Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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An Explorer's First Steps

"Y-you're not real..." Vaylin muttered, not realizing she was stumbling over her words. Otherwise she would've likely scorned herself for letting it get to her.

"Of course not, reality is wherever you are right now."

"So're a memory. As is all this?"

"Hmm, not quite no. It would seem whatever or whoever set this up." Her Master paused, stretching his arms out slightly to indicate their surroundings. "Also pulled my spirit from-" The words seemed to die on the Nautolan lips, he tried to speak the word but nothing happened. His hairless brow twitched in frustration, before returning his eyes to Vaylin. "And it seems they don't want me mentioning certain things."

He moved forwards, intending to get closer to Vaylin but the Zabrak immediately stepped back, her hand snapping towards her lightsaber.

"Don't you dare." She practically growled.

"I see you're still as impulsive as ever. Like you were when I first began teaching you."

"Like I was when I was abandoned." Another growl.

"I never abandoned you, Vaylin."

"Lies. You, and the entire Jedi Order did!" The raging fury in the Zabrak pushed her forwards, lunging towards her Master as she ignited her blade. She moved in within seconds, holding her lightsaber ready for an slash to his Master's torso. But he deftly turned on his heels, sidestepping the attack and promptly kicked Vaylin in the small of her back, sending her crashing into the mud.

"Do you honestly expect you can fight me, Vaylin?" Her Master turned to face her, reaching into his robes to grab his own weapon.

Vaylin however growled and jumped to her feet. Taking a deep breath, she shifted her feet through the dirt and mud, entering into a stance. It was only then she suddenly realized her blade was blue, the same one that Aria had destroyed on Dxun. The moment pause was all her Master needed as he immediately closed the distance.

[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]​
In the Darkness there is Truth


A storm of lightning surged from the shade's spectral fingertips. Before she could defend herself, the the electrical onslaught caught Sumiko in the chest and blew her several metres across the room before she finally hit the ground. Luckily, she was able to use the Force to cushion her fall somewhat. But there was no reprieve for her, as more lightning came her way, so bright that it lit up the dark chamber.

The Atrisian cartwheeled quickly and raised Souldrinker. Dazzling bolts of pure, unrelenting hatred were hurled towards her and she did her best to catch them upon her sword and reflect them. Being a Sith blade, Souldrinker could store lightning to a degree. Sumiko channelled the darkness. Power passed into her, and surged back towards its source. The shade snarled and hissed, his form flickered, but the blistering energy only intensified. "Foolish girl, a True Sith never dies. This is my domain. I cannot be slain. I am the master of shadows," the spirit snarled as he ramped up the lightning, battering her defences.

It was a cycle of power, a seemingly endless loop...except, between the two of them, it was Sumiko who was a mortal woman. The spirit could not tire...but she could. Strain was written across her features and she was baked in sweat. "Do you have a plan, oh mistress? Or do you wish to continue hitting him until your frail, mortal body is exhausted," Souldrinker whispered into her mind. "Have you learned nothing from Halicanyos?" Sumiko's eyes smoked with hatred as she stood against the storm. Where bolts of electricity got past her defences, they scorched and blistered her skin. She bit down on her tongue to keep herself from crying out in anguish. Halicanyos, she thought, then she understood.

Halicanyos had created a device that contained a piece of his soul. She wore it upon her finger. Her mind wandered to the devices along the wall. Dark power emanated from them. They were treasure devices. Sneaky. When the next burst of lightning came, she was ready. Channelling it through her sword, she expelled it...not towards the spectre, but the wall, aiming to hit one of the artefacts. The young lady has learned. Next mystery: Why did our ghostly friend make such an effort to separate you and the little feral? I'm sure you can figure it out on your own.
Vaylin snapped out of her pause the moment she saw the flash of her Master's green blade suddenly angling towards her. Vaylin quickly ducked and moved in with a swift slash to his legs, but he deftly blocked it.

"You cannot best me Vaylin, no matter what you've been through these years. It does not compare to that of a Master."

A spark of indignation hit the Zabrak, and she let out a growl as she knocked her Master's blade up and went for a slice to his stomach. Again cleaning avoiding the attack, with a quick hop backwards.

Rage began to stir in Vaylin, an angry roar stretched across the sky as dark and heavy clouds began to form.

How dare he...he has no idea what I've been through!

She threw herself forwards, digging a foot into the dirt before kicking it up into her Master's face.

