Alicia Drey
"The conceited one."

NAME: Alicia Drey, Darth Ayra.FACTION: One Sith.
RANK: Sith Lord.
SPECIES: Human, Chandrilian.
AGE: 30. (as of 844 ABY)
SEX: Female.
HEIGHT: 5''8 inches.
WEIGHT: 195 lbs.
EYES: Hazel brown, predatory yellow.
HAIR: Dark blonde.
SKIN: Ivory, pale.
STRENGTHS:- High midi chlorian count.
- Lightsaber specialist.
- Master of: Form I: Shii-Cho, Form II: Makashi, Form III: Soresu, Form IV: Ataru, Form V: Shien/Djem So, Form VI: Niman, Form VII: Juyo/Vaapad, Sokan, Jar'kai, Tràkata, Trispzest.
- Pracitoner of Force Maelstrom.
- Adept of: Protection bubble, Telekinesis, Force lightning.
- User of the White Current.
- Expert marksman.
- Hand to hand specialist of: Hijkata, K'tara.
- Beautiful.
- Intelligent.
- Entrepreneur.
- Clandestine.
- Scarred.
- Conceited.
- Unadulterated rage.
- Physically weak.
- Easy target.
- Loss of agility, speed and stamina.
APPEARANCE:Dark blonde hair lays long to shoulder length, adorned with hazel brown eyes on an ivory, pale beautiful face. Petite in frame, Alicia Drey is seen in casual, yet smart clothing in public. Weapons are not far from this woman, with a concealed military grade combat knife hidden on her left leg. In appearance, Alicia Drey appears a weak, yet beautiful woman that is desirable. Authorative, yet kind in mannerisms and speech, she is something most women aspire to become.
Behind these facades, Darth Ayra appears in a dark robe, concealed behind it's cowl, with predatory yellow eyes gleaming from beneath it's fabric. Thin lips release a soft expression, laced with lies and deceit. A stark contrast to her public face, her hair is electric and stands on end, ivory skin alive in the dark side and a Lightsaber, Saberstaff and disruptor pistol adorning her waist.
Alicia Drey was a Force-sensitive Human female who was the principle owner and chief operating officer for Chandrila DataTech. Secretly a Sith Lord known as Darth Ayra, she was once the Dark Chancellor of the New Order in 837 ABY, until the Mandalorians defeated the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vulcanus at Dromund Kaas, signaling the end of the New Order he founded to replace the destroyed Sith Empire of 836 ABY. In the same year of the Sith Empire's destruction to the hands of the Galactic Republic, Jedi Order, Mandalorians and Fel Empire, she became a member of the One Sith on Prakith.
Born in 814 ABY on Chandrila, in Hanna City, Alicia Drey is a descendant of the Drey family, consequentially having origins leading back to the Seswenna Sector, Eriadu. Raised in a family that shared the Chandrilian passion for technology, Alicia never shared the same passions and thus felt alienated towards her Mother, Father and two siblings. This source of alienation could be attributed to her Force-sensitivity, of which she did not know of. The Jedi Order, whom made it one of their primary missions to find and bring Force-sensitives powerful enough to join their historic order, missed Alicia due to the Four Hundred Year Darkness which had disrupted their ability to locate Force-sensitives such as Alicia Drey.
In 829 ABY, during the Hanna City carnival, an annual event hosted in Chandrila's capital, she was found by the Sith Lord Darth Pandeima. Under the alias of Circe Savan, Pandeima sought to bring the fifteen year old Alicia Drey to the dark side of the Force. After orchestrating the death of her family, Pandeima took Alicia into a Sith apprenticeship, where she was given the new name of Darth Ayra. As the only surviving member of the Drey family and the subsequent inheritor of Chandrila DataTech, founded by her Father, Alicia Drey assumed responsibilties as it's principle owner and chief operating officer. In secret, she and her new Sith Master developed her skills in Lightsaber combat, as well as her knowledge on the dark side of the Force as they reconsistuted a new Rule of Two.
By the time of 836 ABY, Ayra had completed the beginning stages of her Sith apprenticeship (Sith Knight). During the Galactic Republic's invasion of Ossus, Darth Pandeima sent her apprentice to Dromund Kaas to assist in the Sith Empire's defense of their capital. When Dromund Kaas fell to hands of a Base Delta Zero initiated by the Mandalorians, Ayra headed to Dubrillion to monitor the Fel Empire's invasion. Subach-Innes, a ship manufacturing corporation headed by Circe Savan, operated outside Dubrillion's capital. All factories and property owned by Circe was lost when the Fel's participated in the Confrederacy of Independent Systems operation: Weedkiller.
At same point in the same year, Darth Ayra was contacted by the One Sith, a secretive cult of Sith on Prakith, who had begun recruitment and induction of surviving Sith of the recently destroyed Sith Empire. Joining their ranks, the Voss Dark Lord of the Sith recognized her Darth honorfic.
Following the CIS/Fel joint operation and Subach-Innes's reduction to a Tier 3 company, Darth Ayra headed to Mytus VII, where the Graug Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vulcanus, begun the New Order. Seeking to take back the worlds abandoned by the Sith Empire in the Outer Rim and Unknown Regions, under the new government he had formed, Vulcanus led the New Order until his defeat at Dromund Kaas, where he unsuccessfully invaded Kaas City in an engagement with Mandalorian forces. Taking the reigns of Vulcanus's government as the One Sith invaded Coruscant in 837 ABY, Darth Ayra disbanded the government, with all technology and military forces passed along to the One Sith following their victory in the Core.
