Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Asleep Among a Sea of Stars


"I've.. Never actually done that."

Detoxifying with the Force was something she knew she could do, but the actual practice hadn't come up. Or the training, for that matter. Too many other things all going on for her to focus on learning that. Better late than never, at least. And she blinked. Just stared at the wall for a moment. Maybe she shouldn't have been so trusting of Rayia not cutting her down in that first moment.

She drew in steel like someone would draw in sand.

"Do we need to know the compound to filter it? Or is it more.. Mystical, I guess?"

Amani Serys Amani Serys | Rayia Si Rayia Si
Rayia nodded contently. As Amani had already stated, they had already suspected as much. But it still felt good to know she’d been heard. Part of the fear and panic, beyond that caused by the unknown environment and cruel captors, was that she felt almost like a puppet in a foreign body. The forced shifting and following influence of the drug was a horrid violation. More so, beyond simply allowing her body to dilute and absorb the drug naturally, if that was even possible, Rayia had few short term alternatives. In a sense she was fully entrusting herself into the hands of these two, and hoping they knew what they were doing.

As the pair started to speak of the Force, Rayia finally made the connection her befuddled brain had been hinting at before. She remembered having a friend who spoke like that, back on her homeworld of Weik. This friend too seemed endlessly embroiled in conflicts on her watches, spoke of a mystical power and wielded a bladeless sword. With renewed interest, Rayia studied the two. They must be paladins (old weikian term for Jedi) she concluded. And while she had no sense for measuring the success of the force, the hesitation in the way both moved through the air, the questions, and Iris’ increased heartbeat and perspiration meant Rayia could smell the unease wafting off her. She slunk half a pace backwards away from the two of them. She wasn’t going to put herself at the whim of some mystical force if even the paladins performing it were unsure of its success.

Tags: Amani Serys Amani Serys Iris Arani Iris Arani
Amani looked surprised, "Really? Never?" As a healer it was an exceptionally useful skill. Perhaps it would be something to teach the padawans one day. Better late than never. "Not necessarily, although it would probably be easier if we knew the compound." Thankfully, the title of Chief Healer was not just for show. She was quite adept in the application of Force detox, with or without knowing the specifics of the drug.

"I can handle it, as long as there are no further interruptions." Something like this was likely complex, but it could be flushed out all the same with a bit of focus. Amani turned to look at the cat, now slinking a bit behind them, "May I?"



Uncertainty, wariness, fear.

Iris glanced towards Rayia for a moment. She could sense Iris's uncertainty? But not through the colors like Iris did. Or- Not through the Force. That was interesting enough on it's own. "I've been cut up and blasted apart, but poison and drugs aren't something I've experienced yet. .. Though knowing this was a thing really would've helped with Denon." The amount of OD's she had to treat there with more standard means wasn't something she'd forget. Though knowing she could've done more was a bit more depressing.

Better late than never. She offered Rayia a smile. Nodded her head.

"Amani is the Cheif Healer of the New Jedi Order. There's literally no better hands to be in. She'll help. Trust her."

Amani Serys Amani Serys | Rayia Si Rayia Si
Rayia wavered caught between the possibility that the two could help her and the rising nervousness that had now sparked itself inside her. At hearing the possibility that Amani could likely perform better after knowing the components and chemicals formulating the drug, Rayia briefly raised her head in the direction towards the Containment cell she had started from, deeper inside the ship. She considered whether or not she had the strength to lead the pair to it. But the winding passages were likely compromised or damaged, so there was no certainty to be found that they would be able to reach the labratory from where she was restrained whilst unconscious and injected. Rayia's gaze shifted to her right forepaw as it underwent yet another morphing attempt cycle, those heavy clawed toes thinning and lengthening into slender, claw tipped fingers and back again. And no certainty that she could even make the trek plagued and battered such as she was by the drug. Brilliant golden eyes observed both women's sincerity as one asked permission before attempting to perform the technique mentioned whilst the other attempted to encourage her. A thought resonated clear as crystal within Rayia. If they had never come for me, I would have stayed in this endless cycle of torture, lashing out at anything on a whim before ultimately succumbing to the exhaustion of the war on this new drug. Biting her lip for courage, she shuffled the few paces forwards and leaned into the pair as she did. Then, ponderously, Rayia dipped her snout towards the ground in an approximation of a nod. Her tail once bristling and frantically swiping through the air with her roiling emotions stilled itself and tucked itself around her waist.

Tags: Amani Serys Amani Serys Iris Arani Iris Arani
"Well, guess now is as good a time as any," Amani offered Iris a sympathetic frown, before turning her attention to the cat. She was still shifting and morphing to little effect, at least in any positive sense. It was clear the drug was making her weaker, and she seemed to pick up on that much herself. The cat's gestures were enough to parse on their own, and Amani nodded back before reaching out.