"A cheap-" The Nautolan didn't get many more words in before Vaylin was right before him and swinging into a flurry of blows. He was able to match each one, but it forced him into a defensive stance. However, he was still a Master and the moment he saw an opening he pushed Vaylin's blade aside and Force Pushed her across the clearing, over the fire and into a tree.

Vaylin yelled in pain as her back slammed into the bark, slumping down onto the ground moments after. Back in reality he body also jolted violently in response.

You're not going to be able to kill him like this...but I can help. The shade's voice whispered in her ear, as if he was standing right beside her. His voice and offer equally alluring. All you have to do is open yourself to me.

The Zabrak slowly picked herself up, just as the the rain began to fall. Reaching a hand out, Vaylin called her lightsaber back to hand. Her eyes fell over the fire and towards where her Master stood. Neither said anything as the Zabrak took a deep breath and made her decision. She accepted.

Vaylin could practically feel the shade grinning.

A sudden thrum of power energized her. She remained still for a moment, simply taking it in before she activated her lightsaber. A red blade this time.

Thunder roared high above, and Vaylin ran towards her Master once more.

[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]​
In the Darkness there is Truth

Oh, now I know what you're doing, you snake. I must commend you. I would have done the same. Just better, obviously, she thought when the revelation slowly slipped into her mind, as the phylactery lost its power. She could feel a piece of his essence being flushed out of the device when the stolen dark power overwhelmned it.

The spectral form of the spirit flickered and he cried out, seemingly in the throes of agony. But he quickly reformed, still bristling with power. This could not be his true game. No, that lay elsewhere. "Phylacteries? Not bad." Her Atrisian accent had become thicker and more pronounced. Bolts of pure dark side energy shot towards her and, in response, she gestured with her hand, pulling one of the devices right into the trajectory of the bolt of hatred.

The explosion was so bright that it was almost blinding. Struck by the backlash, she was thrown to the floor. "Oh, I'm sorry. They're so easy to break, alas. But I wager they're just a temporary solution?" her tone was almost conversational. Blood dripped down her nose. She could practically feel the shade's annoyance. A small victory, as petty as the feeling was.

"Your insolence cannot mask your fear. You'Re rank with it...and already tiring. Even if you destroy all the devices, it shall make no difference. You struggle against the pull of the inevitable," the shade snarled, coming closer and closer. A black flame crackled across his ethereal sword.

He came at her like a ghostly bull. She parred with precise, elegant moves, but he continued to drive forward. The momentary weakness was gone. Too exhausted, she had not been able to exploit it. In the same moment as Vaylin, on the other side of the chamber, gave in, the shade seemed to grow stronger. Retreating from his onslaught, she stumbled, and he delivered a powerful stroke as she rolled away.

Her acrobatics avoided a good deal of it, but he scored cuts against her chest and thigh. Red ichor seeped out, and the touch of the black flame caused a searing burn that she struggled to absorb. Pain shot through her. "You're right. I am afraid," she admitted, pulling the Force into her muscles to leap backward. Her breathing came in ragged gasps and puffs.

"I've walked the deadlands. I shall do all in my power never to return there. Just as you. You fear oblivion," she remembered what she'd seen in his mind. "Being a ghost is not life. You need a host. Young, strong in the Force...easy prey," she breathed in deeply. You need us, the voices whispered into her mind. Yes, I really do, she confessed.

The spirit cackled. "Only now do you understand, young scavenger. But you're too late," with raw power he came at her again. This time, she met his strike with her own blade. Dark energies surged as both enchanted swords kissed one another. Her own control was slipping. She was becoming a conduit for the dark artefacts she'd claimed. Tendrils of darkness shot from her free hand. Simultaneously, she tried to reach out to Vaylin, whilst trying to keep the spirit at bay.
She was moving much faster than before, evident by the fact that she was crossed the spanse of the clearing within seconds, leaping over the camp fire and slamming down against her Master's lightsaber. He tried to a similiar move from the start, but he barely managed to shift into a sidestep before he had to defend against her attack.

"'ve truly fallen to the dark side. There is no doubt you have utterly failed."

"No. I survived. I was left here on my own, I took what I needed to live!" Vaylin growled as she kicked the Nautolan in the stomach, knocking him back a bit. "The Light abandoned me. The Dark accepted me." She closed the distance once more and both combatants entered into a series of blows. Unlike before, her Master wasn't able to keep up, as her blows were now more stronger and faster. The dark power of the shade bolstering each swing of her blade.

