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An Age of Iron (Siobhan)


Storm of the Force
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]
“That’s why you must harness the power. Even if you choose never to use them you will not use them accidentally at least.”
Tempest forced a smile, trying to cheer Galina up a little. “Besides, it wasn’t a very nice vase anyway, I always hated it….”

She hoped she’d get a laugh for that, but either way, things felt a little bit lighter now. “This won’t be quick, Galina. It’ll take weeks for you to learn control, but patience and willpower are your greatest tools here. You have to want something and work for something to make it happen.”
The young woman nodded slowly. "I guess so." She still, clearly wasn't very enthusiastic about this whole idea in the least.

She did chuckle slightly at Tempest's joke. "I didn't like it either." At least it got her to cheer up a small bit. Even if it was really only a tiny bit in the end it was something.

Biting at her lip, at least her attention wasn't focused on the little insect on the ground, and actually on Tempest now. Which was an improvement. "Weeks?" She asked, seemingly a bit worried with that. Somehow she had thought training was a lot simpler than that or that it would have been simpler. Reaching up, she rubbed slowly at her forehead, trying to wrap her mind around it. She couldn't help but sigh again. A part of her knew she shouldn't have expected this to be quick, or easy. "I can try." She had to. There wasn't much other option open to her. It wasn't like she hadn't worked and tried with other things, taking the time and patience to learn. Basica had come quickly when she tried but she at the same time wanted desperately to speak with her new caretakers and soon to be family. Still, she knew she didn't want this curse. But could she actually move past that, and not fear using it at all in any way? Only time will tell.

((Obligatory cameo self-training post, good work, both of you!))

Meanwhile Siobhan was once again indulging in Dark Side Research 101! She had not gotten as far as she would have liked last night, for it had been an exhausting read, but still very far and believed that she was slowly getting a reasonable degree of understanding of Dark Repair. Mirien's journal was an account of unspeakable horrors evil, vile deeds perpetrated for power...but there was knowledege inside it as well. Gained through blood sacrifices and wicked medical experiments. Did that make the knowledge itself evil? Would it be an asset to her or pull her further into a dark abyss? Perhaps, but this was a bridge Siobhan had already crossed. No doubt her eyes would have reflected the venomous corruption of the dark side by now if they had not been artificial.

Mastery in the dark side - assuming it could ever truly be mastered - did not come without sacrifice, for it rebelled against being tamed. Mental sacrifices, physical ones. One could not truly manifest Force Lightning, as opposed to a mere facsimile, without being exposed to it first. So it had happened to Siobhan during her duel with the Bando Gora God of War's Champion all those years ago. This exercise would, fortunately, be a good deal less extreme.

A small Eldorai dagger with runes engraved upon the blade, sliced across her own wrist. As blood seeped out of the open wound she pulled upon the tangled web of the Force, willing the energies to flow through her and knit the wound back together. It was a one-time thing, not a constant effort, but hard for darksiders nonetheless. In a sense, Dark Repair and biological alchemy relied on similar roots, themes and patterns, which made Mirien's research into both during her time as a Bando Gora Acolyte no surprise. In essence, it was simply meant that a powerful darksider with good visualisation skills forced her will upon the genetic and cellular structure of the body.

Beads of sweat dripped down Siobhan's face and back as she focused upon the wound and sought to will the corrupted energies to fix it. She did not have [member="Coryth Elaris"]' talent for Art of the Small or even for Force Healing, though she would be able to draw on memories. Narrowing her focus enough proved almost prohibitively difficult, but she persevered. At one point she pushed too far and so rather than heal her, the darkside energies suddenly backfired and she felt a searing, painful burn shoot through her flesh hand. Such was the pain and shock that she bit down on her tongue and let go of her power. It took her a moment to regain her composure, then she tried again, only this time in a less hasty manner.

And so she once again began focusing on knitting up the cut on her wrist. Time passed and indeed she lost track of it as she was so immersed. Then eventually success was achieved and the cut had been knitted up, the bleeding stopped. She took a breath as she looked upon her handiwork, knowing that she would get better in time. It would also probably be smart to still clean and disinfect the wound.


Storm of the Force
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]
“Yes, weeks, even months. To be good at it you’ll need to work even more beyond that.”

Still, that was getting a bit ahead of themselves. Tempest stood and walked behind Galina, placing hands on her shoulders.
“I want you to relax, Galina, focus on being calm. Don’t worry about what happened before, don’t worry about anything. Calm…relax…I’m here to help you. When you’re ready, we’ll begin.”
"Lovely," It certainly wasn't what she wanted to hear, but maybe she needed to hear it. Life had been entirely on her terms for so long, the idea of something that wasn't deeply bothered her. It was something she was going to have to get over because outside of her sheltered life on Kaeshana hardly a thing was ever going to be entirely on her terms. Best she just got used to things like this now before it made her life truly complicated.

