Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Intent: To chance a canon planet whit barley any lore into a interesting planet, fore story and faction purposes.
​Image Credit:
Canon: Yes
Links: Marcus Lund,

Planet Name: Apatros
Demonym: Apatrosi
Region: Outer
System Name: Apatros system
System Features: 1 sun, 1 moon, a rotation is 20 standard hours
Coordinates: V-46
Major Imports: Foodstuffs, advanced Technology.
Major Exports: Metals (Especially Cortosis (canon)), Minerals, Low tech industrial goods.

Gravity: Standard
Climate: Temperate
Primary Terrain: Barren flatland's and Wastes

Major Locations: (will be added later)

Native Species: None
Immigrated Species: Humans(canon), Neimoidians(canon), Twi'lek, Trandoshan, and varies other species to a lesser degree.
Population: Sparsely Populated,
Demographics: The population is a fairly even mix of Humans, Neimoidians, Twi'lek, Trandoshan, whit humans being the larges of the 4 major species by a small margin, and the Neimoidians being to smallest group of the four. alongside the 4 major demographic groups live a dizzying array of other species of differing democratic sizes, toug nowhere near the sizes of the four major species.
The planet is open to any immigrant no matter wat specie they are, this is beceas of the communal nature of the population, and beceas the planet needs a large influx of new citizens in order to grow beyond the size of the 1 city Thad currently is inhabited by the entire population.
Primary Languages: Galactic Standard, whit a large majority of the population using huttese as a secondary languages.
daily life: The daily life of a Apatrosi depends mostly on wat union they belong to, this is because all profession on Apatros are unionized. Most of the daily life of a Apatrosi consist of working in there chosen profession fore the betterment of there planet.
society: Apatrosi society is a very communal society from its union leaders down to all the workers, every Apatrosi is aware of the fact Thad there society functions at its best when all unions work together fore the betterment of there planet. The Apatrosi know Thad working together is the only way to thrive on there barren home.
This also means Thad Apatrosi are very protective of there own, as a attack against one Apatrosi is considerd as a thread against all Apatrosi.
arts: The little art Thad Apatrosi make tends to focus around themes of practicality, community, history, the common people and industry, they prefer art Thad can be clearly identify.
sports: The monthly mandatory training fore members of the militia is the closes most Apatrosi get to partaking in a sport, this is because the planet lacks most real accommodations fore large scale sport events.
religion: The only specific religious guideline fore Apatrosi, is Thad a religion's practices does not hurt any other Apatrosi. Aside from Thad every Apatrosi is free to practice any religion they choice.


Government: Council of elected representative, Comprised of a representative/leader of all of the 3 most important/largest unions (the union of miners, union of industrial worker, and the union of traders/merchants), the representative of the militarily union, and the viceroy.
Affiliation: Marcus Lund, Confederacy of Independent Systems (C.I.S)
Wealth: medium, though Apatros is a planet of mostly barren wastes, it has a lot of mineral and metal (Especially Cortosis) deposits, the sale of the abundance in metals and minerals the Apatrosi mine, together whit the production of Low tech industrial goods manufactured from these metals and minerals, provide Apatros whit anof wealth to sustain itself and stil improve its infrastructure whit the remaining profits.
Stability: High, Apatros is a very stable society, the populous of Apatros know Thad in order to survive and thrive on there hars home they need to work together, whit each individual helping one an other in order to benefit the whole society.
Apatros is very open to outsiders as long as they respect the local law, the only real danger outsiders face are the wastelands outside the city, or acts of aggression/ active hostility against any Apatrosi as the people of Apatros protect there own, such action will be repaid in kind.
Freedom & Oppression: Apatros is a very free society, the general rule is: " the individual has noting to fear from the law as long as it doesn't hurt the whole", the ruling council tends not to outright forbid its population anything (outside from the obvious such as slavery), however a though not forbidden a lot is regulated, a example of this is the fact Thad any weapon someone owns must be registers, this is both to easily track any potential armed crime, and fore the logistics of the militia as any member of said militia is allowed to use there personal weapons, this law allows the militia to predict wat kind of ammunition would be in greatest demand and plan accordingly.


(Image credit: A wallpaper of the NOD faction from the game command and conquer tiberium alliances)