"You were taken from your old life, accepted to the Jedi. Now look are you." The Nautolan Master gritted the words out as he tried to block the incoming attacks.

"Look at me? Look at you! The mighty Jedi, nothing more than a sum of his failures." Vaylin battered his lightsaber aside and lunged forwards, slicing his sword hand off at the wrist, sending it and the weapon soaring across the clearing. The Nautolan yelled in pain, collapsing to his knees. "This is where it ends for you, Master."

But before she could deal the death blow, she suddenly leaped back as a sizable rock was thrown towards her. Sharping turning her head, the Zabrak saw two more familiar faces. The Padawan and one of the Knights that had been part of her team on Dxun. The only one that wasn't present was Jacob, given his spirit wasn't exactly available for use.

Vaylin growled as she moved into a stance, the two new Jedi forming a barrier between her and the Nautolan. She went to attack, but paused when she felt a familiar presense reaching out to her.


The Zabrak reached out to meet the Atrisian, and the moment she did her surroundings suddenly shifted away from Dxun and back to the tomb on Athiss. She stumbled to her feet, her mind still groggy from the spell put on her.

"The walls, Vaylin!" Sumiko's words confused her, but Vaylin nonetheless turned her gaze to one of the walls on her side. There were two of the devices on one, and a third on the opposite side. All of them were sparking with dark energy, disrupted by the destruction of its kind. A mental notion to destroy them was passed from Atrisian to Zabrak, and Vaylin pushed herself towards the two devices first, igniting her lightsaber. Each time she reached one, she stabbed her blade into it. Enough to oblierate it and expell the build of power it had, sending the Zabrak crashing backwards. Every time she stood back up, moved across the room, Vaylin saw flashes of her 'dream'. Her fighting and brutally cutting down both the Padawan and Knight, before returning her attention to her Master.

After she struck the final phylactery, Vaylin was knocked back again, though this time she was able to remain on her feet and skidded across the ground. However with her back to the other side of the room, the Zabrak was oblivious as the shade suddenly disengaged from Sumiko and surged passed her and through the wall of fire, it dispersing in his wake. Vaylin faintly recalled hearing the Atrisian yell something, causing her to turn around in that direction. The moment she did, she saw the black mass of the shade slam into her body, phasing into it without issue. Vaylin remained standing for a few seconds, a look of shock on her face before she crumpled to her knees with an agonizing scream.

[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]​
In the Darkness there is Truth

Vaylin's name had been the cause of jokes and historical references on Sumiko's part. However, now she realised that it was oddly appropriate. The girl was gifted in the Force and full of untapped potential, but also wild and feral, though she still possessed an innocence and naivete that had been burnt out of the World Eater's Scion.

Much like Valkorion, the shade was obsessed with living forever. This was a rational goal Sumiko could understand, since she pursued it herself. Their tribulations had been designed to ensure that only a suitable host would reach his inner sanctum where she would be ripe for possession.

This better not make her the Outlander. She could do better than a confused puppet with an ambiguous gender. Lana Beniko? Only if you accepted the theory that she'd just been putting up a front by pretending to be a 'good Sith'.

But these musings would have to wait. The phylacteries were destroyed, Vaylin was down, the black shade having phased into her. Sumiko could still hear her breathing though. Already the possessed Zabrak was stirring. Sumiko assumed that the destruction of the phylacteries, along with the blows it had suffered during its duel with her, had weakned the spirit to a degree. Otherwise things would be...problematic.

So what will it be, mistress? Will you kill her? Or be uncharateristically - and foolishly - selfless and make the attempt to save her, Souldrinker whispered into her mind once more. Raising itself from her grip, the sword levitated itself through the air, hovering above Vaylin. I could end this right now, it added. Its dark aura radiated bloodlust.

Selfless? Nothing I do is out of altruism. Imagine how grateful she'd be, she retorted, limping towards the prone Vaylin. Her body was a mass of pain. Everything seemed to hurt. Besides, I doubt you can end this with one stroke.

I doubt you are looking beyond your lust. They sure bickered like an old married couple, right? She raised a shaky hand. It moved with glacial slowness. She did not need to make a precise cut with her dagger because she was already bleeding. Her breathing was laborious, a wheezing sound escaped her throat, as she began to chant. Words uttered in the dark forbidden tongue of Sithese leapt from her lips. Vaylin, hear me, girl. She could still not shake off the commanding tone. Even though she had a good deal of trouble standing.
The moment her knees hit the ground, Vaylin was back in the pitch black void again. This time though the Zabrak began to thrash against whatever held her in place, arms and legs flailing about trying to grasp a hold of something. But there was nope in finding anything, she was simply floating in the middle of absolute nothing.

