Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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From her starship in orbit around Ukatis, Sycorax viewed the trail of destruction the Mandalorians had left behind. The planetary capital, Axilla, had been all but annihilated by bombs, but the countryside had been left relatively untouched. The von Ascanias, one of the more prominent noble families, lived in the latter region, yet her contact had insisted they meet in a refugee camp on the outskirts of the ruined city.

An empty field just outside the camp had been designated as their makeshift landing pad. Security had been tight, requiring them to prove why they were there. The whole mission was being done under the guise of providing relief to the refugees in the camp, though for how long the true nature of their objective—to extract the new Senator of Ukatis back to Coruscant for safekeeping—would remain even semi-clandestine, she did not know.

After the ship landed Sycorax waited a few minutes, watching her crew unload the crates of supplies she had brought, before she descended the ramp. She was a little more conservatively dressed than usual, in the sense that she hadn’t teased her white-streaked hair into its signature gravity-defying style, but she had made no attempt to disguise her identity. In fact, she wanted to be recognized.

Ukatis had already proven it was full of surprises, including the dark and disturbing. With the added presence of Alicio Organa, she didn't quite know what to expect.


Alicio Organa had arrived in an unmarked shuttle. Just in case.

He'd wanted to get to his meeting spot with Senator Laveaux early, if only to prepare himself for another meeting with the questionably-moraled woman, but had gotten sidetracked, walking through the camp. He'd spent some time at the ration station, helping to pass out food at lunchtime. Then, he'd stayed to help clean up, then he realized the medical wing was only a few rows of tents away...

Instead of arriving an hour before like he'd planned, the Alderaanian senator walked up to Sycorax a few minutes after she had disembarked the ship. He, too, dressed more plainly, complete with a cloak and hood common in the Ukatian countryside, though it wouldn't take more than a second glance to identify the Alliance politician.

There was no greeting, just a muted glance Laveaux's way, as the Count sidled next to her. They weren't exactly friends, but they certainly weren't foes. He couldn't let his guard down around her, but in an odd way... he could trust her. He spoke low, casually, as if they were discussing supply lines, and not an extraction.

"Where will your contact be?"

- Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux -
Sycorax couldn’t help but snort upon catching sight of Alicio in Ukatian peasant garb. “Well, don’t you look charmingly rustic,” she remarked.

"Where will your contact be?"

She should be in the camp, near the ration station.” Sycorax gestured with her bandaged arm. “Shall we?

She started toward the camp, her bodyguards falling into step behind her. “So, what do you think of my new bill?” she asked as they walked, assuming the same casual tone as him.


Alicio fell in step with Dahrtag's senator easily enough, his cloak obscuring the top half of his face, leaving gunmetal eyes to glimmer from the shadows.

So, what do you think of my new bill?

"Honestly?" He flashed a miniscule smile. "I'm surprised this wasn't ratified into law already. We hold ourselves up as a bastion of equality, and we allow member worlds to write prejudice into their charters. So... of course, I'm aligned with you."

Alicio let his smile drain, replaced by thought.

"Now, practically? It's passable, but difficult to enforce, in it's current state. And it will alienate member worlds of the Alliance, who will almost certainly fight it, even after it passes. Usually, I wouldn't be concerned about that in the slightest, but we're at war, and just barely holding together... unity is a consideration we must take into account."

The pair of them were almost to the ration tents, and Alicio became on the lookout for a familiar presence. His face relaxed, ever so slightly.

He'd seen the Future, after all. He knew who he was looking for.

- Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux -
I was so moved by our last meeting on Dahrtag, and your lovely speech about how we are the Senate, that to not act would be reprehensible of me,” she said with a nod. “Although, I couldn’t help but notice that, despite your urging me to enact change through legal means, you have never once in your political career submitted a bill for debate. You became a Senator years before I was voted into office, and you were around during peacetime, and yet it seems you never set your sights on the social ills and injustices within the Alliance?” It was technically an indictment of hypocrisy on his part, but she also genuinely wanted to know what his excuse was. Her tone was even and curious, not accusatory.

They entered the overcrowded Ukatian refugee camp, with the ruins of Axilla visible in the distance. Under such circumstances, Sycorax could not imagine the state of the Ukatian government being anything less than dire. Now was the best time to strike, while they were at their weakest.

