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Aurum: Return of the Wardens (ask first)

[member="Masamune Tametomo"]


The cloaked YV-929 Gypsymoth settled into the jungle of Aurum. As the engines' roar faded and vanished, a musical, sharp-edged buzz arose when silence normally reasserted itself. The sound of the jungle, right through the hull.

Leaving Beyyr and Miktik to guard the cloaked vessel, the Warden of the Sky kicked a couple of speeder bikes down the ramp. The Atrisian blacksmith and swordsman Masamune Tametomo, his sister's trusted teacher and student, had come along; Rave had been the one to tip them off that Aurum's aftermath was not all it seemed. The last time Jorus had come here, he'd seen Je'daii crucified. If there was more here than past atrocity, even recent atrocity...

Suffice it to say, he brought his shotgun. The double-barreled Mandalorian shell gun looped over his back, a wide belt carried shells of all kinds, and two Tenloss Ambassador revolvers lay strapped to his thighs. A cortosis knife in the small of his back completed his loadout and offered a little awkwardness as he clambered aboard the speeder bike and glanced back at the place where the Gypsymoth visibly wasn't.

"When I was here last," he said without inflection, checking the speeder's control panel, "it looked like there were factories being set up in the crystal caves south of here. I'm thinking Rave might have known what they were making."

Cause: As of the end of the Horde dominion of Aurum, the locals had been massacred, factories were being set up in the name of Subach-Innes, and the world was becoming a Graug colony.
Aurum, Horde Space

From within the confines of the Gypsymouth, the Mandalorian known as Isley Verd sat quietly in the cargo hold. It was not to say that there were not sufficient, much more comfortable places to be onboard the vessel; but at this point in time, the warrior needed some time to think. Recent history had seen the capital of the Confederacy overrun by a rogue cell of Yuuzhan Vong: a collection whom the Rodian population were woefully ignorant of. What's more, a similar onslaught was launched against the Mandalorian world Mykyr in order to liberate a captive Circe onslaught also populated by Yuuzhan Vong. Being that Isley was a Rally Master for the United Clans and a candidate for Vicelord within the Confederacy, these two pieces of the veritable puzzle were all but publicly available to him. And what made matters even more interesting was the military operation launched by the Moross Crusade against the Silken Asteroids; held by the so-called Horde. That operation, too, saw a large population of Vong and Vong ships.

Now, Isley was no genius, but even he could put together the common denominator. Although there was not solid evidence, yet, to tie those Vong who had assaulted Bothawui with the Vong who had assaulted Mykyr and fought against the Moross Crusade, a shred of common sense drew the similarities in a neat line. Therefore, when the opportunity presented itself to investigate, the Mandalorian leaped at the opportunity. 'Twas a rare call that was sent by one [member="Jorus Merrill"], the elder relative of Isley's mentor in the ways of Sith Alchemy. Upon accepting the mission, the beskar-clad warrior was picked up at coordinates provided in the call and got to enjoy a voyage through Hyperspace aboard the Gypsymouth. Now that they had landed on the world of Aurum, Isley arose from his seat in the cargo hold and strode calmly to meet Jorus and the other who had accompanied him on the unloading ramp. Along the way, he followed suit after the owner of the vessel and selected one of the speeder bikes to be his mount for the duration of the mission. Fortunately, his arrival alongside the pair was just in time to hear what Jorus had to say about the operation going down on Aurum.

"So what's the plan regarding these factories? Are we scoping them out...or reducing them to base real estate?" he inquired, swinging a leg over his chosen speeder and taking a look down upon the gauges. The fuel was full, everything was primed; and the speeder was the definition of "raring to go". Of course, Isley wasn't going to speed off without his comrades; especially into a jungle as obviously-teeming as the one they stood within.

[member="Jorus Merrill"]
@Masamune Tatemoto
The three swords he did forge
Were strapped to his body.
Willingly he'd come to Horde
Space where Aurum had suffered.

"Factories and atrocities abound
On Aurum so strongly that
The very air and earthen ground
Resonate with such sadness and terror."

