Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Asleep Among a Sea of Stars

It was a long distance hologram transmission beacon that had first intercepted the signal. Weak and fraying in strength, occasionally intermittently silent, the signal was at first considered to be no more than some unfortunate side effect of a cosmic storm traversing through the satellite's range, or perhaps an effect of a solar flare from passing within the gravimetric radius of a star. Both phenomenon were well documented to produce such interruptions in broadcast. It was only when a pattern emerged within the static that purpose was assigned to its presence. A transcription of the odd pattern was sent to Galactic Alliance intelligence as per usual for such quandaries. After filtering for radiation, and deciphering the cryptic and encoded cypher, the message was revealed to be an Imperial distress signal. It stated, "MAYDAY! MAYDAY!! This is Lieutenant Debreu of the Imperial Light Cruiser, Yenna's Bow, on route to rendezvous with station command in the Phaeda System. We are under attack of unknown origin! We were conducting a prisoner interrogation when contact with the Prisoner Detention and Containment facility went dark. Trooper XA-757, the lone survivor of his squadron, was successfully retrieved following contact with the enemy. Unfortunately he is in hysterics about some "monster" carving its way through the blast doors. The sound of screeching metal rent asunder interrupts the lieutenant's message. The whine of sustained blaster fire begins to crackle through the speakers, almost drowning out the lieutenant's words with its shrill pitch. Oh, gods. It's on the bridge. It's... arrrghgh~" The sound abruptly cuts off following the captain's cry.

Clearly, the Galactic Alliance had to send someone to investigate this incident and report back on this unknown threat. They couldn't afford to have one more potential loose end whilst worrying about the two wars they were currently simultaneously embroiled in. With the amount of danger still ambiguous, Galactic Alliance Intelligence elected to have a Jedi command the infiltration and reconnaissance team. A datapad containing the transmission as well as several scans that they had managed to glean through the use of the careful realignment of several probe droids found its way to the Jedi Temple. The data suggested that the Imperial Light Crusier had exited hyperspace minutes prior to their final transmission, and was currently listing helplessly on the farthest edges of an asteroid belt surrounding one of the Phaeda system's gas giants. Life-scans directed at the ship had indicated that there was still life forms moving about inside, though they seemed to be avoiding the central most hangars and floors of the cruiser, presumably where the ship housed its detention facilities.

Iris Arani Iris Arani
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Iris just happened to be close by. The closest, at that. An Imperial ship, so close to Alliance space. In Alliance space. that alone was reason to investigate. Worse, though, there seemed to be little actual life within. At least according to reports. And as she exited hyperspace close by, in the colors too. Fear, panic, death. Those lingered in the Force around the ship, enough for her to be warry even as she landed within.

"Keep the ship running, okay?"

Domxite chirped an affirmation as she hopped out of her shuttle. Unclipped one of her blades. Something terrible must've happened for the Imps to come this far with a distress beacon. Or it was a trap.

At least it was only a single Knight caught in it if it was. She ignited the cold blue of her saber as she walked forward, using it as a lightstick to brighten up the path. There were still colors of life, and for now that's where she headed.

Rayia Si Rayia Si
The azure glow reflected off the internal paneling of the ship, sending myriad pinpricks of light sparkling through the air. It was silent in the dim hallway, the stillness lending a grim aura to the pervasive gloom. At the edge of the light, there was a bulkhead which read "Provisional Storage". By it lay two crates of nutritional rations. The cases had been smushed open, and the bland tasting paste was scattered across the spattered floor panels. Judging by the two stormtroopers who lay strewn next to it, their mangled armor and the pooling splotches on the ground, they had been attacked whilst they were processing the requisition of the two crates before them.

As Iris shifted in the passageway, there was a soft, sharp intake of breath. The kind one takes when one doesn't wish to be found, or perhaps in utter surprise that anyone is still alive after witnessing the carnage but a few feet from them. Fear was bubbling up through the seam of the bulkhead door to Iris as the individual perched on the other side hissed. "What are you doing?! Get out of the hallway before it sees you~! It'll carve its way right through the wall or door!" If Iris crossed the threshold of the doorway, she'd spot a haggard looking imperial officer hiding upon the top shelf of one of the storage units. The man had a mousey look to him, with wide teary eyes, and twitching nose. His lapel was crumpled and dusty, indicated he had likely spent some time in this position. He blanched as he saw the azure flickering blade in Iris' hand. "Oh no. Look, I don't know anything." He protested, shaking fingers fumbling with the buttons to draw his blaster from its holster.