She considered Alicio’s other concerns. “As an Isolationist Shepherd, normally I would oppose such meddling in the affairs of member worlds on principle. It sets a precedent for the GA to begin directly influencing planetary affairs. But inequality of the sexes is just so passé, I suppose I can view it as a necessary evil.” In fact, her criticism of his inaction was rooted in resentment that she had to be the one who wrote the damned law. “At any rate, Chancellor Auteme Auteme has been helping to modify the bill, ironing out the kinks and whatnot. She has also offered her support in this endeavor, albeit behind the scenes.” If Alicio hadn't figured out that the Lady Giselle would be used as a political pawn to reinforce the need for the bill's passage, he certainly would by the time it reached the debate floor.

Sycorax stopped talking as they neared the ration station, her brow furrowing as she searched for their contact. “Hm. She said she would be here…

“Alicio?” a voice exclaimed. Out of the tent a young man in fine clothes emerged, staring at him in stunned—and delighted—recognition. The Force aura was unmistakable; this was Inanna Harth, having taken the form of a Ukatian nobleman. Glancing at Sycorax, she asked, "Is he with you?"

Sycorax, realizing that this was in fact her contact, raised an eyebrow at the disguise. “Perhaps I should’ve said he would be here,” she remarked. “You two know each other?

Inanna waved a hand vaguely. “We worked together during the Second Great Hyperspace War, became friends, and even dated—sort of.” She smiled. “Although, I don’t think we’ve seen each other much since my wedding day. Things got pretty busy for the both of us.”


Alicio sent a dubious look the senator's way. She certainly hadn't made it appear she was moved by his words, back then on Dahrtag. Then, she asked a fair question. Alicio found himself staring ahead, a sudden memory gripping his vision. "My predecessor, Faith, drafted the bill to create the Medical Fleet, before she retired from the position to rule Alderaan. Due to various factors, there had been a freeze on bringing new laws to the senate, so she was never able to present it herself. That freeze ended just as I came into office, and I was left with three days to prepare to bring it to the chamber." He smiled, remembering sleepless nights and aching fingers from too much typing. "I still have the odd, silly nightmare about presenting bills."

Then, he looked at Sycorax, a playful judgment mixing in with his neutrality. "I don't believe you believe I've spent all this time doing nothing about the ills of our people." He'd designed entire cities, negotiated treaties, organized and found homes for tens of thousands of refugees. By no stretch of the imagination had Alicio Organa ever sat on his hands. "There are many people in need, that I have the tools to help now. And... I focus more on the people, than the tools."

"But... you have a point. After you bring your bill to the floor, I should submit something."

Alicio nodded slowly as Sycorax said Auteme had gotten involved. The Chancellor most likely knew exactly what she was doing. "Chancellor Denko-Durren is an excellent stateswoman. And if she has involved herself... That means this is a bill worth passing. She isn't the kind to support a motion frivolously."

They made it to the ration tents, and Alicio paused a moment, scanning the area both with his eyes, and the Force. He saw a glimpse of the Future, a young man approaching, and let a ghostly smile play across his face. "She is," he replied to the Dahrtagian, turning to see the 'man' a second before she arrived.

"Hey," he replied knowingly to the shocked Shi'ido, taking a moment to offer her a short hug. "It's been far too long."

“We worked together during the Second Great Hyperspace War, became friends, and even dated—sort of. Although, I don’t think we’ve seen each other much since my wedding day. Things got pretty busy for the both of us.”

Alicio let a slight laugh bubble up from his chest. "'Dating' does not mean one date, Inanna," he shot back at her, a sharp smirk on his face. They were both married now, far removed from the incident. It felt... okay, to joke about it now. "Starting families will do that to you. We just... haven't been in the same place, at the same time in a while."

"Is there somewhere we can talk?"
He glanced back at the tent Inanna had walked from questioningly.

- Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux -
His anecdote about presenting a bill drafted by his predecessor provoked a snort from Sycorax. But otherwise she waited in silence until…

"But... you have a point. After you bring your bill to the floor, I should submit something."

The corners of her mouth curled up in a smile. His admission pleased her, if only because it meant she had made her point. "I think you've done many great things," she agreed. "Just not with the help of the Senate."