Masamune shifted the blades
He carried, Dojigiri on his back.
He gestured to the south as shades
Of darkness seemed to emanate.

"Our search would be best
Started to the south
Where the main nest
Of activity seems located."

[member="Jorus Merrill"]
[member="Isley Verd"]
[member="Masamune Tametomo"]

"South it is." Jorus collapsed his macrobinoculars and stowed them at his belt. "The plan is to do both -- scope it out, find out what they're making where, and pick the most critical target. I'd hate to spend our one shot on tearing down a refinery when there's a factory next door churning out disintegrator guns or something. For the approach, I'm going to go with my gut -- uh, instinctive navigation, what I do. Stay close if it's feasible."

His speeder took off through gently toasted forest and silent, ravaged Je'daii villages. The crystal caves to the south were a local attraction, and it was from there that smokestacks ascended to the sky. They'd industrialized the caves for some unknown reason. Force-guided piloting took him down and into a twisting gully, its walls half-covered by sloping greenery as long fronds draped themselves down from the edge. Much of the gully was grown over, invisible from the surface, leaving them to race down a green tunnel of tiger-striped shadows, presumably in places where no perimeter had been created. At one point they passed under the buzz of a security field that terminated on a rocky overhang. Running into plant matter at a few hundred kph was not ideal, and he needed to reduce speed, so he slowed until he couldn't slow much more, and then the ravine ended. Jorus stashed his speeder under a mountain of plant life and crept to the edge.

The cave mouth was heavily guarded by both Vong and nonVong, with heavy industrial traffic -- huge speeder trucks bearing the Subach logo.

The swordsman kept pace with ease
And followed [member="Jorus Merrill"]
Through the grass and gully and trees
Until they reached their destination.

"Vong and others I can see,
Though why both stand together
There must surely be
A reason of profound need.

Perhaps such things occurring here
Are far more sinister than thought.
We must make far more clear
What exactly is happening..."
[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Masamune Tametomo"] [member="Isley Verd"]

There is a saying about legends and myths.

As fantastic as they can be, as out of this world and simply amazing... there is the slightest of possibilities that such tall spacer tales are held with a sliver of truth.

Nok Drayen and the loot of a thousand worlds. The Oswafts of the ThonBoka nebula. The Disciples of Twilight.

The Wardens of the Sky.

Down to the Corellian boogyman of old told to youngling's to make them mind their manners and behave. They all hold a measure of truth.

In this, Chloe knew all too well. Some myths and legends were of flesh and blood.

Some treasure hunts, were based on truth, woven into far fetched stories to keep them hidden from the galaxy.

The travesty of Aurum would speak of a tale so dark and so evil, the aura would saturate the Force almost akin to that of Ruusan.

Standing there, fingers fisted tightly into a knuckle white grip as the stench of death, decay, and sickly sweet putrid aura of the Darkside, Chloe Blake, Warden of the Sky, was felled to her knees by what she beheld before her.

There, stood a great tree, it's majestic branches and trunk without a single leaf. In their stead stood the nailed decaying bodies of padawans, knights, and masters alike. Scavengers had long since begun to feast on the dead. It was a sign. A warning.

Go no further.

Kalahira... Tears formed upon Chloe's blue eyes as deep utter sorrow befell her, supplicating to the Corellian Goddess of Protection and peace.

The brutality of the Horde was on par of that of the Bando Gora Reavers, and the scene that beheld her was enough to prompt an immediate sense of vertigo. Nausea took her, and the contents of her stomach soon were retched upon the floor caked with dry blood.

Bile would spittle out of her mouth as strands of blonde hair would fall forward, hiding her pallid face, one hand attempting to keep it free from that which had spewed from her.

Eyes were shut closely, tightly. She was here for a reason. In that she had to focus upon. A reason. A purpose. A calling. While Jorus and the other Wardens cast judgement on those who had razed Aurum into a wretched necropolis.

Hands covered in grit, grime, and lingering dry blood soon gently went pushing from the ground, her body straightening. A prayer to the Gods and the dead was quietly sung. She could not spare the time to properly bury them, not now, but she could ask that the Great ones watch over their souls as they were now one with the Force.

