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Private Atrisia Lagoon Games

Location: Near Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Supisy was quite happy that her intrigue with the Princess’ handmaidens was mutual at least with some of the handmaidens. She did wonder if Junko saw her interest in others as a threat. Junko seemed pretty open and free about her relationships, to Supisy guessed the princess would be ok with her doing likewise. “Yummy sweet bite-sized berries to feed each other as we lounge around the grottos sounds like it would be a lovely treat to have very near to my home.” Supisy said with a wide smile. “Do you have snowgrapes here? I love snowgrapes.”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

Aa raised eyebrow but a grin. "I am sure we can get snowgrapes. The environmental control stations allow within areas to make it ideal for any number of climates and growing different things. I have peaches from Alderaan and snowplums from Pantora and oh some of the ripest strawberries from Endor." She said it and Min nodded. "You should see some of the places... farmers usually have multilayered farms for the purposes of different environments to grow more exotic crops and sell off extra at a large scale mark up to the galaxy as we can grow for the coreworlds fresher versions then the carbonite stored."
Location: Near Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

It was possible that she could have snowgrapes all the time. That made Supisy smile. In truth she hadn’t had them very often, but remembered them as being sweet and tasty. “So the farmers have to create artificial climates?” she questioned. If Latty was here she would probably wonder why Supisy cared about farming. But the next question showed she really didn’t have interest in agriculture. “So does that mean that it is always warm and sunny bathing suit weather?” the follow up question came with a smirk. “At least if the farmers are growing cold weather crops there is someplace to sneak away and create a snowball fight if the desire hits.”

Supisy also smiled at the mention of supplying crops to the core worlds and making a good profit for the farmers. “Seems like the Commonwealth does a good job of measuring their worth in the galaxy. I imagine the average person here is far better off than almost anywhere else. But still there is a push to do more in technology and to share their fruits with the galaxy. Even if they come at a price. How do you balance profit versus the good of the galaxy?”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

Junko gave a nod of her head. "Essentially yes, they have normal means to farm... we have the work for handling soil erosion and other detriments but the environmental controls means they can grow any number of things... it is a means to not over saturate our markets as not all farmers are needed to grow grains and fruits or veggies... they can grow a number of different exotic things." THe snowball fight and swimsuit weather was well also true as with the right areas it was always the right weather for such things. "Swimsuit weather is always perfect for the beaches and snowball fights are worthwhile. "The average commonwealth citizen is usually better off not to knock other places in the galaxy of course but we have taken to a more blanket approach.The old saying a high tide raises all boats well we want the highest tide so elevated quality of life for the farmers and workers, produces more food to feed soldiers and police forces which protect the people and the ones who do other occupations either sell the extra product to bring wealth and commerce to Atrisia or they function to make suree things are protected and running smoothly." She tapped her chin though about the last paart. "Supisy as much as we want, we can't handle the whole galaxy... it is a large place, trillions upon trillions of lives. We aare just starting to really stabilize the commonwealth which is only around two hundred planets within billions of stars and tens of billions of worlds."
Location: Near Junko’s Palace
Tags: @junko

Junko explained about the theory of farming in the Commonwealth, and expressed that there seemed to be an everlasting desire for balance at all levels of the Commonwealth. It was an admirable goal that seemed to mostly work with a lot of duty being placed on Junko to maintain, though Supisy wouldn’t be surprised if there were other nobles that shared that duty. It sounded like way more work than the young Twi’lek was capable of, but she was glad that someone was doing it, even if it was only affecting this corner of the galaxy.

As if reading her thoughts Junko confirmed that they first thought about the Commonwealth and what was best for them, and then spread the prosperity outward as possible. “It is a large task to make the Commonwealth as good as it can be I’m sure. The galaxy is a vast place that I’ve seen so little of. I know we can’t save everyone…So where is that grotto at?” she asked the last turning to Min and smiling.
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

The grin was there and Junko motioned with her head while she was looking at Min who led the way for them. Giving them a lot more to work on and the pathway towards the grotto was easy enough with a small pond that functioned off one of the river branches. Engineering droids working on it to shape the ground and land around the pond to add to it. "IT is this way and the area will have a panoramic view of the waters allowing a fishery for raising your own but also to add some more color this far in." Min was going over some areas while the layout was simple but made that they could develop it with their advanced module construction materials and connect them.
Location: Near Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Supisy followed Junko and Min towards the grotto. It seemed that the spot was a work in progress. Were they anticipating the Twi’leks desires? She wouldn’t put that past Junko, she was very good at reading people. Even though it was obviously not complete, Supisy thought that grotto was quite charming. And would certainly do for a naked swim or romantic picnic spot for certain. The mention of colorful fish brought a smile to Suisy’s face. She loved color and variety. “Would we be able to make part of the pond a hot spring? Would that harm the fish at all? I’ve always wanted my own private place to enjoy warm waters like that.” She looked at both Junko and Min. “Not completely private all the time of course.”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