"Relax?" She asked as Tempest stepped behind her. She wasn't entirely sure what the point was. "How is that..." She started to ask before her mother's words came back to mind. "Be a good girl and do as she orders. She's been through hell like you, she knows what she's talking about." She couldn't help but sigh again. Getting a little more comfortable as she crossed one leg over the other, and closed her eyes. At least here in the countryside the distractions were few and far between and it was a little easier to push her stresses away. It took a while before the young woman settled entirely and quit fidgeting in place. "Ready? I think I might be." She said quietly, sounding entirely uncertain and out of her depth here.



Storm of the Force
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]
Tempest now stood behind Galina, noting how she subtly relaxed, indicating she was ready. Now, Tempest was no master of the Force, nor was she used to training. However, she knew the most important step. Carefully she laid hands on Galina's shoulders.
"Close your eyes, Galina. Relax, think back to when you broke that vase. Not the anger, not the fear, think of the feeling you had then. You remember that white hot feeling, emotionless but grand? That feeling that you were soaring whilst staying still, the feeling of understanding...that feeling of power? Focus on it, Galina. Let it come to not move...let that feeling rise inside you. That is the Force, and it lies in the place between fear and tranquility, between anger and calm. Do you feel it?" Tempest whispered.
Galina couldn't help but tense up, as Tempest spoke. Revisiting the memory of the shattered vase, wasn't particularly easy for her. She certainly didn't want to recall that moment, and all the fear that came with it. She sighed softly as she tried to resist all the emotions welling up inside of her, trying to find what Tempest was talking about exactly. Her breathing rapidly increased, and she shook her head slowly, "I don't think I can do this." So doubtful, so worried.



Storm of the Force
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]
“You can, and you will,” Tempest said sternly without raising her voice. “This is important, Galina. You are afraid, we are all afraid when we start. You are uncertain, none of us know what to do at the beginning. You feel unhappy, everyone has their problems. Now, focus,” she ordered.

Tempest looked down at the girl, virtually a little sister to her, and wondered if she was being too hard. Perhaps kindness and patience was the way to do this. She had seen that the Jedi used, for the most part, very different methods. Tempest was not a Jedi though, she was a woman of action who had never had the luxury of time.
Tough love was still love, and the sooner Galina realised that one could not get everything they wanted, the better.
Galina cringed slightly as Tempest's words. Not entirely used to anyone being stern with her. Even Siobhan hardly ever was. But Galina had hardly encountered something she simply did not want to do. Touching the force, definitely was something she did not want to do or face. Though, she knew too well her mother wasn't going to look kindly on her if she gave up before she'd really began.

Sighing heavily, she did her best to push past the fear and anxieties. Certainly no easy task for her. It took her a while longer before she managed to calm herself and look past what frightened her. Galina still hesitated for a long while, before she reached to touch what Tempest had spoken of. "I feel it." She whispered, her voice threatening to crack. Even now she couldn't help but feel the fear rush back in, threatening to drown her.



Storm of the Force
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]
“Hold that feeling. Do not let fear take you. Be strong,” Tempest whispered. “Understand the power that is in you, focus on it, but do not try to use it yet. It will be your path to the Force.”

Tempest reached out with her own sense and could feel the conflict within her charge. She could feel her reaching like a child towards a flame, ready to withdraw at the first sign of pain.

“You’re such a good girl, Galina, such a brave girl. Hold it…hold it,” Tempest whispered in her ear. “To command the Force one must be able to reach it instantly.”
Breathing out slowly, Galina did her best to keep calm. Just barely she was managing to keep the fear at bay, but it was still there gnawing at her. She nodded slowly to Tempest, worried that if she would have spoken just then that she'd lose the delicate balance that she had managed to create between her fears and the force. It was just there, barely a hair's width away from her fingertips. So much raw untapped power, potential that had been there all along and Galina hardly even aware of it until today.

Another deep slow breath in, and she held on tightly when all she wanted to do was let go and flee from that strange mysterious power that resided within her. Tempest's kinder words, reminded her that she was brave had been brave for a long time. Though she did wonder, if she was actually that afraid of the force, of just simply afraid because she'd failed to understand it so far in her life. "What now?" She asked softly, a slight tremble could still be heard within the firemane's voice. Her words spoken barely louder than a whisper, uncertain of how long this task was to continue for. Uncertain of how long exactly she could manage to hold it like this.



Storm of the Force
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

"Now...come back to me, Galina," Tempest ordered. When the girl had managed to disengage herself from the currents of the Force, Tempest sat next to her, putting an arm around her shoulders.
"Good, good. It will become easier. Easier to the point that you can do this...." Tempest held out her hand and a pebble lifted itself from the ground to her hand. "It must be instant, Galina, you must be able to call on it without conscious thought, or else you will not survive. However, you've done well for a start. Take five minutes...there's a clean water stream over there. When you're ready we'll start again."
Galina slowly withdrew at Tempest's words and drifted back to reality. For a moment she leaned against the woman, letting her mind wander. She'd just touched the force and she hadn't turned into an evil monster. It was progress.

