Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Away

After the memorial for her Mom, Lori needed to get away. It wasn't as though she was going into hiding, however that was partly true. But moreso that she needed a break. She was recently orphaned, recently brutally captured and frozened in carbonite, only to be rescued by her brother. And then there was Curtis Learchin Curtis Learchin , her boyfriend and the one that she shared a Force Bond with. He had been replaced for a time by an imposter, however that person was so good that she couldn't even tell the difference through the Force itself!

And that unnerved her a lot. All of it did. So muchso that she told Curtis that she needed a vacation. But where to? Where would be safe from the Eternal Empire?

Lori lay curled up on her side in her bed, waiting for Curtis to either call her out for breakfast or to come and give her breakfast in bed. Regardless, she didn't really feel like moving around so much. She was in mourning, which came with it a slew of feelings that made her the opposite of her cheery self. Hopefully it wouldn't last.
Curtis had felt far more responsible for Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun since his return. Maybe it was because of her mother's death, maybe it was because his absence had allowed her to be manipulated and captured. That guilt ate at him almost constantly, knowing that if he had stayed, things would've been different for sure.

For her, he'd kept his cool, even though every fibre of his being wanted to run straight to the Eternal Empire's capital and massacre all of its leaders. What they needed was to get away, Curtis knew that as much as Lori did. He had a question to ask her, and a vacation would be the best time to ask it.

He entered the room with a tray of various breakfast foods, and sat at the end the bed. For a moment, time stood still as he looked at her. He knew he was lucky to be with her. Slowly placing the tray on his lap, he ran his hand across her arm softly.

"Hey you, I got you some food" He said with a sad smile, continuing to run his hand against her, "How you feeling?"
Lori continued to lay there as Curtis Learchin Curtis Learchin entered the room. She was awake with her cheeks wet from tears. She felt the weight of him as he sat on the edge of the bed. The smells from the food on the tray rose and drifted her way, causing her tummy to grumble. Curtis was always a good cook and today was no different.

As he stroked her arm, Lori rolled over to face him, wiping her cheeks dry with the back of her hands before sliding herself up so that she could lean against her pillows and headboard.

"I miss them. The last time I saw my Dad, he was telling me to stay away from the Mando-Jedi war. And the last time that I saw my Mom, it was when she told us about my Dad dying....I didn't get to say goodbye to any of them. And it's just not fair..." Life wasn't fair though and she knew it. Her want of having it to be fair or expecting it to was just a child's dream.

"How long did it take you to cope?" Curtis had lost his family years before she did. Now they were both in similar situations. But at least they had eachother.
Curtis understood Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun ' pain, but his loss hadn't been the same. Her parents had died doing what they were destined to do, his family had been butchered to teach him a lesson. With the Sith, he had harnessed that pain into power. But now, he needed to be more than just an angry fighter.

"Well... when my family died, I didn't have too much time to process it" He said, still stroking her arm softly, "The Sith taught me to fixate on my loss and to use it as a source of power. But you... I think you need to get closure." He had no idea if that answer was what she was hoping to hear, but he wanted to be honest. Ever since his life had been stolen, he'd felt closer to Lori, and he wanted to be as honest as possible from then on.

"You need to eat, then maybe we can have a look at somewhere we can escape from all this for a little bit." His hand dipped into his pocket, and balled around a small metal ring. He had more than one reason to want them to get some peace and quiet.
Lori leaned into his touch, listening to his words. Curtis Learchin Curtis Learchin said that she needed closure? But there was already a funeral for her Mom. As far as WolfMortum WolfMortum was concerned though, she didn't have that. On their last day together she had been frustrated and angry; not so much at him, but at the situation the wars had put them in.

Yet still she couldn't help but think that the Eternal Empire killed her Mom. It made perfect sense. Elaena Kessia Miran Elaena Kessia Miran had warned her of such. The planet that her Mom's Shoppe was had become allied with the Empire. And now after Lori's escape from their labour camp, her Mom was killed. So she needed to back off for a little while and lay low.

"It does smell good." she mentioned in regards to the breakfast that he cooked. She reached over to the tray and picked up a plate, setting it on her own lap and began to eat, speaking inbetween mouthfuls. "We should go some place quiet. And peaceful. There's a couple of moons above Commenor. One used to be a vacation home to some Imperial a long time ago. I don't think it's really used much. And it's not far. Plus I don't think that the Empire would infiltrate and run the risk of an all out war with the Silvers." Lori wasn't a part of the SJC, but being in their territory when attacked had to account for something.
Curtis smiled as he watched Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun dig into the food he'd prepared. It was one of the few pleasures he took from the mundane, and it made her happy as well. The mention of the moons of Commenor was a welcome suggestion, even if going into Jedi territory wasn't on the top of his agenda. Despite no longer being a Sith himself, he knew that some amongst the Silvers were not very forgiving of ones past deeds.

