Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alcohol, Tobacco, and Smuggling.

"Indeed they are." He said, quickly striking a match to ignite the tobacco in the cigarillo. "Grab onto somethin'...I'ma jumpin' into hyperspace." He then quickly gripped onto a lever with his right hand, pushing it forward. The speed of the freighter increased significantly and in what seemed like moments, Coruscant was in sight. Entering the atmosphere of Coruscant, he immedietly noticed the bright neon signs that illuminated ever corner and the crowds of people wandering the streets. Finally, he discovered a landing pad and slowly got out of his seat, puffing on the cigarillo. "You ready?" He asked.

[member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
She gripped her seat and then smiled a little as they came to coruscant's neon lit spires. She spent the entire time standing and looking out the window, with her tail half wagging behind her as she stared out the cockpit window excitedly. When Pavor asked if she was ready she looked at him with a big, excited smile, though wisps of smoke escaped through the corners of her mouth and through any caps in her teeth as she exhaled. "Yes!" She said as she got out of her station and walked with him out of the cockpit.

[member="Pavor Clauditis"]
Before exiting the freighter, he gripped onto a large duffel bag hidden under the pilot's seat in the cockpit. After stepping out onto the launch pad, he sighed. "Calm down! Your actin' real suspicious right now!" He then nearly leaped back once he was approached by a large man, who was wearing a grey uniform. "Hello, Sir. Unfortunately, I am required to search your freighter, that bag, you...and this woman here." The man said.

With a nervous expression, Pavor glanced over to [member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]. "Also..." The man continued, "Please give me your names."

Pavor forced a grin and began speaking. "My name is...Zeth Vlodoalkos. This woman right 'ere is Alexandra...She is my...She is my daughter." He said, grabbing the woman's shoulder. "Ain't that right?" Pavor asked the woman.

[member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
Zreame just giggled at Pavor for his comment but when the man appeared she just stared a little at him since the man was quite large. When Pavor grabbed her shoulder she looked at him with 'you're an idiot' type of look before looking at the man. "Adopted daughter, as my father keeps forgetting and it confuses people~" She said though she jabbed her elbow a little into Pavor's side to try and sell it a bit better. On instinct she moved her hands to her hips as she wanted to both protect and be able to quickly grab her blood swords that hung on her hips, along with the two slugthrowers strapped to her thighs, though they were hidden under her coat at the moment.

[member="Pavor Clauditis"]
The officer just stared. "Anyway...I am still going to need your bag." The officer said.

Pavor sighed. "Officer, please! Alexandra cannot be late for her wedding! It begins in only a few minutes! Please, officer! I beg you!" Pavor said, feigning panic. "You can't do this, officer! Please!" He nearly shouted.

"Sir, I apologize, but I am required by the law to search your possessions. Now, please...hand me the bag."

Pavor sighed loudly, turning to [member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]. "I sincerely apologize, Alexandra. I suggest we file a complaint on this officer. Officer, may I have your name?" Pavor asked.

"Sir, please...just hand me the bag!" The officer barked.

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
Zreame couldn't help but smirk a little before she stamped her foot down. "DAD! come on we are late and if this guy opens the bag my dress will get ruined by all the starship exhousts and fumes." She said as she then pointed her finger at the man with a slight scowl. "What is your name and number officer cause I'll have your head if you ruin this day for me." She said as she tried her best to act the part of a very disgruntled bride. Her swords jangled a little as the sheaths contacted as a wind pushed then and forced Zreame to pull up her hood a little so her hair would stay under her clothes. "Great now the wind is picking up and it'll ruin the hair we had to go off-world to get done!"

[member="Pavor Clauditis"]
"I'm sorry, Alexandra! This officer is obviously too incompetent to understand our influence and wealth in Correlia. This officer should be BEGGING for forgiveness! Would you like him to do that?" Pavor asked, attempting to act as if he possessed much more wealth and power than he currently had.

The officer stared in disbelief. "I-I-I-I..." The officer only stuttered, nearly shaking in his boots.

[member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
Zreame smirked in a mischievous manner at the man then. "Well it would be a start wouldn't it." She said as her smile turned a little more sinister with every word. 'The poor man~' She thought as she held back bursting into laughter over the whole matter but managed to suppress it quite well.