Then a dark chuckled reached her ears, the same one that had heard throught the tomb; the Shade.

His blackened silhouette appeared before the Zabrak, somehow visible with the equally dark background behind him. Though his ghostly figure seemed to violently sputter every now and then, a consequence of fight with Sumiko and his gradually failing control.

"And here's the poor little lamb, led to the slaughter."

"Let go of me!" Vaylin hissed, lashing out with her right fist to attack. However before she could even get close to striking, her arm was forcefully tugged up; along with her left and held above her head. Any attempt to move them was met with resistance, as if they had been bound by rope. The Zabrak's follow up was a kick, but both legs met a similiar fate and were bound together, unmovable. The shade's fight with Sumiko had sufficently drained him, and even though he doubted Vaylin had the mental strength to fight him, he wasn't going to take any chances now that his phylacteries were destroyed.

"Tsk tsk, little Zabrak. You've already failed." The shade taunted, as he floated around her a few times; looking at her. Eventually he stopped in front of her again, bringing a ghostly hand to her cheek. But it didn't feel weightless as she would expect, instead Vaylin felt bony fingers against her skin. "I can see why the Atrisian likes you."

"This is my mind, you have no power here." The Zabrak growled, still trying to thrash against her bindings. The shade simply laughed, deep and mocking.

"Oh please, what little mental defences you have, are nothing when it comes to this. And even if they did, you willingly accepted my power remember? You used it to cut down your old Master, and the two Jedi." That made Vaylin pause, her skin growing pale upon the realization. An evil grin appeared on the shade's blank face, somehow conveying a twisted satisfaction at seeing the reaction. "And now...I shall live once more!" The shade reached with both hands, glasping them over Vaylin's head and focused the remainder of his power into trying to possess her.

Moment's before though, the Zabrak heard a familiar presense reach into her mind. Vaylin, hear me, girl. She recognized it was Sumiko, but the connection was weakened in reflection to the damage done to the Atrisian. But the words, and tone behind it pushed Vaylin into acting, remembering something she had said earlier on.

...Pain and anger empower you...

Back in reality, Vaylin was knelt on the ground initially frozen in place, but the moment the shade began to possession her body began to shake. However amongst it all, Vaylin's right hand suddenly twitched and began moving over to her left shoulder. Her hand stopped just by where the spike had lodged itself beneath the shoulder. Vaylin reached with a couple of her fingers to grasp the end that was sticking out. Then gave it a sharp twist.

The sudden burst of pain hit the Zabrak both physically and mentally, giving her a spark of clarity each time. Enough to gradually fight back against the shade, though alone it wouldn't be enough.

[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]​
In the Darkness there is Truth

Good, girl. That's better. "Use your rage, your anger. Unleash it. A woman chooses, a slave obeys? Are you a woman...or a slave? Fight back against the spectre, if you wish to be more than just a pawn." Sumiko hissed, drawing upon her own fury.

Her voice sounded...different. Alien. Eerie, as she drew more upon the ring. Her eyes were pitch-black, blood rolled from the dark mark upon her hand. A wave rippled through the Force as her mental gates opened and a black cloud of malevolence rushed from her. The spirit spit out an avalanche of hatred, but she stood, though shakily. Her head was afflicted with a headache from hell. "Your time's passed, incorporeal one."

She was all but drained, exhausted. All that was keeping her going was the borrowed dark power and sheer, bloody-minded determination. With all her might, she pit her own mental willpower against that of the shade. Through her metaphysical eyes, she could see the obsidian mass clearly. It was weakened, and now found its hold over Vaylin being challenged as the Zabrak fought back.

Shadowy tendrils would grip the cloud, seeking to roughly pull it out. Souldrinker was waiting. Force, she was ravenous with hunger. As the black cloud was expelled through Vaylin's mouth, she thrust her enchanted sword into the mass of darkness. At the same time, these mental tendrils viciously pulled and tore at him, tearing and slicing at his essence.
Each time she moved the spike, a trail of blood seeped out from the wound. Despite the pain it caused, and the mental battle she was contenting with, Vaylin was conscious to fact of being careful of how she twisted the object. Avoiding any potential damage to could be done to stuff like muscle, ligament, etcetera. The Zabrak certainly wasn't looking to lose all one of her arms today.

