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Aint no Auction Like a Spice Auction! (Sun Dominion of Kessel) (Open)


It was so simple it was brilliant, The Suns moved into Kessel, landed a few ships, and said 'Hi, we're setting up here, lets be friends.' What little local authority was there took one look up in the vapor-thin sky at the capital ships over head and broke out the booze for a welcome to the neighborhood party.

Then the ads went out, massive auction of black sun and a few other surplus items that had been pulled back in their recent and massive territory loss but wasn't needed. After all, what better way to let the galaxy know that the Best Sun was on the rebound and expanding than with a massive party-auction? Besides, the people here had a way of turning a profit no matter what the cards dealt them. This would be a boost not only to the Sun personnel but their affiliates and friends attending.

"Alright people!" Domino barked from the stage looking out into the room of drunk, high, and sober people all mixed together for a good time. The spotlight was near-blinding in her eyes and the faster people shut up the faster she could get out of it. "I've got a few quick words for you before we get started. First, if you're worried about us taking your guns and other weapons, don't be, you'll get them back when you leave and we've got more than enough security for those who thought they were clever enough to sneak something past the scanners. And you all saw the fleet on your way in, more than enough to reason with anyone that wants to get at you with your guard down. So have a few drinks, have fun, have a vd test when you get back home!" With that parting joke the ex-Vigo left the stage to a perky announcer girl as the screen behind them light up showing items and bids.

"Right! Thanks everyone for coming out tonight, we really appreciate it. Without further ado, these are the fine promised items up for bid! Just put the amount on your pad and the screen behind me will track the high amounts. And of course everything is completely confidential!"

1 Durindfire Gem ............................Starting c20,000
1 Krayt Dragon pearl .......................Starting c30,000
1 Treatise on Juyo and Vaapad ........Starting c100,000
1 Scroll on Theran Force Listening ...Starting c100,000
1 Set of Vornskr Personal Armor .....Starting c10,000
1 Sigma-Class Shuttle ....................Starting c500,000
2 Nimix Cruisers ............................Starting c1,000,000
3 Widow Frigates ..........................Starting c600,000
1 Gahenna Research Vessel ...........Starting c400,000
100 kg of glitterstim..............................Starting cOPEN

Your posts have to be quality -- at least one paragraph. One-liners won't be counted for bids.​
There is also the option of alternative bids --- where if the seller agrees the bidder can offer another item of value instead of credits.​
Also minimum bids are 1000 increments -- be reasonable with the raising of bids, which range on an average 5k to 10k increments.​
And please write your total bid --- I won't be doing the math for you if you say "Adding 10 thousand extra from my last bid"​

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
That Gehenna set Rasho's eyes to glowing, but the Hutt Lord wasn't in the mood to spend that much -- for once. Most of his assets were currently tied up in more significant transactions, specifically mining interests. Specifically glitterstim mining interests -- the ones that owned this potato of a world. Maybe if someone wagered rather a lot, he'd take it for amusement's sake. In the meantime, however, that scroll caught his eye. Theran Force-listening was not his strong suit, though he'd once served under a Theran-gone-Jedi. Under, in several senses.

"One hundred thousand on the scroll!" he said with a stentorian roar, as he dispatched a pair of droids to go forth and assess a certain mine boss's holdings several kilometres away.
Skye had wandered into this den of scum and villainy for a simple purpose; to obtain an Vornskyr armor suit. Word had it that in this particular auction, she just might be able to fulfill that.

Leaning out in the back of the room against the wall, the cherry red glow of her cybernetic patch gleaned over the items presented. All good things, don't get her wrong, but her interest lay in the armor.

As such, she matched the starting bid for it. "Ten thousand for the Vornskyr armor," she said in a gruff voice.
He was not there for base
Means or to partake of spirits
And pharmaceuticals, but came through space
For the lead upon a treatise of importance.

"I shall bid the starting cost
Upon the Treatise of One Hundred
Thousand," he stated, the lost
Credits meaningless to him over the treatise.
@[member="Rasho the Hutt"]

Rayl's hands shot up to his ear holes as Rasho shouted out his bid. "Bloody hell you karker there are other people around you. Important people. Like me"! His mouth agape and a strong ringing pulsated in his ears. Maybe it was a poor decision to sit with the Hutt. Smell, noise, and general unpleasantness. Ya this seating arrangement wasn't going to last long. If Rasho was going to bid again provided someone bested his current go, he wanted to be on the other side of the room.
Aedan Miles had come here to do some bidding he had heard rumors of a few good items and wanted to see it to believe it. He looked over the items a few of them did indeed catch his eyes noticeably the 3 Widow Frigates and the 2 Nimix Cruisers. He looked around catching sight of @[member="Domino"] leaving the stage he offered her a light bow as he moved to sit near the rear as he accessed his accounts and then started to calmly bid. His smooth young voice rang out through the rest of the noise cutting through it as he calmly bid. "610,000 for the Widow Class Frigates and 1,010,000 Mil for the Nimix cruisers."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Rayl Wilded"]

Rasho grunted vociferously at Rayl, and slithered away from his putative boss. Now was the time to be boisterous, to be vigorous, to be on the other side of the room.

