Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Atrisia. Glory and Agony (Open To OS, others PM for invite)

The First time Mythos came to this world he did so as a Politician and a "peacekeeper" between the Emperor of Atrisia and the Interest of the One Sith, it had ended in a sour less than enjoyable note. His return to this planet was much more gratifying as the Emperor by the Will of the One Sith was now Ousted and replaced with Mythos as Will of the Planet. However this meant only one thing. There was an Empty Throne and Mythos did not feel like putting a puppet on it, he was going to sit in the Throne and become the Emperor himself and he had all the damned authority to do so by the Order of the Voice of the Emperor.

It was damn good to be the King. He made his way to the Palace of Jar'kai followed closely by the One Sith Elite Guards assigned to him by the Order of Wills. Mythos was not flanked by just anyone, beside him was [member="Kida Ravos"], his daughter and now Princess of Atrisia by default. He was thinking of getting some quality time with her once he had dealt with a little something that was nagging him, The Vacant throne room. When he walked in the first thing he did was laugh as he remembered [member="Lady Kay"] and her remarks of his 'Unorthodox Politic Methods'

His reception was met with bitter sweet remarks he could hear, they did not matter, Nothing actually mattered aside from the fact that he was Will of Atrisia and now as he sat on the Throne, he was Emperor by his own self proclamation. He did not need to say a word to make that fact be known but he was here to make a couple of more things clear.

"This First Order of Your New Emperor is now in Session, Senate Halls will now Adhere to my will as an extension of the Will of the Emperor of the One Sith Himself that has seen fit to charge me with the Well being and care of the people of Atrisia." He Spoke with command and authority but his outfit was that of entering to war. He sat Kida on the chair at his left before he continued. "The Senate will bring concerns and Issues to me but no longer take part in the finality of the decisions... that task falls to me and to me alone" His voice was deep and threatening. "Failure to comply will result in immediate public execution..." He said with the same monotone as he looked around the faces of the Senate hall. [member="Nomkneer artzhul"] was not here, or at least, he did not come but Mythos had invited him... was not unlike the Kaleesh to be late but that did not bother him at all.

His smile was now on his face as he leaned forward and clapped his hands, "First order of Business! " His tone changing to a more subtly charming one still not leaving his throne, it was much more comfortable than it looked as Mythos found out. "Atrisia, is now a planet of the One Sith, as Such a new Law must be implanted, Your Soldiers are now Soldiers of the One Sith. This was an obvious thing and the people were notified that the current Palace Guard would remain so that changes nothing ...however" He tilted his head and smiled as he tried to hide his grin, "There will be now a Draft, through all the planet. Every Household will by Order of the One Sith be charged with the Responsibility of Baring their sons to our cause" Mythos gave an over exasperated Sigh.

"It is unfortunate that we must resort to these extremes but as you know the One Sith is engaged in so many conflicts we have to pull power and strength from every corner of our Empire and I'll be Damned if Atrisia is left in the Dust." He posed his head enchantingly, tilting it upwards as he made his final declaration. "So it gives me great pride to Pass the Drafting Law of Atrisia, every Male of 18 years or older will now be drafted into the One Sith Military and Training camps to serve in the War effort. " As expected, his proposal gave way to an outrage of mixed sentiments and a Single man Came furiously charging at the Throne in a rage.

Mythos smiled letting the man get close enough before blasting him with force lighting and sending him to the ground where his head smacked the pavement so hard it split his skull. "This is My will... and as such it is beyond discussion..." His words were met by Silence, the rage that was behind them could not be mistaken. The Man who now laid dead in the floor of the Throne room was being dragged out by the Guards of the Palace and disposed of. "Atrisia is done being weak, I will revive the Yovshin swordsman and Open up new trades with other worlds, bring companies and wealth to your plantations and towns but first you must understand that sacrifices... must be made." He clapped his hands as he finished with his somber monotone speech and waved off the Senate as a sign that this meeting was over. Looking over to Kida he finally thought now was a good time to have some quality time together, the planet had much nature and Mythos did want to explore it a bit so he brought Kida to Tag along. He kissed her cheek after the men left the Hall with only the Palace Guards and Senators who were putting the New Law into motion before he said. "So my little princess, what do you want to do today? hm? " His smile to her was a smile he shared with no one else, the light in his eyes and the one Love of his life was his Daughter and nothing else. He made sure she was dressed properly for a princess of Atrisia and got creative with the Traditional clothes of Atrisia making her look the part. Gesturing to the Palace gardens he was sure she would love he walked towards them motioning her to follow.

Kida had been doing her most very best to remember what [member='Thurion Heavenshield'] had once taught her, that is to walk like an upright. Of course, this was difficult and straining on the child, she could only do so with the support of another. And thankfully there was [member="Darth Mythos"] at her side to hold her hand and keep her upright. Her steps were like that of a toddler who was walking for the first time, haphazardly placed and unbalanced. Yet she made the effort all the same. The focus in her eye and the way her jaw was set in determination was admirable for one so young and who understood so little.

Her attire was, for the first time in a long time, immaculate for this time of day. Being on two feet instead of all fours certainly helped! Even her hair was free from tangles, something Animus took the time to see to each morning when he woke the child up to begin their day. It was clear to any who may have known Kida before that she was being well cared for, even if her position in the Galaxy had switched from the Ward of a Jedi to the Ward of a Sith.

