Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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All Out War

Just a little idea that has been spinning around my head for a while now.

What if we had a galaxy spanning free for all, everyone vs everyone. No factions, alliances, friends. Just the player, vs everyone else. I know this may seem a tad far fetched, but I'll list some of the rules I thought of.
  • PvP, PvE allowed. Write your own story
  • Entire galaxy is open, anyone can travel anywhere, to fight, or bargain, etc
  • No factions, at least not the way they are. People can still be Mandos, or Jedi, or Sith. etc. Just, factions as a whole would just not be there.
  • Everyone starts out with a single small ship. No larger than say, idk, 1k meters. Each ship can't have over a certain number of everything(weapons, shields, hyperspace. etc.) Needs to be approved

This is only a random idea, can't get it out of my head so I wanted to see what people would think about it. See if it'd be worth it to actually do it. Maybe talk about it, flesh out the idea and maybe get staff approval if it's needed. IDK really, xD. Just an interesting idea that sounds cool in my mind. So yeah, if you have something to say, by all means say it! :)

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