The sight would only set her determination into sharp focus, Corellian blood pumping through her in sheer utter steadfast purpose.

In the light, there is a darkness and in the darkness, a light.

Strive to live in balance.

Ashla and Bogan. Nur and Kol. The Sun and Moon.

Betwixt that balance would one find truth.

Hidden for the sake of protecting that which should not fall into the wrong hands.

Nine wings held in delight, beheld by Nur and Kol on the zenith.

She had a mission to fulfill.

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
"YOU WORTHLESS FILTH!! YOU WHAT!? GET THE FRAKING SHIPMENT READY!" Screaming could be heard a twisted scream from a Gruag worker bellowed through the mountains and through the mouth of the cave. A very familiar voice to certain people. Coming out head first from the mouth of the cave was a Gruag. Screaming and scrambling on the dirt the bloodied up worker scrambled on his back until he lay there stagnant and shivering under the sun. "LUCY!! IM NOT DONE WITH YOU BABY!" With a laugh a small orange blip popped up from out the cave holding a KD20 pistol in his hand. The Gruag was crawling back quickly now until his back was to a tree, sitting there hopelessly the other Vong and Gruag guarding the door didn't say anything to him. They knew better. Hold on said pistol was no other than Parker himself. Crouching down he sighed and looked at the fearful creature and chuckled afterwards.

"Do you know what order is?" He said cocking back his pistol. "Order is everything and nothing. You see people like you have orders, ship boxes break crystals. You are all part of this non existent fantasy that there really is a greater calling. Well let me tell you something my friend. No one knows where order truly comes from. Is it a thought? Who decides things, hoe things will be. What I'm his mind decided that you are the grunt who picks crystals? Nothing, it's non existent. And you had simple orders, but you see a person like me is meant to upset order throw out the norm." Pressing his head against the Gruag's Parker smiled and gave it a kiss on the forehead before whispering into its earhole. "And your orders just got you killed." With a loud crack the slug thrower went off into the Gruag's gut and the acid from the slug began to chew away at the creatures inside

Standing up Parker wiped the red blood off his face before looking at the others at the cave. "Mother fuckers don't just look at me clean it up before he starts to stink." Walking to the mouth of the cave a Vong grabbed the Gruag's dead body and began to drag it away as the madman laughed his happy ass off. Little did he know he was about to have the time of his life [member="Chloe Blake"] [member="Masamune Tametomo"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Isley Verd"]
No one was left who could remember how it had happened,
how this world had fallen under darkness.
At least no one who would do anything.
No one who would oppose the robots and Vong.
No one who would challenge their power,
or so Break believed...

After arriving from his short task of being ambassador of the Horde Break returned to his outpost on Aurum.
Twenty floors above the dark streets of the planet sat a very youthful looking man ,Break planned the protection of this planet from within a run-down tenement.
Sensors normal at the moment, Break kept a steady eye on all happenings on the planet.
Never one to be trustful and always wary he had droids to scout the surrounding areas of his area of influence over these mines and jungles.
Break truly did run a tight ship, but what would you expect from a highly intricate and very thorough HRD?
behind him lay his newly configured armor and fully prepped weapons.
and sweeping the planet like always were collector droids which were perfect for observing and collecting wildlife to use for shaping but also served as great scouts however slow and stupid they were... Break would continue his watch of the planet unaware of the intruders that had made their way onto the planet he was now in charge of.

[member="James M Parker"] [member="Break"] [member="Chloe Blake"] [member="Masamune Tametomo"] [member="Isley Verd"]

That man was dead.

They'd served together in the old Rebel Alliance, resisting the Empire's expansion. He'd seen Parker butcher a pregnant Imperial spy, execute hostages for fun - he'd seen too much, before Parker took his eyes with a handful of glass. He'd buried Parker's own vibrohatchet in the psycho's kidney once, beat him with Chloe Blake.

Parker was dead...but apparently Jorus had been seriously misinformed. Alive, and working for the Horde on a world taken by atrocith. Tunnel visio did 't even begin to describe it.