He was talking as they walked through the room, though Kida didn't understand a word of it. She was oddly quiet today, she did not growl or whimper or even make any childish noises of awe, even though the room was very pretty. There were a lot of uprights in here, people she did not know, people she did not trust. Some of them were leering, some of them were so afraid she could taste it when she sniffed the air and caught their scent. Kida's senses were far above your average persons, she had lived the life of an animal for so long. There were subtleties she could pick up on, such as when someone caused a serious threat. It took all of her will not to snarl at some of the more displeased figures in the room.

Without warning she was plucked from the ground and set into a comfortable chair. Those which sat to the side of a throne usually were, as they were often adorned by a monarch's closest kin' who often had little part to play in the affairs of State. Thus they were prone to discomfort if made to sit in something too hard. By contrast, however, most thrones were just that. Hard, stiff, difficult to sit in for too long. Not that Kida knew any of this, of course. She was pleased by how the chair felt, and that was that. It stopped her from fidgeting at any rate. Still her Guardian used his upright words to the other uprights, and while Kida tried to follow along after a few statements she lost interest. Learning a language was difficult, especially if it was your first time doing so. Being an animal was so much easier, body language was a faster indicator.

So it was that when the fool rushed to the Throne Kida was already on high alert. She had perked up in her seat and a low snarl of warning escaped her lips. She knew better than to shapeshift around others, or even to attack an upright - that was something she had learned the hard way back on Endor - but it didn't mean she couldn't alert [member="Darth Mythos"] of the imminent danger! With a flash of light and the stench of sulfur, however, the man fell to the ground. The smell of blood ran through her nostrils, and it was all the girl could do to not leap down on the corpse. It had been so long since she'd been able to eat fresh raw meat! But no... She wasn't a Daux right now, she was a girl. She had to behave, like [member='Jaxton Ravos'] had once taught her to.

She stared after the body as he was dragged away, a slight trail of blood staining the tiles, and finally settled back in the chair while Animus resumed his speech as if nothing had happened. She could sense the lack of fear he felt, the strength of his presence. Had he been a Daux, he would've been the Alpha right now. And the rest would've been fighting over the scraps he left behind. The tension she had felt seemed to rise, but the threat lessened. No one wanted to face the same fate. His dominance had been asserted.

And then everyone was leaving, with just a few stray men writing in one corner, the Guards and Animus remaining behind. He kissed her cheek once in private and smiled, speaking to her softly. She didn't understand anything he was saying, but his tone posed a question and suggested.... Something fun perhaps. Clambering down from the seat she did, for a moment, crawl toward him, until she could grasp his leg and pull herself up. Then she clutched his hand for dear life and set off alongside him. Who knew where they might end up!
Nomkneer was a great part of the atrisian dispute, and after some time [member="Darth Mythos"] became the emperor of the planet, by order of the One Sith council of wills. There was something troubling him as his thoughts were, insane, but not out of hand, he said to himself, "if theres a new emperor, where is the old one!!". As his ship was flying to atrisia for his invitation from Darth Mythos was clear. He decided to send Darth Mythos a message "Darth Mythos what do you know about the old emperor and where is he, is he imprisoned, or is he in hiding". [member="Darth Mythos"] replied "That worthless scum of an emperor is in hiding with the rest of the people who still follow him, find him! and i shall reward you for your efforts". Nomkneer replied to Darth Mythos, "as you wish, emperor, how would you like him, dead or alive?", Darth Mythos replied, "how about... bring me his head, is that a definite answer to your question, im in need of decorations and my throne room seems to atrisian for my style". Nomkneer happily said "it will be easy, i dont have to hold back!". Nomkneer, as he soared the galaxy finally found atrisia and started to land.

As he landed in atrisia, he made sure he wore his cloack and set off to land on a small town far from the atrisian royal palace. Nomkneer knew that if you were in hiding, months away from yourself being de-throned, you will not be anywhere close to the palace, for anyone around will be a follower of the new emperor. the small town he went to was called arosatrine, a town with a beautiful name, but it was a horrid place to live in, with poor and ghastly looking houses, this was a part of Atrisia the former emperor really didnt care about, but it could be somewhere Nomkneer could find information. Nomkneer went to a bar, made from strange atrisian wood, nicely carved, but the age withered away its beautiful style. Nomkneer asked for a drink as he sat about in the last corner of the bar. loud music was turned on, horrible music, and Nomkneer was displeased. Nomkneer asked the bartender "hey, do you know if the former emperor would be hiding somewhere around this place". the bartender answered with a simple no, gesturing fear as if he was protecting someone, but for Nomkneer that was quite enough of an answer, he has been in way too many hunting missions not to recognize body language when he sees it. Nomkneer did not give up and kept on with his search of the former emperor.
Mythos walked beside [member="Kida Ravos"] through the palace steps and arrived at the garden which was huge! Much bigger than what he saw in the distance as it was basically an Indoor forest that lead to a view of the massive Atrisian Capital City of Jar'Kai. For a Capital City it was not as crowded or a devoid of nature as other places, Jar'kai seamed to co-exist with nature side by side as trees and bushes and greens grew alongside skyscrapers and Palaces and Castles beside rivers... Never had Mythos considered a world to rival the beauty of Naboo until now. His thoughts and mind drifted but quickly within seconds he was brought back to the reason for his privacy, the little princess.
"If you you could understand what i am saying" he said as he hugged her and filled her cheeks with kisses before letting her off through the little forest by his hand always, "You would know that i Love you so much..." His smile and his way of saying the words made him seem totally unlike the Sith who blasted the man and split his skull open with the floor. he remembered the words [member="Lady Kay"] said and remembered that he did not need her to be gone to love her with all his heart... he would not let his love come when it was too late... he would love her now and make sure she knew he loved her now, not later, not tomorrow, not any other time.

