Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aiden Zarc



NAME: Aiden Zarc (Pronounciation: eye-den zarc)
RANK: None
AGE: 6
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 4'7"
EYES: Steel Blue
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: White
FORCE SENSITIVE: Highly Force Sensitive. Doesn't understand it.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Capable of instantaneous transmission. How far away has not been tested, but he can end up on another planet, although this requires a large amount of concentration. He's not aware of how to control it and it has never mattered. It was simply natural to him. He's a dreamer, so when he doesn't want to be somewhere, he closes his eyes and imagines somewhere else. He sees a sudden light behind his eyelids, he opens his eyes, and he's there. He always ends up somewhere that resembles his thoughts. He is also capable of short range "jumps". When he wants to go somewhere nearby, he simply looks at it, and in a flash of light, he's there. The downside is that it takes a sizable amount of energy, so he tends to be tired and hungry wherever he ends up.
+Squirrely...That's kind of self-explanatory.
+Has a high amount of untapped potential. Of course, he had no idea about any of that. What the potential is for, how much, how to control it, how to use it, etc. He may be capable of anything, but no one knows what....
-Unskilled. I'm a kid. Sue me.
-Jumpy. Aiden is naturally defensive because he's a lost and lonely boy. He has to run constantly from scary adults who are confused by his presence and try to catch him.

Aiden is a quiet and reserved boy. There always seems to be a sadness about him, but Aiden isn't quite aware of this. It's simply Aiden. Quiet Aiden.

As pictured above

Aiden can't remember anything before the Netherworld Rapture. The first thing he remembers is standing outside of a health clinic and looking at the city that was ruined by the after effects of thousands of people disappearing (pictured above). He is a seemingly ordinary boy. He crouched down, hugged his legs to his chest, tucked his face down, and with a flash of light, he disappeared.
Everything looks good except for:

+Capable of instantaneous transmission. How far away has not been tested, but he can end up on another planet. He's not aware of how to control it and it has never mattered. It was simply second nature to him. He's a dreamer, so when he doesn't want to be somewhere, he closes his eyes and imagines somewhere else. He sees a sudden light behind his eyelids, he opens his eyes, and he's there. He always ends up somewhere that resembles his thoughts. He is also capable of short range "jumps". When he wants to go somewhere nearby, he simply looks at it, and in a flash of light, he's there.
An RPJ would have to approve that and it might not be usable....kind of like using Flow-walking or Time Traveling.
We don't review character profiles or Force Powers.

That being said we frown quite heavily upon such powers as Teleport, Phase, or anything that is really esoteric and generally considered 'overpowered.' Generally speaking for those powers we would prefer that new characters learn them from other writers. There's at least one character on the board known to use Teleport or whatever it's actual name is, and I know of one other who uses Phase.

About the only advice I have to give is that having an ability like that ingrained in your character is a surefire way to keep people from wanting to RP with you; it looks like a power grab.
Interesting hook idea;

Aiden can jump while he's untrained, it's his force powers way of expressing themselves.

As he trains, unless he finds one of the above mentioned characters, he can no longer do it on purpose.

'Cause I got no problem with a little kid popping about, but I can see how once he gets trained up and someone gives him a glowstick that could get vexing for your opposition ;p
I've talked with this writer via PM.

We do not approve bios, but I have advised that teleportation is not a power which I think is wise to use. The implications in the universe and to the RP are potentially too damaging.
I put the costs on there as a varied equalizer (meaning that the cost varies with the use). The only thing I'm looking to get out the long range aspect is an intriguing story hook and transportation. I know that teleportation is considered OP in most situations, but come on. I put understandable restrictions on the power and my character. Speaking of character, I'm using an unskilled child. I'm not looking ruin everyone's fun and beat their face in. I'm looking to tell a story. If Nightcrawler can be kidnapped and abused, then gosh darn it, so can I!...wait...that didn't sound right. >_>

If you guys have advice for balancing, please tell me. If you don't want him here at all...*sigh* than I'll just cancel him (like Firefly. Rest in pieces, "plans for season 2").

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Sarge Potteiger"] [member="Valiens Nantaris"]
[member="Aiden Zarc"]

Not trying to act like a know it all but even if you have high capabilities, I'm pretty sure wookieepedia states an unskilled person/padawan can only teleport 3-5 steps. Only masters can teleport where they can see(such as in the distance).

I may need A confirmation on that but I'm pretty sure teleporting to another planet is unreasonable. But good luck nevertheless with your character!
To further clarify, we don’t approve bios, we don’t stamp on people’s creativity…unless it disrupts things.

If you want to imitate leaper you are free to do so. No problems there.

However, if it is reported as being abusing and overused then it may be re-examined. We want things to be fun and creative, but also fair for everyone.

So the choice is yours.

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