[member="Pavor Clauditis"]
Nearly bursting into laughter himself, Pavor looked at the man. "If you'd like to keep your occupation and, I suggest you get on your knees." Pavor said.


Slowly, the officer fell to his knees, a hesitant expression on his face. "I-I...I apologize, miss! I-I-I had no intention of...interfering with your wedding, miss! Please...I-I-It was a mistake!" The officer pleaded.

Pavor looked to the ground, forcing himself not to chuckle. He then slowly glanced up, looking to see how [member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"] would react.

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
She turned her head a little, clearing her throat. "Apology accepted now please give us the all clear so we can get going we are running late as it is." She then said in a demanding tone, though on the inside she thought it was a miracle she didn't fall to the ground from laughter when the man actually knelt down. Her left hand was gripping her hips so tightly that her knuckles were whiter than usual as she tried to hold her laughter in as she walked passed the man. Once behind him she looked at Pavor and it was clear she was about to explode it things kept going like that.

[member="Pavor Clauditis"]
"Officer..." Pavor began...then abruptly sent a kick shooting into the officer's face, knocking him unconscious.

"...Damn." Pavor said, chuckling slightly. He then turned towards the young woman. "I am absolutely astonished that this worked." Pavor said, shaking his head multiple times. "Alright, now we are goin' to have to find this nightclub and bar known as the Barbaric Bantha...I know, I didn't name it. Anyway, it's run by some rich criminal bastard that's goin' to pay us for these weapons right 'ere." He said, raising the duffel bag to throw over his shoulders. "This way."

He then began to exit the landing pad, making his way down the crowded streets of Coruscant with [member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"].

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
When the man was unconscious she burst out laughing, holding her sided as she laughed. When Pavor began to explain what they were there to do she nodded, but gave a 'really?' look to him when he mentioned the cantina's name. She followed him out to the exit of the landing pad after she placed a small credstick in the mans hand and typed: Sorry daddy can be very mean sometimes. into the mans datapad.

Once out on the crowded streets of coruscant she held both hands around her swords as she walked next to [member="Pavor Clauditis"]. "So what should we do now? Just ask around for directions?"
"I know where...I...Sure! Let's ask for dire-" However, Pavor was interrupted by a high-pitched, raspy voice.

"Wanna buy some deathsticks?" The voice asked.

Pavor turned to glance upon a short man with long, red hair. Who wore a trench coat and was obviously gripping something.

"No, I just need directions to the Barbaric...The Barbaric Bantha cantina and nightclub." Pavor said. The man looked at him for a second, before he nodded several times. "Head down the street, take a left, you'll see it. Guaranteed." The man said before shuffling away.

Pavor then turned to glance at [member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]. "Huh...that ain't somethin' you see every day." He said with a grin, before turning around and proceeding to walk further down the street. Once reaching the end of the street, he took a left, and immedietly saw the large cantina, that was decorated with a large, neon sign that read "THE BARBARIC BANTHA NIGHTCLUB."

"Here we are..." Pavor said, entering the establishment. The nightclub was crowded with different species, consuming alcohol and some dancing. Bright strobe lights flashed rapidly, and there was a booth or table nearly everywhere. "Follow me", Pavor said to Zreame, before heading towards a doorway with a sign above it that read "EMPLOYEES ONLY!".

A man with a tray with a variety of alcoholic beverages on it attempted to step in front of Pavor. Pavor reacted by pushing the man, causing the drinks to fall, splashing alcohol onto his white shirt. Ignoring the man's insults and profanity, Pavor pushed the door open, stepping back and gesturing towards the entrance. "Ladies first." He said with a grin.

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
Zreame chuckled a little at how the short deathstick dealer suddenly got so helpful and pointed them the way. When she followed him she came to notice a few passed out drunks in the alleyway next to the nightclub. Her head began to almost straight away bob with the music when the got inside the nightclub and she followed Pavor through the crowds and smiled a little to the man that Pavor pushed to the side and she gave him enough credits to buy the drinks again.

Entering through the entrance she looked at him. "You know you won't make any friends that way right?" She said with a smirk as in the corner of her eye the man that had been shouting profanities was now rushing towards the bar in a hurry.