Language was something his feelings could pass through as he plucked a fruit and took a bite of it while kneeling beside her, it was sour so he pouted and managed to gulp it down still having to get used to it. "Fruit! you want?" He gave her the half eaten red fruit and sat beside her in the middle of this small little forest.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay had many friends and allies in many places. And after her last visit to Astrisia, she had made more. Some of which were in the Emperors Senate, as [member="Darth Mythos"] didn't win them all over. There were many that distrusted him. And it was one of those Senators that contacted her as soon as they were dismissed by Animus and passed on the new rules. She frowned as she heard the message speaking of the draft and how little control they had in their own homeland. It was unbelievable. If Animus wasn't careful, he'd end up like the former Emperor. And those poor families....

She hired a freighter right away and headed right on over there, going through her mind on how best to approach this and talk some common sense into him. If that was indeed possible.

Once she was in orbit, Kay hailed the authorities, "This is Lady Kay. Please inform your new Emperor that I wish to see him and need clearance to land." She kept the title of Senator out of it as she was not representing the Republic at this moment.
Little Kida trundled alongside [member="Darth Mythos"] through the palace, down the steps and into the garden. Oh the urge to run and roll in the grass was almost unbearable!! But her hand remained within Animus' for both support and comfort. She had grown rather attached to her protector, just as she had his pup, Groom. He leaned down and held her close, and Kida was again reminded of the little boy that had been Thurion, who would shower her with kisses and cuddles and safeguard her against all manner of threats. He too would sit and try to detangle her hair, clean her up, teach her to say words and walk like an upright. The correlation was painful in parts, because she missed Furry so much!

Then the man said something that Furry had once said and she whimpered a little. She knew that those words, I love you, were precious, that they showed compassion and care, and it had the little girl peering up at him. "Taa-oo" she said, finding it easier to thank him than to reciprocate. There were very few words in her vocabulary, after all.

Watching him pluck the fruit from the tree and then kneel down beside her, the little girl wrinkled her nose to the acidic scent of the sour fruit. Her forehead was lightly marred from her last acidic encounter, from the toxic waters they had visited not too long ago. She knew that this was not the same, she could tell the difference by scent alone, but still it had her cautious. When she saw him bite into it and the face he pulled, however, the small child giggled for the first time in a long time, seeming like an ordinary little girl for at least a few moments.

When he passed her the fruit and sat down she collapsed against his lap, having been relying on him for support, and sniffed at the fruit in her grasp. She definitely preferred her raw meat, or the candy bars she had gotten used to thanks to HK and [member='Siobhan Kerrigan'].... But when she tasted the fruit she found it wasn't so bad, if a little tart. "Taa-oo Pa-Pa!" She beamed a smile up at him and continued to eat, after her best efforts at referring to him as 'Papa'. It was the easiest way to call someone father, after all, even if it was terribly disjointed.
Mythos spent hours beside his adoptive daughter than won his heart as much as he won this kingdom, he would be her protector and her stone castle against anything. Mythos frowned seeing that Bacta treatment had done little to cure her little scar in her forehead. When she called him papa he just hugged her and kissed her cheek. To the world he was Darth Mythos, death bringer, Hammer of the One Sith, but to her he was something completely different... he was her Father and would rather see himself at the bottom of the Acidic lake than to see her unprotected. Suddenly he felt something mooving through the trees sneaking up on them, If the Tuk'ata wasn't as big now almost a year old, he might have caught him by surprise. "Groom is coming! quick hide!" he took her into his arms as he played around hiding from Groom before the Tuk'ata finally pounced on him shoving him playfully back and running through his legs. He had a Family now, Kida, Groom, all that was missing was [member="Serena Bouie"] and this whole picture would come to life... he wondered if she could make it to Atrisia...

It did not last... An Atrisian Soldier approached him and before he even stepped close to Animus he calmly and serenely brought his hand up and spoke. "I am with my family, i do not wish to be disturbed" To which the Atrisian high guard saluted and obeyed but not before delivering his message. "My Lord, a Lady Kay has arrived and requested an Audience with you, should we delay the meeting Sir?"

At first Mythos was intensely annoyed when the Man did not immediately leave but instead began talking, it was a miracle Groom didn't initially kill the man on the spot... Good for him, it meant he was learning how to behave. Thank the Force. When Mythos heard it was [member="Lady Kay"] he could not help but to scrunch his lips as he knew she probably would not like the development of things or his ways of dealing with the Atrisian Court. He sighed again, business never did let him enjoy these moments fully, he was beginning to realize that as he reluctantly stood up and nodded to the Soldier. "Good man.... Tell her she will have my full attention in the court... Common Groom we have guests to attend." He smiled as he kissed Kida as took her into his arms. "Let's go princess, we are going to meet the lady from Naboo! remember?" Kida had seen Miss Kay before, not too long ago just a few months. Reaching back into the Throne room Mythos plopped down on to it setting Kida beside him to the Left and to the right Groom in a dignified position. "Hm! well aren't you looking Regal today?" Mythos managed a laugh while Groom Scoffed, he literally scoffed, Groom Scoffed at him, His Tuk'ata. It would not be the first time where he realized Groom was more intelligent than he led on. "What's with the Attitude? Maybe you should sit here, you are much more dignified than me to begin with." Groom looked at him and Barked before turning his head. Mythos laughed as he thought what he must look like talking to an Over sized Demon Dog. "Unbelievable... bring the Lady to me before i die of Old Age." Mythos said with a smile, of course joking, lightening the mood for his new subjects. Oh the Irony... Mythos could die from anything else, but he had been twenty two years of age for a long, long time... he did not Age, or get sick... as Close to Immortal as one could get because of a Gift of a an Ancient being of great power...