While Inanna and Alicio embraced, Sycorax continued to study the Shi’ido’s current form. It was an elaborate disguise; the attention to detail indicated that serious research had gone into its creation. But while her appearance was convincingly Ukatian, something about the way she moved was just too uncannily feminine. There were obvious benefits to disguising oneself as a nobleman in a feudalist patriarchy, but Sycorax found the dissonance… distracting.

"'Dating' does not mean one date, Inanna."

“Hence the ‘sort of’,” Inanna shot back just as playfully. “I’m glad it didn’t go any further than one disastrous date. We weren’t right for each other.”

Alicio finally asked if there was somewhere they could talk, and Sycorax jumped at the chance to get back to business. "We'd best not keep our quarry waiting."

Inanna guided them behind the tent. It was an open patch of field, deserted of people—probably because it was downwind of the camp's garbage pile.

“I did some reconnaissance,” Inanna explained, keeping her voice down. “Lady Giselle is being held in the king’s tent. Her family is unaware of her whereabouts; they’ve been fed a story about her being injured in the invasion and unable to be moved. I don’t know what the king's plans for her are, but I imagine it’s nothing good.”

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Alicio could've stood there, at the edge of the medical tent, catching up with Inanna for hours. Sharing pictures of their children, joking about things that weren't meant to be, maybe asking a few parenting questions.

But they had a job to do, one that couldn't wait for a pleasant conversation. So Alicio followed the senator and diplomat to the back of a tent, where they could conspire in privacy, with only the scent of detritus accompanying them. The Count's nose curled, but he smoothed out his face soon enough.

Inanna's assessment of the situation caused Alicio to frown. "Now is the best time to rescue her, canvas is easier to breach than stone... But if the king is there too, the area will be heavily guarded." He turned his eyes to the Shi'ido, though he kept his senses extended. Just in case someone were to overhear them. "I don't suppose you've noticed any of Ukatis' Court Mystics around? If anyone were to notice us, it would be them."

Many of the plans he had begun forming to get Giselle out quietly hinged on the use of the Force. His Mind Tricks, Inanna's passive shapeshifting aura, telepathy... If they were out of the picture, things would be significantly easier.

- Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux -
“There was an assassination attempt on the king a little over a week ago,” Inanna revealed. “The assassin was a Court Mystic. I expect security will have been beefed up since then.”

Wonderful,” Sycorax muttered.

“The Court Mystics are still around.” Inanna scratched her head. “Although, I haven’t seen them much. The whole incident probably made them seem a little, y’know, untrustworthy.”

That sounds like good news for us.” Both Sycorax and Inanna looked at Alicio, who appeared thoughtful. “Any ideas?


It certainly seemed like things would be harder... but there were ways to use an on-edge security. Especially since they weren't tasked with guarding the von Ascania herself...

Both Sycorax and Inanna looked to Alicio for a plan. The Count paused for a moment longer, to let the pieces fall into place, before speaking in a ponderous cadence. "The main issue I see is that we can't be seen conspiring against the Crown. Relations with Ukatis are tenuous as is, so we need to trick them into allowing her to walk away with us."

Alicio's future-vision was... spotty, searching along the path of the various strategies he was coming up with. But this one could work. "If we can cause the King's guard to panic, Inanna could infiltrate as a guard, and with the help of some of my... suggestions, from afar, she might be able to escort Giselle out. Even if she's surrounded by other guards, if Senator Laveaux just so happens to see her walking in the camp and invite her over, the Ukatians can't refuse, or else risk obviously kidnapping the senator in front of an Alliance official. I could even connect with Giselle via telepathy, so she knows to play along. Then, you shepherd her off-world."

"It's the only way I see her being publicly on Coruscant without damaging Ukatis' relationship with the GA."
It came with a healthy amount of risk. Toward Inanna, being the infiltrator, and Alicio, using the Force around the mystics. But no plan was without it's dangers.


- Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux -
Sycorax listened carefully to his suggestion, her expression inscrutable. The plan involved rather liberal use of mind trickery, one of the more detestable abilities in the arsenal of Force Users. But it would undoubtedly be useful in preventing bloodshed.

