Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Amora Jade

Basic Information

Full Name: Amora Jade
Alias: None yet...
Faction: None yet...
Rank: N/A
Species: Human
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 135
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Skin: Lightly Tanned
Force Sensitive: Yes
Home Planet: Tatooine


Strengths & Weaknesses
+ Light Footed: Walking stealthily can mean life or death when it comes to Amora's way of life, her natural ability to stay quiet works in her favor more than not.
+ Cleaver: Though she doesn't have a wide array of educational sources or a mother who has the time to teach her much, she is very quick to pick up on things. The majority of her stealthy and thieving tactics are self-taught.

- Kleptomaniac: No matter how hard she tries to she can't stop herself from stealing. The urge will eat at her and cause her to lose her mind until she finally gives in. Once she does the rush from the act will encourage her to steal more, she will never truly be satisfied.
- Clumsy: Although she is light on her feet and able to stay quiet, sometimes her drinking habit alters her ability to keep from running into things. The thick mass of hair that lays on her head doesn't help this fact either as sometimes it obstructs her view and causes her to knock into things as well.
- Can't Fight: Amora lacks the ability to defend herself beyond basic kicking, punching, and scratching in a panicked manner. One would think that a thief would learn some way to avoid death from her doings, but she has not simply due to her lack of interest in it.

Force Abilities
| Novice |
  • Telekinesis: Amora's knowledge that she is force sensitive is rather new and she has absolutely no training, therefore no control. All she knows how to do is make things move a bit, or if she's defending herself: send out a small wall of telekinetic energy in a panic to try and hit her opponent.

| Appearance |​
A face that blends into the crowd and a stride all-but-full of confidence doesn’t exactly make her stand out in any way. Though there is some beauty to be held in the young woman she does nothing to bring it out. On a typical day she will just let her hair fall in the fashion she wakes up with it, not doing much more than throwing on her cloak to cover the mess before heading out. If one were to pay much attention they would see a set of large brown eyes, often searching for any easy pocket to pilfer from. The hair that isn’t normally cared for is very thick and nearly as black as the night sky. It falls well beyond her shoulders and often times gets in her way, she would tie it back if it would do any good. Due to the amount of hair though, ties simply don’t do the trick.

Her height stretches up to about five feet seven inches while her weight fluctuates anywhere from 130 to 140 pounds. A healthy weight is mainly brought on from the amount of alcohol she consumes rather than the amount of food. Womanly features aren’t terribly distinct under her clothing due to the fact she isn’t very well endowed. That has always worked in her favor, though, considering she needs her frame to be proportional to slip in and out of small windows.

| Biography |
There isn’t much of a history to tell of the thief. She was born into a criminal family residing in the "Old Quarter" of Mos Eisley, Tatooine; it didn’t take her long to find her calling as a menace to everyone’s possessions. Once she had seen seven years she already began to find herself in sticky situations involving her hand in someone’s pocket or breaking into places she wasn’t supposed to be. Amora’s parents had their hands full with her, having to constantly bail her out of whatever trouble she found herself in.

When she was ten her father was murdered after breaking into and robbing a home of a family that wasn't going to put up with it. His death took a big toll on her for a long while but she was able to move on and get back into mischief like normal.

Amora had never really been the romantic type of woman, not even at a younger and more vulnerable age. Her love for shiny and beautiful objects forced her head never to turn in any man or woman’s direction. She would rather spend the rest of her life alone in a room full of riches than to give herself to anyone. Along with her obsession of riches she has a pretty hardy drinking habit. Her favorite pass-time would be sitting around in any tavern and enjoying a nice cold mug of ale.

| Force Sensitive |

Her need to take things put her in a rather dangerous situation with a guard that wanted the ring back she stole. "Luckily" there was Jedi nearby who felt the presence of the force and decided to step in. Unfortunately that wasn't the worst of the adventure. Suddenly Hutt enforcers began to close in on them at the presence of a light saber they wanted their hands on. While they did escape the immediate danger they were found in the thief's house just moments later.

The two were captured and imprisoned on Hutt territory. It didn't take them long after they both awoke to escape the cell, after the Jedi finally told the girl of the force and her sensitivity to it that is. Once out, they had a fight ahead of them for their complete escape. It was the first time Amora had ever killed someone. It wasn't even intentional, she simply kicked up at the man and hit his throat hard enough to restrict air flow and cause him to drown in his own fluids.

While in a daze staring at the body she caused to be lifeless she was shot with a high caliber weapon in her right upper arm. The Jedi helped her to find her mother who then took care of Amora until she was healed, the thief decided against questioning Rayana of her knowledge of the force. The thief decided to stay on Tatooine, not wanting to further explore her abilities at that moment.

| Relationships |

  • Rayana Jade: Mother, lives with Amora, makes a living as a fence.
  • Ajak Jade (Deceased): Father, Was killed when Amora was ten after breaking in and robbing the wrong house.
  • Furis Shade: Brother, His whereabouts are unknown but he is believed to be alive.

Kills & Bounties
None yet...


[member="Iella E'ron"] : I was hoping you meant IC :p Otherwise you really would have been in some trouble!
[member="Marek Starchaser"] : Thank you :)
[member="Ire'Rain Sekairo"] : *gasps obnoxiously then takes the shiny and runs with* :O

Placeholder 0123

I give it a number of approvals between five and ten, guess.

If you would like to RP some time, feel free to let me know. Always eager to usher young thuglings into the thug club.

[member="Amora Jade"]
[member="Isley Verd"] Oh we shall see. Maybe it won't happen at first but you'll see! Before you know it you won't even have any clothes on your back. *tries to laugh evilly but fails*

[member="Noah Corek"] I take your stamp of approval with great honor :D

Catherine Romanov

Nice character!

So you decided to be a force-user after all!

I'll be looking forward to RP with you as I have said :)

Just let me know when :D

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