[member="Kida Ravos"] [member="Lady Kay"]​
Nomkneer as he left the bar he kept searching the town of arosatrine and he did not leave twenty yards away from the bar. He had an instinct that he would atleast find information there. Nothing was more important to him than to find the former emperor and help his old friend [member="Darth Mythos"], in finding that worthless piece of scum. Nomkneer stayed in the town researching for three days, information about the former emperor. Nobody knew, till the third day, he met this human, he did not care for the name but he did care about the words he spat! "I hate this! how can he dare come here out of all places!". Nomkneer was hearing what he said and went to buy some goods for that poor old and enraged atrisian, Nomkneer bought food, alchohol, and medical supplies, as he went back to the old man, he approached him and with a fake smile, noticeable by him, but not by many, only by those who are good at percepting body languages, he said "Hey old man, i saw you mad and i came to enlighten your day". As the atrisian noticed the bags of goods, a smile rose from his face, and he said "welcome kaleesh traveler, let me make you some tea" as Nomkneer went inside the house and sat down in his worn out chair, beside his worn out table, Nomkneer said "I hear the emperor is traveling around these areas in hiding", as he said such sentence with a smile, the old man was mad with the past emperor for he did not give much care to his once beautiful town. The old man told him "Listen youngster, i may be old but im no fool, i know what you are here for and i'll gladly give a hand, My name is Ignor, Ignor altskin and I despise the emperor". As he explained about the past of this town and how beautiful it used to be around 20 years ago, Nomkneers smile ceased to be, and his anger was rising, anger that fed the Dark side. The old man said "These old rusty spoon of a town used to be a glorious marketing spot for small businesses, no other spot was better than here, you'd find anything, the houses were made, or well, they are made by the finest atrisian wood, the glapos tree, the reason why this town hasn't gone to total waste is probably because of that". As he explained Nomkneer was serious, but inside his anger enraged towards the emperor even more, not because he cared for the town, but because of his greed. Nomkneer then said "i wish to help you sir, i wish to arrest this fiend in the name of the Sith, he is guilty of immigration of prisoners for money, and now in my eyes he is guilty for treason to his people, for if you are an emperor, an emperor cares for his whole planet, not just his part-take of it". It was all lies, but, something did make him care for the old mans feelings, and so the old man responded, with his heart on his hand and tears about to break from his eyes and sad face,"well... all i know is that he's been going from town to town hiding amongst the poor towns he had forgotten, the irony ehh..." said the sad old man, sad because his once beloved town has now been reduced to a wasteland of memories and tears. Nomkneer found this to be incredible news! He finally had some clues... Nomkneer thanked the old man and left all the goods he spent, because he knew they were worth it and much more. The old man made his goodbye a special one by gifting Nomkneer a small tree, a pot-sized tree, and he says "believe it or not this tree is a bonzai tree, and it has special values, i wont have to explain anything, you'll see for yourself". Nomkneer left with the gift and he felt a strange vibe from the tree, but he ignored it, thinking it was just a normality.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
After getting the clearance to come to land, the little freighter entered the atmosphere. It didn't look much different than when she had left. The One Sith's influence was all around her, same as before, and it made her feel weighted down. Kay packed her satchel, including her small blaster, just in case. It was hard to say what was going to happen.

When the freighter landed and preparations made for it to wait for her, she exited the ship and headed towards the Palace. It didn't surprise her that she was escorted on her way there. As she walked, Kay pondered on how to best approach the situation. She wanted to yell at him, to figure out how in his right mind he could do what he did. It was like everything that they spoke about liberation and freedom on Naboo was a lie. He was behaving like a hypocrite and he needed to be told as much. But as it was in politics, she needed to maintain her composure and remain as polite as possible. Friend or no friend, she had to try to help the people of Atrisia regain their freedom.

So without further ado, Kay walked into the Palace, following the guards as they led her to the Court. It came as no real surprise, given the messages passed onto her, to see [member="Darth Mythos"] sitting on the throne with his daughter and pet in tow. She bowed her head to him. "Thank you for receiving me on such short notice, Animus." On purpose she refrained from calling him Emperor and all the other titles given to someone with a high status.

[member="Kida Malgus"]
Groom growled at her as she stepped forward. "Groom..." His voice a low growl that matched to Tuk'ata. Groom whimpered and stepped outside before taking one last glare at lady Kay before dashing off. Mythos Sighed, waving off everyone from the court room. "Leave us." He paused and waited for the few Senators who bowed and left and the Palace Guards who knew their New Emperor could more than take care of himself. Finally Atrisia had an Emperor they could be proud of, or so Animus thought. He smiled at Lady Kay never standing from his throne which he was more than happy to try out, Emperor Mythos. It did have a Nice ring to it after all. However Naboo came to his mind and what they had talked about prior to this meeting. Last time they had met Mythos was nothing more than an Acolyte who came before this court as a Politician seeking to win over and represent the One Sith, now he sat upon the Throne he coveted that day, consolidated Power... it felt good. He could give his daughter a life she deserved, give Atrisia power and confidence and give himself a well deserved rest from war zones.

"A Pleasure it is to receive you in my court. Miss Kay, Truly" He smiled warmly. He intended to keep his shirt on this time. "Tell me, what can i do for you today? Have you met with a representative of the counsel?" He did not say the word Jedi and was very careful to mention those things in codes... eyes and ears of the Union could be anywhere.