With shaking fingers, he keyed his comm to Chloe.

"Parker is here," he said in a voice that sounded alien to his ears, and rose from the undergrowth with a Tenloss Ambassador fifth calibre ripper revolver in each hand. The massive guns barked twice each as he dashed across the cleared ground toward the man who'd taken his eyes. Covering fire to get to k ife range.

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
"IS IT SO FRAKING HARD!? DO I HAVE TO DO IT ALL MYSELF HERE!?" With his KD20 pistol in his hand and vibro tomahawks at his side Parker looked around at the ten guards that stood at the mouth of the crystal cave. He was here to get a few credits and be on his way wherever he was needed but recently he was assigned to protect this place until the Horde's leadership issue was solved. "You there!" He said pointing out to one of the Gruag guards. Almost shaking in fear the guard looked to him. "I swear you people are ugly." With a soft chuckle it was a very good thing most of the civilians and force user temples had been wiped out here or things would of gotten very very bad for present company. "LOOK AT IT ALL!! BREATH IT IN!" He yelled to himself throwing his arms in the air afterwards. But now things were about to get interesting.

The Warden's guns opened fired and the rounds hissed and snapped as they passed over Parker one finding a new home in the chest of a Gruag warrior. With that Parker smiled and looked over to see what was going on. Some guy had just started opening fire on him and Parker would not take kindly to that. He couldn't quite make him out from here but he intended to find out just who was shooting at him. One of the Gruag quickly hoped on the radio and began to alert command that they were under fire. "Command tower this is crystal cave seven niner we have contact send help we need re-" [@Break] the warrior was cut off as Parker fired a slug into the man's head watching his dead body slump over and fall lifeless to the ground.

"This one is mine." With a smile on his face Parker ran towards the man shooting at him eight rounds now left in his clip. Before leaving however Parker picked up the Gruag's Lancer Blaster Rifle to supplement himself. Armed with three hundred rounds in the weapon Parker lifted up the heavy rifle aimed down the sights at the incoming target and fired letting the red streaks of deadly light leave the barrel and go straight towards [member="Jorus Merrill"], as he continued to fire letting loose a good fifteen rounds at his target Parker slowly began to see who it was. Although it was still a decent ways out so images only began to seem hazy in his twisted mind

Lancer Blaster Rifle- 285/300
Extra magazines: 0

KD20 Acid slug thrower pistol: 8/10
Extra magazines: 2

2 Vibro tomahawks
Condition: pristine
Break sat at at his post just waiting for something to happen...a revolt...a death...hell a meeting would light up his day! that however wouldn't be needed. Break got a gargled distress call from crystal cave seven niner and that would be all that would be all he needed.

"Finally things get interesting!"

Activating his droids to head to that location Break would arm himself in the mean time as he headed down the lift to his speeder. 30 or so PRT-01 droids would be just enough to liven the party and he himself would be joining soon....hopefully the goon that had appeared recently wouldnt have done too much damage to the area but that was a matter for later as far as Break cared.

Break was ready as the lift came to a stop at the bottom floor. his armaments ready for battle he was going to look for some fun to be had.

PRT-01 droids: condition- perfect

PPAC-000- 30 rounds, 12 extra cannisters.

Vibro katana- condition perfect

Sonic blaster rifle-5 rounds, 0 clips

2 concussion grenades

Nexu rifle-40 bolts 3 extra clips

"attenton crystal cave seven niner, I am en route to further detain our....guests. alert all guards to be armed and ready no survivors."

[member="James M Parker"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Chloe Blake"] [member="Masamune Tametomo"] [member="Isley Verd"]
Funny how a simple everyday act can turn into a line of demarcation. The simple pick up of an encrypted comm could relay three little words that would set apart two distinct timelines. Before the comm call and after.

<< Parker is here. >>

Three little words that would bring a wealth of flashbacks. Of the Rebel Parker, who in his crazed state hacked a pregnant Imperial woman in the very station that had put an end to Jorus's sight.

Giving him the cybernetic eyes that she'd picked out herself.

