Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alright... who wants some?

Lawq Vasrell

Neither literally nor metaphorically, as Lawq is weak in combat... However, good luck and have fun when you find somebody. :D
On another site, this character made his name in one thing... combat...

I already have a thread up for Bounties (and the first one is being set up)... but...

a straight-up fight... want to test out this guy's new skills.

Who has the stones?
Not gonna be on long tonight, but sure. Depends on what works best though, sales loves fighting but due to her position won’t be randomly getting into them for no reason. So unless he’s breaking laws in EE territory or something, not much to do but spar there.

another option is Rocco Kurt who’s my first character (salis was second I think) a trandoshan hunter/merc and aLeo skilled in the force, though his use of it is quite different from Salis. Could just be opposition on some mission or other. hes out for jaggy at points and that’s about it. Would not be an easy opponen, especially one on one. Though Salis is definitely more dangerous so long as she has the force.

Sinn Shak is an option if we can figure out why they’re fighting. Hes a Selkath Jensaarai. Although upfront battles aren’t really his thing, he’s still well equipped and skilled for it and would be a little out of the ordinary for an enemy force user due to the techniques involved.

well, not much different from Salis in that regard. Rocho tends to self enhance and use basic force powers just really well along with his weapons, Salis is much more advanced and adds on a lot of precision telekinesis mid combat along with her ataru style. Sinn is armor centric but also uses unusual telekinetic. Much less dangerous than the other two, and also more moral By a good margin.
If we could find a way to fight without shattering the alliance between the Enclave and GA, sure!

That is, if you're okay with my wip robo leg being included. I'm not a power gamer, I won't overdo the beskar leg.

We could have some kind of misunderstanding happen that causes our characters to fight, then it's like "wait, oops! We were fighting for no good reason!" Could even end with our characters fighting a common enemy or one of them having to tend to the wounds of another. Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
My muse for Blade over the years has faltered a lot and I know we have tried to meet up and fight a couple of times and didn't work out. At the moment I have a bit of spark to post as him mostly because I want to destroy DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran family.

So perhaps we can finally get a chance to fight, the Maw also has a lot coming so maybe we will meet there.

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