy right now. Please feel free to post if you want.

Planet is unspecified but Alshain seems like a good start. Does anyone have any preference?
[member="Asemir Lor'kora"]

You are not wrong (i say after looking through some history at Sarna to refresh my memory), Black Omen pissed off Ghost Bear real good though. So if i were to play the role of a merc they would be better suited as long as people dont mind hiring those who are known to be dishonorable.

That or a straight up freelancer. That would work too.

As far as playing a clanner goes, i would just stick with being a simple Warrior Caste member. Piloting a Kodiak of course Piloting w/e mech would fit the situation. A Medium sounds fun :)

Medium 'Mechs are fun! Stormcrows especially!

But, to be honest, I'm not too worried about sticking too strictly to lore and the like. As long as it's there, then it'll be fine. The GDL can fight the Ghost Bears. Of course, the Black Omen is always a good choice too.

Write what you'd like. :)

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