A sharp breath would come to the Warden, a tightening of her fists. It had taken Jorus and Chloe together to put him down last. To realize he was still alive...

<< Be careful. >> came her reply, but it was unlikely that he'd have heard it. She had to trust in the Wardens and those who were there with Jorus, that they would have his back, that they would protect each other.

She had to trust in that. They all had their parts to play in this act. Hers was elsewhere, but it did not stop the chill of growing fear and dark forbearing at the thought of Jorus fighting against Parker without her.

Parker was ke'dem; unbalanced. Crazy. Lost. There was no predicting what he would do.

A sharp intake of breath would follow a fervent prayer to the Corellian Gods.

Kalahira, you who protect all that come within your sight. Protect him in that hedge of protection your touch can provide. Keep him safe.

In that instant, the student of the greatest Fallanassi Elders, Je'gan Olra'en wove the fluid river of the White Current around herself, becoming invisible to inorganic and organic alike.

Ashla and Bogan. Nur and Kol. The Sun and Moon.

Betwixt that balance would one find truth.

Deeper into the the remains of the jungle she went, her objective that which had been hidden long before. Calculations of the moon and sun's orbit and where they would both be at their zenith gave a clue.

Oratory tales spoke of large stones, set to calculate time and seasons. Long lost and forgotten. Beginning and end.

Where the moon would fade and the sun would rejoice.
Following the direction of [member="Jorus Merrill"], the Mandalorian steered his speederbike south. For him, the ride was totally silent, as he spent his time doing swift reconnaissance. Compliments of his helm, a rangefinder allowed him to see further ahead than his naked eyes; thereby affording him a view of the repulsor-trucks and Graug from a small distance off. When the ride was over and all disembarked, Isley quietly took a few steps closer to the truck...which bore a logo he thought he'd never see again. Baring his teeth, frustration raced through his veins and he queued his helmet's audio/visual recorders. Everything that he saw from this point forward would be recorded...and for good reason. "Subach." he breathed, looking to the leader of their group, "I could've sworn I wiped them off the face of the Galaxy...but of course they'd be here."

Of course the Sith-loving corporation would be here, in a world that ravaged the innocent with not a care in the world.

However, there would be time to revel in just how frustrating seeing that karking logo was at a later time...for now, there was a mission to accomplish. Reaching for his utility belt, the Mandalorian procured his duo of silenced, CZ-835 Machine Pistols. He then squatted beside Jorus and relied upon the sum of cover for a degree of stealth. However, when he began firing, the time came for Isley to do what he did best. Relying upon his HUD, the Mandalorian took a peek from behind his cover and allowed the rangefinder to "mark" the targets. From there, it was simply a matter of hitting the big red dots before his eyes; something that he could do with relative ease. Rising, Isley began to open fire upon the Graug which aided this so-called Parker.

And he did not comment on Jorus' supposedly knowing the mangled one of the bunch, for that was a story that was his and his alone. No, Isley's concern was solely upon the job at hand; and as such he continued to open fire upon the Graug. His rounds, an even blend of BANG and VENOM slugs, unleashed hell upon their armor; causing minor explosions or immediate corrosions upon contact. Being stationary wasn't an option in this firefight, however, so Isley began to step lively to the right whilst maintaining his rate of fire. "We're a little outnumbered here, got any backup on the way?" Isley called over the roar of gunfire and screams of dying beasts.

[member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Chloe Blake"] | [member="Break"] | [member="James M Parker"] | [member="Masamune Tametomo"]
[member="James M Parker"] [member="Isley Verd"] [member="Break"] [member="Masamune Tametomo"] [member="Chloe Blake"]

Chloe's plea and Isley's question fell victim to the tunnel vision thing. He was busy sidestepping and duckrolling his way past Parker's torrent of weapons fire, and when a shot came too close he punched it out of the air with the tiny hemispherical energy shield projected by his Rebel Alliance signet ring. The shield burnt out after a handful of hits, but he'd gained ground.

