Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Akure Executive Leatherworks

[member="Rave Merrill"]
It took Saran a while to do it. Offer such a trade. But with Jacobs gone, she had no way to fly it. She didn't have the money or the patience to hire another pilot. She could get around fine without it. But still, she paused as she wanted to send the message. The Zealot had been hers for so long, her only home. But at the same time, she needed to be able to fight the Sith. She could sacrifice transportation and a little freedom for that end, right?

To whom it may concern,

I own a used Defender class which i would like to trade in for a Taozin Amulet and a pair of Leviathan Bracers. Would this be acceptable?
I would like one Long and red Glistaweb cloak, as well as Bodo Bass Gunbelt.

I am paying on the "allowance" that I have as a Mayor on Zaadja (title given to me by Lucien Cordel)

[member="Rave Merrill"],


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Rave Merrill"]

A general message would come from the newer built Vaynai temple of the Silver jedi

"The silver jedi would like to set up contracts for bulk orders of canned meats to feed and store on several worlds as well as the cuffs for restraining force users. Others items are a possibility."
[member="Særa Ayña Savan"]

Ms. Savan-

Your portfolio is known to us, and your help on the Dauntless project is a matter of record. We can offer you a slot as a mid-rank staff alchemist, replicating existing designs. Additionally, you'll have off-the-clock access to forge facilities to develop concepts and prototypes. Your posting would be on Laekia; we can subsidize travel.

Is this offer acceptable?

Saera Willamina Savan

~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist


This position and benefits are very acceptable. Permanent travel can be covered by my own resources. I am able to begin as soon as necessary. I look forward to working for AEL and furthering my experience.

With much appreciation,
Særa Ayña Savan Willamina Ruksenmih

[member="Rave Merrill"]​
Danger would skim over the new AEL line and seeing such a beauty of the new Singlet, decided to expand her wardrobe. Along with that of Spenser, Ashiin, and the other companions. ( Buying enough for the PC companions to utilize if they wish. :) )

Myriad Singlet - 50,000cr
An anti-lightsabre garment of tikulini leather, suitable for wearing as shirt, undershirt, or minidress.


Aynea certainly didn't need them... but the prospect of Force-Pushing breasts was lulz-worthy. She ordered a pair of implants, just for poodoos and giggles.

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