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Ariel Tull, High Priestess of Rave Merrill

Ariel Tull


NAME: Ariel Tull
FACTION: Lords of the Fringe, or wherever [member="Rave"] Merill wishes her to be.
RANK: High Priestess
SPECIES: Maelibi
AGE: 125
SEX: Female
WEIGHT: 180 kg
EYES: Black
HAIR: None
SKIN: Gold


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+The Big Guy - Ariel Tull, while small for a Maelibus, is quite large in comparison with the rest of the galaxy. This naturally provides her great strength, not to mention her claws and blaster-resistant skin.
+Demolitions Expert - Ariel Tull has only ever been able to use once Force Power, namely Combustion. At present Ariel is only strong enough to make smaller objects explode, and requires concentration to do so.
-Crippling Overspecialization - In combat Tull can do two things, punch/swing things and make things explode with concentration. She doesn't know how to fire a blaster, pilot a ship, maintain a military command, slice through doors, or do any number of utilitarian things.
-Reading Lips - As a result of Combustion use Ariel has extremely poor hearing, being but another boom or two away from permanent hearing loss. Ariel can read lips or sign to compensate, but recognizing the speech patters of various alien shaped mouths is very difficult. This also makes Ariel speak louder or quieter than necessary at inopportune times, due to her inability to discern her volume.

Ariel looks like a normal Maelibus, tall, thick, shaded metallic gold, typically without clothing, yet very imposing.

Ariel was a Maelibus that lived and grew up on the planet of Val'Halla, a strange world that was a melting pot of various overpowered and force-based species. As one of the few females of the planets population she was not required to go into the military which constituted nearly 75% of the planet's population, and was instead able to join the priesthood, which worshiped and spread the tales of the Demi-Gods, ordinary men and women who'd ascended to a roll of power by defeating one of the Demi-God's prior. She spent her life serving one Demi-God after another, until finally a mysterious Centaur with a penchant for stealth was literally sealed into the barrel of a gun, never to return. This prompted near riots in the Church of Kasamann, with people bickering over whether or not Kasamann would return, and whether or not Rave Merrill deserved the title of Demi-God as a result. Ariel and the High Priest of Kasamann in particular had quite the debates, until Ariel lost her temper and made the High Priest's hat explode using Force Combustion, murdering him and causing a civil war. Ariel eventually came out of it on top, founding the Church of Rave Merrill as it's High Priestess.






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