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Approved Tech AIMX-03 "Shredder" Metal Fighting Claws

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Intent: To develop a metal fighting claw implant for Aurora Industries to sell and use
Development Thread: If necessary
Manufacturer: Aurora Industries
Model: AIMX-03 "Shredder" Metal Fighting Claws
Affiliation: Open-Market
Modularity: None

Production: Limited
Material: Chimera Alloy, micro-reservoirs and ejection nozzles, nerve system link
Classification: Fighting Claw

Size: One-Handed (embedded in both hands if subject so desires)
Length: 5cm to 7cm
Weight: .6kg

Special Features:

+ Technically are telescopic as the metal claws are hidden away in the subject's fingers until needed


+ Durable due to the Chimera Alloy having both duralium and lanthanide mixed in
+ Sharp as they can cut through light armor up to some lower end medium armor and can never actually lose its edge
+ Concealed until the subject needs them due to the liquid metal being stored away in the subject's different phalange bones


+ Useless against more heavily armored figures as they cannot pierce upper medium armors or heavy armors
+ Electrical currents, beyond the small amount needed to form the shape of the blades, will disrupt the blades cohesiveness and cause them to be sucked back into their reservoirs as a fail-safe
+ Don't use in extreme heat or cold conditions as heat will cause the blades to lose coherence and cold will cause them to become brittle
+ Painful implant procedure as it requires a subject's phalange bones to be hollowed out and filled with the Chimera Alloy


As another part of Aurora Industries's first steps into the cybernetic and augmentation field, the researchers at the Druckenwell facility began working on developing their first rendition of a metal version of fighting claws, not unlike those made infamous by the Yuuzhan Vong. The researchers were able to acquire use of Doctor Votoc's Chimera Alloy and the technology being used in the liquid metal droid research to develop what they called the AIMX-03 "Shredder" Metal Fighting Claws.

To begin with, the subject's distal, intermediate, and proximal phalanges are hollowed out and filled with Chimera Alloy in an extremely painful process that typically would involves anesthesia. The bone reservoirs are then subjected to several implanted and artificial nerve endings that attach themselves to a subject's nervous system to allow the subject to consciously emit or retract the blades out of their hiding spots. As a final step in the implant process, the pores in the skin above the lower part of the subject's fingers are implanted with micro nozzles to allow the liquid metal to flow out to form the claws or to allow them to be retracted either through a fail-safe mechanism or through conscious thought.

The blades produced are typically around 5cm long, although longer variants up to 7cm are possible. The produced blades are durable enough to take a hit or two, due to the chemical make-up of the Chimera Alloy, and they are sharp enough to cut through light and low-end medium armors. They also have the added advantage of being concealed from an enemy to allow for a quick up close and personal surprise. However, electrical currents beyond the low amount needed to create the blades (normally just the bio-electrical current present in a nervous system) will disrupt the blades and activate the fail-safe to preserve the metal as they lose cohesiveness.

The blades also cannot cut through higher-end medium armors or any heavy armors, and extreme heat and cold will adversely affect them (heat will cause cohesiveness fail and cold will cause brittleness).

Primary Source: (Please link the source of another writer's submission that you are modifying for your use; only necessary for "Chaos Canon" submissions)
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review
[member="Taeli Raaf"]

Sorry, but this is way too close to a Rule 7 issue for comfort. I'd never hear the end of it if I approved Wolverine. Plz to find another picture that isn't Wolverine, and adjust sub as necessary.
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