[member="Lady Kay"]​
Nomkneer kept the gift of the bonsai tree, and left on route to a small village on the east of arosatrine, the village of mukhashi, a poor village surrounded by three river canals that flow water so clear you can see the bottom ground and the fish move around in the water, Of course Nomkneer gave a communications device to the old man Ignor Altskin, just in case he had any info about the emperor or any trouble that might occur. Nomkneer to reach the village had to go through the well known atrisian range of mountains called the Mukhashi Catena, green mountains decorated with a tip of snow,, the sight was beautiful enough for a portrait or meditating, the river canals flow between the mountains, Nomkneer decided not to go in the ship, as he went to Mukhashi village because he wanted to see what interesting things can be found in atrisia. Nomkneer went walking, it reminded him of his days as a hunter, he even took his tuka'ta with him, 6 months old, brute little female, Vehiva is her name. They went through the mountains in search for mysteries, adventure, maybe even a hunt along the way if everything goes right, Nomkneer was talented at finding trails, person and beast, so he went off, and went through the second from the range of eleven mountains, for it was informed that there lied beasts and that there may be some other few interesting surprises. Nomkneer knew about the history of the Mukhashi Catena, a few centuries ago there was a war between arosatrine and mukhashi, the war was for the complete control over the mountains and its canals of rivers that go around them like a web.

It was called the "Great Mountain War" the Mukhashi village and Arosatrine before it was a town, it used to be a very prosperus village, and a war was called after they couldn't share the water canals in peace, oddly enough since the canals go throughout both areas, Mukhashi and Arosatrine, back then they despised sharing the existance of the canals, they used bows and swords, the war kept for almost two years and legend said, that so much blood was dropped that day, that the very river canals turned red for 4 days straight, thats when they sought peace, they understood that the war was nothing more than some absurd greed. Arosatrine lost more men and got the highest casualties, but Mukhashi even though they had a more chance of prosper. Mukhashi did not have the resources to rise in economy like arosatrine once did eight decades after the war. Mukhashi suffered greatly because the chain of mountains blocked any passage of goods and marketing supplies, so theyre advancement got slowed down to an almost zero. Arosatrine was on the other side of the Mukhashi Cante the side that was connected to the other villages and towns of atrisia, Mukhashi Cante was the name to be given to the mountains because they were surrounding Mukhashi village. Nomkneer traveled to the second mountain on the right and inside found something obscure and dark. The reason being that between the second and first mountain to the right, is where the most blood was shed, and where the river was the most red and obscur. Nomkneer felt like his insanity was rising and that it was being controled by the dark side. Nomkneer said "Dark Nexus??, here?", as he went in between the mountains, he went closer to the river canals, he found arrows stuck to trees and swords on the ground, rusted by centuries of moist and rain. Nomkneer recognized fine craftsmanship and those swords were a piece of art, too bad they rusted away. Deeper and deeper within the mountain the dark nexus became stronger and the light could not reach through the trees, the center of the dark nexus, Nomkneer was being controled by the dark side, the dark nexus made him out of control, he could not think right, not even see or hear things normally. He sat down, meditated at the center of the dark nexus, trying to control the dark energy flowing around, ancient dark energy created by the carnage of atrisian men in war. Nomkneer started seeing visions, visions of the men from arosatrine and Mukhashi village back then in war, swords clashing, fancy ancient atrisian gear, the war looked beautiful for Nomkneer, he now understood that the very darkness created by the rage and wrath of atrisian men that created this very nexus, to Nomkneer this dark nexus is a mere history book within visions of a dark nexus, rich history of a war forgotten because they opened their eyes to the greed at the signal of the red rivers. Nomkneer opened his eyes, and the dark nexus cleared away from his mind, it was still there and very strong, just that Nomkneer had calmed himself and meditated enough for it not to consume Nomkneers insanity. Nomkneer saw that the bonsai tree was growing from within the dark nexus, then he thought, "is that old man the heritage of a warrior of this war?" as he went and continued, he grabbed one to bring to [member="Darth Mythos"], for this tree, no one had it, so small yet it has an ability that Nomkneer did not understand. The bonsai trees were diffrent, these were purple, the same leaves, the same style of trunk, but the leaves were purple, Nomkneer started to look at his bonsai tree, and it was purple as well. he started to understand a little more about the trees power. Nomkneer went on and passed the Dark Nexus and after it, mercenaries of Mukhashi village were waiting, he felt the disturbance in the force. Five mercenaries jumped from nowhere, to steal Nomkneers posessions. Nomkneer screamed "come thieves!, come to your deaths!!" he took out his lightsabers, and annihilated them one by one, he used his niman style to block their attacks with the durasteel handle of the lightsabers, he did not need to switch them on. Nomkneer was having fun, the swordsmanship was strange but it was delightful seeing the sword mastery, indeed Nomkneer understood the rich history between the Arostrine and the Mukhashi people. Nomkneer after a few miutes got bored and slashed them in half, some got decapitated, well, thats Nomkneers favorite way of killing, and the other last one well, lets say Vehiva, his female tuka'ta loved to chew on peoples arms. The mercs had food, Nomkneer kept walking and eating along the path he fed his tuka'ta with pride for she earned it. across the path they saw the light at the end of the forest within the mountains and the canals, Nomkneer went through and saw a village, looked so ancient, Nomkneer said "this place has much culture and ancient traditions, it has not advanced much, they still fight using swords and guns". Not much advancement had there been in Mukhashi, but this was an adventure Nomkneer was quite thrilled to meet.
The little girl wriggled and squirmed to the pseudo-fear in Animus' voice, and also her own excitement at the fact that Groom was joining them! A look of pure awe ran across her expression as the child wrapped her arms around the hound and nuzzled against the fur at his neck, all before tumbling back down into Animus' lap. Her two favourite people in one place? And that place happened to be outdoors? What more could she ask for?