Iris Arani Iris Arani


Carves through a wall? Iris narrowed her eyes for a moment, watching the officer. Then let out a sigh. He seemed beaten. Not literally, but enough in the colors to be emotionally just done with what happened. Though the moment he reached for his blaster she ignited her blade. No sound, no heat. Just a cold void as she took a step. Closed the distance. Cut him down. Harmlessly. The Entropite blade was sure enough to do that.

His colors weren't the only ones around, though. She turned her gaze, stepping in front of his unconscious body. He'd wake, soon enough. Right now, she needed to deal with whatever was horrifying him.

Rayia Si Rayia Si
The whites of the officer's eyes seemed to sparkle in the dim lights as they widened when the Jedi rushed towards him with the blade. He uttered a small squeak of fright, before numbed fingers slackened around the grip of his holdout blaster. He seemed to go rigid for a moment, before slumping into unconsciousness. Somehow, as his cheek collapsed to the surface of the shelf that he was hiding on, the tautness in his expression seemed to have alleviated somewhat, no doubt as his body released the tension he had been bottling up this whole time.

It wasn't long before Iris saw a hint of what had terrified the officer so. In the doorway that Iris had just entered loomed a massive shadow. Crouched down as it was, it still towered over the entrance of the doorway. If Iris crept to the doorway and cracked it just a peep to peer out, she'd see that the monster was some sort of gigantic, feline creature. It was quadrupedal, possessed a long bristling tail that almost hovered in the air, and covered in a shaggy layer of evidently matted orange fur. A white stripe seemed to crest its spine and stomach. Blood-soaked and patchy as a result of several dozen blaster shots, the fur hid a dense layer of shimmering plating which seemed to have absorbed most of the damage. Spines seemed to sprout from said plating, and its massive paws hid retracted wicked looking claws which lightly tinked off the metal floor as it stumbled down the hallway away from her trailing the ground with the remnants of black and white armor and blood.

And stumbled was no exaggeration. The creature would shake its head occasionally, as if plagued by a storm of bees. It would miss a step, causing its shoulder to crash into the side paneling of the hallway. It would stay like that for a few heartbeats before loping forwards once more. The motions looked...well it was reminiscent of someone who had spent far too much time enjoying the nightlife at the Mos Eisley Cantina and had gotten far too exuberant in their libation of acrid liquors. Or, in few words: Piss-faced drunk.


But it was the colors emanating from Rayia that were most interesting perhaps. Fear. Rage. Hunger. Pain and euphoria intermingled in a fire that coursed through her, Complacency, Impulse. It was like looking at madness blossoming outwards which surrounded a set of calmer colors like the petals of a flower protected its core. Suffice it to say, Rayia was in even less control than she normally was during these "blackouts". Suddenly, Rayia's tail and ears twitched. She felt the air shift in the room next to her, and the slight sound of motion through the air reached her ears. Her golden predator's eyes snapped to the doorway.

A heartbeat passed where the creature that was Rayia seemed to study the door with bleary eyes, and a frenetic twitch of her head. And then, Rayia moved...frighteningly fast. One moment she was on the other side of the hallway, the next she was right in front of the door. Her paw slapped forwards, claws extending as she leapt and... missed! The truth serum, used in the Imperial interrogation she had just been subjected to, pulsated through her system and threw off her coordination. Instead of completing her pounce as intended, Rayia's shoulder slammed into the wall cracking it slightly. As a result, her claw swipe fell short, digging deep furrows in the durasteel floor as she retracted her paw from the entrance. Shaking off her first charge, she hissed at Iris Arani Iris Arani and studied the entrance carefully, like a cat attempting to find the best way to flush out a mouse inside its bolt-hole.
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"You're terrified."

