Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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As Dark as it gets

Thats why you band together with like minded sith. we aren't all that much different.

*Eyes Vornskr*

I beg to differ. The Sith Council now shall be more united then before. As for you Venge you will follow as an equal not a slave or inferior....The Sith will not survive if we do not make a change.

Think about it, the time of Marka Ragnos, Ajunta Pal, the first Sith King Adas. A Strong Dark Lord has always led a successful Empire. Iscariot has the strength that should be respected and united behind. Otherwise our enemies throughout the galaxy will continue to crush us.
Malice Draclau said:
Iscariot has the strength that should be respected and united behind.

Varro Shatterstar

The Brightest Hearts are the most Impacted by the
Darth Vornskr said:
The Sith Council is full of fools.

They can hardly unite a group of decent people, let alone true Sith.
Hah, and what is a true Sith? You? You were at my throat from the start. If you're talking about anyone being a fool, it's yourself.

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