Then there was the matter of her involvement, or lack thereof. She certainly hoped Alicio hadn't meant to exclude her on purpose… "It is a sound plan," she said. "Although I wonder how you will keep the king distracted while you spirit the Lady Giselle away."

"If I'm grabbing Giselle, and Alicio is distracting the guards, then I guess that would be your job," Inanna said with a shrug. "As long as you're there to witness it, he can't order Giselle's recapture without giving himself away."

Sycorax's lips curled into an enigmatic smile. "I believe he would be willing to see me, under the guise of talking business."


"It is a sound plan. Although I wonder how you will keep the king distracted while you spirit the Lady Giselle away."

"If I'm grabbing Giselle, and Alicio is distracting the guards, then I guess that would be your job. As long as you're there to witness it, he can't order Giselle's recapture without giving himself away."

Alicio frowned. "I suppose I could be the one to connect with her in camp." He'd given that job to Sycorax with his original plan, but keeping the King occupied could be important as well. And he was able to look ahead, and see where they would take her. It was a good adjustment. "As long as you're confident in your ability to lie in the King's face. If he discovers you, I worry he may be... belligerent."

That was putting it lightly. The man had paid for his throne with blood, after all.

"My point remains that we have to make this look like Giselle found an opportunity to escape, not that the Alliance made one for her." Alicio sent his comment Senator Laveaux's way. "If the King suspects we're involved, there will be less chance of your bill reaching the millions of people on this planet that need it."

Alicio trusted Inanna with his life. He had faith in his own abilities. If there was any question in this operation, it was Laveaux's conflicting motivations. What did she want?

"Take these." Alicio handed out some in-ear communicators. They were subtle, slick... and the less technologically advanced Ukatians wouldn't be actively jamming them. The Count had a feeling the team might have use of them in the Future.

"Anything else?"

- Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux -
"As long as you're confident in your ability to lie in the King's face. If he discovers you, I worry he may be... belligerent."

You say that as if you haven’t already seen what I’m capable of,” Sycorax mused aloud. “Unless you’re more afraid of what I might do. In any case, you needn’t worry. I came prepared.

"My point remains that we have to make this look like Giselle found an opportunity to escape, not that the Alliance made one for her. If the King suspects we're involved, there will be less chance of your bill reaching the millions of people on this planet that need it."

If you were really that concerned about this operation being connected back to the Alliance, you would’ve sent someone else. Yet here you are, doing your own dirty work, with only this threadbare disguise to hide behind.” She gestured to his hooded cloak. “I say let them know it was us. It’ll become blatantly obvious soon enough.

“I figured we were going spin this rescue in our favor anyway," Inanna said somewhat sheepishly. "The Ukatians do have some moral standards—they won’t take kindly to learning that the recently orphaned daughter of a respected lord was being held against her will. In fact, if we don't present this as the rescue of an innocent girl from a tyrant, I think it could hurt us worse. Lady Giselle escaping on her own makes her seem too willful and independent, not at all like the submissive damsels Ukatian women are supposed to be.” And for all their ambitions of equality, they still had to start somewhere humble, with an injustice that was easy for the people to sympathize with.

They each took one of the futuristic commlinks he gave them, placing them in their ears. “Let’s get a move on,” Sycorax said. “Will you take the lead, Alicio, or shall I?


Sycorax's reassurances were... not entirely reassuring. He wasn't exactly looking forward to seeing what would happen if the Dahrtagian had to use her 'preparations'.

"I'm a bit more subtle than you paint me, Laveaux." Alicio smirked, before taking on a conversational tone. "And... I don't enjoy the idea of someone getting injured, or worse, doing something dangerous for me, so I'd rather get it done myself."

"Lady Giselle escaping on her own makes her seem too willful and independent, not at all like the submissive damsels Ukatian women are supposed to be.”

The rest of what the two women said made sense, they would have the support of the people if it was clear the King was holding Giselle captive, but Alicio had to frown at Inanna for her final thought. "I understand. Though I don't like the idea of dropping all pretense of subtlety." Still, he shook his head. "I concede the point."

With their plan set, Alicio could only let his expression harden, accidentally giving his fellow senator a petrifying gaze as he prepared himself for what he would have to do. "If you distract the King away from his tent, that will make it easier for us to get in close. Take the lead."

- Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux -
"And... I don't enjoy the idea of someone getting injured, or worse, doing something dangerous for me, so I'd rather get it done myself."

Well, look where that got me,” Sycorax said, her voice almost soft as she held his gaze.

Inanna coughed awkwardly, before responding to Alicio’s point about subtlety. “If we dropped all subtlety, we’d never get her out of here. But after the fact, if we let it be known that it was a rescue, not an escape…”

Sycorax hummed in acknowledgment. “By the way, Alicio, have you ever considered wearing guyliner? You have the eyes for it.” She didn’t wait for a response from him before turning away and heading toward the king’s tent.

King Horace II sat in a hoverchair, a glass of water in his hand, listening to Lady Giselle von Ascania playing the harp. His beady eyes were fixed upon her delicate lily-white fingers as she plucked the strings. The music had soothed him before, but now…

The Marshal entered the tent. Horace held up a hand, and Giselle stopped playing. “Speak.”

“Senator Sycorax Laveaux is here.”

Horace sighed. “Send her in.”

Sycorax was ushered into the tent, flanked by her security team. Horace studied her bodyguards, from the gill-man to the golem, with naked curiosity. The Senator of Dahrtag also looked around the king’s ornate tent, though her gaze was inevitably drawn back to Giselle and her harp. The girl was dripping with jewels and finery, precious gemstones glittering with every movement. Before Sycorax could consider the implications of this, Horace bid her state her business.

Your Majesty, I humbly request a private audience with you,” she said.

“And what could we possibly talk about?” he asked irritably. “Unless you’d like to discuss the terms of your surrender, and the dropping of that ridiculous proposal…”

I never surrender. But I would like to give you a chance to change my mind.” She spread her bandaged hands. “I think you may find that I am more sympathetic to you than not.

For a few moments, the King of Ukatis simply stared at her. Then, with a gesture of his fat hand he summoned his guards. “Escort Lady Giselle to her quarters.”

Four soldiers stepped forward to surround Giselle. A fifth man dressed in the distinct dark robes of a Court Mystic accompanied them, taking the rear as they left the tent. Hidden underneath a nearby awning, Inanna observed the party from afar. It wasn't exactly what they had hoped for, but at least their quarry was now separate from her captor...


Alicio let his eyes narrow in mild irritation, about to shoot back that their situations were wildly different, but he froze that thought, letting his expression soften alongside hers in a silent apology. She'd been through enough, and didn't need him to state it again.

He appreciated Inanna's attempt to reconcile his concerns, and adapt the plan. The more immediately they were discovered, the more severe the consequences would be for them, and the Galactic Alliance. Speaking of immediate... Alicio could only blink in mild surprise at Sycorax's parting comment, looking to Inanna for confirmation.


"That's not good."

Alicio brought his hand down from his earpiece, making sure the wrap around the bottom half of his face was secure. With it, his identity was nearly completely obscured, especially with his eyes shrouded by the darkness of his hood.

He recognized the Court Mystic for who he was. They were trained to detect meddlesome Force techniques, so having one in close proximity to their target would make this significantly harder. Of course, he had a plan, but it relied on a bit of luck.

"Alright. Can you get in close without using any mind-altering techniques?" Alicio walked parallel to the group, a few tent rows away and a few steps ahead. "If not, you can meet them at their destination. They're stopping..." He took a quick dip into his Future-sight. "About a hundred steps ahead. Red tent. Across from a storage tarp."

It was time for some scientific testing.

Alicio had already been keeping his presence in the Force small, like a leaf dancing in the breeze. He made it even smaller, as he briefly caressed one of the guard's minds. It was difficult to change a person's mind with the Force. It was easy to implant a thought they wanted to be true.

The King is safe, the disembodied voice of Alicio commanded. No need to worry.

The Count retreated his presence as soon as he'd reached out, and checked for a response from the Mystic. Could he sense that? If not, he could contact Giselle telepathically, and Inanna could move in without fear of discovery. If he was detected, perhaps it would be enough to lead the mystic away, to make sure the king wasn't in danger.

- Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux -
Inanna caught Alicio giving her a questioning look and shrugged. “You already dress like a goth. Might as well complete the ensemble.