Junko looked at her and grinned. "A hot spring would be possible and no with the right sectioning and hydrostatic shielding the heat can be kept to a warm enough temperature to not boil and harm them." SHe said it and was looking at the place. "This is a perfect area for things and a few others dotted across the island... the connection to the underground network will also help moving around concealed in case of attack from outsiders and we are working on shield projectors across the perimeter of the island that can basically be turned on for a sectional planetary shield. Same as in the major cities using the walls which protect by extension most of the towns and villages."
Location: Near Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

The young Twi’lek was quite excited to learn that her ideas were feasible. The idea of sneaking down to the grotto in the middle of the night to rest and relax in a hot spring sounded so luxurious. And having such a place to host visitors…it would be quite impressive. Junko then went over the possible security precautions that could be taken. A week ago she probably would have sloughed off that part of the conversation, but she couldn’t ignore anything that Junko spoke about. And on top of the Junko factor, protecting her new house, in a place that Supisy finally thought she might be able to make a real life for herself, was very important. “Whatever protection can be placed over my home would be greatly appreciated. I hope that you and your handmaidens will use my open door policy often and join me in enjoying my fancy grotto and home.”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

Min looked at her. "Open door policy well that will be something to see." She said it as Junko laughed and looking though they had mapped it out with the interface and coordinates for the droids to come and work on it more. "Shall we return to the palace... there is still plenty to see and a chance that Supisy might enjoy going to the mainland... or one of the other islands... she could see a show at the arena." Min nodded. "I think they are done with the fighting, now it is singing aand some cases they have watersports... or guan lu even. Their arena is one fo the finest for the sport." Junko nodded with that. "Oh yes... Supisy would likely love that... either participating or watching."
Location: Near Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Supisy gave Min a giggle when she responded positively to her “open door” policy. Supisy really didn’t know if what she had said really matched what she meant. She hoped the handmaidens and Junko knew she intended that they could come and visit without an invitation. ”I certainly hope that you all will take advantage of it…Once my place is fit for visitors that is,” Supisy blushed. There was that small thing that had to happen before she could have an open door policy, she would need a door. The suggestion to return to the palace was a welcome one for Supisy. Though she was excited about making a new home, especially here, there was so much planning and Supisy just wasn’t good at keeping a focus for a long time. There was mention of fighting and singing at the palace and… ”I want to see this Guan Yu. I’m sure I’ll get it and want to jump in. That’s just who I am.”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

"Oh you will enjoy it, a bunch of people running around with water cannons and it is like a warzone... in swimsuits.... with lightly pressurized water." Junko said it and Min was right there with her while they would be able to move around and back towards the palace. The pathway leading it along a different path that went into the mountains. Where they were building terraces for trees in a secluded area. "This is being set up as a garden, specifically for additional fruit trees and edible plants. A back up food store we would be able to use." Min said it while she was looking at some channels and indicating it. "We are also working on what will be hotsprings that will filter and nourish. THey are setting up sensors for concealing the paths and parts of the island or making it look natural from orbit and scans."
Location: Near Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

To Supisy Guan Yu sounded like a dream competition. Anything that got a bunch of Artisians into swimsuits and running around was destined to be interesting. Add in the water guns or whatever pressurized water they were using and you had Supisy’s attention for sure. The Twi’lek wasn’t quite ready for another try on the racers, so running about and getting wet was the next best thing. ”Sounds like a blast. Let’s get moving. How is the winner declared? I always want to win.” As they walked Min pointed out the area was for agricultural advancement. ”You guys are really advanced. I can’t believe all the stuff you are into. I’m surprised when I’m able to follow Latty’s instructions to get the sonicook right. I hope you’ll be able to teach me how to keep up my own house…” Supisy giggled and nudged Min. ”Or I’ll need my own set of handmaidens to do all this for me.”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