The Ambassador heavy revolvers barked repeatedly, plasma-clad fifty-cal slugs punching straight through the immense Graug and Vong around Parker as Isley's machine pistols strafed them. Jorus' eyes never left Parker.

The revolvers clicked empty as he took a dive over a concrete barricade. One revolver tumbled from his grip, but the other found its holster as he switched to the huge, heavy, double-barreled shotgun that had followed him across galaxies. When he'd last come here, his main enemy had been collector droids, and he'd loaded for bear: An electromagnetic pulse shell. The shell detonated between them as he charged, and every blaster and bit of electronics around went dead.

Should Parker let the charging Warden get close, he'd face a rib-crushing gunstock strike from a shotgun made entirely of Mandalorian iron.

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Isley Verd"] [member="Chloe Blake"]

With a wild laughter Parker continued to spray bolts across the battlefield watching the incoming fire from both the man advancing and whoever the sniper was in the bushes. Getting closer and closer watching without a care as the rounds fired flew over his head and impacted other Graug and Vong warriors. There were plenty more of them with reinforcements on the way more than likely but Parker wanted them to himself. He wanted to torture them and make them beg for death, but the closer and closer he got to the man an image seemed to pop into his head. A faint distorted memory from the past. It was him, it was Jorus! Laughing wildly Parker began to scream a bloody roar at the man who had stabbed him with his own axe. "JORUS JORUS JORUS FRAKING MERRILL!! THE LAST TIME I SAW YOU, YOU TRIED TO KILL ME!! GOOD TIMES!!" After that Parker lifted his lancer to take a shot at him but soon the emp detonated and the blaster went offline. Luckily hecstill had his slug thrower and tomahawks or else things would of been a lot more difficult for him.

Staggering back the blast had changed Parker and a look of confusion came on his face. "Where am I?" He said to himself softly looking around at everything taking that he was in a fire fight. With a more soft look on his face James looked up and saw Jorus a man he once knew and was very sorry for taking his eyes. "Jorus? Is that you?" He said before noticing that the warden had closed the distance. Reacting on base instincts James took the lancer in his arms and dropped it down using it as a shield against the blow from the crush gaunt. Bending inwards the rifle had just about snapped in half causing bits of shrapnel to land and imbed themselves into James ribcage. Being flung backwards James hit the deck hitting his head agains the hard dirt.

Looking up wearily and tired James raised a hand at Jorus and spoke. "He won't leave me alone, please Jorus they brought me back. I was with my family again and they brought me ba- SHUT UP JAMES!" He screamed rearing his fist into the dirt. "Jorus you have to kill me!" The softer voice said once more to Jorus before a torrent of sighted exited his mouth. "SHUT UP JAMES! JORUS YOU DIE TODAY!!" Standing up once more Parker gripped his KD20 at his waist afterwards taking one of his tomahawks and gripping it tight. Taking aim at Jorus they were a good seven feet apart when he fired three acid slugs at the man. But it got better, more Vong flooded out of the cave with their bio rifles to take aim at the sniper in the bushes unleashing torrents of fire on the mando. Not that they knew who he was or anything
[member="James M Parker"]

He hadn't expected the bullrush to work, not that well, but Parker went flying with a broken gun in his hands. And then they were back to olden days, the reformed Parker showing his face again. He'd snapped back out of sociopathy after Jorus took a set of electrified brass knuckles to him. He missed those knuckles.

The shotgun would have to do.

He turned the double-barreled Mandalorian shell gun sideways, and bam-bam-bam caught the three acid slugs on the gun's underside, between the two barrels. Acid splattered on his boots, started to eat through, smoke rose, but the gun had survived reactor breaches and Dark Lords' lightsabres -- acid couldn't touch it.

It was at this point that Jorus slammed the stock into his shoulder and fired his second barrel. The eight-gauge roared out a CryoBan charge, lethal radius six metres, frostbite range twelve metres. His absolute and unshakable intention was to turn Parker into ice and shatter him to popsicles. Behind Parker, a couple of Vong crystallized just as one fired his biogun; the recoil shattered the Vong where he stood, spraying Parker's back with reddish ice chips.