Military: Apatros relies on a voluntary peoples militia fore its defense, this militia includes almost the entire population and can be classifieds into 3 parts.
1 The planetary defense militia:
This is by far the larges part of the peoples militia, these are the people who are part of the militia but only preform active military service if Apatros itself is under attack. though it is very unlikely Thad any of them will ever have to fight, they are required by law to spend 1 per appointed day a month training in order to keep there skills sharp fore the day there planet needs them, these days are planet wide day's off in order to ensure Thad all members of the militia participate.
2 The Full time militia:
This is the closes thing Apatros has to a large professional military, these members of the militia have chosen fore a live in the military.
Unlike there brethren in the planetary defense militia, thuse members of the milita are not only used to dfend there home but they also protect the interests of Apatros off planet and aid its allies. Though there equipment is the same as Thad of there brethren in the he planetary defense militia, there skill is fare greater thanks to the fact Thad they spend all there time preparing fore to fight the enemy's of Apatros.
3 The Apatros people guard:
This is the smallest part of the militia, these guards are the elite of the militia, selected from amongst the best of The Full time militia, they are suplied whit the best equipment and the best training Apatros has to offer. They are not just the elite of the Militia forces, they are also the honor guard of the council members.
equipment: (Excluding the guard) Except from the mandatory re-breathers, there are no set regulations fore wat kind of equipment the militia members have to use, every member of the militia is allowed to use any equipment they are comfortable whit, or they can use the government supplied equipment Thad all militia members are equipment to. The thinking behind this is Thad it is better fore the defenders of Apatros to use equipment they are already familiar whit rather than waste there 1 training day a month retraining them.
The hierarchy of the militia is split in 2.
1 Officers Thad are expected to be in involved in combat.
These officers are chosen by there militiamen to lead them, the only way to advance in rank is to be chosen by the rank blow to lead them, this practice of elected officers ensures Thad all militiamen have a connection to there officers, and it ensures Thad every officer in the militia has experienced wat it is like to be rank and file and so will not waste the lives of the troops the entrust them there lives.
2 Officers whit a planing and tactical/ strategic job.
These officers are chosen from among the elected officers by a strict meritocracy, this ensures Thad the best and brightest form the brain of the militia.

Technology: Apatros is on a moderate technological level, as the plant is in constant contact whit the wider galaxy thru trade, and it is capable of producing many simple items it self, such as basic mining equipment.

Apatros has been part of the wider galaxy fore century's. This is because the planet was little more than a mining outpost ruled over by the Outer Rim Oreworks Company.
This changed however after century after Marcus Lund visited the planet and saw how poorly its people were being threader by there corporate masters.
This sickened Marcus as it reminded him of the his home world of Nar Shaddaa were the same greed led to the same mistreatment of workers.
This led Marcus to "convince" the ruler of the planet to hand it over to him, convincing this corporate man Thad it would be cheaper fore the company and more healthy fore himself if they just bought the ore the workers mind at a discount, in return fore there freedom.
Fore delivering them from there corporate overlords the people of Apatros named Marcus there viceroy.

Marcus encouraged all the people of Apatros to unionize in order fore them to easily and efficiently tell him wat the needed.
Unwilling to rule Apatros whiteout the direct input of the Apatrosi, Marcus formed a council existing of him self, 3 representatives of the most important unions and a Representative of the military union. This council would rule Apatros, deciding how to best serve its people, though the council rules, all union's can bring there plans to the council, this allows fore all Apatrosi to have a direct say in there government.

Whit its united council deciding to join the C.I.S. both fore protection, and because the fledgling free world shares the values of its new ally.
And Thad is the situation Apatros is in today, trying to establish themselves in the galaxy.

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
[member="Marcus Lund"]

I'm going to need you to add a fair bit to the history of the planet. Canon planets should significantly expand upon the Wiki articles, and while the Wiki article is more bare than others, your additions to it don't make complete sense and leave out a great amount of detail. Please answer the following questions at a minimum: What was Marcus doing on Apatros in the first place? How did Marcus even get an audience with the incumbent ruler of the planet, and how did he come to power? Surely there would be a number of obstacles he'd have to overcome. Can Marcus really have freed the workers if they had to purchase their own freedom with ore and labor? Why join the CIS, a faction far away on the other side of the galaxy? Why join a larger union of planets at all? How does such a thing work, and what is the result of such a relationship work on the planet?

Additionally, I'm seeing "Thad" a lot and then I realized it is supposed to say "that." Please correct this as well as any other typos you may have throughout the sub.
[member="Zeradias Mant"]


First you are correct about the location not making any sense, i copied it from the wiki, but it seems that the location on the map of the chaos is V-46 (between Rodia and Ando)

Secondly, thanks fore point out i should have used that, i had no idea about that. (mostly because English in't my first languages and i am dyslectic, so i wrote it phonetically and toughed that was correct because of the spell checker), ill try to clean up any mistake ill find.

It is not really like Marcus freed them himself, more that he organised the miners and pushed them to fight fore there freedom.
As fore the purchasing there freedom thing, it is more that they intimidated the ruler rather than making a actual deal, as it was either he agreed to free them or he would have to deal whit a riot.
Thad deal to trade whit the company was a way to make it look like a regular transaction, to avoid immediate reprisals from the company at large.
The joining of the CIS was both to prevent any other company or faction from occupying the planet, and to ensure a stable supply rout to provide the planet whit the goods it can't produce itself.
But ill write all of Thad down, though it might take a wile.
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