But then their little bit of fun was interrupted, and Kida growled slightly toward the one causing it. She was set down into the grass as Mythos rose, and her gaze lifted upward with a very fierce pout of disdain. Just as quickly she was scooped back up into his arms and carried out of the sun and into the Palace. Still pouting the child clutched to Mythos and only let go when he set her into the chair at his side. She was grateful that it was comfy or else she might have kicked up a fuss! Hopefully they would get more time to eat fruit and mess around with Groom again later.

She peeked over at Groom who was on the opposing side of Mythos and giggled to the serious look on the Hounds face. But then the doors opened and a familiar figure strode into the room. She recognised the woman's scent first, which had her curious to say the least. Keeping quiet, Kida watched as the two grownups spoke, though she did whimper a little when Groom was sent from the room. Best she behave herself, else she might be the next one told to leave! And she did not want that.

[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Darth Mythos"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay watched Groom as he had left. She didn't return the glare, didn't make eye contact as most creatures saw that as intimidation and putting forth a challenge, both of which she wasn't intending. At least not with Groom. It was good that everyone else was leaving too, leaving her alone with Animus and [member="Kida Malgus"].

Once the room was cleared, she clasped her hands in front of her as she spoke. "Arrangements are being made, but as you can imagine, they are quite busy given the fact that a lot of planets are losing their sovereignty. Speaking of which....."

Kay looked around the room sadly. "I have heard some disturbing rumours about what you are doing here, one of which I see with my own eyes has become true. You have claimed the throne as your own. I know that you had sought to have a noble title, but is this really how it should be done? You are not one of Atrisia's own. You are from Naboo. Have you forgotten the plight of your own people that are now sharing the same fate as the people here?"

Kay stepped forward now giving him a look of concern. "I have heard that you have reinstated a draft and are now forcing families to give up their sons to you. Why would you take away their choice? Why would you order families to be torn apart? Would you just sit back and allow someone to take your daughter away and force her into war? I don't believe so. You would want her safe and living a happy life."

She sighed. No doubt [member="Darth Mythos"] would have a lot to say in response. But not before she said one more thing. "Don't you see the hypocrisy in what you are doing?"
Animus closed his eyes and listened intently to her. "By the Force Word travels fast... i only gave that order this morning..." Mythos wished he could shoo away [member="Kida Malgus"] to have her play in the yard for a little while longer while they spoke so she would not hear any negative or bad thoughts or strong tones that might discomfort her but he would not have her out of his sight for a moment, the only times she had to be away from Mythos was when he entered warfare. He closed his eyes and focused on Harmony before he spoke. He valued that, it kept things in balance and his personal emotions in check.
"Do you really think me Evil enough to put Atrisia through what Naboo is going through?" His voice powerful yet serene, this was not a political discussion, he did not need to win, he did not even have to put up an argument, but he did not want to lose Lady Kay's respect or help. "I am not Nobility, I am the Emperor, Ordered by the Will of the One Sith to take responsibility for Atrisia, Those who don't like that Fact" He stressed the word and affirmed it. "Will have to learn to cope with it. As for the Draft" Mythos sighed and took a very long pause thinking and mulling it over, Perhaps that was not such a good idea, he did not like it anymore than the rest of Atrisia but he was Willing to fight and die for the Sith and so should they, they had Legendary History of being great Warriors, Mythos wanted to bring them Back full circle to that, give them new Legends to add. "I assure you, I would never ask of anyone in this planet or anywhere else something that i myself was not willing to do. I Lead By Example, before me Atrisia was suffering to the point where the very emperor that came before me was at his wits end. You were here! You Saw!.... I ask of you one thing." his voice varied from passion to controlled emotions, his passion was controlled and the last words he said came as a sigh.

He stood from his throne and walked down to where she stood next to the dried blood still on the floor of the man he killed that had attacked the throne, he had no remorse, he attacked him in front of his child and put her in danger. He was not Innocent.

"Have patience... soon enough I will have everything sorted out, I have currently sent Humanitarian aid to sectors ravaged by Deserters, the Economy is Broken Kay, they still Barter in some places they live in ancient times with little or no technology, Some Atrisian villages still live in poverty and undernourishment, children and adults Dying of diseases that should not exist just because the Old Emperor cared more about big cities and small personal sectors rather than the entire planet" Mythos was not Emperor of Atrisia to her he was just Animus and he spoke to her as Animus, however she did not realize the statement that was, it meant he appreciated her to consider her his equal, which was what most people in the galaxy could not say.

"If you wish to help Atrisia by my side as a i see that is your intention" Mythos said sarcastically and losing patience. "I am sure i can find Humanitarian Jobs that need supervisio,n in fact right now in the Kanmi outskirts we have one Village under quarantine because of a Plague maybe you would like to go take a look and help out? Since you are in such a helping and Humanitarian mood i mean" Mythos walked back to his throne and sat on it hard not liking where this was going and pushing down the slight anger he brought upon himself. "If you don't feel like Helping then all i ask is that you don't stand in the way of those who try. I joined the Warriors of Naboo when i was young enough because i wanted to serve my country and i wanted to be a Hero however was it not for the Draft at that time because i lived in the Laketowns i was deemed 'unfit to serve' because of some bureaucratic bull kark. First thing i saw when i came here is that Atrisia had the Same Bureaucratic system only allowing those from certain sectors and certain Families to enlist... " Mythos shook his head.