"Alright. Can you get in close without using any mind-altering techniques?"

Sneaking,” she confirmed. Leaving her spot, she moved toward the escort. With her body camouflaged to blend in with the color and texture of the tents around her, she was more or less invisible to the naked eye. An imbued amulet hid her presence in the Force; without it, her aura would be as obvious as if a spotlight were shining on her from above.

“Halt,” the mystic suddenly ordered. The escort stopped in their tracks. Inanna froze as she felt a cold presence probing in the Force.

“Someone just tried to use the Force on you, Captain Renault,” the seer said. “Secure the girl. I will report back to the king.”

It seemed he had been unable to trace the source of the disturbance, but now they were aware that something was going on. Inanna’s eyes tracked the mystic as he passed her by. He was alone. In a matter of moments, she timed when he would pass out of sight of the soldiers, and struck. A blow to the head left him disoriented, and a small exertion of the Force knocked him unconscious.

I got him,” Inanna told Alicio via comms, moving the body to a concealed position. “If you’re going to do something, make it fast.


Alicio could feel a probing, if rudimentary, stretching in the Force as the Mystic searched the area for danger. The Count kept his presence small, letting it blow away like a leaf in the wind as it was approached, remaining undetected.

The Force-user reacted as expected, leaving the group to report. Inanna was quick to react, rendering him unconscious and stashing his sleeping body, though Alicio would have almost preferred to let the man walk. But the King being oblivious, and the Mystic being out of the picture, were both of great benefit to them.

<We have time,> Alicio reassured the Shi'ido telepathically, though the tension leaking through his mind betrayed they didn't have much. Now that the Court Mystic was out of the picture, connecting their minds was by and far the safer way to communicate. It was more likely the King had a way to intercept communications than another Force-user able to hide themself from both Alicio and Inanna. <How long would it take for you to impersonate our Mystic friend? You could order the others to be an extra security detail for the King, and I can... smooth out their concerns from afar. Then, we get Giselle to my shuttle.>

Alicio continued to walk ahead of the group, dipping into an empty structure aside the one he'd divined they'd store the Senator. The procession continued, at a more hurried pace, rushing their captive into the red tent, and taking up cautious posts around it. Their minds were alert, now- more tricky to sneak into, but not difficult. He let his senses brush the Captain, using the man's anxiety, his concern about having failed to notice someone in his mind, to slip in once more.

The Count became a bit more... forceful, asserting his confidence through the connection. "Wait for orders," he whispered under his breath, bolstering the officer's insecurity, his need to obey.

"We wait for further orders. Stay alert," Captain Renault told his men, a touch unfocused, before dipping into the tent to keep eyes on their prisoner.

- Inanna Harth Inanna Harth -
Alicio switched to telepathy, which told Inanna a great deal about the urgency of the situation. <I can do that,> she replied, her body already beginning to shift and change. The disguise would only be needed long enough to convince the guards, and they were short on time, but she wasn’t satisfied with merely mimicking his clothing and build. Perhaps out of a sense of perfectionism or a desire to be thorough, she leaned over the Mystic’s body to pull back his hood and get a proper look at his face…

In the next moment she was lying on the ground, the supposedly unconscious man having kicked her legs out from under her. He was upon her before she had a chance to catch her breath, brandishing a knife. Pain shot through the side of her neck as the dagger stabbed down. Her hand shaped itself into a sharp blade, which she plunged into the Mystic’s chest, killing him instantly.

She pushed the corpse off of her, clambering to her feet. Blood gushed from the cut in her neck. Must’ve nicked an artery.

Feth it. It was now or never. She forced herself to complete the transformation, blood flowing erratically over her body as it changed into a mirror image of the dead Mystic. Clamping a hand over her wound, she staggered out of the shadows and back toward the guards.

The king is under attack!” she shouted, hoping her black blood would look red from afar.

The sight of her had quite an effect. Two of the soldiers immediately took off running toward the king’s tent. The remaining two, Captain Renault included, stood guard outside the tent holding Giselle.