The combination of those efforts, along with both Sumiko's words and power pushed Vaylin to fight back against the shade. He attempted to throw her off kilter, sending her back into her memories. This time they had gone further back, reminding her of the years spent with her family, under the brutal regime of her piece of chit mother. His intention had been to try and play with her emotions, to weaken her enough to get a greater hold. But it had quickly backfired, as all it did was piss Vaylin off and resulted in her slamming back at the shade.

Vaylin let out a strangled gasp as the dark cloud of energy was gradually expelled from her mouth. She could feel the shade trying to sink his remaining claws into her. Could hear his screams of pain and yells of anger as he tried to hold on. But the indomitable will of Sumiko; bolstered by the dark artifacts on hand, the spectre was pulled cleanly free before Souldrinker was stabbed into the mass.

A piercing scream tore across the room. The Zabrak quickly clamped her hands over her ears, though she could still hear it. It lasted for a matter of seconds before everything calmed. The overbearing presence that had been flowing throughout the tomb as a whole, was gone. The shade was now absorbed like many other souls before it, into the enchanted sword.

Still on her knees, Vaylin fell back onto her haunches taking several deep breaths. While she lacked any distinctive physical wounds in comparison to Sumiko. She bore the mental scars; the glazed look still in her eyes, still gradually disappearing with the shade now gone. She didn't say anything, couldn't really at this moment in time. Vaylin simply looked up at Sumiko with utter gratitude in her gaze.

Somewhere in the back, up the stairs and behind the sarcohpagus the wall opened up. It revealed a hole roughly the size of a normal door, where it went there was no idea. It was impossible to tell from down on this side of the room. Perhaps it was the treasure room, or hopefully the exit out of the tomb.

[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]​
In the Darkness there is Truth

"Yees, join me forever. You will not have a mouth to scream," Souldrinker cackled when the shade was absorbed. It would join the many souls that had been consumed by the enchanted sword. Its diminished essence would be something Sumiko could draw long as the blade remained faithful.

In the aftermath of the clash, Sumiko dropped down to her knees, breathing heavily. As much as it rankled her to show weakness, it was difficult to even stand. She did not have the energy to heal herself, which was in any case difficult to accomplish with the Dark Side. Still, she stood victorious - and it seemed her actions would have a lasting effect on Vaylin, judging by the look of gratitude in her eyes.

"I chose to save you when I could have forsaken you and struck you down," she spoke. It would have sounded more domineering if she hadn't been breathing so heavily, but she still kind of managed to get the tone right. "Remember that, my sweet."

Finally, she got to her feet, though she stood shakily. Her legs felt like jellie. She willed them to obey her. Much to her annoyance, her attempt to mentally grip the holocron and levitate it towards her failed, and so she had to limp over to the pedestal and pick it up. A door had opened. Perhaps the path to a treasure room - or the exit, since they could not go back the way they'd come. "Get up. Come on. We shall grab the spirit's treasures, then go to my ship."
Vaylin's slowly stood up, her head immediately beginning to drum in complaint, as though she had just woken up from a hangover; nausea included. She didn't trust her voice at the moment, and instead simply gave Sumiko a nod in response to her statement. There was no denying the truth in what she said, the Atrisian could've just as easily stabbed her with Souldrinker to claim the shade's spirit; along with hers.

But she hadn't. Though the spectre's words rang in her ears again, albeit briefly. I can see why the Atrisian likes you.

However the Zabrak was too exhausted to think on it too much, instead focused on trying to walk. She watched as Sumiko grabbed the holocron, and was then she caught sight of Akuma who was gradually stirring awake.

She walked over to the tiger, he pace sluggish as battled against the mental fatigue.

"Hey big guy, looks like you missed out on the main event." She chuckled lightly, giving Akuma a pat on his fur. With the trio back on their feet, they made their way up the large stairs. It was a rather arduous affair given both their states of exhaustion. But they managed it, and walked through the doorway into what laid beyond.

The room was a lot smaller in comparison the rest of the tomb, and it was furnished differently. One could mistake it as being some type of workshop, or perhaps even a study. Numerous old tomes littered about, on the desks, on the floor and so on. Though practically all of them were falling apart, and if they once held some measure of power in them, it was long gone now. Other than that, there were a few items of note laying around, ready to be picked up before ascending one last staircase on the other side of the room.