"Not on my watch, those who have a problem with anything are free to bring it to my attention and i will see what can be done, That! was not The Old Way. The first time the public was allowed into these halls regardless of Station or status was when we first met." He extended his arms in exasperation. "Now anyone can come here and voice their opinion, as long as is isn't attacking me or stepping out of line i am willing to Listen. I am not a Tyrant Kay..." He bit his Lower lip and looked away seeing that the commotion had brought Groom back his side earning him a pat on the head before he slumped down to sleep by his side. "I thought you knew that.."

[member="Lady Kay"]
Imagine all the things you love most in the world, books, music, art, love seemly wrapped in a tidy red bow, held in the hand of a man with yellow eyes.

What dream she remembered on the last night before they parted, she resting upon a gilded throne, her face hidden behind a veil of golden links dangling from a jeweled crown, her smile had been coy, half lifted in mystery and half drooped in boredom. Casually she made eye contact with him, his yellow eyes piercing through the metal wisps of her veil her ice blue staring back. And then she woke up.

Sleep brought her terrors that left her speechless, and feeling a sense of longing that never could find fulfillment. There was only one place that kept the terrors at bay.

Atrisia another world she had hoped to visit to study, permission was needed to enter the system and to land on the planet. They had continued to speak through messages she at times called him Imora she wondered if he knew what it meant, such a learned man would know.

She went with a guard to the palace counting each step that led her closer to where he was she would not lose count despite the fact that she didn't consciously do it. Silent walls stood in greeting as she entered the palace. She could feel him in the force now that warm vibration that made her feel giddy and light.

They passed a slender staircase that lead upward and down curling like a corkscrew, magnificently carved stone seats lined the walls. Tapestries of deep dark rich reds adorned the halls, the palace was a wonder of beauty.

She stopped when the guard stopped he was in meeting now, she would need to wait. She nodded only to cross the way and look out. What wonders were here to be seen, and found?

She looked over to see the guard still present his ever watchful gaze upon her ensuring she did not disturb his master until she was summoned to do so. Serena nodded and smiled she had the patience of a saint she could wait.

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Kida Malgus"]
Nomkneer saw an old travel boat that the Mukhashi used to enter the mountains through the canals. Nomkneer quickly took it and used it to ride the canal down to Mukhashi, for the canals were just like one big oval with spiral canals through the mountains. Nomkneer set off on the boat, it was made of glapos tree, finest wood, and a strong one at that, Nomkneer was fascinated by the craftsmanship, he loved anything that had to do with art in weaponry, or anything alike. The boat floated on the mountain waters, it seemed like a carnival ride, but with much spiritualism. The mountains seemed to have energy waves of some sort, disturbances in the force were given throughout the Mukhashi Cante. Nomkneer meditated through these river canals, for the force, the dark force, made him thrive into his insanity. Nomkneer finally arrived at Mukhashi, people with old customs, swords and even guns were there, Nomkneer kinda liked this place. Nomkneer went deeper into Mukhashi village and there he was seen as an outsider instantly, and was attacked, he took his lightsabers out, and he cut all the swords aiming at him, and desintegrated all bullets heading towards him. The Mukhashi people were awed at his magnificent lightsaber styles, thought he was not a master niman user, he still knew more tricks than some. Nomkneer then stopped fighting and did not harm anyone, for he knew that there could lie information. Nomkneer then was introduced to the head of the village, a Mukhashi master warrior named Makami ushohh, Mukhashi village is named after they're battle style Mukhashi. it is a very graceful battle style, very similar to niman, they didnt use too much force, nor too less. Nomkneer was amazed at this swordsman-style, so he stayed and asked Makami to train him in his swordsmanship, he said "Mukhashi should be used in lightsabers and be added to my list of talents". Makami said "I will train you, but first, you must not use the lightsabers, for this is a sword style, learn how to use the sword first, then use on lightsaber". Nomkneer was interested and loved the idea, Nomkneer replied "i shall, but the lightsabers stay by my side, it is not a form of distrust, but a sith warrior always has his weapons on him for any emergency, not that you seem to be any threat to me", as he walked with the Mukhashi master warrior Makami, they went to an ancient training ground in Mukhashi surrounded by a swamp of putrid stench and other things, that distracted Nomkneer easily, Makami seemed unfazed, and said "to learn Mukhashi first you must have no limits to your concentration, do not let yourself be deceived by your senses, do not trust your eyes, nor your nose, just your ears". As the swamps smell dissorted the vision and smell, Nomkneer could not do much but learn as this Mukhashi master was about to teach him a few ancient tricks, that he never thought he would learn.

