Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Atin Kandossii


Name: Atin Kandossii

Race: human with tuang ancestry

Age: 40

Height: 6'2

Weight: 170

Birth place: Mandalore


On the war weary world of Mandalore, warriors are born. Rifle, pistol, blade, all are the rattles, teethers, and toys of infants born to this culture. This day a male child was born to clan Cuy'val'dar. The mother was Bessani, a small statured woman from Cuy'val'dar while the father was an unjoined mando warrior who was killed in a bounty collection gone bad. The child was not remarkable, average in height weight and coloring. Only the fact that the taung blood flowed faintly through Bessani's veins and hence through the male child's as well set him apart as different. The infant was quiet and attentive, rare for one so young. With a shock of brown hair and budding gums that foretold coming teeth the child seemed average, and yet not. The taung blood would spell the child would be faster and slightly stronger then the average male with above average height. Each finger ended in a talon that were quickly sharpening with age. His sense of smell and sight would be sharper then an average man's as well. The last gift of the taung blood would be a perfect recall, holographic memory.
For the first three years of a mando boy's life he is raised by his mother. And so it was that the child was raised by his mother. When the child was yet young the adults learned that anything the child heard or saw he was able to remember. So with the new knowledge of her child, Bessani taught him what plants were helpful to heal, what plants could kill, and what plants he could combine with others to use in interrogations and the like. This may seem odd and even careless of a parent to outsiders, but that is what they are, outsiders. The mando are raised this way. They are weaned from comfort and taught about the hardness of life. Not to break them, nay, but to strengthen them. Mando mothers make strong spirits of their children, not brocken ones.
When the child was two his mother died. It was nothing long and drawn out. One morning she just did not wake. The child who was merely a toddler sat at the foot of the bed in silence. Only his eyes flashed with the emotions welling inside of him. As the clan members tried to bring the boy out they noticed that whenever they approached a strong gust of wind would howl in the small house rocking lesser items in their places. The clan new the signs of a force user when they saw one. But a mando was a mando regardless.
One of the clan elders approached the house slowly. The sun glistened off his faintly green hide for he was a taung, the original inhabitants of Coruscant and the originators of the mandalorian culture. He entered the dwelling and waited until he was sure the boy knew he had entered.When the boy acknowledged the taung the elder crouched next to the boy and spoke in a quiet voice. "We were Taung, the first mandalorians. Our blood, the blood of the first, runs through your veins. You are one of the last of us, and we grow nearly extinct. Let our power, our knowledge, our power burn into you and you will be mando'a."

The boy, nicknamed Beskar by the taungs, grew and learned the ways of the mando. The force came naturally to the young warrior and he grew stronger as the years passed. Now, nearly two decades have passed and Beskar has chosen to learn all the intricancies of the force.

(In Progress)

As an adult and alor of his clan Atin was also a husband and father. After a bounty which he collected he came home and found nearly his entire clan dead. Later his brother in arms found him and told of the end of the clan and his son. With vengeance in his heart Atin joined the sith to train his force abilities to help him with his revenge.

Once he was knighted he wrecked havoc on those responsible and took their lives. He found a family with several sith that were nicknamed the sith pack. But before he fell fully to the darkside he was redeemed by the love of a woman. Freed from his shackles in the dying sith faction Atin Kandossii broke free and became a simple mando once more .

But he still feels the darkness inside even though he found a new role in the clan (clan Kandossii), a new aliit.

Armor (Beskar'gam): beskar, black with red hightlights.
Black represents justice
Red represents honoring a father

Armor attachments/upgrades:

Rangefinder antenae
Upgraded H.U.D. (Heads Up Display)
Crushgaunts (armored gloves reinforcing his own natural talons)
JT-12 Jetpack upgraded with MM9 Rocket Launcher
Left Gauntlet with Wrist Rocket Launcher and CZ Wrist Mounted Flame Thrower
Right Gauntlet with LG-5 Laser, Gauntlet Dartcaster, and Whipcord launcher firing a beskar fibercord whip attached to an electrical taser

Dual DC-17 Blaster Pistols in fast draw holsters on either thigh
Shoulder holsters carrying a:
(left shoulder holster) Dissuader KD-30 Slugthrower Pistol loaded with a ten round magazine of hollow jacketed ammunition filled with acid
(right shoulder holster) FWG-5 Flechette Pistol with an eight round magazine of flechette filled pellets with a minature laser tracking system that tagged targets with an electronic homing signature enabling the pellets to track and follow the targets movements, making course corrections in flight. When reaching a range of three meters from target the pellet would explode releashing twelve millimeter long micro flechettes in a shotgun style method attack (scatter shotgun style at close range), spreading out to a radius of a meter.

(Clipped to middle of chest plate) E-ll Blaster Rifle with foldable stock and a variable scope

(Slung over back) DLT-19 Heavy Blaster rifle with foldable tripod and upgrade scope, thermal, zoom, and H.U.D. connectivity and remote firing

Kama pockets filled with varying explosives from grenades, thermal detonators, and remote triggered explosives

Two kal (mandalorian knives made of beskar) in sheaths on belt

Beskad (mandalorian short, sword made of beskar) strapped on outside of left leg, from ankle to knee, the hilt extending past the knee
A single lightsaber hilt attached to the small of his back with a yellow blade
SHIP: a firefly class mid bulk transport with upgraded shields, drives, armaments, and power core called the “Genet Werda” (Grey Shadow)
APPEARANCE: Black armor with red highlights.
Hair: Dirty Blonde
Eyes: Green
Build: Lean



Clothing: Worn blue jeans, brown shirt, long sleeve unbuttoned flanel, leather jacket, combat boots
Trained in martial combat , melee weapons, explosives, and ranged weapons from a youngster
Knight Force level ability
Higher then average piloting skills

Can be pushed into angry actions without thinking
Has a fear of losing friends and family
Still feels the pull of the darkside

From Previous Site:






http://api.viglink.c...entice Mission]

http://api.viglink.c...y [TSC/Council]


From Chaos:
I know lol.

Threads (some of which found and others I'm still looking for lol):
Yes rank transfers, normally staff asks for kinks to where you have written before and prof of said rank. Atin is from the board I’m most well known to writing on and I’ve written with him numerous amounts of times.
[member="Chloe Hinata"] You know, jumping into a fight, chilling in a tavern, pondering my future lol. Wondering which, if any, aspects of Atin and Chloe you want to have. Also seeing what aspects, again if any, that other former rp site companions want to keep so I can establish Atin's identity a bit more over here.

Charlyn Nairne

Little Miss Sunshine
[member="Atin Kandossii"]

If you would like to keep everything as it was over there we could. Would would I think make her still prego. I would love to continue. :)

PM me and we can come up with something. I could also have her jump in the invasion with you so I guess that would be she would have to be after the birth.
[member="Atin Kandossii"] I see no problems with our peeps still knowing each other. You may have to get used to the Atrisain aspect of Garith. There are some difference with him here and the other site you will have to get used to. Here I've had a lot more room to stretch the boundaries between light and dark and it has given me a greater range to develop him more as a person rather then just a Sith or Jedi. He was always meant for more then just that.
[member="Chloe Hinata"] Works great for me. If you want to do the post prego that's cool.

[member="Togashi Yokuni"] Cool. Look forward to catching up to you Toga.

[member="Ordo"] Thanks for pointing that out for me. I was converting two mandos over to get started here. One is black and red. The other grey and red. I mixed justice and mourning. Thanks vod, the dar'mando.

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