Iris spoke up. Calm. Collected. Even as the monstrous cat charged at her. She didn't move. There was no danger in the colors of her being struck. It wasn't blind faith in the Force. But to move would only invite more danger. More fear. So she stayed still. Calm. Took that chance even as the claws ripped open the floor before her. Then, she reached out. In the Force, in those colors. Slowly trying to pull that fear, that stress, from Rayia. Help calm her, bit by bit. At least, as much as she could.

"It's alright. I'm not going to hurt you."

Rayia Si Rayia Si
Rayia crouched on her haunches in the doorway. Small puffs of steam floated away from her bloody, slavering mouth. Strands of saliva glistened between sharp fangs and lolling tongue. An intelligence gleamed in her golden, slitted eyes that studied the unmoving figure curiously. Even if the pupils were dilated such that they seemed to devour the very iris itself. Iris’ calming courage won her an interesting reaction from the monstrous feline. The claws that had previously ripped the floor apart disappeared with a soft schik as Rayia retracted them.

With some amount of hesitation, and confirmation that Iris wasn’t suddenly going to step forwards and attack her, the creature that was Rayia lay down. Since the woman before her didn’t seem set on attacking her like the scores of white-clad figures she’d dispatched did, Rayia happily took the chance to rest. She laid her muzzle against the blissful cold surface of the floor paneling and marveled how it seemed to leech away the fire burning inside her. This close, it was easy to see the shuddering spasms that wracked her, sending her fur rippling in frantic patterns down her back. Long ears and tail twitched at the reassurances Iris gave her, but Rayia remained prone but a pace from where Iris stood. If she took but a single step forwards, she could run a hand through the feline creature’s thick orange and white fur.

Iris Arani Iris Arani
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Iris let out a breath of relief. Watched for just a moment longer. Watched the creature lay down to sleep, of all things. How long had they been here? There was something off about her, how she settled. How she missed her strike. The medic in her wanted to tend to her. .. And won out. The Jedi stepped over, settled a hand on her fur if she wasn't swiped at at least.

".. What did they do to you?"

Rayia Si Rayia Si
Rayia studied the woman in front of her. Well, as much as she could focus under the present circumstances. The effect of the drugs they had injected into her was not pleasant. Being in this form had only sharpened the discomfort into a keen spike which drove deep into her brain. She was being bombarded by the sonorous booming in her ears of her own heart and the sound and feeling of the motion of the air around them and objects near them nearby, the piercing and searing strip of blue light the woman carried in hand, and the burning fire that compelled her within. At the very least, closing her eyes helped mitigate the number of sensations she had to deal with. Squinting against the pressure building behind closed eyelids, Rayia felt as if she should know what the strip of light was. But a fuzziness lingered in her head, swallowing up her memories.

Iris’ touch surprised her, and she lifted her muzzle slightly to look at her. There were equal amounts of fear and surprise dancing in her golden eyes. Rayia went very still, but the delicate touch didn’t provoke an immediate swipe as expected. Though it was fairly reasonable to expect one if Iris pained her in any way. Instead, Iris’ hand landed on the undamaged, glistening luxurious orange fur. It was soft, and Iris could feel it almost ripple at her touch. If she dug a little deeper, she would feel the thick hide and mineral-like, shimmering, dense armor plates between which the fur sprouted. One might expect Rayia to be warm, being a massive cat creature and all, but this felt too extreme. Feverish, and clammy. The plates too seemed to grow more brittle around the edges, and flake in Iris’ hands. Which likely wasn’t natural to the feline before her. There was a shudder to her inhalation at Iris’ question as she sucked down air, causing it to hitch in her throat before she managed to gulp it down with even more vigor. And she spat out a response in the form of a looong, whimper-growl. “Rrrrrrghhrrrrrrr enn grrrrchff”

Iris Arani Iris Arani


A fever. Drugs. Interrogation? Her gaze flicked to the unconscious officer close by. Experiments on a creature? No, there was too much thought here. This wasn't a pet. This was a person. Iris slowly popped open her lightsaber, taking out the crystal within. Setting it against the cat as she focused instead of at least stabilizing her temperature and soothing the pain.

Then clicked on her com. "Domxite, send a signal out. I'm going to need help."

There was a conformational beep before the signal was sent out. Iris had a feeling that trying to bring this cat to help would only make things worse. So bringing help here? That was the better choice.