[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]​
In the Darkness there is Truth

Akuma's aure reflected that he was a bit upset about missing out on the fight and not protecting his mistress. He whimpered slightly and licked Vaylin's hand, then quickly trotted after Sumiko. "Yes, yes, you're upset. Whatever. Don't get knocked out next time," Sumiko muttered distractedly, but nonetheless petted the magnificient beast. In all fairness, taking on a ghost was kind of beyond him. On the way out, they passed through a small room that resembled a workshop.

Various dusty old tomes lay around. Most were covered in dust. Virtually all of them were in a poor state. Sumiko looked a bit disappointed when she realised that their power had dissipated. However, a few items of note caught her attention.

One item caught her attention. A device that resembled a human eye, for it was an occulus. She picked it up, feeling intense dark power contained inside it. Turning it around in her hand, she examined the runes. For her part, Sumiko was drawn to an amulet. The piece of jewellry was covered in dust, but still radiated power. However, she felt a small weight inside it, and so she opened it up. The interior was filled with rune work, imagery and what looked like the fragment of a map.

"Another puzzle. Breadcrumbs that lead to greater treasure. I'll take this," Sumiko decided, stuffing it into a bag along with the holocron. "I believe this will be useful to you, my sweet, if you face a mentalist," passing the Occulus on to Vaylin. What could the device do? Well, latch onto someone's eyes and allow them to perceive the currents of the Force and pierce illusions to a the cost of causing them pain.
She took the oculus into her hand when Sumiko held it out for her to take, giving the Atrisian a 'thank you'. The Zabrak examined it, rolling it around and running a finger across the runes. She could feel the dark power thrumming within, and the temptation to try it was almost instantaneous. But Vaylin decided against it, too mentally fatigued and in general just wanting to get out of this tomb and rest.

Her gaze wandered over to her left arm, which was now covered in blood. The spike was still embedded, and her previous actions earlier had likely worsened the wound. It would certainly need to be tended to once they were in a more safer place.

For now, Vaylin pocketed the oculus and moved towards the last staircase. She led the way up until they reached a top that seemed to be a dead end. However there was a small crack, and as the Zabrak placed a hand close to it, she could feel a soft breeze.

Being the one less fatigued in the Force, Vaylin lifted her arms up, holding them close together as if she was going to slid her fingers into the crack and pry it open. Instead she used the Force to do it, which gradually opened with a grating groan as stone grinded against stone. After about a minute, the trap door was finally opened allowing a burst of fresh air to flow down into the stairway.

Vaylin trotted up through the opening and inhaled deeply, grateful to finally have some fresh air.

[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]​
In the Darkness there is Truth

Finally, they had left the foul air of the trap and monster-infested tomb behind them. Sumiko breathed in, inhaling fresh air as they once again found themselves in the jungle of Athiss. Night had fallen upon the forest, bathing it in darkness, though this was broken by occasional flashes of lightning that slashed out of the heavens. Thunder rumbled in the distance, clapping and echoing across the forest.

Much to her annoyance, Sumiko registered that it was raining. On the bright side, at least this meant that all the blood would get washed away. But she did not relish the idea of being caught in the middle of a rainstorm. "We must make haste," she ordered, though she had to suppress a wince when pain shot through her leg. Ouch. Activating her comm, she hailed her ship. "I'm on my way, with a guest. In need of medical attention. Prepare accordingly. I also expect food and a bubble bath. Wear one of those outfits I like. I want something nice to look at when I arrive."

Having received an affirmative reply on the other end of the line, she switched the device off and beckoned Vaylin to follow. All the rain, mud and thick vegetation would impede their trek through the dense forest, but eventually they would arrive at a clearing that contained a rather shiny, sleek ship. Sneaky, fast and outfitted with a powerful stygium crystal array, the Revenant was perfect for a Sith Lady who liked her privacy.
Vaylin was practically the opposite to Sumiko. The Zabrak showed no distaste for the current weather, to a point she seemed to almost revel in it. Albeit, it big a reason was because it was handily washing away the blood that had coated her arm. That and of course, it was something she was very familiar with considering Dxun's constant storms day in and day out. Which made it much easier for the Zabrak to traverse the now more muddy terrain.

She gave the Atrisian a curious look after she had spoken through her comm. Wondering what Sumiko was on about near the end, but didn't voice the question given the fact she was likely to see what she meant soon enough.

