Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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As Dark as it gets

Varro Shatterstar

The Brightest Hearts are the most Impacted by the
Kassandra Distorith said:
*arches a brow & takes her hand back*

I do not -ask-, youngling. I do as I please. I see your father has yet to teach you manners.

A pity.
I'm not as young as you think, and I'm sorry, but isn't it bad manners to touch things you ought not touch?

You may touch me when you have been given permission to touch me.

Varro Shatterstar

The Brightest Hearts are the most Impacted by the
What's up, Mac?

@[member="Evelynn"] - Hello there, pretty lady.

@[member="Skorn Draclau"] - Ahhh... if it isn't my self entitled, weakling of a brother. You're the spitting image of our rickety old father, you know that?

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