Amani Serys Amani Serys | Rayia Si Rayia Si
It didn't take much convincing for Amani to head over. Not when the call came from Iris. Details were sparse, but if she was the one being called it, she could only assume her healing expertise would be needed in some way.

The Chief Healer's ship dropped in after a short journey, and Amani clicked on her comms to reach out to her friend directly, "Hey, Iris. It's Amani. I'm here," After that, she stepped off the ramp of her ship, and waited for her fellow Jedi to intercept.



"Imperial vessel. Unknown lifeform, signs of interrogation and drugging. She's got a burning fever, seems disoriented. Also hostile, at times, so approach slowly." Hostile for good reason, though. Iris kept her hand on Rayia's head, kept the crystal close to keep healing her. Focus on that, first and foremost. Stabilize, then treat. Well, she wasn't sure if she could treat. The woman wasn't exactly human. Or close to it.

And yet, still sentient. She learned a lot, not this much, though.

"Real slow. Her claws rip through durasteel."

Rayia Si Rayia Si | Amani Serys Amani Serys
Rayia floated on an internal grey sea, buffeted by waves of pain and lucidity. She could hear snatches of conversation passing between Iris and another, parsing words from the roiling clouds of disorientation. Words like vessel, drugging, fever, and approach. The words she heard fought with the cooling and calming sensation that was flowing into her from the stranger's touch. Mustering quivering limbs, she fought to rise to a low crouch and turned to face the direction from which Amani would be coming from.

This close however, Iris would be able to notice something. The trembling wracking Rayia's frame had ceased being random and seemed to be more of a pattern, ever since the Jedi's intervention. Ever since Iris had placed the cooling stone to her head, there were a few heartbeats every so often where it almost appeared that the feline creature's bones were collapsing in on themselves beneath its skin, almost as if shifting to become smaller. This attempt, usually brought about an intense flaring of pain from within her, causing the shifting bones to once again enlarge themselves and snap back into position. Like a muscle forced to expand and contract endlessly, the attempts were tiring Rayia out and were additionally partially responsible for disorienting her. Well that, and whatever damage the drugs themselves were causing through her system.


The faintest hues of consciousness began to waft from the doorway to Provisional Storage. Almost simultaneously as there was the soft grunt of the imperial officer awakening from the slumber that Iris had placed him into, Rayia's eyes snapped back to the doorway. A slight thud followed by a light popping sound reached them as the imperial officer found his feet and reached up with one hand to massage his jaw. Rayia's fur stood on end, and she likely would have thrown herself at him if it weren't for the enveloping cool sensations burrowing its way into her brain. Whilst she fought the cold sensation, the officer levelled a blaster at her in Iris' arms. "Excellent. Its armor appears to be flaking away. Hold the beast there. I will deal with them."

Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani Amani Serys Amani Serys
Unknown lifeform?

Amani wasn't sure what to make of that. But she continued on with her landing in the dock, and off to where Iris had directed.

Eventually turned a corner to see the entryway, and with no other context, an imperial officer aiming a gun. Knowing Iris was inside, Amani didn't take any chances. They would see a sudden metal pole jut out from behind the door frame, striking the officer in the head enough to potentially knock him out all over again. Amani then stepped in his place, studying the Jedi and her… patient?

"You didn't tell me she was a uh… cat?"



"I.. Am not sure if she's actually a cat."

Iris knew shapeshifters. Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri used to be one. And now, here was another. Though, not like he used to be. The shifting of bones, shrinking and forcibly expanding on their own. She was trying to change back.

"I think she's stuck in this form. Whatever the Imperials did messed with her. .. Er, I mean. I think she's a shapeshifter of some kind I guess. She's trying to shift back? there's a lot of pain, though. Probably what's causing the fever."

Amani Serys Amani Serys | Rayia Si Rayia Si
The officer stiffened as a metal pole impacted with the back of his head. Almost comically, his feet seemed to even lift off the ground for the briefest of moments. And the resounding crack caused even the snarling Rayia’s ears to flatten in the imitation of a wince. In an ungangly tangle of limbs the officer collapsed to the floor once again, a blemished spot on the back of his head betraying where he was struck.

