Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Astrid Snow

Katelyn Feanor

Two sides of a singular coin
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"See what I've Become!"
Personal Information
  • Designation: Astrid Snow
  • Code Name: Blackfire
  • Age: 20 Years
  • Sex: Female
  • Allegiance: Unknown
  • Rank: Dark Jedi Apprentice
  • Species: Possibly Human-Hybrid
  • Height: 5'10
  • Weight: 124.6 LBS
  • Eye Color: Darkened Violet
  • Hair Color: Dark Brown with Blue Streak
  • Skin Pigmentation: Caucasian
  • Martial Status: Single
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Sin: Pride, Wrath, Lust, Greed
  • Virtue: {Insert Virtue(s) Here...}
  • Force Sensitivity: Yes
  • Force Alignment: Dark-Side
  • Master: {Insert Master(s) Here...}
  • Current Status: Alive and Well
  • Current Bounty: No Recorded Bounty
  • Planet of Origin: Hoth
  • Current Residence: {Insert Location Here...}


"I may seem 'Nice'...but I'm anything from IT!"

Physical Appearance

Astrid's hair is near the color of a thick dark chocolate color, making her hair appear to be a dark color in-between black and brown. The overhanging part of Astrid's hair is the same color as the rest of her hair save for lines of varying size of light brown running through the overhanging hair, making this part of her hair stand out the most. The overhanging part of Astrid's hair is by far the longest and thickest part of her hair along with it hanging over her left eye most, if not practically all of the time. The rest of Astrid's hair is rather thin against her skin but still thick enough in which the skin under her hair is not visible. Recently, Astrid dyed part of the overhanging show more of her individuality. Along with showing her loneliness though secretly.

Astrid's ears are angular in shape and small in size, appearing rather small against her head while in reality they are the 'perfect' size. Piercings run along the outer curve of both of her ears, ending in a total of two. Both are upon the lower outer curve of the ear.

Astrid's eyebrows are a sharp angular shape, following the form of a feline. Sharp, dangerous and greatly predatory. Her eyebrows are pointed at the edges aiming away from her eyes and towards the hair. In short, the outer part of the eyebrows and not the part facing inward towards the bridge of the nose and other eyebrows. Piercings run across Astrid's right eyebrow. Though despite them being small, due to them being made out of silver it makes them more apparent against her brown eyebrows

Astrid's eyes are a thick hickory with hints of mahogany in the outer iris which results in a dark pinkish tint to her hazel eyes. The inner eyes are the thick hickory color with small splotches of dark and light brown through them. The part closest to the pupil is a dark coco color, gradually getting darker as it nears the pupil. The outer pupil is a mahogany color with thin wisps of hickory and hazel splotches spread out along them.

Astrid's body is short and thin, but it doesn't lack muscle. The highest concentration of muscle is in Astrid's arms and abdomen area along with other concentration's of muscle mass throughout the rest of the body, but these other parts are rather minor in the amount of muscle they have. These parts include, the lower regions and forearms.

  • Long scar reaching from left shoulder-blade to the bottom right of the back
  • Long Scar running from above the right ankle to below the right thigh
  • Left Arm is Mechanical
  • Black Bats tattoo on right side of chest running down to stomach
  • Red and Black Flower Tattoo running up Right arm
  • Small thin scar across right side of Neck


"Deep are a good person....but I'm not...not anymore"

Personality & Behavior

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[+] Immunity to the Cold - Being practically immune to one of the elements is a great strength but it takes a long course of time to fully develop, to which the cold no longer effects you entirely, though it will always take a toll on your state of fatigue.

[+] Strong-Willed - When you put your mind to something and almost never think twice, you can accomplish great things...even if you do get ticked off.

[-] Ambition - Ambition can blind people of the true goal in life, it can stop them from realizing their true potential and can halt their progress to gain even more power than they already possibly have.

[-] Rage - Fear is the pathway to Anger, Anger is the pathway to Rage, Rage is the pathway to the utter destruction of one's self.

[-] Young - Being young is both a blessing and curse, a blessing in which your body is fully capable of physical
prowess over time. A curse in which you are blind to the galaxy and don't know what is going to happen within the future.

[-] Scarred - Some people are scarred in life. Some physically, some mentally...and others emotionally. Too bad a few of us are All Three...

[-] Emotionally Unstable - Some experiences in life...kill us emotionally, destroy us. Those, are the lucky ones. If it doesn't destroy remain a mere pool of emotions just ready to kill someone who pushes your buttons a little too hard


", I'm not WEAK like she was!"