"As long as I'm with you, it'll be a vacation" He replied, grinning at his knowingly corny response. With everything that had happened, the least he could was try and bring some humour to it all, "Just promise me that the Silvers aren't going to take issue with me, I know your brother was fine with my... coloured past, but others might not be as forgiving."

As he spoke, he set the tray down on a nearby surface and moved closer to Lori, wrapping an arm around her. He loved her for sure, and he'd do whatever he could to make their time away special.
Lori had to laugh a little at the comment of being with her was a vacation. "As long as we're not getting into trouble, then yes, it is a vacation."

She continued to eat while Curtis Learchin Curtis Learchin spoke of the Silvers and what their reaction to him could be. She understood his resignation for sure, yet she didn't really think that her past was much better. She had tried to train at their Academy, yet didn't like the rules so much. Most especially at having to ask for PERMISSION to even talk to her own Dad! It was just too much that she couldn't handle. Lori preferred not being confined.

"Well that's the best thing about these moons. No one goes there, or hardly ever. They don't even have to know. Her own presence was bad enough. If a war broke out it'd be all her fault and both her brother and her dead parents would be angry at her.

Lori finished off her breakfast and set the plate on the tray before curling back into him and placing a soft kiss on his cheek. "I'm open to suggestions though. I'm sure there's plenty of places far away from everyone that causes us trouble."
"Think I'll leave the planning to you, I've never really been anywhere for pleasure" Curtis replied, smiling as Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun pecked his cheek. He'd missed that, among other parts of their relationship. He'd missed everything about her really, she was so special to him. He kissed her, while stroking her hair.

"It will be just us though right? Arla isn't going to be snooping round us?" He liked Arla, but he wanted to have some alone time with Lori, if only so he could ask her the most important question of his life.
Lori melted into the kiss and as Curtis Learchin Curtis Learchin stroked her hair. She just couldn't help it. Whether it was their Force Bond or something else, she just wanted to stay close to him and connected both physically and spiritually.

"Then we'll go to the vacation moon over Commenor. We won't even be bothered in their air space and no one lives there either, so it'll be just us. And no Arla either. She can use the time to go get further repairs done after that Sirenhead crushed her." More like squeezed her. If she'd of been a living being, her organs would have ruptured and she'd of died.

"Shall we go now? It's not far."
Curtis smiled at the conformation that it would be just them. They hadn’t spent much quality time together, and this could be the start of something truly beautiful for the two of them.

“If you’re ready to head there now, then I don’t see a reason to wait” he replied cheerfully, kissing Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun again before rising to his feet. Collecting the tray, he waited for Lori to lead the way out. He was eager to get underway now. Especially with what he had planned.
Lori returned the kiss and then slid out of bed after Curtis Learchin Curtis Learchin took the tray. He sure knew how to make her feel better. It helped to give her something else to focus on besides the tragedies in her family.

Heading up to the cockpit, she let Arla know of their plans and destination. Once the co-ordinates were set, they were on their way.


Some time later, the pair had arrived at the little estate on the moon. Arla took the Jaster's Sparrow down to Commenor, close enough to them, yet far enough away to give them both a private vacation.

"I haven't been here since I was little. Come on, let's go inside!" Lori took hold of Curtis' hand and led him to the door. She punched in the access code on the lockpad and smiled brightly as they were granted access. The lights turned on as they walked inside and it was just as luxurious as any vacation home would be. "Where would you like the tour to start?"
Curtis looked on astounded at the estate, it seemed vast to him despite Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun describing it as small in size. Without saying a word, he followed Lori with his hand in hers, a smile on his face as they entered.

“I’ll let you take the lead, my love” he replied, blowing her a kiss. The whole place seemed unbelievable, and yet here they were, finally alone, finally safe. He wondered whether they could just stay there, away from everything. Just the two of them.
Lori grinned sheepishly in spite of herself as Curtis Learchin Curtis Learchin blew her a kiss.

A vacation.

She hadn't had one since she was little. Ever since the Sith lay siege to her home planet, she had been pretty much on the run. Commenor was safe now, yet it didn't quite feel that way for her. Not with agents of the Eternal Empire infiltrating her life in a bid to stop her from trying to dismantle them. Killing her would only make her a martyr, so they had to use other tactics instead.

She led Curtis through the living room, library, kitchen, offices and of course the many bedrooms, telling him tales of pranks she'd pull on her brother and others. Lori felt a little sad when going by the wing where the Master suite was.

"We can stay in the guest wing. It's...probably more fitting." She wasn't a Princess here any longer, despite her brother still calling attention to their enemies that even as a former Princess, she could still be afforded diplomatic immunity.