When they finally reached the clearing where the Revnant was, Vaylin let out a whistle. It was most certainly an impressive looking ship, at least amongst the ones the Zabrak had seen in the past. She could see what Sumiko liked it.

The ramp was lowered as the trio made their way across the clearing. Vaylin remained slightly behind, letting Sumiko lead the way onboard and allowing whoever that would be attending to them, to direct her to the med bay.

[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]​
In the Darkness there is Truth

"They better get the temperature right - and not put too much sugar in my tea," Sumiko muttered to herself. She was quite demanding regarding hot tubs and Atrisian tea. Woe to anyone who did not perform to her exact specifications.

Regardless, Vaylin's reaction to the shiny ship made her feel just a little smug. "Come on, my dear. It's time for us to get patched up and have some...enjoyable moments together," she smirked slightly. Her eyes travelled over the Zabrak's muscular body in an obviously appraisal of her form as they approached.

The hatch opened, and they stepped inside. Two demure looking Xioquo awaited. One was male, the other female. Both wore very...brief outfits that did not conceal much, and had slave collars around their necks. Through the Force, Vaylin would probably sense a good deal of fear and submission from them.

In appearance they resembled the drows of fairy tales. Their skin was as a dark greyish colour, their hair a mane of white and they had pointed ears commonly associated with elves. Further ahead, one could hear the clanking of metal that indicated a war droid of some sort was aboard the vessel. It was, as a matter of fact, an HK assassin droid.

"Welcome back, Lady Mistress," the female drow spoke in a submissive tone, never once raising her head to look upon her owner's face. Fear rolled from her like a wave. Sumiko seemed to soak it up like a sponge. "Everything is prepared for you. We are glad you have returned safely."

"We are honoured to serve the Lady Mistress' wishes," the male slave added. His Basic had a strong accent. He, too, kept his head low. "Was the Lady Mistress' quest successful?" he queried, though he kept his tone gentle. After all, Mistress might not react well if he implied that she could fail.

"Indeed it was, my sweets," Sumiko said in a jovial tone. Reaching out with her hands, she fondled the ears of the female slave, then the male one. On first sight the gesture might have come across as affectionate...but in truth it was possessive. "Take me to the medbay," she commanded. "This beauty here is Vaylin. Treat her as an honoured guest and afford her every respect."
The latter part of Sumiko's sentence went over Vaylin's head, part naivety but mainly because her attention was glued on the ship as the boarded it. Which only shifted when she noticed the two Xioquo that were stood before them.

Out of curiosity Vaylin's head tilted to the side slightly, as she took in the appearance of a species she had never seen before. Their lack of clothing didn't seem to faze her, especially given the fact for the better part of five years the Zabrak wore nothing more than her old, tattered and torn Jedi robes. She did take note of the slave collars though, and were this several years ago it might have gotten a bigger reaction out of her. Instead Vaylin simply reacted indifferently.

It was what she sensed that interested her. The Zabrak's experience with the shade trying to possess her, had in a way forced open her senses. And as such she could outright feel, with little issue, the fear coming from the pair. She arced an eyebrow towards the Atrisian, who seemed fairly pleased at the action. Then again, their body language easy gave off the submissive feel, head's bowed, voices quiet and polite. Whereas Sumiko seemed to be soaking it in, it merely washed over Vaylin with no effect.

With Sumiko's final command given, the duo were led towards the medbay. Again there was no hiding how impressed the Zabrak was towards the ship, her head bobbing back and forth every so often as they passed one room or another. Eventually they were situated in the medbay.

"If Lady Vaylin would like to take a seat on one of the beds, I can tend to her wounds." It was the female Xioquo, her voice still as low and head kept bowed even to her.

The Zabrak had an odd expression on her face, wondering why the Xioquo was addressing her as such. Nonetheless, she settled herself on one of the beds and allowed the woman to tend to her, while the other was focused on their Lady Mistress.

It didn't take too long to sort out Vaylin's injuries given the only real physical one was the spike. Which was promptly removed with a pained hiss from Vaylin throughout the process. Following that was a thorough cleaning up of the wounded area and then treating it with some bacta to help seal it up.