She modded and smiled. "The winner is declared usually when the points are reached. Contact shots on the body with the water is observed but if you can get the small markers usually around the waist off those count towards your total." She said it and well there was more as the advanced tech that was being developed... there was always more and as they advanced it they could advance others using what they learned or what they were getting as a result. "It has been something that we have been seeing improve and advance by leaps and bounds... the better quality metals we can make the better we can improve the manufacturing which in turn produces better quality materials to improve the designs... advances in medical leads to better stability with cloning and medicine that we can make synthetically so it will function better at times then the original." Min nodded when she was looking at them with a smile on her face. "You have no idea how far some things have advanced in terms of our manufacturing to repair and cloth or feed after war and attacks they have gotten really big in quickly making it better."
Location: Near Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Guan Yu was quickly rising up the list of sports in Supisy’s mind. Uniforms are swimsuits, the goal is to get the opponent’s body wet, with special points for knocking objects off their bodies. It all sounded like so much fun. ”I’m going to be the Guan Yu champion. We should hurry to make sure they don't start without us,” Supisy replied with a giggle. She had no idea if there was one. It seemed like Artisia was more about having fun and maybe a degree of bragging rights than something as linear as finding a champion. Listening to all the advances Artisia had in the works made Supisy wonder why the rest of the galaxy didn’t lean on their advancements. Perhaps it was by design that the Artisians kept these things well guarded. If that was the case the young Twi’lek felt very lucky to be trusted by Junko and by extension her people. ”I can tell things here are far beyond the rest of the galaxy. And from what you say it moves forward quickly. I hope I can grasp it all. Don’t want to be left behind. Though I suspect I’ll have good teachers here.” Supisy smiled at Junko and gave Min a wink. Anything to spend time with those two would be worth learning.
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

The idea of her being champion was intriguing.. there was contests with winners and if you had a large enough amount of winners they did compete in the grand arena for prizes... most events in the arena were for prizes and pride sure enough... but there was also always the best reason to compete... wine women and song. "There is something close... not in the way the rest of the galaxy might do it... the winner in the grand arena is usually given a prize and makes plenty of credits. Some train years to get good and work on teams." She said it while going and returning to the pathways that led into the palace there was something nice. The far end of the garden that was closest to her chambers as the trees and wall were there... guards moving around and giving them plenty fo room to move about as Min nodded. "YOu shouldn't be, we advance quickly but everything is made to be user friendly and it adapts better to you."
Location: Near Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

The fact that there might not truly be a champion in Guan Yu did not dishearten Supisy in the least. Fame, fortune prizes and wet opponents was enough reward to make her want to be the best even if there was no title that would go along with it. ”Psh,” the young Twi’lek shrugged at the idea of spending years on anything. ”I’m a natural I guarantee. It won’t take me years to get to that level.” She made a noise as they approached the palace again and Junko’s chambers. All of Atrisia was beautiful, but as they got closer to Junko’s chambers it seemed to get even more so. When Min made a statement about the advancements Supisy nearly stopped. ”No way. You’re telling me this stuff is going to learn how I want to use it? And then it will just happen? That is amazing.”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

The twi'lek looked at her. "Yeah, we have been experimenting and developing the technology so that it aids and assists but it doesn't take over. We use controlled AI's for a number of systems to assist and reduce the error factor but they are not without limitations." It was a good way to stay active and involved without having to rely on everything and they could all easily be overwritten after all in terms of orders with rare exceptions as they could process and think as it were on things far faster. "With the work we haver been able to make the cities safer as well and the smart roads that are being developed will allow speeders to operate quickly between them. We will still have gravity trains but a personal vehicle being able to go at high speeds and have none of the dangerous situations. of it."
Location: Near Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Supisy listened as it was explained in more detail how the new tech made itself more user friendly without completely taking over. The Twi’lek pilot remembered her experience with Junko’s ship’s AI. She wasn’t sure she would want to interact with too many of the computer brains, but she also saw the value that they would have in keeping up with things that had defined expectations. But piloting…Supisy was too instinctive to think that one of those AI brains were good for anything more than calculating faster than light transportation. ”There are limitations on everything. I could see having an AI system to help out with my household, but there are some areas of life that I just have to do it myself with my own two hands.” Supisy was again excited over the described smart roads. She giggled before piping in, ”I surely trust you guys with all the technology stuff, but if something’s going fast I want to be controlling it so those smart roads sound great. But now I am looking forward to getting some swimsuit-clad hard bodies wet. Who else is playing Guan Yu with me?”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

Min and Junko both laughed at that and a duel with Uzeki here would only be four people. "We need more people if we would be looking to do that." Junko said it with a smile on her face though as she wasn't saying no.. just that they needed more people. "We'll get the other handmaidens and some in the palace who wish to join.. it is good to practice." She said it while walking with her hands clasped in front of herself... the bigger grin though was remaining on Mins face whenshe was leading the way back and Uzeki looked at them shaking her head.. she was used to it.. she was prepared for it as the palaces sentries came back itno view and were watching them for protection. The gardens and courtyard in view wrapping around wiuth its fountains and its trees obscuring some fo the statues.

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