Having poured himself a fresh glass of wine (and offered some to Sycorax; she declined), King Horace II leaned back in his hoverchair. “When I was a young man, I decided to travel the stars. I wanted to see what the galaxy was like beyond Ukatis, if it was really the utopia I had always been told it was.” He smirked. “There was a thin veneer on the top of it all which was, eh, a sort of paradise. Provided you were rich and powerful enough. But the rest? Not so much.”

Poverty is everywhere,” she acknowledged. “And the politicians who promise they can end it with government programs and bigger policies are lying through their teeth. But the Equal Rights Act isn’t trying to solve wealth inequality.

“It’s trying to make the sexes equal.” Horace took a sip from his cup. “How will you do that, anyway? Men and women aren’t the same. Does this new bill treat them as if they are interchangeable?”

More or less. At least, where wages are concerned.” The look on Sycorax’s face and the slight trailing off of her tone gave away that she wasn’t necessarily satisfied with the law. Chancellor Auteme had done much of the drafting, and the Chancellor belonged to a certain school of thought which evidently believed the political priorities of every citizen ought to be purely economical. Sycorax, on the other hand, preferred not to think of people merely as workers. “It won’t stop the problem of domestic violence, but that remains a moral issue which no law has ever been able to truly prevent. Such abuse is condemned by most developed societies, whereas on Ukatis it is seen as socially acceptable. You view women as the property of men, to do with as they see fit.

Horace snorted under his breath. “Do you know why that is?” He set his cup aside. “We live by the law of might makes right. The weak are subservient to the strong. It’s the law of nature.”

I would hope that Ukatis does not consider itself an uncivilized world,” Sycorax remarked.

“What’s so civilized about feudalism?” Horace was quiet for a time, growing thoughtful, then melancholic. “I am dying, you know. My only son was… killed. Without an heir, when I go, what civilization we have left goes with me.”

Why not let your late son’s wife inherit the throne?

Horace’s eyes flashed. The expression on his face grew dark and stormy with fury… and then, he laughed. It was a grotesque sort of laugh, as when one stands on the brink of sanity, battered and beaten by a life full of cruel absurdities. “How very machiavellian,” he chortled. “Now that’s the Ukatian way!”

Sycorax found his reaction extraordinary, but before she could speak, a pair of guards rushed into the tent. “Your Majesty, we must get you to safety!”

“Really?” Horace sounded annoyed. He looked at Sycorax. “Well, it looks like our little talk must come to an end.”

A shame.” Sycorax rose to her feet, praying to all the loa that Alicio and Inanna hadn’t made a mess of things…


Alicio didn't feel the danger in time to warn Inanna.

That was the secret weakness of his Future-sight, he knew. The man's consciousness was too sudden, too unexpected, and too far from Alicio for him to react in time. Instead, he could only watch, taking a few steps their direction, sending a warning too late to the Shi'ido's mind to be of any help. Inanna lived, but suffered a nasty neck wound, one the Count couldn't help but feel a little responsible for.

<Are you okay?> Alicio's concern poured over their connection. If she continued to respond, at least he'd know the woman could stay conscious.

Giselle's guard retinue was halved, and Inanna was now unable to get in close. It was up to him.

Alicio had never been overbearingly powerful with the Force. The only time he'd ever felt strong with it was when he flirted with the Dark Side, gave into the cold. But what he lacked in power, he made up for in precision, which he put to great effect.

He simply planted a thought into the head of the Captain. You saw something over there. You should investigate. The Captain's eyes immediately flicked to the side, his paranoia only strengthening the Count's suggestion. "I thought I saw something over there," he started, turning to the final guard. "Stay here. I'm going to investigate."

The Captain walked off, leaving only one guard on the opposite side of the tent. In a few seconds, he would round the the corder, and start patrolling the outside. Using that time, Alicio dashed forward, a subtle application of the Force plucking one of the tent's stakes from the earth. The senator rolled on the ground, sliding between the carpeted tent's floor, and the now slightly-raised tent wall. Then, with a stray thought, he pressed the stake back into the ground, leaving not a trace behind.

Turning, Alicio pressed a finger to his own lips, searching for Giselle. <Shh,> he tried to broadcast to her, keeping his mouth closed. <I'm with the Alliance. Your presence is requested on Coruscant, and I'm here to escort you.>

- Inanna Harth Inanna Harth -

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