[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]​
In the Darkness there is Truth

Since she had been hurt a good deal during her fight with the spirit, it took longer to sort out the Atrisian's injuries. Sumiko winced and hissed in pain when the drow maleling removed the spike from her hip. It rankled the Sorceress that she could not keep herself from showing weakness. But the slaves had been thoroughly cowed...and, in a strange sort of way, she trusted Vaylin. To a degree, at any rate. The slave looked just a bit nervous during the process.

"Carry on, boy. I don't have all day," Sumiko snapped irritably. Her voice was as sharp as the crack of a whip. Akuma had laid down in the corridor outside. He kept a watchful eye on his mistress, while munching on his meal, which had been fetched by a servant droid.

The way Vaylin had responded to the slaves did not escape Sumiko. So while 'her' boy continued cleaning, disinfecting and treating her wounds, she glanced towards the Zabrak. There were no mistaking the fact that she was oggling the feral woman.

"There are mistresses and slaves, my sweet. Some people just do not have the capacity or intellect to order their lives without a mistress. They are slaves by nature. We give them purpose and protection...and in return they yield to our will and fulfil our desires. The Force elevates us above the common herd. Don't you agree, boy?" she asked her slave rhetorically. Man, what a heartless, pompous queen. Space Lincoln needed to show up and issue an Emancipation Proclamation. Or [member="Joza Perl"]

"Yes, Lady Mistress. I live to serve you. Without you, I would be lost," the slave said quickly, voice devoid of any resistance or will. Presumably this was a survival mechanism to cope whilst under the yoke of a slave mistress. His lip trembled slightly.

"Good boy," Sumiko stroked one of his ears, then raised her foot slightly and, as if on automatism, the slave bent down, gently took it into his hand and planted loving kisses on it. Her eyes drifted back to the Dark Apprentice. "You are truly a beauty, Vaylin," she spoke softly.
Vaylin listened as Sumiko explained the dynamic she had bore witness to since stepping onto the ship. Her attention was rapt, as it seemed to usually be as of late since meeting the Atrisian. Though this the Zabrak seemed to recognize the way Sumiko was looking at her, at least to a some degree. It reminded her of how the shade had looked upon her right before his attempt to possess her.

It made her shiver ever so slightly.

"I see." Was Vaylin's simple reply, her mind drifted away to old memories. She recalled how much of a slave driver her mother was to her children. Constantly forcing them to learn and train, all for the betterment of their family; to her. It had practically made two of her older siblings completely jaded to everything and everyone that wasn't family. Vaylin however, was always resilient against her mother's desires. Oh sure, she took to the training and lessons to better herself, but she never broke like her siblings had before her.

She frowned when the male Xioquo spoke. It reminded Vaylin of her siblings, at least they were trained to be warriors unlike these two.

This was further cemented when the man bowed on a dime to kiss the Atrisian's foot.

"What?" Vaylin looked confused at Sumiko's words. Her brow furrowed and head tilted in thought, it was clear the compliment wasn't something she usually heard, if ever at all.

[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]​
In the Darkness there is Truth

Sumiko grinned like a Cheshire cat. There was strong desire in her eyes. Pure, unadulterated lust. "So wild and determined...yet still so innocent. Just look at that pretty face, brown hair, dark aura, firm, round butt and lovely muscles," she licked her red lips slightly. "You're beautiful, my dear. And finally free of that idiotic Jedi Code that would have denied you so many things, including the pleasures of the flesh."

She glanced over to the female drow who'd been tending to Vaylin's wounds. "Slave, Lady Vaylin is beautiful, isn't she?" Meanwhile, the male slave kept making love to Sumiko's foot with his tongue and lips. Clearly she and Siobhan shared certain tastes. The difference was that the Lady Kerrigan did not force herself on others or abuse her servants.

The slave looked very much like a deer caught in the headlight. Her expression reflected uncertainty. Was this some sort of trick question? Her owner could be...fickle sometimes. "Yes, Lady Mistress...very beautiful."

"Would you like to play with her?"


"Girl, be honest with me and with yourself," Sumiko urged her. Her tone was deceptively sweet. Like the purr of a cat. A cat with very sharp teeth and claws. Her eyes did not leave Vaylin. The Zabrak's obvious confusion did not seem to discourage her. Far from it.

"Uh...yes...if Mistress permits it."

"Good girl," stretching out with her hand, she reached for Vaylin's. Her touch was a soft, strangely gentle one when she stroked across it with her thumb, as if she would stop if only Vaylin willed it. "I can show you so many wonderful things, my sweet. Pleasures the Jedi, in their ignorance and desire for control, would have denied you."

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