In fact, the strike was so engrossing that Rayia forgot for the time being the instinct to maul him. Her focus instead pinned on the green figure that had stepped through the doorway after the officer. Only to immediately bristle in an imitation of slight indignation. “Rggrnorr rrra chrrrrarrr.” She growled. She was a little more than a cat. She tried once again to shift back, causing her bones to shrink, melt, and move beneath her skin. But let out a little roar of frustration as her head started to hurt again.

The feline creature’s shoulders slumped as she looked at her reflection in the burnished wall paneling. Rayia’s pride and ears drooped a little. She looked awful, the dull sheen of her fur a pale shadow of her normally hearty orange and white coat. Even her armored plates beneath that fur looked sickly as well. The seven foot armored feline’s heard swiveled back and forth between the two as she started to understand. The green woman with the black mane that smelled of highly acrid dewdrops (Bacta) was here to help. But first Rayia needed the colorful woman that smelled of sunlight to explain.

Finding herself increasingly frustrated by her non-verbal form, Rayia’s ears shot up when by chance Iris seemed to understand. Lowering her head, she butted Iris’ shoulder gently but insistently. Yes! I’m here. That’s me! She almost wanted to scream.

Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani Amani Serys Amani Serys
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Shapeshifter. Wouldn't be the first one Amani encountered. Although other shifting processes certainly looked less… painful. This one was unfamiliar to her. "That would explain… that," She gestured broadly to the figure in front of them. The healer stepped back a bit reactively as the cat made a noise, raising her hands passively.

Iris' words seemed to muster a response from Rayia. "She understands you?" Amani blinked, and stepped closer again, "Have you done anything to try and help with the process yet?"



"I can see intelligence in her eyes and she responds to my words. I'm guessing she can speak common. Not in this form, though?" A lot of speculation. She could at least see it in the colors though. The cry for help. The need for it. Iris frowned, turning her gaze from where she'd been watching Rayia to Amani and just shook her head. "I wouldn't know where to start. There's something keeping her from changing back, but I'm not sure how to help. Maybe filter the drug, but what drug keeps a shapeshifter from shifting? There was nothing in the text books about that."

Amani Serys Amani Serys | Rayia Si Rayia Si
Rayia followed the conversation between the pair with the duality of being frustrated at being unable to shift and speak with them, as well as the fuzziness that was encroaching on her vision. Amani’s statement of her being a shapeshifter explaining her bones seperating before knitting back together earned a small chuffing sound from the massive feline. She had most definitely just laughed. Even if it was strained and sounded like a bedraggled wheeze. When questioned whether or not Rayia understood the words spoken, or whether she could speak common, she dipped her head as if to approximate a human nod.

Though, when the topic turned to more scientific inquiry, she tilted her head to the side in bewilderment. That topic was beyond her. But she knew where the two might be able to start looking for a clue to unraveling the mystery drug. A few levels down, there was the original site of her interrogation. Rayia was sure that if she led the strangers down to the Prisoner Detention and Containment cells they would understand. But could she make it as she was? Maybe with their help. The cooling stone and kind hand of Iris on her forehead had abated her fever somewhat.

Suddenly, Rayia’s ears shot straight up and her eyes grew wide. She had just had an idea of how she could tell them. Rearing up slowly, she stared at the pair as she placed a paw to one wall. With her now extended claws, she cut and carved clean furrows into the wall. The furrows started to form words. Granted they looked like the messy scrawling of a child, but considering her form and the fact she could barely hear herself think right now from the pounding waves of pressure, she was rather proud at having managed two words. “Brought. Tortured.” They read, followed by an arrow pointing down the hallway and deeper into the ship.

Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani Amani Serys Amani Serys
Amani rubbed her chin in thought, and opened her mouth for a response, when the cat began to shift around again. She began clawing away at the wall, which made for an unpleasantly harsh scratching sound until she had finished, given form to the words she had wanted to speak. The mirialan studied the sign: Brought. Tortured. Followed by an arrow.

"More or less what we already assumed," Amani nodded at Iris, before moving in the direction the arrow was pointing them, "You're onto something, though. We could in theory detoxify the substance and remove its effects from her body through the Force. Easy enough. Have you tried that? With any success?"


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