Makami started doing a pierce attack and Nomkneer was a dual-wielder, Nomkneer was very good at kaleesh single handed battlestyles and all sorts but this style, seemed alot more strict and disciplined. Nomkneer blocked it by luck, he did not know how or where everyting came from, Makami told him, "hear my footsteps!, hear my sword!, hear my energy!, do not let anything distract you from that one sense of hearing!!". Nomkneer liked this training, it seemed difficult but it was a task not impossible. He only thought of "how can i hear a sword, how can i hear his energy!?" Nomkneer was very confused, five days of training passed and Nomkneer seemed very adept at hearing his footsteps and somewhat good at hearing his sword, the stench did not faze him as hard as it did before. Nomkneer was starting to get the trick of learning how to fight blinded by all senses, Makami said, "hear my energy, my energy is nothing but the strenght of my slash, and both with the hearing of my sword and footsteps is critical to learning Mukhashi!". Nomkneer was getting the hang of it, he thought "this old man isnt that primitive, even though this sword-style is, but hearing someones steps, sword movements and the force of theyre strike, is something very useful for my future battles". Nomkneer was not gonna leave Mukhashi until he could learn Mukhashi and share his talent with his lightsabers through the limbs of his enemies.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
She folded her arms across her chest as he spoke. If only he could listen to what he was saying with the point of view of how he felt on Naboo. Animus asked for her help with liberation there. But instead he was blinded by his self righteousness, by his ego and illusions. Just because he got whatever he wanted from whomever he wanted most of the time, it didn't mean that others wished to give it.

"So you want to rip families apart just so that you can have soldiers that only shadow the old legends of a place that you are currently occupying? What if they don't want to fight in your wars but instead want to stay with their families and help on all if these humanitarian efforts that you spoke of? And if you say that you would go through the same sacrifices, well then allow them to tear your own family apart because you do the same to them.....If you want equal opportunity for the military than make it law that anyone from any family may be accepted if they so wish. But give them the choice to make decisions for themselves. Don't make it for them."

She looked down to the dried blood on the floor and stared at it as she continued. "Not everyone trusts technology and the barter system isn't a bad thing. There are many markets that still run on that system at it works. It's better to ease the change, rather than make it so suddenly as not everyone trusts sudden changes and you'll only fuel the fires of rebellion.....And killing them in cold blood isn't going to stop a rebellion either."

She looked up at him as he sat back down on the throne. "People can voice their opinions so long as it's what you want to hear. Then what? Instead of working together for a solution you just....get rid of them?" That sounded like a tyrant to her.

"I will send what aid that I can out of my own pocket for the plague-ridden villages. This is One Sith territory right now. I put myself in a dangerous position just by being here in a time of war. So I cannot stay. I just thought that I could get you to see reason....but I don't think that's possible right now. You are too blind and preoccupied to understand."

She turned to go, shaking her head as she figured that mist likely one day, she'll have to try to liberate Atrisia as she had been asked to liberate Naboo. Absolute power corrupts absolutely...

[member="Darth Mythos"] [member="Kida Malgus"] [member="Serena Bouie"]
"You are never in Any danger when you enter this place Kay and i don't execute people for speaking out their opinion. I ask you to give me time... at least give me that.... you are only blinded by the desires and rumors of Xenophobic old Men you call Allies that have turned you against me. " He figured that is what the Senators where, immediately calling Kay to Gossip and plot behind his back instead of voicing their concerns when they had him right in the Throne just a few feet away from him... he would have to deal with them in a very public way. He saw it pointless to try and stop her from leaving, she was as stubborn and as stoic as they came and she brought out a very real rage in Animus which was part of the reason he liked her so much. Suddenly a Guard came up to him and bowed before his throne before speaking. "Lord Mythos, a [member="Serena Bouie"] is here to see you."

His Anger left immediately. Serena? She came here? "Let her in"
"Yes my Lord"
"And Soldier... if she ever comes again, just let her pass immediately, i don't like to keep my Lady waiting." The remark brought a smile to both him and the soldier. "Right away my lord"

With that the man went to the back of the place where Serena was waiting and gestured to her to pass by and join the courtroom, no doubt she would pass by a very Flustered [member="Lady Kay"]. Animus hated to have her leave like this, but he would prove her wrong in time, in time the people of Atrisia would be better, healthier and stronger but an Economy and a proud and strong Military once again. The Atrisians who stood against him and armed a rebellion would die by his hand personally but those who helped him make Atrisia a better place to live would go down in history as great men like the Emperors of Old. Kida seemed a bit impatient but with Groom back in the Room that was sure to change.

[member="Kida Malgus"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay paused before she exited and turned to face him, having to raise her voice a bit, but she kept her tone soft. "I am not in danger from you, perhaps. But if the Republic finds out that I am here....they are the ones that I need to worry about. And I have not been turned against you....I am just against some of your decisions. But I will give you the time that you ask for and I hope that you can lay my fears to rest."

Maybe she was acting a bit stuck up, but she couldn't help it. He needed to grow up and he just brought that kind of behaviour out of her. Normally she was humble, but then after his advances, he needed to learn that not everyone appreciated them.

Kay passed by [member="Serena Bouie"] on her way out, bowing her head to the lady in a sad way before leaving the building.
[SIZE=12pt]Serena nodded to the woman ([member="Lady Kay"]) as she passed she could feel her displeasure with her encounter with [member="Darth Mythos"] whatever it was that had put her in such a surly mood she hoped it would pass and that but there was a strange sensation off the woman.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Odd she thought close on the heels of the woman another guard dressed in the formal attire required for being in court waved a hand for her to come.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She gave him a hesitant smile as she entered the room she looked about cautiously waiting for the next unnamed man to step in front of her guiding her towards the throne.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Serena paused near the column her mind always filled with voices suddenly went quiet. For the first time in months the emotions and voices around her had nothing to say. She smiled as she looked over and saw him. He was not much changed from the last time that she had seen him. His aura shifted in colors again.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She wanted to give him the formal greeting that he deserved in front of his man but as she saw him the thoughts of propriety left, “Animus” she called as her step hastened towards him, “I’ve missed you” she purred as she got closer, opening her arms waiting to wrap them around him.[/SIZE]

[member="Kida Malgus"]

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