Through the Force, a soothing wave of energy ripple throughout Rayia's biology, leaving its purities untouched, whilst flushing out and purging its foreign contaminants. As Chief Healer, Amani had an understanding of life's inner workings better than nearly anyone else in the galaxy, and despite a lack of comprehension regarding the drug itself, it was easy enough to gradually cleanse that which did not belong. After some time, the mirialan's eyes fluttered back open, and she sighed to signify the completion of her work. The Force faded away, and she looked at Rayia for proof of their success.

Rayia blinked as one of them seemed to make up their mind, before reaching out. Rayia studied the smooth, emerald green palm in front of her. She wasn't entirely sure what she was expecting. Given her friend had only shown her the more visible uses of the intangible force, Rayia wasn't quite sure if she should expect sparks to come out of those fingers or subtle shockwaves. She braced herself against the possible side effects, only to find that they didn't come. When the wincing had subsided, she felt a soothing wave envelop her, much like the one that Iris had spread through her body. The reminiscent effect caused her to glance from Amani to Iris and back again. Slowly she could feel the trembling in her limbs subside. And her maiming grip on the steel floorplates loosened.

Then Rayia felt something clawing its way up her throat. She retched, repeatedly, spewing the unprocessed remnants of the drug on the floor even as her bodily processes neutralized the toxins in her bloodstream. She felt slightly abashed, perhaps even disgruntled, by the fact that she was currently exhuming a sizable amount of viscous, greenish silver liquid carefully away from the two women's boots. But still the relief of the fleeing and disintegrating toxins was palpable, and mollified her pride somewhat. She supposed that it likely wasn't the worst reaction they had ever seen.

And then it happened. With the completion of the purging process, Rayia's body began to change. The armored plates of her feline form were absorbed, the dense luxurious fur retreated, the bones collapsed and muscles reshaped themselves until a stockily built humanoid with feline features stared back at them. Clad only in stripes of tufted fur and the matted tangle of a furious mane and tail, the latter of which quickly wrapped itself around her waist to preserve some modesty, Rayia sat back on her haunches and lifted up her human hands, flexing her slender, clawed digits experimentally. Salty rivulets lapped their way from her feline, almond shaped eyes as she stared with some wonder at her humanoid hands. "...Thank you." She croaked, mouth moving around the unfamiliar sounds, like someone who hadn't spoken in a while.

There was the briefest heartbeat where her golden eyes lifted to stare at both of them, and in the next millisecond, she was leaping at them. Only this was no metal rending leap like before. Instead, Rayia's wide, eager, outstretched arms wrapped around both Amani and Iris as she giddily lifted them into the air. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou. Thank you for finding me. Thank you for healing me! ThankyouThankyouThankyou." spilled from her lips before she could contain herself only returning both of them to the floor when she realized that she was likely smearing blood all over their robes.

Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani Amani Serys Amani Serys
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Iris watched on in relative silence. Both worrying about the feline woman and studying just how Amani was healing. Purging? Removing? She wasn't sure what the word was, but the process itself was fascinating. Get the body to reject what didn't belong through stimulation of the Force. Then- Oh wait she turned back into a person. That came as a surprise. She blinked quickly, still in surprise as she was lifted into the air and hugged.

And laughed.

"I- uh- You're welcome?" Once she was settled down, she shifted, regained her balance some. Looked around. "Don't celebrate too much. We need to leave now."

Amani Serys Amani Serys | Rayia Si Rayia Si
Amani completed the process with little shift in her demeanor. She was largely desensitized to most every medical side effect under the sun, so the regurgitation was met with little fuss. The unpleasant body horror of watching her shift back into a humanoid form was still met with a bit of a wince, though.

Amani studied the figure before them, only to startle as she leapt up to hug them. She groaned a bit as she was hoisted into the air, and gave the blood stains a dissatisfied look. That was a bit different than being covered in a patient's blood.

"Don't mention it," Amani nodded, rubbing her neck awkwardly, "Iris is right. Let's not linger. Are you alright to head out?"

Rayia was thankful that the two of them decided to spare her dignity, and not mention the putrid retching that had just occurred. In fact it would be best if the entire thing was forgotten entirely, Rayia concluded with a huff. Her golden eyes remained fixed on the two women she was in the process of gratuitously hugging and thanking. Rayia only stopped her exuberant movements when Iris reminded her of the fact that they likely needed to get moving before structural damage to the ship became to great to maintain integrity, or the surviving forces on the ship embroiled them in needless combat. And then she saw the dissatisfied look on Amani's face and recoiled as if she had been struck. She immediately sprung back and ducked her head, tufted ears tucking downwards in shame. She wrung her hands as if to scrape away the blood, wiped her mouth, and then began wringing her hands again.

She likely would have continued castigating herself for getting blood on the paladin's robes, but Iris' words had her attention snap back to the present. Rayia was honestly fine with that. Looking at the mess on the floor, she figured that she had her fill of blood, and that she would simply follow them back to where they needed to go. "I am alright." She confirmed, but then paused, realizing she had absolutely no understanding of where exactly they were in the broader sense. They were in some kind of Wind Ship but one made of metal with no windows. "But uhm, where do we go? I've never been on a Wind Ship this big."

Amani Serys Amani Serys Iris Arani Iris Arani

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