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Faction An Extreme Cause

Speaker of the Assembly

Pantora Narrator Account

An Extreme Cause
Location: Pantora
Time: Mid Day
Tag: Chu Bornbazin Chu Bornbazin Tin Zeer Tin Zeer @Pantoran Members

With the ongoing political climate entering a period of turmoil, after the announcement that the supreme chairman will be stepping down in the coming week, there are those that would use this as an opportunity to better themselves or their political agenda. Can the people of Pantora get to the bottom of the events and uncover the mastermind behind the recent criminal activity. The people of Pantora have taken to the street to express their views and within the shadows, a group of individuals known as the 'Forgotten' are directing their members to begin to cause chaos, and still up violence. They believe that their generation has been forgotten and the scars suffered at the hands of the Sith have also been, they want to see a change in the government so that they will once more not suffer under the hands of their oppressors.

Objective 1 - The Protest:
Public officials have been warned to stay clear of the protests as crowds begin to grow more violent and demanding. A few politicians however ignore these warnings and see this as an ample opportunity to rally support for the upcoming elections. Likewise, many police and military officials are doing their best to calm the crowd and attempt to disperse them. There are those that would seek to cause chaos, an attack perhaps, might drive the people to share their own similar views that the people of Pantora are not ready nor able to protect themselves and that change must come.

Objective 2 - A funded Operation:
The protests and attacks seem out of the norm for the people of Pantora. Military officials and public officials alike want to get to the bottom of the cause, the resignation alone would not be enough to stir up the people so much. Is a criminal organisation or public official using this as an opportunity to drum up support for their cause, shaping and changing the direction of the government as a whole.

Objective: The protest. A watchful eye.

Representative Tin Zeer, like others, had chosen to go to the protest in spite of the potential danger. However, she wasn't here to draw a crowd. Tin had spoken with some of the military members to get permission to assist and participate in their work to keep the crowd controlled, though due to her ranking, it was preferable she stay out of it unless truly needed.

So she'd found herself a spot, watching carefully with a set of Electrobinoculars, and a blaster pistol at her side. She preferred the rifles naturally, but she was good enough with what she had that she was willing to forsake that loss for the people's comfort. Better they not see her wandering around the streets like that.

She was looking for something specific, chain events. Like other officials, she was suspicious of this kind of activity. So she was keeping an eye out for if anyone seemed to be passing messages along or unusual behavior for a civilian. She wasn't certain what she was looking for exactly. Surveillance wasn't her job, she was used to battle and soldiers, not this. But an extra set of eyes, and an extra set of hands, was enough for her.

And if she saw that she needed to intervene verbally, she was willing to do that too. But there were others around who might take up that job too. She hoped she could spot the problem before that became necessary.

Imella paced just inside the barricade that separated the ‘protesters’ from the Assembly House here in Pantoran City. The display of her own people taking to the streets and causing such chaos made Imella even more angry than she had been at the Sith invasion. Of course she was with her parents and pretty well shielded from that conflict living in the outskirts the Sith Empire didn’t care much about.

Why would the resignation of one man cause so much angst among the populous? One man that Imella held respect for and was willing to listen to, but a man who the young pilot thought was wrong in his stance on where Pantora should go from here. Pantorans were quite capable of standing on their own, and should do so. Leaning on Galactic governments has always caused problems. And Imella sure as heck didn’t want to have to work alongside GA rocketheads.

Imella gave a sigh as some of the protesters pressed the temporary barrier. “Keep them Chops back.” She yelled to one of the troopers who was placed under her temporary command. The man gave her a look as if questioning what he should do. “I am a pilot what’re you asking me how to do it? Just try not to hurt anyone.”

Imella hook her head. She was out of her element, but a starfighter wasn’t going to help with the protests and finishing as the top pilot in her academy class made her an officer. Commanding a squad at the assembly house meant she answered up to someone who actually knew what they were doing.

Maybe she would get lucky and Assemblypersons Bornbazin or Zeer (preferably Zeer with her interest in military) would peek out and give some words and calm the crowd. Or Imella could be noticed and added to their security teams until the riots ended.

As her quartet of troopers moved to help hold the barrier, Imella heard a shout about “The Forgotten”. She found that to be quite odd. Living in the middle of nowhere during the Sith occupation Imella’s parents and some neighbors became self sufficient and said they were forgotten. That seemed like a good thing then. Not something to spark a protest.