It was during her time in the New Order that she perfected her Lightsaber skills and became a Lightsaber specialist, under the tutelage of Krest.
Going into hiding, Alicia Drey returned to Chandrila to develop Chandrila DataTech. Seeking to fulfill the potential that her Father had identified when he moved to Chandrila, Alicia begun a growth spurt in her corporation, capatilising on the Chandrilian fascination and passion with technology she once loathed. As she developed DataTech from Tier 2 to Tier 3, she traveled to Muunilinst with Circe and met with Serj Sularis. After gaining investment from the InterGalactic Banking Clan, they then traveled to a nearby island where Hego Damask once lived. After the lesson given by her Sith Master about the history of the Order of Sith Lords and the Muun Dark Lord of the Sith, Alicia founded the lost Hunter's Moon of Sojourn and rebuilt the ancestorial home Damask had once used to host the Gatherings.
After her discovery of the modified Scion-class Stealth Corvette used by the Nightsister Rave Merrill to hold ancent, yet dangerous artifiacts for the secret Order of Selab, Darth Ayra recovered the Sith Abattar with the help of Romeo Sin and escaped the derelict vessel narrowly with her life on a Niathal-class shuttle she had ironically brought from Jorus Merrill. Seeking to discover more about the vessel and how it had come to host the Sith Abattar, Ayra tracked it back down two days later to discover that Romeo Sin had taken the ship for himself and had named it the Hazard Beauty.
Agreeing to help the Sith Lord, they tracked the origins of the Corvette to the Gramos system. There, Darth Ayra encountered Rave Merrill. Learning that Rave had once defeated her Sith Master in a Kaggath a year prior, the two women entered a ferecious duel, which led to the Sith Abattar returning to it's rightful owner, after escaping the clutches of Circe Savan who had come to assist her Sith apprentice and avenge the humilating defeat the Nightsister had given her in the Lords of the Fringe.
The confrentation led to Rave Merrill announcing a bounty on Darth Ayra, looking for information about her. Investigating the Sith Lord, the Nightsister made a connection between herself and her alias, Alicia Drey. Upon her own discovery of Rave Merrill was doing, and seeking to protect the secrecy of the Rule of Two she shared with Darth Pandeima, Darth Ayra tracked Rave down after learning that she had met with Lord Daemos, a Sith Knight who served and then betrayed Ayra and Pandeima to the Nightsister in a meeting they had. The second duel ended in Rave Merrill winning comfortably. Whether by circumstance, luck or another divine power, Rave Merrill soon disappeared from the galaxy without a trace. Seeking to stop anymore leaks about her plans, Ayra continued her search for Daemos and discovered that he had been killed.
Successfully completing her mission to protect the existence of the Order of Sith Lords and the Rule of Two she shared with Darth Pandeima, Darth Ayra returned to Chandrila and resumed work as Alicia Drey. At the end of 837 ABY, she returned from hiding on the summons of the Voss Dark Lord of the Sith who had inducted her into the One Sith two years previously. On top of the Imperial Citadel's spire, the Dark Lord's apprentice, Darth Junra, betrayed her master and slew him in front of a congregation of One Sith. Outraged, the loyalists to the Voss Dark Lord and the would be new one clashed, resulting in the death of Junra after she fell through a window. During the episode, Pandeima joined Ayra.
Not knowing who she was due to her disapperence at the end of the Republic-Mandalorian-Empire conflict in 836 ABY, and the long standing hatred for Pandeima during her time in the Sith Empire, the One Sith turned on the two Sith. In a do or die moment, Darth Ayra choose to betray her Sith Master, thus protecting herself, the Rule of Two they had founded and cementing her place in the One Sith, as per their intentions. With her supposed death, Ayra assumed the position of Sith Master and begun searching for a Sith apprentice from the collective Force-sensitive children/adults that the One Sith had recruited.
Continuing the Sith Imperative set by Darth Bane centuries before in secret whilst living among the One Sith, Darth Ayra begun living a parrel life as a Sith Lord in the Empire the One Sith were carving out of the Galactic Republic in the Core and the COO of Chandrila DataTech as Alicia Drey. Participating in the One Sith's invasions of Manaan and Kashyyyk, Darth Ayra sought to continue the scheme she built with her former master.
However, in 844 ABY, a catalysmic event (Netherworld) brought disruption to her plans, with the revelation that her Sith Master had somehow survived her death on the spire and the disapperence of trillions across the galaxy...
SUBMISSIONS:Factory - Chandrila DataTech - Tier 3 company
Factory - Hudrel Robotics - Tier 2 company
Factory - Anax Arms - Tier 1 company
Factory - Imperial Arms Incorporated - Tier 2 company
Factory - Lenoi I - Datapad
Factory - "Chon" Operating system - Software
Factory - The "Chon" store - Software
Factory - The Core I - Computer
Factory - The Raxor I - Communique/phone
Factory - Neutralizer II-class bomber - Starfighter
Factory - Annihilator-class boarding shuttles - Starfighter
Factory - Acavus-class Bulk Cruiser - Ship
Factory - Jaron Lesan's Lightsaber - Weapon
Factory - Personal Signal Jammer - Technology
Factory - Portable Dampening Field (PDF) - Technology
Codex - The Katarn Maneuver - Lore
Codex - "DataTech" stores - Location
Codex - Underground Facility on Mytus VII - Location
Codex - IAI Headquarters on Kalee - Location
Codex - "the Fort" - Location
Codex - Serj Sularis - NPC
Codex - Terrik Hudrel - NPC
Codex - Sun Guards on Sojourn - NPC Unit
