Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Arms & Tactics Training(Black Sun)

Today was a beautiful day for some training on Gos Hutta. The sun was shining, the soldiers were drilling, and it wasn't to hot either. Rayl couldn't ask for better. Or he could, such was the burden of command. He was out of his usual attire, no coat or mask. Of course they were nearby for safety concerns. Rayl was a very cautious fellow. His multiple gun, grenade and utility belts were still running around him. A rare look on just how many weapons he kept on himself. "Alright ladies and gents. Gather round. Its about time we get to what were here for".Rayl waved in his flock around a table. Atop it lay two weapons. The MP-77 Heavy Blaster Pistol, and the Sonic Shotgun. Two of the mainstays Black Suns military utilizes and weapons any soldier or agent needed to know how to use effectively. They would train with these today s they went through various exercises.

"Let me introduce you if you don't already know these". Rayl picked up both weapons and held them upwards. "This is the MP-77, your standard heavy blaster. And this is the Sonic Shotgun. A specialized weapon I intend to make sure all of you can at least use effectively by the end of today". Both weapons were set down and he eyed out the crowd. Judging them silently for a moment. "Alright, if you have never handled a weapon before. You are either lying or shouldn't be here. If you know the shotgun move to the right, the rest of you stay where you are".

Geneva Wessiri

Rylan looked at the man with a face a man being strangled every day might have. He had never held a gun before, that's why. But he wanted to do that, it was his destiny to take over his father's place as a crime lord one day. What kind of a criminal doesn't know how to wield at least a blaster? Most people did nowadays, even force-users, like the Fake Sir had heard.

When the order to either go to the right or stay where they were came, Rylan remained at his place. He didn't know about shotguns. He didn't know much about weapons in general. Only that they were made for killing, or at least injuring other people. He looked at the amount of people who moved away from the original group. Yeah, he seemed to be one of the minority at the Black Sun. At least in this training session. He sighed. Quietly, though.

[ [member="Rayl Wilded"] ]​

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