She watched as the pebble was lifted, and landed in Tempest's hand. "I do hope you are right." For Galina still had her doubts about how all of this would work for her. Slowly she rose from the rock they were sitting upon and headed off for the stream. Kneeling down beside it, she dipped her hands into the waters to splash over her face for a moment. And for a while, she just rested there silently, needing a little space to think.

Though, as much as she would have liked to stay beside the calming waters, the reality was training wasn't going to ago away, nor would Tempest. Drying her hands upon her pants leg, she soon got up slowly and wandered back to her older sister, and climbed upon the boulder once more to sit beside her. "I guess, we can start again." She finally said, but did not sound entirely enthusiastic about doing so.



Storm of the Force
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]
Tempest gave her a friendly pat on the back.
"Don't worry, Galina, I know what I'm doing," she said with more confidence than she felt.

"Now sit, relax, compose yourself, and commune with the Force. You have an idea how to do it, so it will be easier this time. Feel its presence, feel it's potential, but do not touch it yet."
Tempest lacked the empathic or mastery powers which might help in this situation, so all she could do was guide with words and hope that Galina understood.
Galina managed a timid smile as Tempest patted her on the back. She then sighed softly, "I trust you." Trusted that Tempest had an idea of what she was doing, and could handle it. The woman had helped to rescue her after all.

Sitting down upon the rock again, she took a moment to get comfortable as she tucked her legs beneath her. Closing her eyes, she started to work back through the same process as before. This time it was easier than before. Her fears, weren't as bad and easier to dismiss. Easier to keep at bay. "I am there again." Though, now she found the urge to reach further, to touch that actual power. Curiosity making her wonder what would happen if she did. Curiosity that was just starting to override her fears of the unknown. Not entirely, but it definitely was progress. Still she heeded Tempest's words and did not actually take that step.



Storm of the Force
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]
Tempest took station behind Galina and laid a hand on her shoulder.
"Galina, I want you to focus on it. I want you to concentrate and hold the connection. When you are ready, I want you to open your eyes whilst holding the connection. Can you do that for me?"
Galina listened carefully. She did have her doubts, that she was capable of what Tempest was asking of her. The connection she'd made with the force seemed so delicate, fragile and weak. It felt like it would only take a small tiny breeze to shatter the tentative connection with the force that she'd made. "Maybe." Her voice wavering, so unsure of herself.

She did sigh softly, as she tried to force the doubts and concerns she held away. They'd do her no good now. Galina needed to learn to trust herself, to know she was stronger than she believed and far more gifted than she knew. It was taking her a while to be brave enough, to open her eyes but at last she did. That connection she'd been working so hard to maintain, didn't break or fall away the second she opened her eyes like she expected. No, it stayed. It was much stronger than what she believed. Seeming quite surprised, she glanced back to Tempest. Though she said nothing, the look of shock could be read so easily upon her features. It clearly wasn't what she expected to happen.

"Strange." She finally managed some moments later, but that was the only word she could find to describe it.



Storm of the Force
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]
“There, excellent!” Tempest said encouragingly. “With practice you will be able to do it without even thinking about it. It will become as automatic and natural and moving your hand. The Force…well the Force is like another sense. It’s like hearing or seeing or feeling, but it’s new. When you learn to use it you’ll wonder how everyone in the galaxy manages without it, like telling a blind person what sight is like.”

She fell silent for a moment. “That’s enough for now, drop the connection and relax a moment. We don’t want you getting a headache. Slowly, gently, that’s the way to do it. We’ll have you contact the Force so you’re used to it before I get you to try and use it.”
Galina nodded, the faintest trace of a smile finally started to appear. The young woman finally felt a little better about it all. If truth be told, she still was uncomfortable with it, and unsure. Slowly that was changing. Slowly getting her to a place where she could be okay with it, but Galina wasn't all the way there, not yet. "So it all gets easier?" She asked finally.

With a nod, Galina withdrew from her connection with the Force returning back to her normal state with relative ease. Reaching up, she rubbed at her forehead feeling the strain on her mind already. It wasn't a headache but it was a noticeable difference and far more tiring than she had imagined the whole process would be. "I understand." She said softly. Slow and gentle was possibly the best approach for the wildling that had until today been so terrified of this mystical energy field, that had caused so much destruction and death around her. She needed to be eased into it all, to keep her from panicking again.



Storm of the Force
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]
“It gets much easier. You can’t rush some things, you have to ease into them slowly and gently. Just like when…” Tempest paused, looking shifty, “Well…when you’re older you’ll find out!”
Even though the girl was an adult Tempest figured she might get in trouble for non-PG13 anecdotes!

“I think this is enough for now. We’ll go back to the house, you can rest up and have lunch, then I’ll meet you at the speeder at 14th hour. Sound good?”

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