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
[member="Jorus Merrill"]

Looking with malice and hate at Jorus Parker walked forward taking aim at Jorus once more. Firing another four rounds his magazine was spent. Hopefully those slugs at a range of six feet would work. Although things were about to get very bad for the mad man. Screaming in frustration Parker pulled his vibro hatchets and ran straight at Jorus. He was mad truly mad to rush a man with a shotgun. Once Jorus fired Parker quickly saw the error of his way and slide as if he was rounding the corner for a home run. However the frost caught his left arm completely freezing it solid. While the ice chips from the dead Vong splintered onto his shoulders others missing his vital areas. With his arm useless now Parker ended up behind Jorus from the slide. Though he would not press the attack, not yet at least. His madness would make him say a few words.

"Jorus, Jorus Jorus Jorus. You couldn't save them Jorus. They died because you failed them. Did it hurt when the life left her eyes? When she died because you weren't fast enough? ANSWER ME JORUS!! ANSWER ME!!" Looking down at his frozen arm Parker laughed wildly. Taking the hatchet in his right hand he took it and sliced off the frozen flesh on his arm in four directions to form a frozen pike of dead flesh and bone. A spear almost that would be capable of stabbing. Laughing as he cut off his own arm Parker paced back and forth as more Vong began to move up. "JORUS!! YOU KILLED THAT WHORE AND HER UNBORN IMPERIAL FILTH!"

Hopefully Jorus didn't reload during his little rant because Parker was headed straight at Jorus now, his first attack was a swipe with tomahawk followed by a stab with his new appendage Jorus had so gratefully gifted him with. However the other Vong and Gruag continued to funnel out until about a good platoon sized force was engaged in a fire fight from various pieces of cover throughout the outside of the cave
While [member="James M Parker"] slid past and carved his own frozen arm into a spear, Jorus drew his knife from the small of his back. He held it forehand in his left, gripped the shotgun just above the breech with his right, and braced himself as Parker charged. The spear of flash-frozen bone slammed into the shotgun barrels near Jorus' right hand as he caught the tomahawk with his knife, right at the crook of head and haft. The vibroblade skirled, skittered and whined against the tough cortosis alloy; chips of frozen flesh splintered away from the shotgun. It was too heavy to maneuver easily one-handed, or he'd have done an awful lot of things.

As it was, all he could manage was to shove it up and out, pushing the frozen arm away, while trying to shove the tomahawk up. He moved in for a low stomping kick, left foot forward, attempting to break Parker's near foot.

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
[member="Jorus Merrill"]
As the two were locked in mortal combat Parker stared at Jorus dead in his eyes, Parker's crazy eyes filled to the brim with crazy. And for once Parker didn't scream, he didn't cry, chant, his voice was cold and dark. As dark as the day Jorus had taken him in to have his brain reworked. "Jorus Merrill. A man of many talents. You can anything, well almost anything." Moving his face in inches to Jorus' "You can't seem to save the people who count on you. How many people do you think I killed on your watch? Fifty? Maybe hundred." Pushing forward a bit in their power struggle the new found strength of Parker's Vong shaped body starting to show. "And no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try I'm going to hunt down and kill everything you ever loved. Your friends, your family." With a sick smile on his face Parker laughed softly continuing to stare Jorus in his eyes. "And most of all, your pretty little blonde queen." Forgive the writers language the situation just called for it.

"You can kill me a thousand times, and you know what the beauty of it is? They will just bring me back. Starting now." Laughing wildly Parker screamed as loud as he could bellowing and loving the moment that was at hand. Breaking his hatchet away Parker broke off of Jorus dodging his foot smashing blow. He had already lost an arm he didn't want to lose much more. After breaking off Parker rolled backwards and moved back to the cave. No he wasn't going to kill Jorus today, he was going to make him suffer first. He wanted to tear down his life piece by piece until he understood what it was like to be him. Quickly after parked jetted back to the cave the automatic fire from the horde bee launching bio rifles and the Gruag's lancer blaster bolts focused on Jorus and his Mandolorian ally keeping a constant field of fire on them

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