Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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So. Hex Invasion.

So many people got injured and it's glorious.


I mean, it's a tragedy.

The idea for doing a whole faction thread, taking place at various hospitals (civilian, military, the Ren Bastion), with *everyone* doing their healing and recouping together, to do interactions, character driven dev, etc, was floated and I figured I'd bring it up here.

This would be low key, slice of life, lots of potential to meet people (Hey, we're in the same PT group, stuck in beds next to each other, etc), and to do some introspection on how your character reacts in the aftermath of all of this.

Rather than everyone do separate "I need a doctor/surgeon/cyberneticist/etc" threads, this would give everyone a chance to build a more comprehensive and continued narrative. If there is interest, I'll start this after the Invasion is officially over, so everyone knows where their characters are at.

Drop a line here if you would be interested.


I suppose I could hold hands, write letters home for the wounded soldiers. Maybe even kiss boo boos, but I'd have to be selective there. ;)

In the mean time any one may contribute to the war effort, simply buy First Order war bonds today! Give our brave men and women the means to keep you safe and secure at home. :)
skin, bone, and arrogance
Madlyn Sol said:
I suppose I could hold hands, write letters home for the wounded soldiers. Maybe even kiss boo boos, but I'd have to be selective there. ;)

In the mean time any one may contribute to the war effort, simply buy First Order war bonds today! Give our brave men and women the means to keep you safe and secure at home. :)
Buy all the war bonds!


I'm just starting my character's role in the Hex invasion but i'm probally gonna get impaled by at least one blaster cannon

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