History & Background

Astrid's story first began upon the cold and frigid world of Hoth. She was born to adopted parents, without actually knowing her 'true' parents, even if they were still alive. She believed that her adopted parents were her parents despite her looking nothing like either of her parents.

At an early age, Astrid detested Law, Order and everything that opposed trying to be a rebel. She hated following the strict procedures of the Hoth settlement she was one and detested the monthly searches which were led by security officials and guards. They always said it was for the people's 'safety,' while in reality, they were just either nasty perverts, corrupt cops, drunken messes or vying for power in the Security Center. Save for one of them, the only one who refused to do the searches. Astrid's father, Czin. Czin was one of the head security officials at the current time, and the only one who wasn't corrupted by bribes for money, power, etc.

Astrid continued to detest against authority up until a guard openly pointed a gun at her head when she was cussing off a guard and verbal abusing the guard. Once this happened, she freaked...flinging her arms in front of herself. The next thing she knew, the two guards in front of her were laying thrown upon the ground with crates covered around them. Astrid just ran, ran down to her home and told her parents everything. all happened when she was only fifteen years old and going through her 'goth' phase.

Astrid's parents always knew this would happen and opened up to her about who her true mother was and the note she left with her father's name. Unlike most kids, she didn't freak she stayed calm. She accepted this revelation. The next thing Astrid's parents did, was send her to a foreign world every other month to train with a friend of her biological mother's. She trained with and used the force, along with eventually finding her own saber orange crystal.

Some years later, when Astrid reached the age of seventeen, chaos erupted within her home city. The citizens had finally rebelled against the cruel iron gauntlet of the cops and politicians hanging over the city. Fires and bodies were in the street. Astrid was away on Tattoine when this happened, but once she found out the news...she freaked. Falling into depression and having nightmares about what had happened within the settlement.

Then, the pirates came. Pirates had attacked a small town upon Tattoine a year later, a day after Astrid turned eighteen. The same day a year ago, that had caused her to spiral downwards into a pit of misery and despair. Once the pirates attacked, Astrid's master defended her from harm with his use of the force and lightsaber. He defended her valiantly, until being hit with a Molotov and burning...burning alive. This all happened as Astrid watched. The pirates turned to her, causing her to use her knowledge of the force and her fear. Setting the pirates aflame.

With her master's dying words, he told Astrid to be safe and to run...and that her mother would be proud of her. Then, after the last words left his mouth...he died.

Though, it would never end happily. Because as we all know, there are no "happy" endings...for anybody. Soon after Astrid watched her master 'die,' pirates captured her. Unbeknownst to her, her master had actually only be killed by her in vengeance. Astrid was held captive for up to one week at minimum, but at most a month. She was raped and sexually assaulted on a daily basis by the pirates. Though, if that wasn't enough for her...they occasionally used brutality and torture methods to get their points across to her. To make her obey. This is one reason that explains Astrid's fear of liquid that was used with electricity and electric eels.

Astrid did escape eventually, though not until becoming a cold blooded killer. Astrid had been thrown into occasional fights randomly sometimes in private or out in the open with other prisoners. To fight for their freedom and survival. On all but the first occasion, Astrid managed to kill her opponent. On her first occasion though, she was nearly beaten to death until the pirates pulled the other prisoner off of her. Ever since then, Astrid had been cautious around people. Though, after she did escape the pirates...she held a bloodlust. One that she tried her best to keep deep down in her soul...yet when it did get unleashed...she lost all memory of what happened during her bloodlust. Becoming a completely different person.


Not long afterwards, Astrid joined the First Order and fought with them for a Year and a Half before meeting people she could talk to her problem about it. The most notable being Gray Raxis, he didn't do it on purpose...but she did find the courage to flee the First Order's tyranny.

Shortly before leaving the First Order, Astrid held a relationship with Pvt. Viper or Serenity as Astrid knows her. It did sadden Astrid when she left Serenity behind. Though, she did hope that she could see Serenity again someday. Maybe, they could even get together again one day. Now that, would be a miracle.

Afterwards, Astrid joined the Awoken...finding a calming peace with those in the faction...where she could still act powerful yet keep her morals. She was to choose her own destiny, to define her own fate. She wore this as a symbol on pride in her eyes everyday.