[member="Pavor Clauditis"]
He looked at her, chuckling. "You know, when I was your age, I was listenin' to Ziggy and the Spacers...not this electronic garbage." He said. He then proceeded to push another door open, which revealed a man in a pin stripe suit, smoking a cigar. The man was surrounded with armed men and the mobster quickly glanced up looking at the two, a smirk on his face.

"You brought a woman? Are you serious, Pavor?" The mobster asked. "Yeah, I am. How 'bout you stop with the sexism and you pay for the weapons." Pavor said, obviously irritated. He then tossed the bag onto the desk in front of the mobster, who quickly opened it and glanced inside, nodding in satisfaction. "Pay 'em." The mobster said. Pavor grinned as one of the armed bodyguards passed him a suitcase, which Pavor assumed was full of credits. "Farewell, Gentlemen." Pavor said, turning to look towards the woman. "Let's get back to the ship, kid."

[member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
When the mobster looked at her she gave him an irritated snort as she held both her sword's handles, which one of the armed thugs tapped his gun teasingly at her. This mobster wasn't exactly trustworthy by appearance so when Pavor got the Suitcase she stopped him from going out the door. "Shouldn't we make sure it's all there?" She'd whisper to him as she looked over Pavor's shoulder and at the mobster.

[member="Pavor Clauditis"]
He came to a halt, clearing his throat. Then with a worried and possibly angered expression, he glanced back at [member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"] and muttered quietly under his breath, coughing. "Not now!" He muttered, gripping the young woman's shoulder and leading her outside the door. Once they returned to see the rapid flashing of the lights and the large crowds of people, he turned to look at Zreame. "Look...That man in there...I know 'em, I seen what he does. It is real likely the case don't got the right amount of credits but the moment he saw me lookin' inside, he'd see it as a vulnerability and have one of those bastards put a blaster bolt in the back of my head. Oh, and then he'd deal with you real quick." He said, motioning for the woman to follow him over to a nearby booth. Once there, he took a seat, placing the suitcase on the table, popping it open and look inside. "God...Damn!" He barked angrily, sweeping the suitcase off the table, shouting profanities and stalking back and forth. Once he came to a halt, he pointed to the suitcase now on the floor that was completely empty.

"The bastard." Pavor muttered. He then glanced up, staring at Zreame. "We ain't goin' back into that room."

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
She listened to Pavor as he explained why she shouldn't look at the suitcase before they were out of the room. Once out in the club itself she stood up and looked at Pavor when he threw the suitcase off the booth table and began stalking back and forth. When she saw that the suitcase was empty she grew silent and still before looking at him as he told her not to go back into the room. "That sleemo will pay us for our services." She said as she produced a smoke grenade from the pouch at the small of her back and made it jump a little into the air and then caught it again. "There's a saying were I'm from, A Cernun can hold a grudge for centuries, which is true since we can live for around or over 500 galactic standard years. Now that Koochoo just pissed me off and I'm getting paid." She said as her tone was eerily calm given how angry she seemed, definitely not the cheerful girl that had come with him in the beginning.

@Pavor Caluditis
"How are w-" He paused, watching as she removed the suitcase. "Damn...we could've used that durin' th-Never mind. Just, what are we gonna do 'bout this? You can't just throw that device into a room full of armed criminals and take a few thousand credits, you know what I'm sayin'?" He then once more produced a cigarillo and held a match up to the tobbaco, igniting it. He then rose from the booth, puffing on the cigarillo. Slowly, he reached up, gripping onto the cigarillo, removing it from his mouth to blow smoke up towards the ceiling. "So, what's the plan?"

[member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
She smirked as she made the grenade float off of her palm and stop in front of her face as she stood up herself and drew her swords a little out of their sheaths. "Well We go in take whatever money we want, end anyone standing in our way and retrive the guns as well since the Slemo didn't pay us for them their still ours." She explained as she made sure her swords were out of their sheaths and placed them on the table as she produced a small vial from her pouch. "And since we are on a sith world~" She chirped as she began to apply the oil on her swords and soon enough they glowed red. "We can blame it on a sith raid." She said as she held the swords aloft now and they both glowed red as if they actually were lightsabers. "Besides the smoke is thick enough to hide us as long as you change into a black rope we should be quite good to go."

[member="Pavor Clauditis"]

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