Of course, nobody had yet counterbid for the scroll of Theran Force-listening, so he returned his attention to his datalink. Emissaries both human and droid were fanning out across Kessel in preparation for a veritable orgy of capitalism.
Currently the bidding stood at.
1 Durindfire Gem ............................ c20,000 @Domino
1 Krayt Dragon pearl .......................Starting c30,000
1 Treatise on Juyo and Vaapad ........Starting c100,000
1 Scroll on Theran Force Listening ... c100,000 @[member="Rasho the Hutt"]
1 Set of Vornskr Personal Armor ..... c10,000 @[member="Skye Mertaal"]
1 Sigma-Class Shuttle ....................Starting c500,000
2 Nimix Cruisers ............................ c1,010,000 @[member="Aedan Miles"]
3 Widow Frigates .......................... c610,000 @[member="Aedan Miles"]
1 Gahenna Research Vessel ...........Starting c400,000
100 kg of glitterstim..............................Starting cOPEN

Well it wasn't the rush right out the gate that Domino had been hoping for but it was early yet. Once more people over at the bar realized things had started off things were sure to pick up. As for herself, Domino put her own bid in for the Durindfire Gem via her bidding pad. Seemed harmless enough and it would keep things interesting for her once the meeting between the Suns and their contractors started. And if she was out bid, then she was outbid.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
Popo the Hutt slithered into the room and looked around. A den of villainy, scum, and human refuse sat around in all manner of drunken or drugged stupor. The air reeked of fumes and booze while here and there could be seen, and smelled, were unknown stains and puddles on the floors.

This was Popo's kind of town.

He listened to the bidding and realized there were some things he might want while he was here to set up shop for Tenloss.

"30,000 on the Krayt Dragon pearl!" he bellowed while standing next to @[member="Rayl Wilded"] before slithering over to the other Hutt in the room.

@[member="Rasho the Hutt"].


Dead Men End All Tales.
Mr. Ash loved his job. A simple job, a pleasant one. Guarding a team of miners who were busy setting up camps while this auction distracted half the crimelords on the the planet.

He smirked as he walked, snapping his fingers as he landed, arriving at the site his legal firm had staked out. A suitable claim, really. And what e had with him weren't slaves or droids. He had freed slaves. Ugnauts who'd been stuck working for a rather cruel Hutt who recently fell into a trash compactor after his hover chair had a freak accident. Poor fellow, really.

"Alright, men!" He said to the Ugnauts. "We've got ourselves a fine claim here. These acres are ours. Alpha division will set up turrets to defend the facility, just in case any neighbors get cranky. The remainder of you will begin deploying the survey droids and see if we can fix the pumps--they got a little rattled on atmospheric entry. I want a location inf twenty, people!" He said, sounding more like a factory foreman than a dangerous killing machine. Ahh, money. It could help any psycho relax.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Rasho waddle-slithered his way over to @[member="Lord Daemos"] and stared the paltry humanoid in the face. The Dark Lord grunted volubly, one slobbery hand grasping a very large lightstaff.

"ONE HUNDRED TWELVE THOUSAND ON THE SCROLL!" he bellowed, spraying Daemos with saliva droplets.

"So let me get this straight." Jorus slugged back half a mug of lum. Kessel had few taverns worth the name, and this one wasn't among them. "Black Sun's running that auction to keep attention off their takeover of the planet? While getting mine bosses to bid themselves into a corner? That's...well, it's Kessel, it might work. They doing anything too rough elsewhere on the planet?"

Kessel had a HALCYON skyhook space train, now fully operational. The long, long tether rose out of sight nearby. With a grunt, Jorus turned off his comlink mid-diatribe and headed off to the auction.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
Popo didn't like that someone was outbidding him on what he wanted. He'd have to correct this. He slithered up next to Rasho, which just happened to be right next to @[member="Lord Daemos"].

"45,000 FOR THE PEARL, 25,000 FOR THE GEM, AND 400,000 FOR THE RESEARCH SHIP!" he bellowed.

