Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Attack on titan moments the good and the bad

Okay first and foremost if you havent watched attack on titan and are planning to DONT GET IN THIS THREAD!
Secondly if you haven't watched attack on titan and don't plan on watching it THIS WONT MAKE ANY SENSE AND YOU SHOULD WATCH THIS ANIME YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Okay so basically what this thread is going to be about is picking any moment from attack on titan and then talking about what you liked and what you thought made no sense or was dumb but hilariously so, Now pls don't make the moments you choose like a full episode or half of it just 2-10 minutes per moment.

Ill go first! Now I loved that time Eren and the others got ambushed by the colossal titan and Eren basically turned into captain Levi and almost killed it. I love how awesome Eren was and how mysterious it was when the colossal titan disappeared , I didn't like the fact that 1. ERENS TEAMATES DIDNT THINK TO BACK HIM UP! 2. EREN DIDNT GET BURNT TO A CRISP WHEN HE WAS GETTING STEAMED.

This is pretty much it you take any moment and you list 1-4 things good and bad about them

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