{Viewer Discretion Advised}


Astrid left the Awaken after a few weeks, feel neglect and falling into a deep depression. She then expressed her feeling to Gray, which only led to them fighting each other vocally ending in Astrid leaving him behind permanently. After Astrid left, she wondered the backwater worlds of the galaxy...looking for coin wherever possible. Though, she mostly always found herself huddled under a bridge or in a cave. Astrid continued falling into deep depression, up until she even began to try and commit suicide...on multiple occasions. Out of an estimated total, Astrid tried to commit suicide eleven times...each ending only in pain and causing her to fall further into her despair. Due to the failed attempts, she did hold scars along the lengths of her wrists and arms...which only made Astrid realize her own uselessness.


After countless failed attempts, Astrid eventually took to being a thief...stealing from all and giving to herself. She was "better" in stealing then most due to her force affinity along with her naturally lightweight build and seductive nature. At one time, she held up to 15,000 credits. Though, most of these credits went down the drain. Astrid mostly bought beer and vodka to drown out her sorrows, thinking it could actually help her. Though in the end, all she was doing was wasting it. What she did have left, mostly went to thugs or gang members who were threatening her if she didn't give them any money of any time. To think, Nar Shaddaa...criminal empire of the galaxy...could be so KARKING CRUEL!


Astrid soon grew tired of the thugs picking on her, threatening her, and occasionally asking for "money" in the form of pleasure. So, she did what she did best...KILL!! Astrid broke into a gun depot on Nar Sharddaa and stole a assault rifle of sorts and marched into Gang Territory with the help of a few other broken men and women who wanted vengeance. She then proceeded to shoot up the place with her group, getting wounded herself while killing off the current leader of the Gang and many Gang members. The few member who did survive swore their allegiance to Astrid. Now, she was the new Gang Leader...or so they thought. In the remaining members blindness, she killed them off...putting a temporary stop on the Gangs. Though, she did leave a handful alive...for "purposes" for herself mostly, for pleasure along with the need to use someone to steal for her.

Astrid then left that part of Nar Shardda and went into a more "rundown" area which still held a good bit of criminal activity. This is the exact place where she would get her first tattoos. As she had heard, or more of thought...that the pain of tattoos would dull the pain in her heart.


Afterwards, Astrid was taken by Dark Vaildra, to form her into his new apprentice and a weapon worth reckoning. Astrid was at first, scared at this proposal....mostly due to her being tortured for a week in advance. Though after the torture, Astrid would truly know what it meant to "hold power" to not be weak anymore. To have...a place in the galaxy.


" had your chance!"

Abilities & Skills

{||| ||| ||| ||| |||}

{ Apprentice - Knight - Advanced Knight - Master - Specialist}


Starship Piloting
{||| ||| |||}

{||| ||| ||| |}

{||| ||| ||}

{||| ||| ||| |}

{||| ||| ||| |||}


Lightsaber Wielding
{||| |||}

{||| ||| ||}

{||| ||| ||| |}

{||| ||| ||| |}

"Justice had two sides...too bad you chose to be Innocent!"


{Classified, Tier Three Pass-code Required}


"Keep your friends close...and your enemies closer!"

{ (Hatred - Disrespect - Disinterest - Acquaintance - Interest - Respect - Friends - Crush - Love - Family)}

{Classified, Tier Three Pass-code Required}


Well-Known Member

Lol. When Damien was an acolyte and First Apprentice to Voracitos, the man ate his memories. So he doesn't remember his family, kids, old friends etc.

I wanted to do this char for a long time and decided to do so now. :)


Well-Known Member
Lmao dude. It is Pikiran. As said, I have had this idea for ages, only now enacting though. Also, I have had Sephiroth as the playby since '13. Never changed it. I used the char for like 3-6 threads then he died out.

Just reviving him.

[member="Darth Vaildra"]

Vaildra has never romanced anyone...ever. He only courts death. He believes like Darth Malgus learned. Love only gives you a weakness that can be used against you. He doesn't mind, for example, if Astrid satisfied her needs, but love itself is a different story.

Katelyn Feanor

Two sides of a singular coin
[member="Darth Vaildra"]
But we all have our weaknesses! But yeah, when you love someone, you would feel at peace (Unless they don't love you back :( ) but in reality it's just a major weakness that can also be a strength. Like a two sided coin, metaphorically of course.
[member="Darth Vizios"]

Still didn't hit on her. OOC we did because it was funny, but if you look at any of his threads, he was nice because he was dark sided fully, but he never hit on her. She has been gone quite a long time though. Sad day, I'd want her to join the Sith Empire. You are welcome to stop playing the peaceful Sith and come join the real Sith at anytime.

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