An Extreme Reaction - Chapter 1

Chu Bornbazin Chu Bornbazin , exited the large doors of the headquarters of the Pantoran Assembly, slowly walking down the lengthy stairs towards the barricade that separated the building from the ever-growing number of protesters, many of which who had dubbed themselves "the forgotten". While at first glance he appeared to be alone and without security, given his position within government there was likely to already be hidden security agents on both sides of the barricade, no doubt briefed of his impending arrival. Chu was also a man capable of defending himself, having previously served in the military as an intelligence officer during the sith war on the moon, and appeared confident, proud, and fearless as he walked.

Clasped in Chu's hand was a megaphone disk, which he activated when he was closer to the crowd, however still perched up high on the steps where he could be seen. His words were calm as he spoke towards the crowd, flickering his gaze along the wide breadth that had gathered as he spoke, as if he were speaking to each of them individually. Chu would be well known to the gathering and would no doubt be instantly recognised by the crowd as one of the most successful businessmen on the moon, and as the leader of the opposition to the current government. As he spoke the crowd would quiet down as to hear what he had to say.

"I want to first and foremost take this moment to thank each and every one of you, each and every one of you who have come to speak, to call for change, to be heard. I and my colleagues have heard you". Chu would pause, allowing the crowd to digest his words, and giving him time to gauge the crowd's reaction and tone before continuing. "Many of you feel forgotten, feel as though the wars of yesteryear are all but a shadow in Pantora's past, while the land and our lives are still very much so scarred by those terrible events. I, like all of you here today, lost friends, family, and loved ones when the sith set Pantora aflame. We all fought for Pantora's survival, but, Pantora today is still a shell of the Pantora before the war. There must be change!".

" There is a saying that the Pantoran Mining Company operate by, a saying that was instilled in me by my parents that lost their lives in the war, if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got. If we want change, then we can't expect to get it from those that have led us here today. We must look to new leadership, we must look to a new Pantora, we must look to expansion!".

As Chu finished his speech, the crowd would begin to roar in agreement with Chu's words. It was clear that many in the crowd agreed there was a need for change, but no doubt some had different ideas on the change that was required. One thing for certain, the words had done little to settle the crowd who had only become more riled up by Chu's words, pushing closer towards the barricade.

Speaker of the Assembly Speaker of the Assembly Tin Zeer Tin Zeer Imella Flyve Imella Flyve @Pantoran Assembly Members
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Location: Pantoran Assembly
Tags: Speaker of the Assembly Speaker of the Assembly | Chu Bornbazin Chu Bornbazin | Tin Zeer Tin Zeer

Immediately following Assemblyman Bornbazin’s speech Imella regretted her hope that he might appear. Not because she wasn’t of a like mind with the Assemblyman, but because his words seemed to have only made her job harder. The crowd pushed harder on the already tested barricades, and the Pantoran security troops were showing just as much wear. Despite Bornbazin’s words change had been quite prevalent on Pantora. To this point however it was not change that anyone was particularly proud of.

Now the Chairman announces diplomacy with the Galactic Alliance in the same speech as he resigns his position. It had to be confusing for the public, but Imella looked at her small team and wondered where they stood. Were the rank and file all in for securing their home, or did they think of themselves as placeholders until Pantora worked something out with a powerful galactic government who would come in and protect them.

“Hold the barricade!” Imella yelled out at her troops in annoyance at the crowd pressing forward even harder. Finally someone was able to press past the barricade. The nearest trooper froze. Imella pulled her sidearm and fired on the intruder. She knew that it was set on stun, no one wanted casualties. “Pick that Chop up and get ‘em out of here now!” she yelled at the trooper who she decided wasn’t doing his job. “Command,” she barked into her comm hoping someone was in command. “The crowd is getting out of hand. We might need a new plan beyond hope the barricades hold them.”

Imella knew that help wasn’t going to be coming quickly so she turned her attention back to the crowd. She took the place of the trooper on the barricade. “Look folks. Everyone wants the best for Pantora here. Whether you want the GA slugs or for Pantora to stand on its own. But I think you need a better plan than storming the Assembly House. We’re just simply not gonna let that happen. We’ve got enough stun blasts for each and every one of ye.”

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