@[member="Rasho the Hutt"]
@[member="Popo"] @[member="Domino"]

When Popo now yelled behind him he'd had it. A little fun here was all he wanted before he had to go, but that was now not happening. Rayl jumped up from his seat and made for the back. His poor ears. A bouncer pulled back the curtain for him to enter the skeleton works of this building, and the only way upstairs. To bad it was to small for Hutts, ohh wait, no it wasn't. Now free and clear of the rabble he could get down to business. Which of course was bringing this... its been described as a potato world; with no potatoes of course. Shaped anyways as it were; under the fold of Black Sun. This was the place to get Spice and having someone like the Pyke Syndicate getting it all was not flying anymore. Maybe he should also bid on something. Rayl pulled a little transaction pad from his pocket and placed a bid on the Treatise on Juyo and Vaapad for 110,000. Not that the writings himself may be of use to him, but for someone else it may serve well in some negotiation.
"Alright people!" The announcer girl cheered, "We're off to a great start but we've still got some great items that haven't been touched yet! Just look at that shuttle, and just between you and me there's an upgrade in the works to push it to point eight past lightspeed! And that glitterstim would make a great investment to make back all those lovely credits your spending today. I also just got word that we're adding some of the Black Sun's own Sonic shotguns to the pool. Truly a devastating weapon in anyone's hands." Waving happily at the room, the board behind her updated with the latest bids.

Currently the bidding stood at.
1 Durindfire Gem ............................ c25,000 @[member="Popo"]
1 Krayt Dragon pearl ....................... c45,000 @[member="Popo"]
1 Treatise on Juyo and Vaapad ........ c110,000 @[member="Rayl Wilded"]
1 Scroll on Theran Force Listening ... c112,000 @Rasho the Hutt
1 Set of Vornskr Personal Armor ..... c30,000 @[member="Lord Daemos"]
1 Sigma-Class Shuttle ....................Starting c500,000
2 Nimix Cruisers ............................ c1,010,000 @Aedan Miles
3 Widow Frigates .......................... c610,000 @Aedan Miles
1 Gahenna Research Vessel ........... c400,000 @[member="Popo"]
100 kg of glitterstim..............................Starting cOPEN
NEW ITEM 10 Sonic Shotguns................Starting c500ea.

Well that was her bid out, she hadn't ever expected it to hold. Tucking her pad away, bad form to bid at your own auction, Domino made her way up a flight of stairs to a VIP room that they'd reserved for Sun members and their affiliates only. People that would shortly be meeting to discuss the future of Kessel and how the business of it would be run. Just as soon as the actual Vigo showed up and decided to start the meeting. Taking a seat on the far side of one of the leather sofas, she patted the cushion next to her inviting Myunnah, her pet Tuk'ata, to lay next to her which she did before resting her head in Domino's lap for scratching.
There was an experiment she'd been dying to try, in concert with some Nihil smokestone obtained from Rhandite space. And Spencer Jacobs and Jared Ovmar might just love her forever.

"One masterwork alchemical weapon or item of armor for the glitterstim."

A moderately staggering overbid, but oh well. If it helped Black Sun get the resources to shore up their defense of this region, so be it.

"And five hundred thousand for the research ship."
Auctions were popular this month, such was the greatness of capitalism. Bringing people from various walks of life together to sell shiny toys. Given the sort of customer these auctions apparently tended to attract, it was quite likely that said toys would produce plenty of mayhem, which in turn would provide an incentive to build and sell even more death dealing toys, thus giving people employment opportunities. And to think that people said that capitalism could not be social.

So it should come as no great surprise that Siobhan Kerrigan had made the trip from Kaeshana to Kessel so that she could bid in the auction house. She was not that interested in ships, but then she was a lousy pilot, but the sonic shotguns had caught her fancy. After all, they would produce a big bang, which was how she liked her guns. "All ten sonic shotguns. Six thousand credits."
Jorus slipped in beside @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]. "Nice guns," he murmured. "I picked up a crate of'em at the Syndicate Expo. Good choice."

His cybernetic eyes tracked across the room, pausing where two Hutts were shouting in the face of one unfortunate man, then moved on to settle on a woman in her mid twenties. "Feth. My little sister's here buying drugs and bioresearch ships. This day can't possibly get worse."
@[member="Jorus Merrill"]

"You have family. I'm not gonna have to attack that lab of hers on Endor because she's somehow recreating a live strain of the Gulag Virus, right?" Siobhan asked sarcastically, not really expecting an answer. She had heard of the raid the Rebels had conducted back in the early days of the group, before it had been decentralised and later disbanded. Moira had gloated incessantly about beating two potent force-users, as much as a machine without emotions could be smug while being impassive the whole time.

This writer is not sure whether they should place this auction before or after the fight with the Lotek'k, since the latter is still ongoing, though placing it after might make the whole tale more hilarious since Siobhan had been healed by Rave with Sith magicks. Nothing could make her life get weirder than being healed by Velok's lab assistant, which had felt like getting her bones broken all over again.

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