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Character Anen Krae

Anen Krae


HeightEasily varied
WeightVaried (generally between human and besalisk weights)
Force SensitiveYes
RankJedi Padawan

A tall young adult male, with dark brown hair, and green eyes. At least, that’s the form he usually takes on. As a Ven of the Vran race, and a Vo Ni alongside that, Anen Krae can change form with considerable ease.

A form he has a tendency to take is that of a massive scaled reptile like being. Combining some of the traits of trandoshans with those of the Osorae. Despite the Osorae's historical position as an artificially created slave race, it's actually not uncommon for molders to take on similar forms as the Osorae had been built off the concept of a humanoid Shgurak, also known as the Vran'Ti Sky Dragon. But most molders exempt themselves from the limitation of speech and hand dexterity that the slave race is known for, opting typically for more humanlike hands that allow better precision.

Blue lightsaber
Centennial Osprey Class Jedi Transport
A rather astonishing amount of medical equipment, holo-books, and notes.

Anen holds firm to the idea that first and foremost, the force is about life, second, defense, and that he will never use it on an enemy as an attack. He will never hurl them through the air, he will never strike them with lightning, or send a wrecked speeder careening their way. The force he will keep for helping, the body may attack, the body may be changed, weapons may be used. But the force should not be the attack.

Anen’s beliefs are strongly to that of a Jedi, though his time taught like the Vran teach their own force sensitives did shape some of his perspectives. He still has a habit of referring to ones connection to the force as their spiritual power, and still uses some of the terminology of his home when discussing more philosophy about it.

The young Vran jedi is, typically, a fairly caring individual. He tries to help, heal, protect. His considerable medical knowledge that he already had as a youth did help to continue to grow that ability to aid, and so he continues to lean on it. However while Anen is devoted to trying to be the best jedi he can, he’s not a perfectly resilient one. His emotions can be tested and pressed. And while he may hold true in the long term, he isn’t always great at sticking to every goal and method. His greatest success of restraint being the refusal to use the force as an attack, always holding to the restraint he placed.

+Vran Ven
+As a Ven also called a “Molder”, a sub race of the Vran, Anen is capable of using his force sensitive organ called a Vo to shift his
body in extremely deep and complex ways. From as simple as a color or shape, to the creation of entire organs, layering shgurak scales onto his skin, or maximizing his muscles potential output. The primary limitation, as Anen’s knowledge, and the energy and mass required to do it. Although the force can be used to fuel such shapeshifting abilities, the Vo on it’s own mostly can only change what mass is already there.
+Although Anen has a typical human form her returns to, the shifting is actually indefinite. It requires no more usage of the Vo to retain it’s presence. This means that even without access to the form, any changes he made will still be there. Anen typically uses this and maintains a form utilizing mostly humanoid shape and appearance, but wookie-like muscles underneath, a diversion sack inside the throat to send potential poisons yet appear to be eating and drinking, and attuned but durable senses, as well as bones. All this shifting puts no extra strain on his other usages of the force, as it’s essentially an entire separate beings worth of force power being focused purely on his shapeshifting. Exhausting and rejuvenating regardless of his other actions.

+Force sensitivity and training of Vo Ni and Jedi techniques. Mostly has all the basics down. His potential in the force and active strength in both his Vo and personal power are actually quite high, but not as well in tune as many jedi are.
Telekinesis (less offensive techniques and so waning overall in combat). Typically used only to block attacks, such as by Force Deflection.
Enhanced Attributes
Alchemy (not seen much use)
Force sense

Saber skills:
Anen hasn’t yet figured out how to adjust, he leans towards are sort of Ataru but with more force on the swings and somewhat less acrobatics than many Ataru uses have. He does have the advantage of enhanced attributes and shifting, which allows him to still keep up a flurry of attacks just as fast as most Ataru uses however. This style is not at all mastered, but when combined with his abundance of physical power and prowess, it can make up for it. He does however have a fondness for Shi-Cho philosophically, and wishes to further his skill in it.


Anen thoroughly refuses to use the force as an attack. Not to throw his opponent nor to throw something at his opponent. He’s even cautious of using it to enhance his physical attributes during combat. Although he holds less reserves about shapeshifting, he is steadfast to not apply an attack on an opponent directly with the force. And accepts the shifting mostly because it is an inherent part of his species, whether they can feel the force or not. This means that much of the ranged attacks many jedi can use, Anen refuses to do. This even includes using the force to guide a thrown saber to hit a target.

Anen is not a master swordsman nor a master force user, and doesn’t have the range of abilities to be called a jack of all trades. He relies a great deal on his physical advantages and highly aggressive saber style. It is something he wishes to progress in.

As Anen didn’t grow up as a jedi, although he tries very hard to adhere to it, he isn’t as emotionally resilient as many jedi are. Likely this is partially caused by his own families instability, darkness, and considerable personal prides. Making Anen a little too easy to unbalance.

Anen has two distinct presences in the force. One, is his personal presence. That any jedi can have, that changes with their light and darkness, that is connected to their very spirit in a way. The other however, is that of his Vo, a force sensitive organ. Controlled not by the mind, but by the body. Acting like a limb rather than a connection. As natural as an Ysalimir or a Vornskyr’s abilities yet even more disconnected from their emotions. This makes Anen far easier to pick out through abilities like force sense.

Another risk of the organ, is over-exertion, or force drain. As both run the risk of eventually damaging the organ to such a degree it can turn him into a “Grai Vo” who’s Vo begans to try and heal or refill the lost force presence by sucking in life and force energy from around it, making using the force around it almost impossible, and aging and weakening the owner of the Vo. Drastically shortening their lifespan and destroying their health.


Anen is one of Nexus Krae’s many children, raised by his mother, also a force sensitive, he received some training in their arts. THough it was not exactly well structured, the father was negligent, and the mother had perhaps gone slightly mad from her connection to him due to his intense pride, fear, and dark power. Anen and his mother were off world, when something overcame her, he found himself alone.

It was the jedi that took him in, at only 9 years old. And where he held little personal connection to his worlds culture beyond merely the expectations placed on him, he found himself thoroughly pulled to the way of the jedi. Going so far as trying to adhere to never using the force as a weapon. At the very least, never using it as a direct attack, nor to throw something at an enemy. Any usage of it, he felt, had to be for the purpose of defense. He was more lenient with his shapeshifting, as it was a physical usage of the force, not a spiritual one. Though even then, he avoided doing them as a purely offensive matter. Enhancing general abilities, as opposed to raw violent ones.

Anen’s devotion however, and his power, did not make him into some unstoppable warrior. His sight of the force as something made for peace, something for civility. That jedi should be guardians not warriors, healers not assassins, meant that while he still practiced and felt he should learn the combative ways more, he never excelled. On top of that, his own struggle in mentally catching onto the details of the forms. He leant himself towards ataru, due to his physical advantages. BUt not Juyo, due to his own emotional weakness, in spite of that Juyo would likely give him a far greater chance in a fight due to relying so strongly on physical strength and endurance, something Anen had in spades.

Still, such was his intent. To be a proper jedi. A padawan at 19 still, one who wasn’t yet as resilient in mind as a knight, not as skilled or learned as many jedi were. Who had plenty of advantages and disadvantages. But who would still try all the way to do what he felt was right.

Art note: Used nightcafe for the human versions.
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