Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alicia Frost

Name: Alicia Gray Frost
Aliases: Frost Fall
Faction: N/A
Rank: N/A
Species: Corellian
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Hight: 5'5"
Weight: 97 lbs
Eye Color: Dark blue
Hair Color: Blonde with red tips.
Hair Style: Longer than her shoulders, wavy.
Skin: Tanned
Languages: Galactic Basic, Chiss, Mon Calmari, Huttesse
Force Sensitive: No


Pilot: Frost has been flying since the age of eight. Granted she was flying simulators up until the age of fourteen but that isn't the point. She's a great pilot, likes to class herself as one of the best.

Open Minded: Frost is willing to listen to anyone and take anything on board. If she uses the information or not is another matter all together.

Freedom Fighter: Frost believes everyone has the right to be free, and she's willing to fight until everyone, every single person is free.

Mechanical: Frost knows her way around mechanics. Be it cars of ships, she can probably fix it or put it back together or just upgrade it with enough time and credits.

Sharpshooter: Frost knows how to shoot a gun. I mean she really knows how to shoot a gun. She knows that shooting isn't just pressing the trigger and moving on, she knows that each shot has to be aimed and timed perfectly.


Headstrong: Frost seems to believe that she can take on anything. In times this is good as she aims for his goals, but other times, she's lucky to escape alive.

Difficult: Frost is... difficult to do business with. She's like someone who doesn't speak a language you know, doesn't want to do business with you and is dead. The only times she really agrees to do business is if there are buckets full or credits or if it's something that she believes in.

Quick to anger: This is as simple as it sounds. Frost angers really, really quickly. Granted it will take more than a drink dispute, but she will easily anger if you take the mickey out of her or insult her friends.

Honest: This is both positive and negative. She says what she thinks, which means people can advance but most people just get annoyed at her.

Biography: This story isn't exciting, so if you came here looking for an exciting story, feel free to turn around and walk away. Her name was Frost, Frost Fall or if you care to be formal Alicia Frost. She was born on Corellia to a smuggler and a politician. Lets just say Corellian officials got just a little upset at that pairing, and sent the child to live with it's father, a smuggler by the name of Hack Rider.

Hack Rider, real name of Derek Frost, cared for his little girl unlike what you'd expect a smuggler to care for his girl like. They spent a month on Kamino before moving back to Corellia, appealing to the officials for citizenship.

After a few months they were accepted into the scheme and housed just south of the capital. They lived there for four years until mommy came to visit. She explained that she wanted access to her child, and after a long debate she was allowed it.

Of course the smuggling upbringing wasn't going to disappear. At the age of eight Hack came back and took his child right from under her mother. Hack and Frost travelled the galaxy in search of things they could sell for credits.

During this time Alicia learned the way of the smuggler. She adopted her own style of dressing, so a leather jacket, jeans and a plain tunic. She learned from Hack how to fly a basic fighter and she learned how to pickpocket, steal and basically cause an uprising.

It was at the age of 15 she decided to call it quits with the life of smuggling. The skills she'd gained were useful to her in her life. She returned home and moved back in with her mother. She took up art and realised that she was actually good at it. She took up slicing and managed to get into basic terminals without a problem, even having never tried anything harder. She continued to pickpocket to feed herself.

It was at the age of 19 her mom had enough. She threw Frost out to the streets and made her survive on her own. She knew that Alicia could do it, the question was how legally she could do it.


One small DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol,
One small penknife,
Her trusty leather jacket,
Paint ruined jeans,
Paint splashed tunic,
Her red rucksack,

Ship: N/A


Wounds and Injuries;

Roleplays (Earliest First);

Main Story RP's (Earliest First):
1.) A Shark and Child Story - Alicia meets a new friend who offers her work and way off of Corellia, a way away from her mother. All she needs to do is put her skills to use for him.

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