No. Lori was a Rebel. Not some diplomat.
As they walked through the many, many rooms of the estate, Curtis thought back on all he had missed out on. Live with the Nightbrothers and sisters had not been easy by any means, and for that reason, he’d never really gotten a chance to rest. After the Sith, he fell straight in with the Rebels, and that had been nonstop as well.

With each story Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun told him, he’d laugh and hold her tightly, as if he were worried of losing her. He knew they were safe, but he was still her protector. Upon reaching the guest wing, Curtis noted the slight pause in Lori’s speech.

“Is something wrong?” He asked, a look a worry on his face. Maybe there were memories from this place she hadn’t told him, memories she’d rather keep buried for the moment.
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Curtis Learchin Curtis Learchin seemed to really enjoy the tour and so she did too. It was wonderful to just forget about their troubles for a while.

And of course he had felt her sudden ping of sadness. Their Force Bond was a gift, yet sometimes she felt that it revealed a little too much. "Nothing's wrong I just...I don't want to disturb anything in their wing. It's not like they'll come back at all,'s still theirs." Maybe in some small way she could pretend that they were still alive too and just in their suite. She could imagine her Mom drinking tea and reading her mystery novels, while her Dad would be meditating and studying the Force nearby, and that helped to ease her grief.

"Come on. Let's pick out a room for ourselves." Every room seemed huge compared to her little Captain's quarters and the king-sized beds were massive. Lori opened the door of one of the bedrooms and gestured for him to look. "The bed's almost big enough to fit a Herglic! If I could I'd put it in the Jaster's Sparrow, but there's no room for it."
Curtis tried to comfort Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun as best he could, holding her hand tightly. He knew things were going to be difficult, but he hoped that they could forget about some of it for a little bit. As they moved through the various bedrooms, he smiled at her genuine happiness.

“If we could fit it, we’d never leave it! Wouldn’t be the best rebels if we did no rebelling and just stayed in bed all day” He joked, looking over the room himself. The whole place was amazing, but he was more focused on Lori. She was everything to him.

“You pick whichever room you think is best, I trust you enough to do that”
Lori laughed a little as she thought about the want to stay in bed every day and never leave it. They'd probably end up looking like Hutts by the end of their lives. "Wouldn't that be quite the scheme for the Empire? To lure me into remaining in bed? I wouldn't put it past them, even though it sounds ridiculous!" How much did they learn of her when they impersonated Curtis Learchin Curtis Learchin ? Quite a lot.

She didn't take him through a whole bunch of bedrooms though, knowing that most were pretty much the same. Lori walked over to the window and pulled open the drapes to let the sunshine in and to look at the view of the rolling grassy hills. She couldn't help but invision AT-AT's and dropships invading the area, or a band of bounty hunters like QEMD-15 Echo QEMD-15 Echo and Avolich Erasare Avolich Erasare coming to lay siege to the little vacation home.

Lori shoved it all in the back of her mind. "Well, what shall we do first? It feels kind of strange with not having anything urgent that needs doing."
Curtis thought for a moment, he too realising that this was one of the few times he and Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun had had time together where there was nothing that needed doing. Look out over the grasslands surrounding them, he felt a wave a peace fall over his mind and body.

“I actually have something I’ve been meaning to show you” Curtis said, before reaching into his pocket. From inside, he removed a lightsaber, though not the one he normally carried with him. This saber was of standard design, with a silver finish across the hilt. “When I was away, I constructed this. Had you in mind the whole time, wanted something that showed I wasn’t the same man you met the first time around.” Pressing the activation switch, a purple blade extended, Curtis wielding it carefully as to not cause damage to the estate.

“It’s my reminder of what I’m fighting for”
Lori was curious as to what Curtis Learchin Curtis Learchin had to show her. Her eyebrows lifted as she saw the lightsaber, immediately stepping out of the way too as he ignited it. The purple blade lit up the room in a different light. "It's beautiful." And it had been some time since she had wielded her own. It wasn't always on her mind to carry it for she was more comfortable with a blaster.

"Maybe we can do a bit of training? I'm quite rusty and didn't stay at the Academy long enough to learn properly." She had some experience, but not a lot.
Curtis smiled at Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun as she watched the blade. The purple was a reminder of his past and of what the future could hold for him. He wasn't a Jedi, but if he ever joined one of their orders, it would at least be less aggressive than a glaring crimson. Disactivating the blade, he placed the hilt down on a side table.

"Yeah, might be oddly relaxing" He agreed, pausing for a second, "I umm, I actually had something I wanted to ask you..." Suddenly, Curtis felt very hot, and a frog had leaped into his throat. He was going to do it, finally. Outside the window, the sun began setting over the grass hills, orange light reflecting into the room and somehow making Lori look even more beautiful than normal.

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